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@mrmlnc mrmlnc released this 09 Sep 06:40
· 165 commits to master since this release

Full Changelog: 3.2.11...3.2.12

🐛 Bug fixes

Fixed an issue introduced in 3.2.7 related to incorrect application of patterns to entries with a trailing slash when the entry is not a directory.

Before changes:

// ['', 'a/', 'a/file.txt']

After fix:

// ['a/file.txt']

Thanks @AgentEnder for the issue (#357).

🚀 Improvements

This release includes performance improvements for the asynchronous method. For this method we now use an asynchronous directory traversal interface instead of using a streaming interface. This gives up to 15% acceleration for medium and large directories. The result depends a lot on hardware.

You can find the benchmark results for this release in CI here.

Here are a few of measurements on my laptop:

===> Benchmark pattern "*" with 100 launches (regression, async)
===> Max stdev: 7 | Retries: 3 | Options: {}

Name                   Time, ms  Time stdev, %  Memory, MB  Memory stdev, %  Entries  Errors  Retries
---------------------  --------  -------------  ----------  ---------------  -------  ------  -------
fast-glob-current.js   4.390     0.252          6.253       0.015            4        0       1
fast-glob-previous.js  5.653     0.633          6.051       0.056            4        0       1

===> Benchmark pattern "**" with 100 launches (regression, async)
===> Max stdev: 7 | Retries: 3 | Options: {}

Name                   Time, ms  Time stdev, %  Memory, MB  Memory stdev, %  Entries  Errors  Retries
---------------------  --------  -------------  ----------  ---------------  -------  ------  -------
fast-glob-current.js   34.587    1.287          10.654      0.607            11835    0       1
fast-glob-previous.js  41.972    2.086          10.236      1.224            11835    0       1