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GaussPy+ Changelog

0.2 (2020-05-19)

  • Established compatibility with Python 3.8.2, Numpy 1.18.4, lmfit 1.0.1, astropy 4.0.1, matplotlib 3.2.1.

  • Added option that uses flagged neighbors in the spatial refitting routine. If the 'use_all_neighors' parameter is set to True, flagged neighbors are used as refit solutions in case the refit was not possible with fit solutions from unflagged neighbors. See Appendix A.3 in Riener+ 2019b for more details.

  • Added option to restrict spatial refitting routine to a subset of the data. This is only meant for testing purposes, if users would like to check the effects of parameter settings in the spatially coherent refitting routines without running it on the entire data set (which can be time-consuming). The subset of the data can be indicated with the 'pixel_range' keyword and has to be supplied as a dictionary. For example, 'pixel_range = {'y': [10, 20], 'x': [5, 10]}' restricts the spatial refitting to a subset of 50 spectra located within 10 <= y < 20 and 5 <= x < 10.

  • Added the module for producing tables of the final decomposition results. The following code gives an example on how to produce a table of the decomposition results from a dataset that was split into individual subcubes:

import os
from gausspyplus.finalize import Finalize

for subcube_nr in range(1, total_nr_of_subcubes + 1):
    filename = '{}{}'.format(ppv_cube_name, subcube_nr)

    fin = Finalize(config_file='gausspy+.ini')
    fin.path_to_pickle_file = os.path.join(
        dirpath_gpy, 'gpy_prepared', '{}.pickle'.format(filename))
    fin.path_to_decomp_file = os.path.join(
        dirpath_gpy, 'gpy_decomposed', '{}_g+_fit_fin_sf-p2.pickle'.format(filename))
    fin.dirpath_table = os.path.join(dirpath_gpy, 'gpy_tables')
    fin.dct_params = {'mean_separation': 4., '_w_start': 2/3}
    fin.subcube_nr = subcube_nr
  • Added try/except blocks to catch errors in the GaussPy decomposition. If errors are introduced in the GaussPy decomposition step the index of the spectrum with the corresponding error is printed in the terminal. The spectrum causing the error is replaced with None in the fit results dictionary.

  • Added safeguard to prevent eternal loop in get_signal_ranges.

  • Added flux preserving mode in gausspyplus.utils.spectral_cube_functions.spatial_smoothing if reproject=True.

  • Introduced max_ncomps parameter, which enforces a maximum number of fit components per spectrum.

  • Added function to create a default file structure similar to the GRS test field scripts in the example directory.

  • Removed HDF5 dependency.

  • Many small improvements and bugfixes.

0.1 (2019-06-01)

  • Initial release of gausspyplus.