Releases: mreintz/circleOfFifths
Releases · mreintz/circleOfFifths
Sound support!
Cosmetic changes
1.2 Delete headstock.png
New version with find-key-from-chords feature
Click the center of the circle to pop up a secondary GUI where you can input chords to find keys in major or minor mode.
Windows and Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) binaries.
Stable release with minor cosmetic changes
Binaries and source code for both Windows and Linux.
Release candidate 1
v1.0-RC Cosmetic changes.
Release with new chord progressions functionality
Release with new chord progressions functionality (Win64 and Linux64).
First working release (Win64 and Linux64)
Binaries built with pyinstaller for x64 Windows and Linux (ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=2658c04de63e2fdc0fce25e3d835af099253bb9c, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, stripped)