- 🎓 Education: BTech 4th year, ECE
- 💼 Internship: Embedded Firmware Intern at Arka Aerospace
- 🔭 Interests: Developing Embedded Systems, Firmware, VLSI, and IoT projects
- 🌱 Currently Learning: RISC-V, VLSI, and expanding my knowledge in IoT solutions
- 👯 Looking to collaborate on projects related to Embedded Systems and Firmware Development
- Programming Languages: C, Python, Embedded C
- Microcontrollers/Platforms: Espressif, STM, Arduino
- Tools: Keil, GCC, FreeRTOS, PlatformIO
- Protocols: I2C, SPI, UART, TCP/IP, UDP
- Version Control: Git, GitHub
- 📧 Email: m.reddybalaji01@gmail.com
- 📝 Medium
- 📹 YouTube