Labs from Medical Image Processing course
- Create events from the keyboard, during the processing of which you can separately perform the specified pixel operations on the active image and restore the original image of the loaded tomographic slice.
- Perform a logical transformation of the medical image, applying the specified logical operation to the data of the original image and background texture, which is created as a bitmap in the program in accordance with the task scheme in the option.
- Perform color modeling of the medical image to transition from grayscale representation of pixel data to the RGBA color model (use the gradient change rule and color channel according to the specified options).
git clone --recursive
If you cloned project in common way use
git submodule init
git submodule update
to clone submodules.
Building imebra (for more information visit:
cd imebra_git
mkdir artifacts
cd artifacts
cmake ../
cmake --build .
cd medical_image_processing/
If you have an error like:
./MIP: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
go to repo folder and run this command
cd medical_image_processing/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./imebra_git/artifacts/
It is possible that after reopening terminal window this error will return.
It is because library installed locally in your system and after you close your terminal
window the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH
is deleted.
If you want ability to run binary from any folder but you get error while loading shared libraries:
then qualify full path lo imebra shared library in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/your_username/projects/medical_image_processing/imebra_git/artifacts/