- Fork mtheme to https://github.com/mqTeXUsers/mtheme
This provides a makefile and a compliation environment. Tested with
$ make all
This produced a number of .sty files, which are the indicated and desired output.
Opened source/* in a text editor.
- Make sure to set syntax highlighting
Attacking colours first
MQ Colours Colour Pantone® reference CMYK RGB HTML (HEX) Red Pantone® 187 CP C7 M100 Y82 K26 R166 G25 B46 A6192E Deep Red Pantone® 188 CP C16 M100 Y65 K58 R118 G35 B47 76232F Bright Red Pantone® 2035 CP C0 M97 Y100 K3 R214 G0 B28 D6001C Magenta Pantone® 233 CP C12 M100 Y0 K0 R198 G0 B126 C6007E Purple Pantone® 242 CP C32 M100 Y11 K41 R128 G34 B95 80225F Charcoal Pantone® 447 CP C50 M30 Y40 K90 R55 G58 B54 373A36 Sand Pantone® 7527 CP C3 M4 Y14 K8 R214 G210 B196 D6D2C4
Using a combination of Red, Deep Red, Bright Red, Purple and Magenta conveys an active and engaging tone. Typically, Red should dominate (Deep Red and Bright Red). Magenta and Purple are used as accents only. Sand may be used prominently as a supporting colour. Using an increased proportion of Red conveys a more official feel. In communications on campus, any single colour or combination of colours from the colour palette may lead. B. RED DOMINANT Using only reds conveys a functional or informative tone.
Brian note: the powerpoint doesn't use charcoal as its text colour. Black is used for H1 and body text. mqRed is used for subtitles
- Fonts
Arial and Georgia are standard PC fonts and are used when National and Newzald are not available. They are typically used for communications that are created in Microsoft® programs or for communications that are shared ‘live’ (ie without first being converted to a PDF) where the recipient will not have access to National or Newzald.
A. INFORMATION FONT – NATIONAL National is a simple and strong sans serif with subtle quirks in the details. It conveys both clarity and warmth and projects confidence and approachability. B. INFORMATION FONT – NEWZALD Newzald is a timeless serif, as elegant as it is hardworking. Its large x-height and slightly condensed forms allow optimum wo