Most of the setup must be performed manually. Laptop or desktop specific configurations are indicated when required.
Whenever a debian package needs to be manually installed, prefer sudo apt install ./<package>.deb
instead of sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb
, to ensure no broken deps.
Table of Contents:
# Record system changes
sudo apt install etckeeper
# General Tools
sudo apt install curl apt-transport-https htop git
# media
sudo apt install vlc ubuntu-restricted-extras imagemagick nautilus-image-converter
# archive
sudo apt install rar unrar p7zip-full p7zip-rar
# battery life (laptop)
sudo apt install tlp tlp-rdw
# tweaks
sudo apt install chrome-gnome-shell gnome-tweak-tool
# Other Good to Have
sudo apt install gparted synaptic
# Development
sudo apt install clang-format emacs shellcheck
# i3 and polybar setup
sudo apt install i3 # i3
sudo apt install playerctl # media player control using media keys
sudo apt install feh # set background
sudo apt install arandr # display configuration
sudo apt install rofi # dmenu replacement
sudo apt install compton # window composer: transparency and transition effects
sudo apt install i3lock # lockscreen lock
sudo apt install scrot # lockscreen screenshot
sudo apt install imagemagick # lockscreen blur
Polybar must be compiler from source. Please see the instructions on the README.
# Get
git clone .dotfiles
- Power Settings
- Power Saving > Blank Screen > Never
- (laptop) Suspend & Power Button > Automatic Suspend > When on battery power (30 min), Plugged (NO)
- Privacy Settings
- Screen Lock > Off
- Problem Reporting > Sends reports automatically > ON.
- Region & Language
- Language: English (United States)
- Input Sources:
- Enable English and Spanish keyboards.
- Options: Use the same source for all windows.
- Removable Media
- Never prompt or start programs on media insertion.
- Search:
- Disable All but Calculator and Applications (implicit).
- Date & Time
- Automatic Date & Time > ON.
- Automatic Time Zone > ON.
- Displays:
- Night Light > ON
- Top Bar > Enable Clock Date / Weekday
- (laptop) Top Bar > Battery Percentage
- Workspaces > Static Workspaces / Number of Workspaces=9
Gnome Extensions: Enable the following extensions
- Last checked in GNOME Shell 3.36.9. (
gnome-shell --version
). - Extensions:
- Desktop Icons (native):
- Show Home, Hide other.
- Alternate Tab:
- Extension is not needed anymore. Read this:
- Either AlternateTab:
- Or Alt Tab Workspace:
- Workspace Matrix:
- Set workspaces to 9.
- Sound Output Device Chooser:
- Open Weather:
- Set City and units.
- Bluetooth Quick Connect:
- Dash to Dock:
- Position and Size > Position on screen: bottom.
- Launchers > Show Trash Can [NO].
- Pomodoro:
sudo apt install gnome-shell-pomodoro
DNS: Set up manual google DNS for every connection.
- Connection > IPV4 > Automatic (false) >,
Hide default folders in home into .ubuntu/
folder. This requires logging out and then removing the ~/Desktop
folder by hand.
# XDG user dirs
bash ~/.dotfiles/linux/xdg/setup.bash
Hide remaining folders in home using the .hidden
file. More info in this thread:
echo "snap" >> ~/.hidden
Create "Empty Document" shortcut
touch ~/.ubuntu/Templates/Empty\ Document
These other setup procedures are also not yet automated:
- Disable Terminal Bell: Terminal > Edit > Preference: Uncheck Terminal Bell.
- Nautilus Markers: Add markers to important folders
- workspaces
- downloads
- documents
- HDDs
- Use
(GUI tool forxrandr
) to generate a validxrandr
configuration. - Save the configuration to
. - The script will be executed whenever i3 (re)loads.
# i3 config
mkdir -p ~/.config/i3/
cd ~/.config/i3/
ln -sf ~/.dotfiles/linux/i3/i3.cfg config
# Fonts
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts
cp -rf ~/.dotfiles/linux/fonts/* ~/.local/share/fonts
fc-cache -f -v
# polybar
mkdir -p ~/.config/polybar/
cd ~/.config/polybar/
ln -sf ~/.dotfiles/linux/polybar/polybar.cfg config
ln -sf ~/.dotfiles/linux/polybar/launch.bash launch.bash
# networkmanager_dmenu
mkdir -p ~/.config/networkmanager_dmenu/
cd ~/.config/networkmanager_dmenu/
ln -sf ~/.dotfiles/linux/network_manager/config.ini
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications/
cd ~/.local/share/applications/
ln -sf ~/.dotfiles/linux/network_manager/networkmanager_dmenu.desktop
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin/
cd ~/.local/bin
ln -sf ~/.dotfiles/linux/network_manager/networkmanager_dmenu
Getting Images: 0. Check saved wallpapers in GDrive.
- Get images you like. You can use these services:,
- Copy them onto
- Import the folder to shotwell.
- Select desired images.
- File > Set wallpaper slideshow.
The i3 settings use the feh
program to randomly pick images for every monitor on load.