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Simple tools to process large audio files (e.g., event detection in AudioMoth or NocMig data) using R , Audacity & BirdNET

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NocMigR package: (Deprecated!: See NocMigR2)

This package is in a very preliminary state and provides some workflows for processing large sound files (e.g., NocMig, NFC, AudioMoth), with a main emphasis on automatising the detection of events (i.e., extracting calls with time-stamps) that can be easily reviewed in Audacity. Note: On the occasion of some recent changes to the data privacy policy and ownership of Audacity I highly suggest to stick to version 3.0.2!

All major computation steps are carried out by sophisticated libraries called in the background. Including:

To install the package, use …


Examples and documentation of main functions

Load the package once installed …


Load example audio

The package contains an example file captured using an AudioMoth recorder. To reduce file size, a segment of five minutes was resampled at 44.1 kHz and saved as 128 kbps mp3 file. In addition to a lot of noise there is short segment of interest (scale call of a Eurasian Pygmy Owl Glaucidium passerinum).

## get path to test_audio.mp3
path <- system.file("extdata", "20211220_064253.mp3", package = "NocMigR")
## create temp folder
#> Warning in dir.create("example"): 'example' already exists
## copy to test_folder
file.copy(path, "example")
## convert to wav
bioacoustics::mp3_to_wav("example/20211220_064253.mp3", delete = T)
file.rename(from = "example/20211220_064253.wav", to = "example/20211220_064253.WAV")

Plot spectrogram to see there is a lot of noise and a few spikes reflecting actual signals …

## read audio
audio <- tuneR::readWave("example/20211220_064253.WAV")
## plot spectrum
bioacoustics::spectro(audio, FFT_size = 2048, flim = c(0, 5000))

\### 1.) `rename_recording`

Naming files using a string that combines the recording date and starting time (YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS) is convenient for archiving and analysing audio files (e.g, default of AudioMoth). Some (most?) of the popular field recorders (e.g., Olympus LS, Tascam DR or Sony PCM) use different, rather uninformative naming schemes (date and number at best), but the relevant information to construct a proper date_time string is embedded in the meta data of the recording (accessible using, but requires correct settings of the internal clock!). For instance, long recording sessions using an Olympus LS-3 will create multiple files, all of which share the same creation and modification times (with respect to the first recording). By contrast, the Sony PCM-D100 saved files individually (i.e., all have unique ctimes and mtimes). Presets to rename files are available for both types described here.

## Simulate = T allows to see what would happen without altering files
rename_recording(path = "example",
                 format = "WAV",
                 recorder = "Olympus LS-3",
                 simulate = T)
#>                                                    seconds
#> example/20211220_064253.WAV                     20211220_064253.WAV 300.0686
#> example/20211220_064253_extracted.WAV 20211220_064253_extracted.WAV  10.6300
#> example/merged_events.WAV                         merged_events.WAV  10.6300
#>                                                      time  
#> example/20211220_064253.WAV           2023-09-15 21:43:47 20230915_214347.WAV
#> example/20211220_064253_extracted.WAV 2023-09-15 21:48:47 20230915_214847.WAV
#> example/merged_events.WAV             2023-09-15 21:48:58 20230915_214858.WAV

2.) split_wave: Divide long recordings

This function allows to split long audio recordings into smaller chunks for processing with bioacoustics::threshold_detection. To keep the time information, files are written with the corresponding starting time. *The task is performed using a python script queried using reticulate

## split in segments
split_wave(file = "20211220_064253.WAV", # which file
           path = "example", # where to find it
           segment = 30, # cut in 30 sec segments
           downsample = 32000) # resample at 32000
#> Downsampling of 20211220_064253.WAV to 32000 Hz...   done
#> Split ...

## show files
#>  [1] "20211220_064253.WAV" "20211220_064323.WAV" "20211220_064353.WAV"
#>  [4] "20211220_064423.WAV" "20211220_064453.WAV" "20211220_064523.WAV"
#>  [7] "20211220_064553.WAV" "20211220_064623.WAV" "20211220_064653.WAV"
#> [10] "20211220_064723.WAV" "20211220_064753.WAV"
## delete folder
unlink("example/split", recursive = TRUE)

3.) find events: Identify signals of interest

This functions is a wrapper to bioacoustics::threshold_detection() aiming at extracting calls based on the signal to noise ratio and some target-specific assumptions about approximate call frequencies and durations. Check ?bioacoustics::threshold_detection() for details. Note, only some of the parameters that are defined in bioacoustics::threshold_detection() are used right know. For long recordings (i.e, several hours) it makes sense to run on segments as created before to avoid memory issues. Here we use the demo sound file as it is

## run detection threshold algorithm
TD <- find_events(wav.file = "example/20211220_064253.WAV",
                  threshold = 8, # Signal-to-noise ratio in db
                  min_dur = 20, # min length in ms
                  max_dur = 300, # max length in ms
                  LPF = 5000, # low-pass filter at 500 Hz
                  HPF = 1000) # high-pass filter at 4 kHz

## Review events 
head(TD$data$event_data[,c("filename", "starting_time", "duration", "freq_max_amp")])
#>              filename starting_time  duration freq_max_amp
#> 1 20211220_064253.WAV  00:00:46.576 168.34467     1477.762
#> 2 20211220_064253.WAV  00:00:47.045 190.11338     1646.544
#> 3 20211220_064253.WAV  00:00:47.887 116.82540     1790.127
#> 4 20211220_064253.WAV  00:00:48.277 150.92971     1827.046
#> 5 20211220_064253.WAV  00:00:48.774  91.42857     1964.311
#> 6 20211220_064253.WAV  00:00:49.332  21.04308     2264.046

## display spectrogram based on approximate location of first six events
audio <- tuneR::readWave("example/20211220_064253.WAV",
                         from = 46,
                         to = 50,
                         units = "seconds")
bioacoustics::spectro(audio, FFT_size = 2048, flim = c(0, 5000))

In addition to the output shown above, a file with labels for reviewing events in Audacity is created (wrapping seewave::write.audacity()).

Screenshot: Audacity raw labels

Screenshot: Audacity raw labels

4.) extract_events: Subset original recording file

Refines the output of find_events by first adding a buffer (default 1 second on both sides of the event) and subsequently merging overlapping selections to make the output more pretty. Additionally, allows to filter based on expected frequencies (i.e., checks maximum amplitude frequency is within the frequency band defined by HPF:LPF)

## extract events based on object TD
df <- extract_events(threshold_detection = TD, 
                     path = "example",
                     format = "WAV",
                     LPF = 4000,
                     HPF = 1000,
                     buffer = 1)
#> Existing files '_extracted.WAV will be overwritten!
#> 6 selections overlapped

Display refined events …

## display spectrogram based on first six events
audio <- tuneR::readWave("example/20211220_064253.WAV", 
                         from = df$from,
                         to = df$to,
                         units = "seconds")
bioacoustics::spectro(audio, FFT_size = 2048, flim = c(0, 5000))

Screenshot: Audacity refined label

Screenshot: Audacity refined label

5.) merge_events: Pool all detected events

Takes the output of the previous operation and concatenates audio signals as well as labels into files called and respectively. This option comes handy if there are many input files in the working directory.

merge_events(path = "example")
#> Existing files merged_events.WAV  will be overwritten!

batch_process: Entire workflow combined in a single function call

Process all files within a directory and run the steps shown above

  path = "example",
  format = "WAV",
  segment = NULL,
  downsample = NULL,
  SNR = 8,
  target = data.frame(min_dur = 20, # min length in ms
                      max_dur = 300, # max length in ms
                      LPF = 5000, # low-pass filter at 500 Hz
                      HPF = 1000),
  rename = FALSE)
#> Start processing:     2023-09-15 22:06:40     [Input audio 5 minutes @ 44100 Hz ]
#> Search for events ...
#> Warning in find_events(wav.file = x, overwrite = TRUE, threshold = SNR, : NAs
#> introduced by coercion

#> Warning in find_events(wav.file = x, overwrite = TRUE, threshold = SNR, : NAs
#> introduced by coercion
#> done
#> Extract events ... 
#> Existing files '_extracted.WAV will be overwritten!
#> 8 selections overlapped
#> In total 1 events detected
#> Merge events and write audio example/merged_events.WAV
#> Existing files merged_events.WAV  will be overwritten!
#> Finished processing:  2023-09-15 22:06:42 
#>  Run time:    1.77 seconds
#>              filename    from        to       starting_time   event
#> 1 20211220_064253.WAV  45.576  47.62258 2021-12-20 06:43:39  46.576
#> 2 20211220_064253.WAV  46.045  48.09204 2021-12-20 06:43:40  47.045
#> 3 20211220_064253.WAV  46.887  49.32528 2021-12-20 06:43:40  47.887
#> 4 20211220_064253.WAV  47.774  49.82277 2021-12-20 06:43:41  48.774
#> 5 20211220_064253.WAV  48.332  50.38133 2021-12-20 06:43:42  49.332
#> 6 20211220_064253.WAV 152.434 156.35420 2021-12-20 06:45:26 153.434
Recording Sample.rate Downsampled Channels Run.time
60 h 96000 Hz 441000 Hz Mono 2.02 h
60 h 96000 Hz 441000 Hz Mono 1.76 h
11.91 96000 Hz 441000 Hz Stereo 1.39 h
10.6 h 96000 Hz 441000 Hz Mono 1.3 h
2.73 96000 Hz 441000 Hz Mono 4.88 min

Run times all steps, notebook ~ Intel i5-4210M, 2 cores ~ 8 GB RAM

Recording Sample.rate Downsampled Channels Run.time
7.5 h 96000 Hz 441000 Hz Mono 14.52 min

Run times only event detection, notebook ~ Intel i5-4210M, 2 cores ~ 8 GB RAM


With adequate computational power there is no need to split even larger wave files into segments of one hour. This way, the event detection process is much faster (steps 3:6), usually less than four minutes for an entire NocMig night!

#> | Recording | Sample.rate | Downsampled | Channels | Run.time  |
#> |:---------:|:-----------:|:-----------:|:--------:|:---------:|
#> | 114.99 h  |  48000 Hz   |  441000 Hz  |   Mono   | 26.79 min |
#> Table: 115h AudioMoth recording, notebook ~ AMD RYZEN 7, 16 cores ~ 24 GB RAM

Header for observation lists on

Retrieve weather data via Bright Sky (de Maeyer 2020) and compose a string describing a NocMig session from dusk to dawn for a given location. Note, the comment follows suggestions by HGON (Schütze et al 2022)

## example for Bielefeld
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NocMig_meta(date = Sys.Date() - 2,
            lat = 52.032,
            lon = 8.517)
#> Teilliste 1: 13.9-14.9.2023, 20:23-06:25, trocken, 12°C, ESE, 2 km/h 
#> Teilliste 2: 13.9-14.9.2023, 20:23-06:25, trocken, 9°C, ESE, 3 km/h

Integrating BirdNET-Analyzer in processing routine

Recently I started to play with BirdNET. First trials suggest that only few calls of interest are missed, and the majority is correctly labelled using the BirdNET_GLOBAL_6K_V2.4 model. Currently, it is rather difficult to run BirdNET through RStudio on a windows computer, and hence a few lines of python code are pasted to a Linux (Ubuntu) command line

1.) Run BirdNET-Analyzer

  • Setup list of target species
## Creates a species list by subsetting from the full model 
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
BirdNET_species.list(names = c("Glaucidium passerinum", "Bubo bubo"),
                     scientific = T,
                     out = "example/species.txt")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   scientific_name       englisch_name     
#>   <chr>                 <chr>             
#> 1 Bubo bubo             Eurasian Eagle-Owl
#> 2 Glaucidium passerinum Eurasian Pygmy-Owl

Run using a command line program (e.g. Ubuntu on windows). See details in the documentation of Birdnet

## run BirdNET-Analyzer in a bash shell
## --------------------
python3 --i /exampele --o /exampele --slist /example/species.txt --rtype 'audacity' --threads 1 --locale 'de'

2.) Adjust audacity labels and summarise records

The function BirdNET (see ?BirdNET for details) does the following:

  1. Reshape audacity labels created by to include the event time:
  2. Write records to xlsx file (BirdNET.xlsx) as a template to simplify inspection and verification:
df <- BirdNET(path = "example/")
#> Created example//BirdNET.xlsx
#>           Taxon                  T1                  T2 Score Verification
#> 1 Sperlingskauz 2021-12-20 06:43:38 2021-12-20 06:43:41 0.516           NA
#> 2 Sperlingskauz 2021-12-20 06:45:29 2021-12-20 06:45:32 0.378           NA
#> 3 Sperlingskauz 2021-12-20 06:45:35 2021-12-20 06:45:38 0.126           NA
#>   Correction Quality Comment                  T0
#> 1         NA      NA      NA 2021-12-20 06:42:53
#> 2         NA      NA      NA 2021-12-20 06:42:53
#> 3         NA      NA      NA 2021-12-20 06:42:53
#>                                          File
#> 1 example/20211220_064253.BirdNET.results.txt
#> 2 example/20211220_064253.BirdNET.results.txt
#> 3 example/20211220_064253.BirdNET.results.txt

## records per species and day
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#> # Groups:   species [1]
#>   species       date           n
#>   <chr>         <date>     <int>
#> 1 Sperlingskauz 2021-12-20     3

## records per species and hour
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#> # Groups:   species [1]
#>   species        hour     n
#>   <fct>         <int> <int>
#> 1 Sperlingskauz     6     3

3.) Extract events for review

Extract detections and export them as wav files. For easier access to verify records files are named as ‘Species_Date_Time.WAV’ (see below).

## extract events 
BirdNET_extract(path = "example/",
                hyperlink = F) ## If T: create hyperlink as excel formula 
## show files
#> [1] "Sperlingskauz_20211220_064338.WAV" "Sperlingskauz_20211220_064529.WAV"
#> [3] "Sperlingskauz_20211220_064535.WAV"
## clean-up 
unlink("example", recursive = TRUE)


Simple tools to process large audio files (e.g., event detection in AudioMoth or NocMig data) using R , Audacity & BirdNET







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