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Don't use external zlib -- the buildsystem is stupid. #11

Don't use external zlib -- the buildsystem is stupid.

Don't use external zlib -- the buildsystem is stupid. #11

Workflow file for this run

name: Assimp
on: [push, pull_request]
# Cancel in-progress builds on push to same branch / PR
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
# zlib is built bundled but then deleted (and the externally built one is
# used instead), because attempting to provide an externally-built one causes
# its full path to be HARDCODED into the CMake config files, making the
# resulting binary useless everywhere except on GH Actions of the magnum-ci
# repo again
name: ${{ matrix.os }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [windows-2019]
- name: Install Ninja
uses: seanmiddleditch/gha-setup-ninja@v3
- name: Set up Visual Studio environment
uses: seanmiddleditch/gha-setup-vsdevenv@v3
- name: Clone Assimp
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: assimp/assimp
ref: v${{ env.ASSIMP_VERSION }}
path: assimp
# zlib is built bundled but then deleted (and the externally built one is
# used instead), because attempting to provide an externally-built one
# causes its full path to be HARDCODED into the CMake config files, making
# the resulting binary useless everywhere except on GH Actions of the
# magnum-ci repo again
- name: Build & install Debug
shell: cmd
run: |
mkdir build-debug && cd build-debug
cmake ../assimp ^
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%CD:\=/%/../install-debug ^
-G Ninja
ninja install
- name: Build & install Release
shell: cmd
run: |
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../assimp ^
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%CD:\=/%/../install ^
-G Ninja
ninja install
- name: Remove bundled zlib
run: |
del install\lib\zlibstatic.lib
del install-debug\lib\zlibstatic.lib
- name: Upload Debug artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
name: assimp-${{ env.ASSIMP_VERSION }}-${{ matrix.os }}-debug
path: install-debug
- name: Upload Release artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
name: assimp-${{ env.ASSIMP_VERSION }}-${{ matrix.os }}
path: install
name: windows-mingw
runs-on: windows-2019
- name: Install Ninja
uses: seanmiddleditch/gha-setup-ninja@v3
- name: Set up MinGW environment
uses: msys2/setup-msys2@v2
- name: Clone Assimp
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: assimp/assimp
ref: v${{ env.ASSIMP_VERSION }}
path: assimp
# zlib is built bundled but then deleted (and the externally built one is
# used instead), because attempting to provide an externally-built one
# causes its full path to be HARDCODED into the CMake config files, making
# the resulting binary useless everywhere except on GH Actions of the
# magnum-ci repo again
- name: Build & install
shell: cmd
run: |
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../assimp ^
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%CD:\=/%/../install ^
-G Ninja
ninja install
- name: Remove bundled zlib
run: |
del install\lib\libzlibstatic.a
- name: Upload artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
name: assimp-${{ env.ASSIMP_VERSION }}-windows-mingw
path: install
name: ${{ matrix.os }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.runs-on }}
container: ${{ matrix.container }}
- os: ubuntu-18.04
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
container: ubuntu:bionic-20220427
- name: Install base build tools
run: |
apt update
apt install -y ninja-build cmake g++
mkdir -p deps
- name: Clone Assimp
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: assimp/assimp
ref: v${{ env.ASSIMP_VERSION }}
path: assimp
# zlib is built bundled but then deleted (and the externally built one is
# used instead), because attempting to provide an externally-built one
# causes its full path to be HARDCODED into the CMake config files, making
# the resulting binary useless everywhere except on GH Actions of the
# magnum-ci repo again
- name: Build & install
run: |
mkdir assimp-build && cd assimp-build
cmake ../assimp \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd)/../install \
-G Ninja
ninja install/strip
- name: Remove bundled zlib, patch the config files to reference different name
run: |
sed -i 's/libzlibstatic.a/libz.a/g' install/lib/cmake/assimp-5.2/assimpTargets-release.cmake
rm install/lib/libzlibstatic.a
- name: Upload artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
name: assimp-${{ env.ASSIMP_VERSION }}-${{ matrix.os }}
path: install