eSignet offers a seamless and straightforward solution for incorporating an existing trusted identity database into the digital realm via plugins.
This repository contains limited OpenId protocol implementation with:
- OAuth 2.0 RFC 6749 - Authorization code flow support
- OAuth 2.0 RFC 7636 - PKCE security extension
- OAuth 2.0 RFC 7523 - JWT profile for client authentication
- RFC 7519 - ID token and access token as JWT
- OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 - /.well-known/openid-configuration
- RFC 5785 - Followed for both openid and oauth well-knowns
- Identity Assurance 1.0
eSignet repository contains following:
- esignet-core - Library containing all the common interfaces, DTOs and utils that is used as dependency in the other esignet module libraries and services
- esignet-service - Deployable API service containing all the OIDC and UI controllers.
- esignet-integration-api - Library containing all the integration interfaces.
- client-management-service-impl - Client management implementations classes.
- oidc-service-impl - Oauth and OIDC implementation classes.
- binding-service-impl - key and individualId binding service implementation classes.
- consent-service-impl - Service to manage user consent per client.
- oidc-ui - eSignet UI react-app
- postman-collection - Contains eSignet postman collection with environment files.
- api-test - eSignet API automation codebase.
- docker-compose - Contains docker compose setup for developers and IdP enthusiasts.
- db_scripts - Folder contains all the db scripts required to do fresh setup of eSignet module.
- db_upgrade_scripts - Folder contains all the db scripts required to upgrade the DB for eSignet module.
- docs - Folder contains API documentation and readme doc images.
NOTE: All the Verifiable Credential Issuance endpoints are moved to Inji Certify(Inji stack). Refer
Inji Certify repository for more information.
Refer to SQL scripts.
The project requires JDK 11.
- Build:
$ mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip=true -Dmaven.gitcommitid.skip=true
- Perform Partner onboarding for esignet MISP partner using steps only if mosip-identity plugin is used.
- To simplify running eSignet in local for developers we have added Docker Compose Setup.
- This docker-compose includes eSignet service and UI along with mock-identity-system to test the local deployment.
API documentation is available here.
eSignet documentation is available here.
This project is licensed under the terms of Mozilla Public License 2.0.