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Server Usage

Morten Terhart edited this page Jan 12, 2019 · 4 revisions

The ticket system main executable ticketsystem.go offers the following configuration flags. They can be used to alter the default configuration of the server and the logger. No option is required since every option has a meaningful default value.

The usage of the executable looks like following:

./ticketsystem [options]

Server options

The following server options can change important connection settings such as the port and file or directory paths to important resources.

-port <PORT>

Specify the port on which the web server will be launched. On startup a message with the server's URL will be shown. The PORT is a 16 bit unsigned integer (0 < PORT ≤ 65535) and should not be used by another process. If the specified port is blocked the server throws an error at startup.

Default: 8443

-tickets <DIR>

Configure the directory where the tickets will be stored. The DIR argument can be an existing directory with active write privileges, otherwise it is created on startup automatically. Note that the path has to be relative to the current working directory. The *.json files in this directory have to contain valid JSON content.

Default: ./files/tickets

-users <FILE>

Change the default path to the users file. The FILE argument has to be an existing JSON file with user definitions. Note that the path has to be relative to the current working directory.

Default: ./files/users/users.json

-mails <DIR>

Specify the directory where new mails created by the server will be saved. The DIR argument can be an existing directory with active write privileges, otherwise it is created on startup automatically. Note that the path has to be relative to the current working directory. If DIR already contains *.json files they have to contain valid JSON format.

Default: ./files/mails

-cert <FILE>

Set the path to the SSL server certificate. The FILE argument has to be an existing file with a valid SSL certificate. Note that the path has to be relative to the current working directory.

Default: ./ssl/server.cert

-key <FILE>

Set the path to the SSL server key. The FILE argument has to be an existing file with a valid SSL public key. Note that the path has to be relative to the current working directory.

Default: ./ssl/server.key

-web <DIR>

Change the root directory of the web server. The DIR argument has to be an existing directory and should match the templates path and static paths pointing to the server resources (such as /static/js/ticketsystem.js).

Default: ./www

Logging options

The logging options alter the way messages are logged to the console.

-log-level <LEVEL>

Specify the level of logging. The given LEVEL can be one of the following:

  • info: display all log messages (recommended)
  • warning: display only warnings, errors and fatal errors
  • error: display only errors and fatal errors
  • fatal: display only fatal errors (not recommended)

Fatal errors are always logged and cause the server to shutdown directly. Therefore it is not advised to set the log level to fatal.

Default: info


Enable verbose logging output (includes information about package path and function name, filenames and line numbers on every log message). For better readability, the package and file paths are trimmed to the last component, so leading directories will be stripped.

Default: false


Disable the abbreviation of package and file paths. Paths are written as is to the log. This option is compatible to -verbose.

Warning: This will extend log messages a lot making it harder to read. Depending on your screen size the messages will probably not fit on the screen.

Default: false

Help options

The help options provide information about the usage of the ticket system and its flags.

-h, -help

Print a help text with information about the flags and exit.