macdown Public
Forked from MacDownApp/macdownOpen source Markdown editor for macOS.
Rich Text Format UpdatedDec 6, 2021 -
SpriteKitWatchFace Public
Forked from GuiyeC/SpriteKitWatchFaceSpriteKit-based faux analog watch face example for watchOS
Swift UpdatedOct 15, 2018 -
SideMenuController Public
Forked from teodorpatras/SideMenuControllerA side menu controller written in Swift for iOS
Swift MIT License UpdatedMay 16, 2018 -
TextFieldsTraversalController Public
Forked from danielinoa/TextFieldsTraversalControllerA controller to manage the traversal of a collection of textields
Shell MIT License UpdatedOct 16, 2017 -
OverlayViewController Public
Forked from agordeev/OverlayViewControllerA simple way to present your child view controller on top of another one
Swift MIT License UpdatedJul 3, 2017 -
swift Public
Forked from swiftlang/swiftThe Swift Programming Language
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 22, 2016 -
AlamofireJsonToObjects Public
Forked from evermeer/AlamofireJsonToObjectsAn Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using EVReflection
Swift Other UpdatedOct 25, 2015 -
SimpleFormatLanguage Public
Forked from ejvaughan/SimpleFormatLanguageAn intuitive and powerful replacement for Cocoa Auto Layout visual format language
Objective-C UpdatedFeb 3, 2014 -
CJPAdController Public
Forked from chrisjp/CJPAdControllerA singleton class providing a simple way to add iAd and/or Google AdMob ads to a view controller. Choose whether iAds or AdMob is your default and fall back to the other.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedOct 4, 2013