Releases: morinlab/GAMBLR
Releases · morinlab/GAMBLR
First Release
Initial release of GAMBLR with bundled data (via
What's Changed
- Adding some bed files by @lkhilton in #2
- add CN for unmatched samples by @Kdreval in #3
- minor updates to annotate_hotspots by @Kdreval in #4
- add functionality to allow non-morinlab group members to use GAMBLR a… by @rdmorin in #5
- update prettyOncoplot to work with new ggsci colours by @rdmorin in #6
- add p_val threshold to arguments by @rdmorin in #7
- updates to using bundled colours for GAMBL metadata by @rdmorin in #8
- Kdreval unmatched cn by @Kdreval in #9
- fix bug in prettyOncoplot by @rdmorin in #10
- introduce prettyChromoplot to handle GISTIC scores by @Kdreval in #11
- some bug fixes and new features plus a presentation by @rdmorin in #13
- extend ashm_matrix code to work without database by @rdmorin in #14
- suppress obnoxious messages by @rdmorin in #15
- Bug fix and minor improvements by @rdmorin in #16
- introduce function for Fisher's exact test of GISTIC2.0 outputs by @Kdreval in #12
- bug fix by @rdmorin in #17
- finally fix all commonly conflicted dplyr function calls by @rdmorin in #18
- new and updated functions by @rdmorin in #20
- Rmorin dev by @rdmorin in #21
- new functionality for working with merged flatfiles and non-ICGC data by @rdmorin in #22
- support custom colors in prettyOncoplot annotations by @Kdreval in #23
- updates to shm analyses by @rdmorin in #24
- some minor updates to aSHM code by @rdmorin in #26
- bug fixes by @rdmorin in #27
- adult BL paper and FL+all DLBCL case sets by @Kdreval in #25
- add missing data and some bug fix by @rdmorin in #28
- Customize get_mutation_frequency_bin_matrix by @Kdreval in #29
- More from-flatfile functionality to reduce reliance on the database by @rdmorin in #30
- new functions and some bug fixes by @Kdreval in #31
- some updates by @rdmorin in #32
- Fixed bug enabling top barplot by @kristenadaley in #33
- update function to accept maf and seg file paths by @kristenadaley in #34
- update to case sets by @rdmorin in #35
- fix FL cohort and use transformation status for tFL-study case set by @rdmorin in #36
- prettyForestPlot by @lkhilton in #37
- add purity estimate function and adjust assign_cn_to_ssm function to … by @kristenadaley in #39
- Rmorin dev by @rdmorin in #38
- added packages in the @input section for purity estimation function by @kristenadaley in #40
- improved and possibly broke prettyForestPlot by @rdmorin in #42
- estimate_purity function modifications by @kristenadaley in #43
- modified how plots and tables are output from the estimate_purity fun… by @kristenadaley in #44
- Rmorin dev by @rdmorin in #45
- do you like Heatmap function name? by @Kdreval in #41
- add function for gridss svs by @rdmorin in #47
- Lhilton tidy inputs by @lkhilton in #49
- switch ssm results from current to versioned results by @Kdreval in #46
- Kdreval dev by @Kdreval in #59
- Update to handle capture data by @rdmorin in #60
- Add a function to tidy LymphGen Subtype.Prediction columns by @lkhilton in #63
- changed final purity above 1 to equal 1 and fix some bugs in purity e… by @kristenadaley in #61
- GAMBLR Code Review by @mattssca in #53
- fixing typo that broke GAMBLR install by @mattssca in #65
- Functionality to prepare matrix for NMF clustering + bug fixes by @Kdreval in #68
- add rainfall plot basic functionality by @rdmorin in #69
- Updates to the prettyRainfallPlot by @Kdreval in #70
- fix broken get_gambl_metadata function by @rdmorin in #72
- updating ssm functions to read from latest deblacklsited maf by @mattssca in #71
- New functions: calculate PGA and adjust ploidy by @Kdreval in #73
- Bug fix: positional arguments in get_ssm_by_samples call to get_ssm_b… by @lkhilton in #84
- Implement flatfile functionality for CNV and introduce cnvKompare by @Kdreval in #86
- plot updates, vignette & bug fixes, etc. by @mattssca in #85
- fix flatfile reading in get_manta_sv by @rdmorin in #82
- Fix duplicated argument by @rdmorin in #90
- Bug fixes, new plotting functions, vignette examples, etc. by @mattssca in #88
- init prettyCoOncoplot by @Kdreval in #92
- add cohort colours and fix MZL by @rdmorin in #93
- update collate functions to work for genome and capture data by @rdmorin in #96
- Kdreval dev by @Kdreval in #101
- Cmattsson dev by @mattssca in #91
- Remote GAMBLR (outside GSC) is now a thing. Testers wanted! by @rdmorin in #99
- fix new bugs associated with ssh_session by @rdmorin in #107
- hot-fix for get_ssm_by_region (and added plotting functions) by @mattssca in #108
- Updated README with instructions on how to run run GAMBLR remote + other QoL updates (messages, warnings etc.) by @mattssca in #109
- new feature: right annotations in prettyOncoplot by @Kdreval in #103
- New plotting functions and various improvements. by @mattssca in #110
- Revert "new line" by @rdmorin in #111
- New RF, new function, update to splendidHeatmap, and bug fixes by @Kdreval in #116
- Fancy Plots + QoL Updates by @mattssca in #115
- add sample set md5 digest functionality for reproducibility by @rdmorin in #114
- Fix LymphGen tidy class order by @lkhilton in #122
- Bug fix: bam_available wasn't being filtered on conditionally by @lkhilton in #124
- Do-over of last PR by @rdmorin in #130
- update estimate_purity function to set the assume_diploid parameter t… by @kristenadaley in #119
- Adding error messages to functions that reads from local files. by @mattssca in #117
- collate_results fix by @mattssca in #133
- Add additional blacklist to annotate_ssm_blacklist() by @hayashaalan in #104
- GAMBLR OveRhaul by @rdmorin in #137
- GAMBLR hotfixes and improvements. by @mattssca in #142
- classify FLs functionality + bug fix by @Kdreval in #141
- GAMBLR Improvements by @mattssca in #148
- Adding packages to and tidy DESCRIPTION file + hotfix for get manta_sv_by_sample by @mattssca in #152
- prettyOncoplot updated to be able to handle input genes and minMutationPercent by @faranehym in #165
- Resolving issues, bugs, and making reproducible installation by @Kdreval in #146
- Add new functions for loading Manta SV from individual files instead of merges by @rdmorin in #143
- bug fix: prettyForestplot bugs by @Kdreval in #167