web site for my CV, so I can allway send the some CV link and my CV allways be up to date, and i can update them every time from the internet in easy way.
you want to use this website ? you welcome, run this command git clone https://github.com/morbargig/Mor-Bargig-CV.git
after you need to install all the libraries, run npm install
to start the website you will need to run npm start
you need to fill this fields with you firebase details
import firebase from 'firebase'
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "???",
authDomain: "???",
databaseURL: "???",
projectId: "???",
storageBucket: "???",
messagingSenderId: "???",
appId: "???"
// Initialize Firebase
export default firebase
you need to verify that you have a DB config right, and you ready to start !
and don't forget to send your CV :)