Releases: monty68/uniled
v3.0.10 Beta 11
Add support for SP539E, SP549E and special edge case SP548E (0x69)
If you don't use these devices then no need to upgrade to this beta 11 release.
v3.0.9 Beta 10
Added support for SP538E and SP548E devices, allowing users to manually initiate the network scanner through the HA user interface.
v3.0.8 Beta 9
Fix for unintentional shared properties between device class instances.
This would have affected ALL Uniled devices, Wifi, BLE, etc. so all Beta testers should upgrade to this release.
v3.0.7 Beta 8
Fix the DHCP discovery of an existing device showing incorrectly as a new discovery. DHCP packets use the WiFi Mac address, but UDP discovery packets contain the BLE Mac address.
Extend the command back-off time delay to give devices a bit longer to process as hitting them too soon with commands can cause them
to either not respond and on the rare occasion crash the device.
Some minor code improvements.
v3.0.6 Beta 7
Fix many issues with the WiFi device code!
v3.0.4 Beta 6
Further updates to address property access errors.
v3.0.3 Beta 5
Attempting interim fix for some users with errors relating to UniledDiscovery class property errors.
Note: A more robust fix will be done but it will take some time.
v3.0.2 Beta 4
Minor bug fixes and improved socket error handling.
v3.0.1 Beta 2
Beta 2 release incorporating support for certain WiFi devices.
This is a significant code refactoring and has not been thoroughly tested, so use is at your own risk!
v3.0.0 Beta 1
Beta release incorporating support for certain WiFi devices.
This is a significant code refactoring and has not been thoroughly tested, so use is at your own risk!
If WiFi devices are not being discovered, add the below to your 'configuration.yaml' file and restart Home Assistant.