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WIP: Cores of Supersets subsume chase result
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monsterkrampe committed Dec 18, 2024


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1 parent 62d9a8a commit e296d6e
Showing 1 changed file with 254 additions and 242 deletions.
496 changes: 254 additions & 242 deletions ProofLibrary/AlternativeMatches/Chase.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -210,10 +210,10 @@ namespace GroundTermMapping

variable {obs : ObsoletenessCondition sig} {kb : KnowledgeBase sig}

def is_alt_match_at_chase_step (h : GroundTermMapping sig) (cb : ChaseBranch obs kb) (i : Nat) : Prop :=
def is_alt_match_at_chase_step_for (h : GroundTermMapping sig) (cb : ChaseBranch obs kb) (i : Nat) (fs : FactSet sig) : Prop :=
cb.branch.infinite_list (i + 1) = none ∨
(∃ node origin, cb.branch.infinite_list (i + 1) = some node ∧ node.origin = some origin
∧ h.isAlternativeMatch origin.fst.val origin.snd cb.result)
∧ h.isAlternativeMatch origin.fst.val origin.snd fs)

end GroundTermMapping

@@ -223,9 +223,11 @@ variable {obs : ObsoletenessCondition sig} {kb : KnowledgeBase sig}

namespace ChaseBranch

def has_alt_match_at_step (cb : ChaseBranch obs kb) (i : Nat) : Prop := ∃ (h : GroundTermMapping sig), h.is_alt_match_at_chase_step cb i
def has_alt_match_at_step_for (cb : ChaseBranch obs kb) (i : Nat) (fs : FactSet sig) : Prop := ∃ (h : GroundTermMapping sig), h.is_alt_match_at_chase_step_for cb i fs

def has_alt_match (cb : ChaseBranch obs kb) : Prop := ∃ i, cb.has_alt_match_at_step i
def has_alt_match_for (cb : ChaseBranch obs kb) (fs : FactSet sig) : Prop := ∃ i, cb.has_alt_match_at_step_for i fs

def has_alt_match (cb : ChaseBranch obs kb) : Prop := cb.has_alt_match_for cb.result

theorem result_isWeakCore_of_noAltMatch (cb : ChaseBranch obs kb) (det : kb.isDeterministic) : ¬ cb.has_alt_match -> cb.result.isWeakCore := by
intro noAltMatch h_0 h_0_hom
@@ -588,259 +590,269 @@ namespace ChaseBranch
apply neq
apply retains

theorem result_isStrongCore_of_noAltMatch (cb : ChaseBranch obs kb) (det : kb.isDeterministic) : ¬ cb.has_alt_match -> cb.result.isStrongCore := by
unfold FactSet.isStrongCore
theorem every_endo_surjective_of_noAltMatch (cb : ChaseBranch obs kb) : ¬ cb.has_alt_match -> ∀ (h : GroundTermMapping sig), h.isHomomorphism cb.result cb.result -> h.surjective_for_domain_and_image_set cb.result.terms cb.result.terms := by
intro noAltMatch h endo
have ⟨strong, inj⟩ := cb.result_isWeakCore_of_noAltMatch det noAltMatch h endo
. exact strong
. exact inj
. apply Classical.byContradiction
intro contra
unfold Function.surjective_for_domain_and_image_set at contra
simp at contra
rcases contra with ⟨t, t_mem, contra⟩

let term_property (ts : Set (GroundTerm sig)) (t : GroundTerm sig) := ∃ j, ∀ k, j ≤ k -> ∀ t', t' ∈ ts -> ¬ (h.repeat_hom k) t' = t
let step_property (i : Nat) := (cb.branch.infinite_list i).is_none_or (fun node => ∃ t, t ∈ node.fact.val.terms ∧ term_property node.fact.val.terms t)

have contra_stronger : ∀ k, 1 ≤ k -> ∀ (s : GroundTerm sig), s ∈ cb.result.terms -> ¬ (h.repeat_hom k) s = t := by
intro k k_leq
induction k with
| zero => simp at k_leq
| succ k ih =>
cases k with
| zero => simp [GroundTermMapping.repeat_hom]; apply contra
| succ k =>
simp at ih
unfold GroundTermMapping.repeat_hom
intro s s_mem
specialize ih (h s)
rw [h.repeat_hom_swap]
apply ih
rcases s_mem with ⟨f, f_mem, s_mem⟩
exists h.applyFact f
. apply endo.right; exists f
. simp [GroundTermMapping.applyFact]; exists s

-- there exists a smallest chase step with such a term (not necessarily t)
have : ∃ i, step_property i ∧ ∀ (j : Fin i), ¬ step_property j.val := by
rcases t_mem with ⟨f, f_mem, t_mem⟩
rcases f_mem with ⟨step, f_mem⟩
apply prop_for_nat_has_minimal_such_nat step_property step
cases eq : cb.branch.infinite_list step with
| none => simp [eq, Option.is_some_and] at f_mem
| some node =>
simp [eq, Option.is_some_and] at f_mem
unfold step_property
rw [eq, Option.is_none_or]
exists t
. exists f
. exists 1
intro k k_leq s s_mem; apply contra_stronger
exact k_leq
rcases s_mem with ⟨f', f'_mem, s_mem⟩
exists f'
. have subs_result := chaseBranchSetIsSubsetOfResult cb step
rw [eq, Option.is_none_or] at subs_result
apply subs_result
exact f'_mem
. exact s_mem
rcases this with ⟨step, prop_step, smallest⟩

apply noAltMatch
exists (step-1)
apply Classical.byContradiction
intro contra
unfold Function.surjective_for_domain_and_image_set at contra
simp at contra
rcases contra with ⟨t, t_mem, contra⟩

have step_ne_0 : step ≠ 0 := by
intro contra
unfold step_property at prop_step
rw [contra] at prop_step
have db_first := cb.database_first
rw [db_first] at prop_step
simp [Option.is_none_or] at prop_step
rcases prop_step with ⟨t, t_mem, t_prop⟩
rcases t_mem with ⟨f, f_mem, t_mem⟩

cases t with
| inner sfs ftl =>
unfold Database.toFactSet at f_mem
simp [Set.element] at f_mem
unfold Fact.toFunctionFreeFact at f_mem
split at f_mem
. exact f_mem
case h_2 _ _ eq =>
split at eq
case isTrue all =>
rw [List.all_eq_false.mpr _] at all
. simp at all
. exists (FiniteTree.inner sfs ftl); constructor; exact t_mem; simp
. simp at eq
| leaf c =>
rcases t_prop with ⟨j, t_prop⟩
specialize t_prop j (by simp) (FiniteTree.leaf c)
apply t_prop
. exists f
. rw [(h.repeat_hom_id_on_const _ j) (FiniteTree.leaf c)]; exact endo.left
let term_property (ts : Set (GroundTerm sig)) (t : GroundTerm sig) := ∃ j, ∀ k, j ≤ k -> ∀ t', t' ∈ ts -> ¬ (h.repeat_hom k) t' = t
let step_property (i : Nat) := (cb.branch.infinite_list i).is_none_or (fun node => ∃ t, t ∈ node.fact.val.terms ∧ term_property node.fact.val.terms t)

have contra_stronger : ∀ k, 1 ≤ k -> ∀ (s : GroundTerm sig), s ∈ cb.result.terms -> ¬ (h.repeat_hom k) s = t := by
intro k k_leq
induction k with
| zero => simp at k_leq
| succ k ih =>
cases k with
| zero => simp [GroundTermMapping.repeat_hom]; apply contra
| succ k =>
simp at ih
unfold GroundTermMapping.repeat_hom
intro s s_mem
specialize ih (h s)
rw [h.repeat_hom_swap]
apply ih
rcases s_mem with ⟨f, f_mem, s_mem⟩
exists h.applyFact f
. apply endo.right; exists f
. simp [GroundTermMapping.applyFact]; exists s

-- there exists a smallest chase step with such a term (not necessarily t)
have : ∃ i, step_property i ∧ ∀ (j : Fin i), ¬ step_property j.val := by
rcases t_mem with ⟨f, f_mem, t_mem⟩
rcases f_mem with ⟨step, f_mem⟩
apply prop_for_nat_has_minimal_such_nat step_property step
cases eq : cb.branch.infinite_list step with
| none => exists id; simp [GroundTermMapping.is_alt_match_at_chase_step]; apply Or.inl; rw [Nat.sub_one_add_one step_ne_0]; exact eq
| none => simp [eq, Option.is_some_and] at f_mem
| some node =>
cases eq2 : cb.branch.infinite_list (step-1) with
| none =>
have no_holes := cb.branch.no_holes step
simp [eq] at no_holes
specialize no_holes ⟨step - 1, by apply Nat.sub_one_lt; exact step_ne_0⟩
apply False.elim
apply no_holes
exact eq2
| some prev_node =>
specialize smallest ⟨step-1, by apply Nat.sub_one_lt; exact step_ne_0⟩

unfold step_property at smallest
rw [eq2, Option.is_none_or] at smallest
unfold term_property at smallest
simp at smallest

have step_finite :=
rcases step_finite with ⟨l_facts, step_finite⟩
let l_terms := ( Fact.terms).flatten

have l_terms_eq : ∀ (s : GroundTerm sig), s ∈ prev_node.fact.val.terms ↔ s ∈ l_terms := by
intro s
. intro s_mem
rcases s_mem with ⟨f, f_mem, s_mem⟩
simp [l_terms]
exists f.terms
. exists f; constructor; rw [step_finite.right]; exact f_mem; rfl
. exact s_mem
. intro s_mem
simp [l_terms] at s_mem
rcases s_mem with ⟨terms, terms_eq, s_mem⟩
rcases terms_eq with ⟨f, f_mem, f_eq⟩
exists f
. rw [← step_finite.right]; exact f_mem
. rw [f_eq]; exact s_mem
simp [eq, Option.is_some_and] at f_mem
unfold step_property
rw [eq, Option.is_none_or]
exists t
. exists f
. exists 1
intro k k_leq s s_mem; apply contra_stronger
exact k_leq
rcases s_mem with ⟨f', f'_mem, s_mem⟩
exists f'
. have subs_result := chaseBranchSetIsSubsetOfResult cb step
rw [eq, Option.is_none_or] at subs_result
apply subs_result
exact f'_mem
. exact s_mem
rcases this with ⟨step, prop_step, smallest⟩

have : ∀ s, s ∈ prev_node.fact.val.terms -> ∃ l, 1 ≤ l ∧ (h.repeat_hom l) s = s := by
intro s s_mem
rw [l_terms_eq] at s_mem
apply h.repeat_each_reaches_self_of_each_reachable l_terms
. intro t t_mem
specialize smallest t (by rw [l_terms_eq]; exact t_mem) 1
rcases smallest with ⟨k, k_le, u, u_mem, u_eq⟩
rw [l_terms_eq] at u_mem
exists k
. exact k_le
. exists u
. exact s_mem
apply noAltMatch
exists (step-1)

-- swapped quantifiers in previous this
have : ∃ l, 1 ≤ l ∧ ∀ s, s ∈ prev_node.fact.val.terms -> (h.repeat_hom l) s = s := by
rcases h.repeat_globally_of_each_repeats l_terms (by intro s s_mem; rw [← l_terms_eq] at s_mem; apply this; exact s_mem) with ⟨l, l_le, aux⟩
exists l
have step_ne_0 : step ≠ 0 := by
intro contra
unfold step_property at prop_step
rw [contra] at prop_step
have db_first := cb.database_first
rw [db_first] at prop_step
simp [Option.is_none_or] at prop_step
rcases prop_step with ⟨t, t_mem, t_prop⟩
rcases t_mem with ⟨f, f_mem, t_mem⟩

cases t with
| inner sfs ftl =>
unfold Database.toFactSet at f_mem
simp [Set.element] at f_mem
unfold Fact.toFunctionFreeFact at f_mem
split at f_mem
. exact f_mem
case h_2 _ _ eq =>
split at eq
case isTrue all =>
rw [List.all_eq_false.mpr _] at all
. simp at all
. exists (FiniteTree.inner sfs ftl); constructor; exact t_mem; simp
. simp at eq
| leaf c =>
rcases t_prop with ⟨j, t_prop⟩
specialize t_prop j (by simp) (FiniteTree.leaf c)
apply t_prop
. exists f
. rw [(h.repeat_hom_id_on_const _ j) (FiniteTree.leaf c)]; exact endo.left

cases eq : cb.branch.infinite_list step with
| none => exists id; simp [GroundTermMapping.is_alt_match_at_chase_step_for]; apply Or.inl; rw [Nat.sub_one_add_one step_ne_0]; exact eq
| some node =>
cases eq2 : cb.branch.infinite_list (step-1) with
| none =>
have no_holes := cb.branch.no_holes step
simp [eq] at no_holes
specialize no_holes ⟨step - 1, by apply Nat.sub_one_lt; exact step_ne_0⟩
apply False.elim
apply no_holes
exact eq2
| some prev_node =>
specialize smallest ⟨step-1, by apply Nat.sub_one_lt; exact step_ne_0⟩

unfold step_property at smallest
rw [eq2, Option.is_none_or] at smallest
unfold term_property at smallest
simp at smallest

have step_finite :=
rcases step_finite with ⟨l_facts, step_finite⟩
let l_terms := ( Fact.terms).flatten

have l_terms_eq : ∀ (s : GroundTerm sig), s ∈ prev_node.fact.val.terms ↔ s ∈ l_terms := by
intro s
. intro s_mem
rcases s_mem with ⟨f, f_mem, s_mem⟩
simp [l_terms]
exists f.terms
. exact l_le
. intro s s_mem
rw [l_terms_eq] at s_mem
apply aux
exact s_mem

rcases this with ⟨l, l_le, hom_id⟩
unfold step_property at prop_step
rw [eq, Option.is_none_or] at prop_step
rcases prop_step with ⟨t, t_mem, i, prop_step⟩

exists (h.repeat_hom ((i+1) * l)) -- we just need some multiple of l >= i here
have endo' : (h.repeat_hom ((i+1) * l)).isHomomorphism cb.result cb.result := by
apply h.repeat_hom_isHomomorphism
exact endo
unfold GroundTermMapping.is_alt_match_at_chase_step
apply Or.inr
exists node
cases eq_origin : node.origin with
| none =>
have origin_is_some := cb.origin_is_some (step - 1)
rw [Nat.sub_one_add_one step_ne_0, eq, Option.is_none_or] at origin_is_some
rw [eq_origin] at origin_is_some
simp at origin_is_some
| some origin =>
exists origin
rw [Nat.sub_one_add_one step_ne_0, eq]
. exists f; constructor; rw [step_finite.right]; exact f_mem; rfl
. exact s_mem
. intro s_mem
simp [l_terms] at s_mem
rcases s_mem with ⟨terms, terms_eq, s_mem⟩
rcases terms_eq with ⟨f, f_mem, f_eq⟩
exists f
. constructor
. exact endo'.left
. have origin_res_in_fact := node.fact_contains_origin_result
rw [eq_origin, Option.is_none_or] at origin_res_in_fact
apply Set.subsetTransitive _ ((h.repeat_hom ((i + 1) * l)).applyFactSet node.fact.val) _
. exact ((h.repeat_hom ((i + 1) * l)).applyFactSet_subset_of_subset _ _ origin_res_in_fact)
. apply Set.subsetTransitive _ ((h.repeat_hom ((i + 1) * l)).applyFactSet cb.result) _
. apply GroundTermMapping.applyFactSet_subset_of_subset
have subs_res := chaseBranchSetIsSubsetOfResult cb step
rw [eq, Option.is_none_or] at subs_res
exact subs_res
. apply endo'.right
. rw [← step_finite.right]; exact f_mem
. rw [f_eq]; exact s_mem

have : ∀ s, s ∈ prev_node.fact.val.terms -> ∃ l, 1 ≤ l ∧ (h.repeat_hom l) s = s := by
intro s s_mem
rw [l_terms_eq] at s_mem
apply h.repeat_each_reaches_self_of_each_reachable l_terms
. intro t t_mem
specialize smallest t (by rw [l_terms_eq]; exact t_mem) 1
rcases smallest with ⟨k, k_le, u, u_mem, u_eq⟩
rw [l_terms_eq] at u_mem
exists k
. intro t t_mem
simp at t_mem
rw [Nat.mul_comm]
apply h.repeat_hom_cycle_mul
apply hom_id
have orig_trg_active := cb.origin_trg_is_active (step-1) node prev_node (by rw [Nat.sub_one_add_one step_ne_0]; exact eq) eq2
have loaded := orig_trg_active.left
unfold PreTrigger.loaded at loaded
unfold PreTrigger.mapped_body at loaded
rcases t_mem with ⟨v, v_mem, v_eq⟩
rcases origin.fst.val.rule.frontier_var_occurs_in_fact_in_body _ v_mem with ⟨a, a_mem, v_mem⟩
exists origin.fst.val.subs.apply_function_free_atom a
. exact k_le
. exists u
. exact s_mem

-- swapped quantifiers in previous this
have : ∃ l, 1 ≤ l ∧ ∀ s, s ∈ prev_node.fact.val.terms -> (h.repeat_hom l) s = s := by
rcases h.repeat_globally_of_each_repeats l_terms (by intro s s_mem; rw [← l_terms_eq] at s_mem; apply this; exact s_mem) with ⟨l, l_le, aux⟩
exists l
. exact l_le
. intro s s_mem
rw [l_terms_eq] at s_mem
apply aux
exact s_mem

rcases this with ⟨l, l_le, hom_id⟩
unfold step_property at prop_step
rw [eq, Option.is_none_or] at prop_step
rcases prop_step with ⟨t, t_mem, i, prop_step⟩

exists (h.repeat_hom ((i+1) * l)) -- we just need some multiple of l >= i here
have endo' : (h.repeat_hom ((i+1) * l)).isHomomorphism cb.result cb.result := by
apply h.repeat_hom_isHomomorphism
exact endo
unfold GroundTermMapping.is_alt_match_at_chase_step_for
apply Or.inr
exists node
cases eq_origin : node.origin with
| none =>
have origin_is_some := cb.origin_is_some (step - 1)
rw [Nat.sub_one_add_one step_ne_0, eq, Option.is_none_or] at origin_is_some
rw [eq_origin] at origin_is_some
simp at origin_is_some
| some origin =>
exists origin
rw [Nat.sub_one_add_one step_ne_0, eq]
. constructor
. exact endo'.left
. have origin_res_in_fact := node.fact_contains_origin_result
rw [eq_origin, Option.is_none_or] at origin_res_in_fact
apply Set.subsetTransitive _ ((h.repeat_hom ((i + 1) * l)).applyFactSet node.fact.val) _
. apply loaded
rw [← List.inIffInToSet]
simp only [SubsTarget.apply]
unfold GroundSubstitution.apply_function_free_conj
exists a
. exact ((h.repeat_hom ((i + 1) * l)).applyFactSet_subset_of_subset _ _ origin_res_in_fact)
. apply Set.subsetTransitive _ ((h.repeat_hom ((i + 1) * l)).applyFactSet cb.result) _
. simp [eq_origin]; exact a_mem
. simp [eq_origin]
. simp [GroundSubstitution.apply_function_free_atom]
exists VarOrConst.var v
. exists t
have node_fact_is_prev_fact_union_origin_res := cb.origin_trg_result_yields_next_node_fact (step-1) node prev_node (by rw [Nat.sub_one_add_one step_ne_0]; exact eq) eq2 origin eq_origin
. apply GroundTermMapping.applyFactSet_subset_of_subset
have subs_res := chaseBranchSetIsSubsetOfResult cb step
rw [eq, Option.is_none_or] at subs_res
exact subs_res
. apply endo'.right
. intro t t_mem
simp at t_mem
rw [Nat.mul_comm]
apply h.repeat_hom_cycle_mul
apply hom_id
have orig_trg_active := cb.origin_trg_is_active (step-1) node prev_node (by rw [Nat.sub_one_add_one step_ne_0]; exact eq) eq2
have loaded := orig_trg_active.left
unfold PreTrigger.loaded at loaded
unfold PreTrigger.mapped_body at loaded
rcases t_mem with ⟨v, v_mem, v_eq⟩
rcases origin.fst.val.rule.frontier_var_occurs_in_fact_in_body _ v_mem with ⟨a, a_mem, v_mem⟩
exists origin.fst.val.subs.apply_function_free_atom a
. apply loaded
rw [← List.inIffInToSet]
simp only [SubsTarget.apply]
unfold GroundSubstitution.apply_function_free_conj
exists a
. have t_not_mem_prev : ¬ t ∈ prev_node.fact.val.terms := by
intro t_mem
rcases t_mem with ⟨f, f_mem, t_mem⟩
apply prop_step ((i + 1) * l) _ t
. exists f; constructor; rw [node_fact_is_prev_fact_union_origin_res]; apply Or.inl; exact f_mem; exact t_mem
. rw [Nat.mul_comm]; apply h.repeat_hom_cycle_mul; apply hom_id; exists f
. apply Nat.le_trans; apply Nat.le_succ; apply Nat.le_mul_of_pos_right; apply Nat.lt_of_succ_le; exact l_le
rw [node_fact_is_prev_fact_union_origin_res] at t_mem
rcases t_mem with ⟨f, f_mem, t_mem⟩
cases f_mem with
| inl f_mem => apply False.elim; apply t_not_mem_prev; exists f
| inr f_mem => exists f
. intro t_mem
. simp [eq_origin]; exact a_mem
. simp [eq_origin]
. simp [GroundSubstitution.apply_function_free_atom]
exists VarOrConst.var v
. exists t
have node_fact_is_prev_fact_union_origin_res := cb.origin_trg_result_yields_next_node_fact (step-1) node prev_node (by rw [Nat.sub_one_add_one step_ne_0]; exact eq) eq2 origin eq_origin
. have t_not_mem_prev : ¬ t ∈ prev_node.fact.val.terms := by
intro t_mem
rcases t_mem with ⟨f, f_mem, t_mem⟩
rcases f_mem with ⟨f', f'_mem, f_eq⟩
rw [← f_eq] at t_mem
simp [GroundTermMapping.applyFact] at t_mem
rcases t_mem with ⟨t', t'_mem, t_eq⟩
apply prop_step ((i + 1) * l) _ t'
. exists f'; constructor; rw [node_fact_is_prev_fact_union_origin_res]; apply Or.inr; exact f'_mem; exact t'_mem
. exact t_eq
apply prop_step ((i + 1) * l) _ t
. exists f; constructor; rw [node_fact_is_prev_fact_union_origin_res]; apply Or.inl; exact f_mem; exact t_mem
. rw [Nat.mul_comm]; apply h.repeat_hom_cycle_mul; apply hom_id; exists f
. apply Nat.le_trans; apply Nat.le_succ; apply Nat.le_mul_of_pos_right; apply Nat.lt_of_succ_le; exact l_le
rw [node_fact_is_prev_fact_union_origin_res] at t_mem
rcases t_mem with ⟨f, f_mem, t_mem⟩
cases f_mem with
| inl f_mem => apply False.elim; apply t_not_mem_prev; exists f
| inr f_mem => exists f
. intro t_mem
rcases t_mem with ⟨f, f_mem, t_mem⟩
rcases f_mem with ⟨f', f'_mem, f_eq⟩
rw [← f_eq] at t_mem
simp [GroundTermMapping.applyFact] at t_mem
rcases t_mem with ⟨t', t'_mem, t_eq⟩
apply prop_step ((i + 1) * l) _ t'
. exists f'; constructor; rw [node_fact_is_prev_fact_union_origin_res]; apply Or.inr; exact f'_mem; exact t'_mem
. exact t_eq
. apply Nat.le_trans; apply Nat.le_succ; apply Nat.le_mul_of_pos_right; apply Nat.lt_of_succ_le; exact l_le

theorem result_isStrongCore_of_noAltMatch (cb : ChaseBranch obs kb) (det : kb.isDeterministic) : ¬ cb.has_alt_match -> cb.result.isStrongCore := by
unfold FactSet.isStrongCore
intro noAltMatch h endo
have ⟨strong, inj⟩ := cb.result_isWeakCore_of_noAltMatch det noAltMatch h endo
. exact strong
. exact inj
. apply every_endo_surjective_of_noAltMatch
. exact noAltMatch
. exact endo

theorem core_superset_of_chase_result (cb : ChaseBranch obs kb) (fs : FactSet sig) (fs_super : cb.result ⊆ fs) (noAltMatch : ¬ cb.has_alt_match_for fs) : ∀ (sub_fs : FactSet sig), sub_fs ⊆ fs -> (∃ (h : GroundTermMapping sig), h.isHomomorphism fs sub_fs) -> cb.result ⊆ sub_fs := by
intro sub_fs sub_fs_sub ex_hom

end ChaseBranch

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