From d85eaf5fea35e5aa2f776ec0ff36aab3bc51abfe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: monsterkrampe Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 17:02:30 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] WIP: show that mfa result subsumes every chase branch --- .../ChaseSequence/Termination/MfaLike.lean | 93 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 93 insertions(+) diff --git a/ProofLibrary/ChaseSequence/Termination/MfaLike.lean b/ProofLibrary/ChaseSequence/Termination/MfaLike.lean index f510772..96cd6bb 100644 --- a/ProofLibrary/ChaseSequence/Termination/MfaLike.lean +++ b/ProofLibrary/ChaseSequence/Termination/MfaLike.lean @@ -1,7 +1,31 @@ import ProofLibrary.ChaseSequence.Termination.Basic +section Defs + + variable (sig : Signature) [DecidableEq sig.P] [DecidableEq sig.C] [DecidableEq sig.V] + + -- This is essentially the same as a GroundSubstitution only that it maps constants instead of variables + abbrev ConstantMapping := sig.C -> GroundTerm sig + +end Defs + + variable {sig : Signature} [DecidableEq sig.P] [DecidableEq sig.C] [DecidableEq sig.V] +namespace ConstantMapping + + def apply_ground_term (g : ConstantMapping sig) (t : GroundTerm sig) : GroundTerm sig := t.mapLeaves g + + def apply_fact (g : ConstantMapping sig) (f : Fact sig) : Fact sig := { + predicate := f.predicate + terms := g.apply_ground_term + arity_ok := by rw [List.length_map]; exact f.arity_ok + } + + def apply_fact_set (g : ConstantMapping sig) (fs : FactSet sig) : FactSet sig := fun f => ∃ f', f' ∈ fs ∧ f = g.apply_fact f' + +end ConstantMapping + namespace KnowledgeBase def parallelSkolemChase (kb : KnowledgeBase sig) (det : kb.rules.isDeterministic) : InfiniteList (FactSet sig) @@ -351,5 +375,74 @@ namespace RuleSet } kb.skolemChaseResult det + theorem mfaSet_contains_every_chase_step_for_every_kb_expect_for_facts_with_predicates_not_from_rs (rs : RuleSet sig) (finite : rs.rules.finite) (det : rs.isDeterministic) (special_const : sig.C) : ∀ {db : Database sig} (cb : ChaseBranch (SkolemObsoleteness sig) { rules := rs, db := db }) (n : Nat), (cb.branch.infinite_list n).is_none_or (fun node => ∀ f, f.predicate ∈ rs.predicates -> f ∈ (ConstantMapping.apply_fact_set (fun _ => GroundTerm.const special_const) node.fact.val) -> f ∈ (rs.mfaSet finite det special_const)) := by + intro db cb n + induction n with + | zero => + rw [cb.database_first, Option.is_none_or] + simp only + intro f f_predicate f_mem + exists 0 + unfold KnowledgeBase.parallelSkolemChase + unfold criticalInstance + simp only + unfold ConstantMapping.apply_fact_set at f_mem + rcases f_mem with ⟨f', f'_mem, f_eq⟩ + simp only [Database.toFactSet, Set.element] at f'_mem + cases eq' : f'.toFunctionFreeFact with + | none => rw [eq'] at f'_mem; simp at f'_mem + | some fff' => + unfold ConstantMapping.apply_fact at f_eq + simp only [Database.toFactSet, Set.element] + cases eq : f.toFunctionFreeFact with + | none => + rw [f_eq] at eq + simp [Fact.toFunctionFreeFact] at eq + simp [Fact.toFunctionFreeFact] at eq' + rcases eq' with ⟨h, eq'⟩ + rcases eq with ⟨t, t_mem, apply_t_func⟩ + unfold ConstantMapping.apply_ground_term at apply_t_func + unfold FiniteTree.mapLeaves at apply_t_func + cases eq_t : t with + | leaf _ => simp [eq_t] at apply_t_func + | inner _ _ => specialize h t t_mem; simp [eq_t] at h + | some fff => + simp only + unfold Fact.toFunctionFreeFact at eq + split at eq + . injection eq with eq + constructor + . rw [← eq]; exact f_predicate + . intro c c_mem + rw [← eq] at c_mem + simp only [List.mem_map] at c_mem + rcases c_mem with ⟨t, _, c_eq⟩ + have t_mem := + simp only [f_eq] at t_mem + split at c_eq + case h_1 d _ _ t_eq _ => + rw [t_eq] at t_mem + simp at t_mem + sorry + case h_2 _ _ _ _ t_eq _ => sorry + + rcases t_mem with ⟨s, _, t_eq⟩ + cases eq_s : s with + | leaf d => + simp [eq_s, ConstantMapping.apply_ground_term, FiniteTree.mapLeaves] at t_eq + simp only at c_eq + split at c_eq + . injection t_eq with t_eq + rw [t_eq, c_eq] + . simp at c_eq; sorry + | inner _ _ => sorry + . simp at eq + + | succ n ih => + cases cb.branch.infinite_list (n+1) with + | none => simp [Option.is_none_or] + | some node => + sorry + end RuleSet