From 19fb87417a8c421c9a56f1c847af6fa4ec86d6bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: monsterkrampe Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 17:23:03 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Show: mfa result subsumes chase (ind. step) (WIP) --- .../ChaseSequence/Termination/MfaLike.lean | 71 ++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ProofLibrary/ChaseSequence/Termination/MfaLike.lean b/ProofLibrary/ChaseSequence/Termination/MfaLike.lean index 5be6410..d2ebc6c 100644 --- a/ProofLibrary/ChaseSequence/Termination/MfaLike.lean +++ b/ProofLibrary/ChaseSequence/Termination/MfaLike.lean @@ -423,10 +423,77 @@ namespace RuleSet simp [GroundTerm.toConst] . rw [Fact.toFact_after_toFunctionFreeFact_is_id] | succ n ih => - cases cb.branch.infinite_list (n+1) with + cases eq_node : cb.branch.infinite_list (n+1) with | none => simp [Option.is_none_or] | some node => - sorry + rw [Option.is_none_or] + cases eq_prev_node : cb.branch.infinite_list n with + | none => have no_holes := cb.branch.no_holes (n+1); simp [eq_node] at no_holes; specialize no_holes ⟨n, by simp⟩; contradiction + | some prev_node => + rw [eq_prev_node, Option.is_none_or] at ih + + have trg_ex := cb.triggers_exist n + rw [eq_prev_node, Option.is_none_or] at trg_ex + cases trg_ex with + | inr trg_ex => unfold not_exists_trigger_opt_fs at trg_ex; rw [eq_node] at trg_ex; simp at trg_ex + | inl trg_ex => + unfold exists_trigger_opt_fs at trg_ex + rcases trg_ex with ⟨trg, trg_active, disj_index, trg_result_eq⟩ + rw [eq_node] at trg_result_eq + injection trg_result_eq with trg_result_eq + + have disj_index_zero : disj_index.val = 0 := by + have isLt := disj_index.isLt + unfold PreTrigger.result at isLt + simp only [List.length_map] at isLt + rw [← PreTrigger.head_length_eq_mapped_head_length] at isLt + rw [det _, Nat.lt_one_iff] at isLt + exact isLt + + intro f f_predicate f_mem + rcases f_mem with ⟨f', f'_mem, f_eq⟩ + simp only [← trg_result_eq] at f'_mem + cases f'_mem with + | inl f'_mem => + apply ih + . exact f_predicate + . exists f' + | inr f'_mem => + unfold RuleSet.mfaSet + unfold KnowledgeBase.skolemChaseResult + + have : ∃ n, (ConstantMapping.apply_fact_set (fun _ => GroundTerm.const special_const) prev_node.fact.val) ⊆ { rules := rs, db := rs.criticalInstance finite special_const : KnowledgeBase sig }.parallelSkolemChase det n := by + sorry + + rcases this with ⟨n, prev_node_subs_parallel_chase⟩ + exists (n+1) + unfold KnowledgeBase.parallelSkolemChase + apply Or.inr + exists ⟨⟨trg.val.rule, (ConstantMapping.apply_ground_term (fun _ => GroundTerm.const special_const)) ∘ trg.val.subs⟩, by exact⟩ + constructor + . sorry + . unfold PreTrigger.result at f'_mem + simp only [List.get_eq_getElem, disj_index_zero] at f'_mem + rw [List.getElem_map, ← List.inIffInToSet] at f'_mem + unfold PreTrigger.mapped_head at f'_mem + simp at f'_mem + rcases f'_mem with ⟨a, a_mem, f'_eq⟩ + + unfold PreTrigger.result + rw [List.getElem_map, ← List.inIffInToSet] + unfold PreTrigger.mapped_head + simp + exists a + constructor + . exact a_mem + . rw [f_eq, ← f'_eq] + unfold PreTrigger.apply_to_function_free_atom + unfold ConstantMapping.apply_fact + unfold PreTrigger.apply_to_var_or_const + unfold PreTrigger.apply_to_skolemized_term + unfold PreTrigger.skolemize_var_or_const + simp? + sorry end RuleSet