A simple financing app that allows you to:
- find the percent change based on two values
- convert from the USD to the EUR, JPY, and GBP
- calculate the monthly payments on a mortgage
These are the variables that allow the app to save user inputs to be used in the later calculations along with default values for currencies.
//Return Calculator
@State var before = ""
@State var after = ""
//Dollar Conversion
@State var usd = ""
@State var convert = 0
let conversionRate = [0.83, 109.13, 0.72]
let currencyName = ["EUR", "JPY", "GBP"]
//Mortgage Payment
@State var principal = ""
@State var rate = ""
@State var time = ""
The following is how we calculate the percentage change between the two values using (new - old) / old.
var calculateReturn: Double {
if before == "" || after == "" {
return 0
let old = Double(before) ?? 0
let new = Double(after) ?? 0
return (new - old) / old * 100
The code below is responsible for taking in our currency variables, and using a Picker, generate the appropriate currency conversion.
TextField("USD", text: $usd)
Picker("Conversion", selection: $convert) {
ForEach (0 ..< conversionRate.count) {
Text("\((Double(usd) ?? 0) * conversionRate[convert], specifier: "%.2f") \(currencyName[convert])")
And the final part, calculating the mortgage monthly payments using (principal * (rate / 12) * (1 + rate / 12)^(time * 12)) / ((1 + rate / 12)^(time * 12) - 1)
var MortgagePmt: Double {
if principal == "" || time == "" || rate == "" {
return 0
let p = Double(principal) ?? 0
let t = Double(time) ?? 0
let r = Double(rate) ?? 0
return ((p * r / 100 / 12) * pow(1 + r / 100 / 12, t * 12))
/ (pow(1 + r / 100 / 12, t * 12) - 1)