Highlight collocations, chunks, idioms, phrasal verbs and semi-fixed lexical phrases in texts. Perfect for building collocation awareness in ESL students. Analyze your text here
- highlights and lists chunks in a given text
- very fast lookups using a slightly modified version of Steve Hanov's succinct bit string trie implementation
- fully client-side and portable - works offline, too!
- zero framework rubbish - pure vanilla javascript with zero overhead - tiny code with zero external dependencies
- responsive mobile-first layout
Read up on the usefulness of teaching chunks / collocations in EFL classrooms here:
- Why has the lexical approach been so long in coming?
- Seth Lindstromberg: Teaching Chunks of Language
- Lexical Approach
- Optimizing a Lexical Approach to Instructed Second Language Acquisition
Read more about performance-first string lookups in javascript using tries here:
- Succinct Data Structures: Cramming 80,000 words into a Javascript file
- John Resig's Revised JavaScript Dictionary Search
- Create optimized wordlist data structures for mobile webapps
MIT License
Copyright 2016-7 Wiktor Jakubczyc