Python code for bbc micro:bit box used as a timer for Kieser-Training (TM) exercises
A Kieser-Training exercise has 10 passes of each 4 secs down + 2 secs pause + 4 secs up + 2 secs pause = 12 secs
On the 5X5 display the progress is shown:
first 2 columns show the remaining number of passes of an exercise
The right part shows a moving arm
The middle LED blinks when you should start the exercise (countdown has finished)
xx x
xx x
Button A : (re)starts the timer with a countdown delay of 3 seconds (stops after 120 seconds or if button B is pressed)
Button B : stops the timer and displays the elapsed seconds of training
Hardware needed:
- bbc micro:bit
- MI-Power-Board
- Mi Protector Case