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-# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
-# You can set these variables from the command line, and also
-# from the environment for the first two.
-SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build
-BUILDDIR = _build
-# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
-.PHONY: help Makefile
-# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
-# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
-%: Makefile
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-Ruby MongoDB Driver Documentation
-This subdirectory contains the high-level driver documentation, including
-tutorials and the reference.
-Building the documentation for publishing is done via the
-[docs-ruby repo](https://github.com/mongodb/docs-ruby).
-To build the documentation locally for review, install `sphinx` and
-`sphinx-book-theme`, then execute `make html` in this directory:
- pip install sphinx sphinx-book-theme
- make html
-Note that the documentation generated in this manner wouldn't have the
-BSON documentation included, nor are intersphinx links currently handled.
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-# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
-# This file only contains a selection of the most common options. For a full
-# list see the documentation:
-# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html
-# -- Path setup --------------------------------------------------------------
-# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
-# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
-# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
-# import os
-# import sys
-# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
-# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
-project = 'Ruby MongoDB Driver'
-copyright = '2021, MongoDB'
-# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
-# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
-# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
-# ones.
-extensions = [
-# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
-templates_path = ['_templates']
-# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
-# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
-# This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path.
-exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
-# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
-# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
-# a list of builtin themes.
-html_theme = 'alabaster'
-# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
-# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
-# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
-html_static_path = ['_static']
-source_suffix = {
- '.txt': 'restructuredtext',
-html_theme = 'sphinx_book_theme'
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-Contribute to the Driver
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-Report Bugs and Request Ruby Driver-Specific Features
-To report a bug in the driver or request a feature specific to the Ruby driver:
-1. Visit `our issue tracker `_ and login
- (or create an account if you do not have one already).
-2. Navigate to the `RUBY project `_.
-3. Click :guilabel:`Create Issue` and fill out all of the applicable form
- fields.
-When creating an issue, please keep in mind that all information in JIRA
-for the RUBY project, as well as the core server (the SERVER project),
-is publicly visible.
-- Provide as much information as possible about the issue.
-- Provide detailed steps for reproducing the issue.
-- Provide any applicable code snippets, stack traces and log data.
- Do not include any sensitive data or server logs.
-- Specify version numbers of the driver and MongoDB server.
-- Provide any sensitive data or server logs.
-- Report potential security issues publicly (see 'Security Issues' below).
-.. note::
- Bug reports in JIRA for the Ruby driver and the core server (the **SERVER**)
- projects are public.
-If you identified a potential security vulnerability in the Ruby driver or
-any other MongoDB product, please report it according to the instructions found
-in the :manual:`Create a Vulnerability Report
-Request Product Features
-To request a feature which is not specific to the Ruby driver, or which
-affects more than the driver alone (for example, a feature which requires
-MongoDB server support), please submit your idea through the
-`MongoDB Feedback Forum `_.
-Contribute Code
-The MongoDB Ruby driver source is located
-`at GitHub `_.
-The list of known issues in the driver is available
-`in JIRA `_.
-We recommend creating a JIRA ticket before starting work on a bug fix or
-an improvement to the driver, to obtain feedback from the Ruby driver team
-as to the proposed changes. A JIRA ticket is not required to submit
-a pull request but it is appreciated, especially for non-trivial changes.
-Pull requests should be made against the ``master`` branch and
-include relevant tests, if applicable. The Ruby driver team will backport
-the changes to the stable branches, if needed.
-A MongoDB deployment is required to run the tests. Setup procedures and
-recommendations for various deployments, as well as how to configure the
-driver's test suite for the deployments, are covered in the `spec
-readme `__.
-The driver is tested on `Evergreen `_,
-MongoDB's in-house continuous integration platform. After a pull request
-is created, one of the Ruby driver team engineers will schedule an Evergreen
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-.. _getting-started:
-Getting Started
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-This section describes how to install the driver, installation prerequisites
-and compatibility considerations.
-.. toctree::
- :titlesonly:
- installation
- reference/driver-compatibility
- support
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-.. |checkmark| unicode:: U+2713
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-.. |nbsp| unicode:: 0xA0
- :trim:
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-.. http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Ruby+Language+Center
-.. _ruby-language-center:
-Ruby MongoDB Driver
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-Welcome to the documentation site for the official MongoDB Ruby driver.
-You can add the driver to your application to work with MongoDB in
-Get Started
-To get started with the Ruby driver, see :doc:`/installation` and
-:doc:`/tutorials/quick-start`. Continue to :doc:`/tutorials`
-for high level documentation for common operations.
-The Ruby BSON implementation is packaged in a separate gem with C and
-Java extensions for speed depending on the runtime environment.
-For reference on the Ruby BSON gem, see the :doc:`/tutorials/bson`.
-Object Mappers
-Because MongoDB is so easy to use, the basic Ruby driver can be the
-best solution for many applications. But if you need validations,
-associations, and other high-level data modeling functions, then you
-may need Object Document Mapper.
-In the context of a Rails application, an Object Document Mapper
-provides functionality equivalent to, but distinct from, ActiveRecord.
-Because MongoDB is a document-based database, these mappers are called
-Object Document Mappers (ODM) as opposed to Object Relational Mappers
-The ODM officially supported by MongoDB is Mongoid, originally written
-by Durran Jordan.
-For tutorials on Mongoid, see the `Mongoid Manual `_.
-.. COMMENT For the actual build, see mongodb/docs-ruby repo which pulls the documentation source from:
-.. mongo-ruby-driver,
-.. bson-ruby, and
-.. mongoid repos.
-.. class:: hidden
- .. toctree::
- :titlesonly:
- getting-started
- tutorials
- reference/connection-and-configuration
- reference/working-with-data
- reference/schema-operations
- release-notes
- reference/additional-resources
- contribute
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-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-The Ruby driver is released as a gem hosted on `Rubygems
-Please see the :ref:`compatibility ` page for the list of
-Ruby versions and MongoDB server versions that this release of the Ruby
-driver is compatible with.
-The driver itself is written entirely in Ruby, however it depends on the
-`bson library `_ which includes a C extension
-for MRI and a compiled Java extension for JRuby. A working C compiler and Ruby
-development headers and libraries are required when installing on MRI.
-When installing on JRuby, JRE is sufficient because the ``bson`` gem includes
-the compiled extension.
-Connecting to TLS-enabled MongoDB servers, using SCRAM authentication
-(both SCRAM-SHA-1 and SCRAM-SHA-256) and using X.509 authentication (which
-is performed over a TLS connection) requires the Ruby ``openssl`` extension
-to be present and working. The :ref:`TLS compatibility `
-section provides further details on usage of newer TLS protocols like TLS 1.1.
-.. _installation:
-Install the Gem
-Add ``mongo`` to your ``Gemfile``:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- gem "mongo", "~> 2"
-To install the driver manually:
-.. code-block:: sh
- gem install mongo -v '~> 2'
-What's New
-Please see the :ref:`release notes ` for the major changes
-in each driver release and the `releases page on GitHub
-`_ for the complete
-list of changes for each release of the driver.
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-File not found
-The URL you requested does not exist or has been removed.
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-This file is not part of Ruby driver documentation proper, it is an internal
-reference for the nesting levels that other files should be using.
-Ruby driver documentation nesting levels:
-Page Title
-First Level Heading
-Second Level Heading
-Third Level Heading
diff --git a/docs/reference/additional-resources.txt b/docs/reference/additional-resources.txt
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-.. _ruby-external-resources:
-Additional Resources
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: twocols
-There are a number of good resources appearing all over the web for
-learning about MongoDB and Ruby. A useful selection is listed below. If
-you know of others, do let us know.
-- `Introduction to MongoDB - Part I
- `_
- An introduction to MongoDB via the MongoDB shell.
-- `Introduction to MongoDB - Part II
- `_
- In this screencast, Joon You teaches how to use the Ruby driver to
- build a simple Sinatra app.
-- `Introduction to MongoDB - Part III
- `_
- For the final screencast in the series, Joon You introduces
- MongoMapper and Rails.
-- `RailsCasts: MongoDB & MongoMapper
- `_
- Ryan Bates' RailsCast introducing MongoDB and MongoMapper.
-- `RailsCasts: Mongoid `_
- Ryan Bates' RailsCast introducing Mongoid.
-- `Introduction to MongoDB (Video) `_
- Mike Dirolf's introduction to MongoDB at Pivotal Labs, SF.
-- `MongoDB: A Ruby Document Store that doesn't rhyme with 'Ouch'
- (Slides)
- `_
- Wynn Netherland's introduction to MongoDB with some comparisons to
- CouchDB.
-- `MongoDB (is) for Rubyists (Slides)
- `_
- Kyle Banker's presentation on why MongoDB is for Rubyists (and all
- human-oriented programmers).
-- `Why I Think Mongo is to Databases What Rails was to Frameworks
- `_
-- `What if a key-value store mated with a relational database system?
- `_
-- `Mongo Tips `_
- John Nunemaker's articles on MongoDB and his Mongo Tips blog.
-- A series of articles on aggregation with MongoDB and Ruby:
- 1. `Part I: Introduction of Aggregation in MongoDB
- `_
- #. `Part II: MongoDB Grouping Elaborated
- `_
- #. `Part III: Introduction to Map-Reduce in MongoDB
- `_
-- `Does the MongoDB Driver Support Feature X?
- `_
- An explanation of how the MongoDB drivers usually automatically
- support new database features.
-- `Capistrano Mongo Sync `_
- Sync your local development db with your remote production db using capistrano.
-- `Simple Pub/Sub `_
- A very simple pub/sub system.
-- `Mongo Queue `_
- An extensible thread safe job/message queueing system that uses
- MongoDB as the persistent storage engine.
-- `Resque-mongo `_
- A port of the Github's Resque to MongoDB.
-- `Mongo Admin `_
- A Rails plugin for browsing and managing MongoDB data. See the `live
- demo `_.
-- `Sinatra Resource `_
- Resource Oriented Architecture (REST) for Sinatra and MongoMapper.
-- `NewsMonger `_
- A simple social news application demonstrating MongoMapper and Rails.
-- `Data Catalog API `_
- From `Sunlight Labs `_, a non-trivial
- application using MongoMapper and Sinatra.
-- `Watchtower `_
- An example application using Mustache, MongoDB, and Sinatra.
-- `Shapado `_
- A question and answer site similar to Stack Overflow. Live version at
- `shapado.com `_.
-.. Does not seem to exist
-.. - `Shorty `_
-.. A URL-shortener written with Sinatra and the MongoDB Ruby driver.
-- `ActiveExpando `_
- An extension to ActiveRecord to allow the storage of arbitrary
- attributes in MongoDB.
-- `ActsAsTree (MongoMapper)
- `_
- ActsAsTree implementation for MongoMapper.
-- `Machinist adapter (MongoMapper)
- `_
- Machinist adapter using MongoMapper.
-- `Mongo-Delegate `_
- A delegation library for experimenting with production data without
- altering it. A quite useful pattern.
-- `Remarkable Matchers (MongoMapper)
- `_
- Testing / Matchers library using MongoMapper.
-- `OpenIdAuthentication, supporting MongoDB as the datastore
- `_
- Brandon Keepers' fork of OpenIdAuthentication supporting MongoDB.
-- `MongoTree (MongoRecord)
- `_
- MongoTree adds parent / child relationships to MongoRecord.
-- `Merb_MongoMapper
- `_
- A plugin for the Merb framework for supporting MongoMapper models.
-- `Mongolytics (MongoMapper)
- `_
- A web analytics tool.
-- `Rack-GridFS `_
- A Rack middleware component that creates HTTP endpoints for files
- stored in GridFS.
diff --git a/docs/reference/aggregation.txt b/docs/reference/aggregation.txt
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-.. _aggregation:
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 2
- :class: singlecol
-:manual:`Aggregation framework`
-operations process data records and return
-computed results. Aggregation operations group values from
-multiple documents together, and can perform a variety of
-operations on the grouped data to return a single result.
-The Aggregation Pipeline
-The aggregation pipeline is a framework for data aggregation
-modeled on the concept of data processing pipelines. Documents
-enter a multi-stage pipeline that transforms the documents into
-aggregated results.
-For a full explanation and a complete list of pipeline stages
-and operators, see the
-The following example uses the aggregation pipeline on the
-``restaurants`` sample dataset to find
-a list of the total number of 5-star restaurants, grouped by restaurant
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test')
- coll = client['restaurants']
- aggregation = coll.aggregate([
- { '$match'=> { 'stars'=> 5 } },
- { '$unwind'=> '$categories'},
- { '$group'=> { '_id'=> '$categories', 'fiveStars'=> { '$sum'=> 1 } } }
- ])
- aggregation.each do |doc|
- #=> Yields a BSON::Document.
- end
-Inside the ``aggregate`` method, the first pipeline stage filters out
-all documents except those with ``5`` in the ``stars`` field. The
-second stage unwinds the ``categories`` field, which is an array, and
-treats each item in the array as a separate document. The third stage
-groups the documents by category and adds up the number of matching
-5-star results.
-Aggregation pipeline stages have a
-:manual:`maximum memory use limit`.
-To handle large datasets, set the ``allowDiskUse`` option to true to enable
-writing data to temporary files.
-- You can call the ``allow_disk_use`` method the ``aggregation``
- object to get a new object with the option set:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- aggregation = coll.aggregate([ ])
- aggregation_with_disk_use = aggregation.allow_disk_use(true)
-- Or you can pass an option to the ``aggregate`` method:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- aggregation = coll.aggregate([ ],
- :allow_disk_use => true)
-Single Purpose Aggregation Operations
-MongoDB provides helper methods for some aggregation functions,
-including :manual:`count`
-and :manual:`distinct`.
-The following example demonstrates how to use the ``count`` method to
-find the total number of documents which have the exact array
-``[ 'Chinese', 'Seafood' ]`` in the ``categories`` field.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test')
- coll = client['restaurants']
- aggregation = coll.count({ 'categories': [ 'Chinese', 'Seafood' ] })
- count = coll.count({ 'categories' => [ 'Chinese', 'Seafood' ] })
-The ``distinct`` helper method eliminates results which contain
-values and returns one record for each unique value.
-The following example returns a list of unique values for the
-``categories`` field in the ``restaurants`` collection:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test')
- coll = client['restaurants']
- aggregation = coll.distinct('categories')
- aggregation.each do |doc|
- #=> Yields a BSON::Document.
- end
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-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 2
- :class: singlecol
-MongoDB supports a variety of
-:manual:`authentication mechanisms `.
-For more information about configuring your MongoDB server for each of
-these authentication mechanisms see MongoDB's
-:manual:`online documentation `.
-For more information about users and the Ruby driver's helpers for
-user management, see the :ref:`User Management tutorial`.
-Providing credentials
-If authentication is enabled, provide credentials when creating a new
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ],
- user: 'test',
- password: '123',
- database: 'mydb' )
- # If using a URI:
- client = Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://test:123@")
-Authentication credentials can be changed on a client instance to obtain
-a new client using the ``Client#with`` method:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- authenticated_client = client.with( user: 'another-user',
- password: '123' )
-It is also possible to change the client's database and credentials in
-one step:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- authenticated_music_client = client.with( database: 'music',
- user:'test',
- password:'123' )
-.. _auth-source:
-Auth Source
-A user's auth source is the database where that user's authentication
-credentials are stored.
-The user's auth source may be specified whenever the credentials are specified:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ],
- database: 'mydb',
- user: 'test',
- password: '123',
- auth_source: 'admin' )
- # If using a URI:
- client = Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://test:123@")
-If no auth source is specified, then a default will be assumed by the client.
-The default auth source depends on the authentication mechanism that is being
-used to connect.
-For the ``MONGODB-CR``, ``SCRAM-SHA-1``, and ``SCRAM-SHA-256`` authentication
-mechanisms, the default auth source is the database to which the client is
-connecting; if no database is specified, ``admin`` database is the default
-database and hence the default auth source. For the ``PLAIN`` mechanism (LDAP),
-the default auth source is the database to which the client is connecting;
-if no database is specified, the ``$external`` database is used as the
-auth source. For the ``AWS``, ``GSSAPI`` and ``MONGODB_X509`` mechanisms, the
-auth source is always ``$external``.
-When a client is constructed using an SRV URI, the driver will look for URI
-options in a TXT DNS record that corresponds to the SRV record. Thus, for
-example, MongoDB Atlas generally uses the ``admin`` database as its auth
-source, but this is not specified in SRV URIs because the database is given
-as a URI option on the TXT records.
-Note that when using SRV URIs, the SRV query and the TXT query are performed
-separately. On systems where DNS resolution is not 100% reliable, the
-failure to look up TXT records can cause authentication errors, as the driver
-may end up using an incorrect auth source. If reliable DNS resolution cannot
-be guaranteed, the auth source can be specified explicitly in SRV URIs as
-a URI option:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new("mongodb+srv://username:myRealPassword@cluster0.mongodb.net/test?w=majority&authSource=admin")
-.. note::
- When changing the database using the ``with`` method, the auth source is
- determined in the new ``Client`` instance using the full set of options
- that applies to it. For example, if the original client had an auth source
- specified, this auth source would take precedence over the database
- given in the ``with`` call. If the original client did not have an auth
- source specified, the new database would be the new auth source, subject
- to the rules of the authentication mechanism used.
-Authentication Mechanisms
-MongoDB supports several authentication mechanisms, as detailed in this section.
-Authentication mechanism to use can be explicitly specified when a Client is
-created; if authentication mechanism is not provided by the application, it is
-selected as follows:
-- For MongoDB 4.0 and higher, the client performs SCRAM mechanism negotiation
- with the server. If the user specified in client configuration permits
- authentication with SCRAM-SHA-256, then SCRAM-SHA-256 is used for
- authentication. Otherwise SCRAM-SHA-1 is used.
-- For MongoDB 3.0 through 3.6, SCRAM-SHA-1 is used.
-- For MongoDB 2.6, MONGODB-CR is used.
-Note that:
-- X.509, AWS, LDAP and Kerberos authentication mechanisms must always be
- explicitly requested.
-- If the MongoDB server that the client is connecting to supports SCRAM,
- the client will attempt to authenticate using SCRAM if no authentication
- mechanism is explicitly specified. To authenticate to MongoDB 3.0 and
- higher servers using MONGODB-CR, the MONGODB-CR mechanism must be
- explicitly requested.
-.. _scram:
-:manual:`SCRAM authentication ` is the default
-authentication mechanism for MongoDB. There are two SCRAM mechanisms in
-MongoDB: SCRAM-SHA-1 (available as of MongoDB 3.0) and SCRAM-SHA-256
-(available as of MongoDB 4.0). If an authentication mechanism is not
-specified but user credentials are, the driver will attempt to use SCRAM
-authentication on server 3.0 or newer and will negotiate the mechanism
-to use based on the server version and the mechanisms defined for a
-particular user (it is possible to configure a user in the server to only
-allow SCRAM-SHA-1 mechanism, only SCRAM-SHA-256 mechanism or both).
-To explicitly specify SCRAM-SHA-1 as the authentication mechanism, use the
-``auth_mech: :scram`` Ruby client option or the ``SCRAM-SHA-1`` as the value
-for the ``authMechanism`` URI option, as follows:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ],
- database: 'mydb',
- user: 'test',
- password: '123',
- auth_mech: :scram )
- client = Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://test:123@")
-To explicitly specify SCRAM-SHA-256 as the authentication mechanism, use the
-``auth_mech: :scram256`` Ruby client option or the ``SCRAM-SHA-256`` as the
-value for the ``authMechanism`` URI option, as follows:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ],
- database: 'mydb',
- user: 'test',
- password: '123',
- auth_mech: :scram256 )
- client = Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://test:123@")
-.. _x.509:
-Client Certificate (X.509)
-The driver presents an X.509 certificate during TLS negotiation.
-The MONGODB-X509 authentication mechanism authenticates a username
-retrieved from the distinguished subject name of this certificate.
-.. note::
- Since the username is retrieved from the certificate, a username does not
- need to be specified. If a username is specified, it will be sent to the
- server verbatim. If a password is provided, an error will be raised.
-This authentication method requires the use of TLS connections with
-certificate validation.
-To authenticate the client, you will need a valid TLS certificate
-and private encryption key. These can be stored in separate files,
-or together in one file (in the PEM format). Even if the certificate
-and private key are stored in the same file, you must specify the path to
-that file by passing both the ``ssl_cert`` and ``ssl_key`` options
-to the client.
-For more information about configuring X.509 authentication in MongoDB,
-see the :manual:`X.509 tutorial in the MongoDB Manual
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ],
- auth_mech: :mongodb_x509,
- ssl: true,
- ssl_cert: '/path/to/client.pem',
- ssl_key: '/path/to/client.pem',
- ssl_ca_cert: '/path/to/ca.pem' )
-.. _aws-auth:
-*Requires MongoDB Enterprise Edition and server version 4.4 or later.*
-The AWS authentication mechanism uses AWS `Identity and Access Management (IAM)
-and AWS `Security Token Service (STS)
-to prove the client's identity to a MongoDB server. Briefly, AWS authentication
-works as follows:
-1. The client uses AWS IAM credentials to create a signature that is sent to
- the MongoDB server.
-2. The server sends a request to AWS STS using the client's signature.
-3. A successful STS request returns the username (technically, the ARN of
- the IAM user or role) corresponding to the credentials that the client used.
- The IAM user ARN is used by the server to look up a defined user, and the
- client is considered to have authenticated as this user.
-.. note::
- Unlike other authentication mechanisms, the username that the application
- provides when creating a client and the username of the server user are
- different: the username on the client is the AWS access key ID, but the
- username on the server is the ARN of the IAM user or role corresponding
- to the access key ID.
-AWS credentials are comprised of:
-- The access key ID.
-- The secret access key.
-- The optional session token.
-Authentication with `AWS IAM credentials
-uses the access key ID and the secret access key. Authentication with
-`temporary AWS IAM credentials
-uses all three components.
-.. note::
- The driver never sends the secret access key or the session token over
- the network.
-Temporary credentials are used with:
-- STS `Assume Role `_
- requests.
-- `EC2 instance roles `_.
-- `ECS task roles `_.
-- `AWS Lambda environment `_.
-- `IAM roles for service accounts `_.
-The Ruby driver allows providing both regular and temporary credentials
-explicitly as Ruby options or URI options. If credentials are not explicitly
-provided, the driver will attempt to retrieve them from environment variables
-described below and from EC2 instance and ECS task metadata endpoints.
-Providing Credentials Explicitly
-Regular (non-temporary) IAM credentials can be provided as Ruby options,
-as follows:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(['mongodb.example.com'],
- auth_mech: :aws,
- user: '',
- password: '',
- database: 'mydb',
- )
-They can also be provided via a URI:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(
- 'mongodb://:@mongodb.example.com/mydb?authMechanism=MONGODB-AWS')
-.. note::
- When credentials are provided via a URI, they must be percent-escaped.
-To provide temporary credentials, specify the session token in the
-authentication mechanism properties as follows:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(['mongodb.example.com'],
- auth_mech: :aws,
- user: '',
- password: '',
- auth_mech_properties: {
- aws_session_token: '',
- },
- database: 'mydb',
- )
-The temporary credentials can also be provided via a URI:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(
- 'mongodb://:@mongodb.example.com/mydb?authMechanism=MONGODB-AWS&authMechanismProperties=AWS_SESSION_TOKEN:')
-.. _auto-retrieve-aws-credentials:
-Automatically Retrieving Credentials
-The client can retrieve credentials from the environment or from EC2 or ECS
-metadata endpoints. To retrieve credentials automatically, specify the
-AWS authentication mechanism but do not specify a username nor a password:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(['mongodb.example.com'],
- auth_mech: :aws,
- database: 'mydb',
- )
- # Using a URI:
- client = Mongo::Client.new(
- 'mongodb://mongodb.example.com/mydb?authMechanism=MONGODB-AWS')
-The driver will try to obtain credentials from the following sources, in
-the specified order:
- environment variables. These environment variables are recognized by
- a variety of AWS-related libraries and tools such as the official
- AWS Ruby SDK and the AWS CLI. They are also defined when running in an
- AWS Lambda environment.
-- The AWS STS `AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity action
- `_.
- This returns credentials associated with the service account token. This mechanism
- requires the following environment variables to be set:
- - ``AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE`` - path to a file containing the service
- account token.
- - ``AWS_ROLE_ARN`` - the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that the
- caller is assuming.
- - ``AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME`` (optional) - An identifier for the assumed role
- session. If omitted, a random name will be generated by the driver.
-- The AWS `ECS task metadata endpoint
- `_.
- This returns credentials associated with the ECS task role assigned to
- the container.
-- The AWS `EC2 instance metadata endpoint
- `_.
- This returns credentials associated with the EC2 instance role assigned to
- the instance.
-.. note::
- A credentials source that provides any credentials must provide a complete
- set of credentials. For example, the driver will raise an error if only
- one of ``AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`` or ``AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`` environment
- variables is populated but not the other.
-.. note::
- If an application is running in an ECS container on an EC2 instance and
- `the container is allowed access to the instance metadata
- `_,
- the driver will attempt to retrieve credentials for the AWS authentication
- mechanism from the EC2 instance metadata endpoint, thus potentially
- authenticating as the IAM role assigned to the EC2 instance, if it was not
- able to retrieve ECS task role credentials from the ECS task endpoint.
-.. _plain:
-*Requires MongoDB Enterprise Edition.*
-MongoDB Enterprise Edition supports the LDAP authentication mechanism
-which allows you to delegate authentication using a Lightweight Directory
-Access Protocol `LDAP `_ server.
-.. warning::
- When using LDAP, passwords are sent to the server in plain text. For this
- reason, we strongly recommend enabling TLS when using LDAP as your
- authentication mechanism.
-For more information about configuring LDAP authentication in
-MongoDB, see the :manual:`SASL/LDAP tutorial in the MongoDB Manual
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ],
- auth_mech: :plain,
- ssl: true,
- ssl_verify: true,
- ssl_cert: '/path/to/client.pem',
- ssl_ca_cert: '/path/to/ca.pem' )
-.. _kerberos:
-Kerberos (GSSAPI)
-*Requires MongoDB Enterprise Edition.*
-To configure the MongoDB server to use Kerberos, please refer to the
-:manual:`server Kerberos documentation
-To use the Kerberos authentication mechanism with the Ruby MongoDB driver,
-an additional library implementing the Kerberos authenticator -
-`mongo_kerberos `_ - must be
-installed and loaded. To do so, add to your ``Gemfile``:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- gem 'mongo', '~> 2'
- gem 'mongo_kerberos', '~> 2'
-... and add to your application code:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- require 'mongo'
- require 'mongo_kerberos'
-If using Kerberos authentication with **MRI**, the password is not specified
-in driver configuration and it is not sent to the MongoDB server by the driver.
-Instead a Kerberos session must be established externally to the driver
-and this session is used by the driver to prove the user's identity to
-the server. Establishing this session requires that the host system is
-configured for Kerberos authentication; refer to the `Kerberos documentation
-or your operating system documentation for details. Use the `kinit utility
-to establish a Kerberos session.
-If using Kerberos authentication with **JRuby**, the Kerberos session may
-be estabished externally to the driver using the process described above
-for MRI; alternatively, the password may be provided directly to the driver
-via client configuration, or the path to a keytab file may be provided via
-configuration stored in the ``java.security.auth.login.config`` system property.
-Additionally, the Java runtime environment must be configured for Kerberos;
-please refer to the `MongoDB Java Driver Kerberos documentation
-for more information.
-.. note::
- As per the server Kerberos documentation, the FQDN of the host
- running MongoDB must be specified when using Kerberos authentication.
-.. note::
- If using MongoDB URIs, be sure to percent-escape special characters like
- ``/`` and ``@`` when they appear in the username.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- # Authenticate as appuser@MYREALM:
- client = Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://appuser%40MYREALM@myserver.mycompany.com:27017/mydb?authMechanism=GSSAPI")
- # Authenticate as myapp/appuser@MYREALM:
- client = Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://myapp%2Fappuser%40MYREALM@myserver.mycompany.com:27017/mydb?authMechanism=GSSAPI")
- # Authenticate using Ruby options:
- client = Mongo::Client.new(['myserver.mycompany.com:27017'],
- auth_mech: :gssapi,
- user: 'myapp/appuser@MYREALM')
-*Deprecated:* MONGODB-CR mechanism is deprecated as of MongoDB 3.6 and
-removed as of MongoDB 4.0. Please use `SCRAM authentication <#scram>`_ instead.
-MONGODB-CR was the default authentication mechanism for MongoDB through
-version 2.6.
-The mechanism can be explicitly set with the credentials:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ],
- database: 'mydb',
- user: 'test',
- password: '123',
- auth_mech: :mongodb_cr )
-.. note::
- If the MongoDB server that the client is connecting to supports SCRAM,
- the client will attempt to authenticate using SCRAM if no authentication
- mechanism is explicitly specified. To authenticate to MongoDB 3.0 and
- higher servers using MONGODB-CR, the MONGODB-CR mechanism must be
- explicitly requested.
diff --git a/docs/reference/bulk-operations.txt b/docs/reference/bulk-operations.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f4d59b125..0000000000
--- a/docs/reference/bulk-operations.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-Bulk Writes
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-.. _bulk-operations:
-The bulk write API sends several write operations to the server in a single
-command. Use the bulk write API to reduce the number of network round-trips
-when performing several writes at a time. For example, to efficiently perform
-multiple updates, one might do:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- collection = client['colors']
- collection.bulk_write([
- {
- update_one: {
- filter: {name: 'yellow'},
- update: {'$set' => {hex: 'ffff00'}},
- },
- },
- {
- update_one: {
- filter: {name: 'purple'},
- update: {'$set' => {hex: '800080'}},
- },
- },
- ], ordered: true, write_concern: {w: :majority})
-The following example shows how to execute different types of operations
-in the same request:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- collection.bulk_write([
- { insert_one: { x: 1 } },
- { update_one: {
- filter: { x: 1 },
- update: {'$set' => { x: 2 } },
- } },
- { replace_one: {
- filter: { x: 2 },
- replacement: { x: 3 },
- } },
- ], :ordered => true)
-The first argument to ``bulk_write`` is the list of operations to perform.
-Each operation must be specified as a hash with exactly one key which is
-the operation name and the operation specification as the corresponding
-value. The supported operations are detailed below. The ``bulk_write`` method
-also accepts the following options:
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 40 80
- * - Option
- - Description
- * - ``bypass_document_validation``
- - ``true`` or ``false``. Whether to bypass document validation.
- * - ``ordered``
- - If the ``ordered`` option is set to ``true`` (which is the default),
- the operations are applied in order and if any operation fails, subsequent
- operations are not attempted. If the ``ordered`` option is set to ``false``,
- all specified operations are attempted.
- * - ``write_concern``
- - The write concern for the operation, specified as a hash.
-Valid bulk write operations are the following:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- { insert_one: { x: 1 } }
-.. note::
- There is no ``insert_many`` bulk operation. To insert multiple documents,
- specify multiple ``insert_one`` operations.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- { update_one: {
- filter: { x: 1 },
- update: { '$set' => { x: 2 } },
- # upsert is optional and defaults to false
- upsert: true,
- } }
-.. code-block:: ruby
- { update_many: {
- filter: { x: 1 },
- update: { '$set' => { x: 2 } },
- # upsert is optional and defaults to false
- :upsert => true,
- } }
-.. code-block:: ruby
- { replace_one: {
- filter: { x: 1 },
- replacement: { x: 2 },
- # upsert is optional and defaults to false
- upsert: true,
- } }
-.. note::
- The ``:replace_one`` operation requires that the replacement value is a
- document. ``:replace_one`` does not recognize MongoDB update operators in
- the replacement value. In a future release the driver is expected to
- prohibit using keys beginning with ``$`` in the replacement document.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- { delete_one: {
- filter: { x: 1 },
- } }
-.. code-block:: ruby
- { delete_many: {
- filter: { x: 1 },
- } }
-Bulk Write Splitting
-The driver allows the application to submit arbitrarily large bulk write
-requests. However, since MongoDB server limits the size of command documents
-(currently this limit is 48 MiB), bulk writes that exceed this limit will be
-split into multiple requests.
-When :ref:`client-side encryption ` is used, the
-threshold used for bulk write splitting is reduced to allow for overhead in
-the ciphertext.
diff --git a/docs/reference/change-streams.txt b/docs/reference/change-streams.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e8f896a8c1..0000000000
--- a/docs/reference/change-streams.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-.. _change-streams:
-Change Streams
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-As of version 3.6 of the MongoDB server, a new ``$changeStream`` pipeline stage
-is supported in the aggregation framework. Specifying this stage first in an
-aggregation pipeline allows users to request that notifications are sent for all
-changes to a particular collection. As of MongoDB 4.0, change streams are
-supported on databases and clusters in addition to collections.
-The Ruby driver provides an API for
-receiving notifications for changes to a particular collection, database
-or cluster using this
-new pipeline stage. Although you can create a change stream using the pipeline
-operator and aggregation framework directly, it is recommended to use the
-driver API described below as the driver resumes the change stream one time
-if there is a timeout, a network error, a server error indicating that a
-failover is taking place or another type of a resumable error.
-Change streams on the server require a ``"majority"`` read concern or no
-read concern.
-Change streams do not work properly with JRuby because of the issue documented here_.
-Namely, JRuby eagerly evaluates ``#next`` on an Enumerator in a background
-green thread, therefore calling ``#next`` on the change stream will cause
-getMores to be called in a loop in the background.
-.. _here: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/4212
-Watching for Changes on a Collection
-A collection change stream is created by calling the ``#watch`` method on a
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test')
- collection = client[:test]
- stream = collection.watch
- collection.insert_one(a: 1)
- doc = stream.to_enum.next
- process(doc)
-You can also receive the notifications as they become available:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- stream = collection.watch
- enum = stream.to_enum
- while doc = enum.next
- process(doc)
- end
-The ``next`` method blocks and polls the cluster until a change is available.
-Use the ``try_next`` method to iterate a change stream without blocking; this
-method will wait up to max_await_time_ms milliseconds for changes from the server,
-and if no changes are received it will return nil. If there is a non-resumable
-error, both ``next`` and ``try_next`` will raise an exception.
-See Resuming a Change Stream section below for an example that reads
-changes from a collection indefinitely.
-The change stream can take filters in the aggregation framework pipeline
-operator format:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- stream = collection.watch([{'$match' => { 'operationType' => {'$in' => ['insert', 'replace'] } } },
- {'$match' => { 'fullDocument.n' => { '$gte' => 1 } } }
- ])
- enum = stream.to_enum
- while doc = enum.next
- process(doc)
- end
-Watching for Changes on a Database
-A database change stream notifies on changes on any collection within the
-database as well as database-wide events, such as the database being dropped.
-A database change stream is created by calling the ``#watch`` method on a
-database object:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test')
- database = client.database
- stream = database.watch
- client[:test].insert_one(a: 1)
- doc = stream.to_enum.next
- process(doc)
-Watching for Changes on a Cluster
-A cluster change stream notifies on changes on any collection, any database
-within the cluster as well as cluster-wide events.
-A cluster change stream is created by calling the ``#watch`` method on a
-client object (not the cluster object):
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test')
- stream = client.watch
- client[:test].insert_one(a: 1)
- doc = stream.to_enum.next
- process(doc)
-Closing a Change Stream
-You can close a change stream by calling its ``#close`` method:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- stream.close
-Resuming a Change Stream
-A change stream consists of two types of operations: the initial aggregation
-and ``getMore`` requests to receive the next batch of changes.
-The driver will automatically retry each ``getMore`` operation once on
-network errors and when the server returns an error indicating it changed
-state (for example, it is no longer the primary). The driver does not retry
-the initial aggregation.
-In practical terms this means that, for example:
-- Calling ``collection.watch`` will fail if the cluster does not have
- enough available nodes to satisfy the ``"majority"`` read preference.
-- Once ``collection.watch`` successfully returns, if the cluster subsequently
- experiences an election or loses a node, but heals quickly enough,
- change stream reads via ``next`` or ``each`` methods will continue
- transparently to the application.
-To indefinitely and reliably watch for changes without losing any changes or
-processing a change more than once, the application must track the resume
-token for the change stream and restart the change stream when it experiences
-extended error conditions that cause the driver's automatic resume to also
-fail. The following code snippet shows an example of iterating a change stream
-indefinitely, retrieving the resume token using the ``resume_token`` change
-stream method and restarting the change stream using the ``:resume_after``
-option on all MongoDB or network errors:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- token = nil
- loop do
- begin
- stream = collection.watch([], resume_after: token)
- enum = stream.to_enum
- while doc = enum.next
- process(doc)
- token = stream.resume_token
- end
- rescue Mongo::Error
- sleep 1
- end
- end
-The above iteration is blocking at the ``enum.next`` call, and does not
-permit resuming processing in the event the Ruby process running this code
-is terminated. The driver also provides the ``try_next`` method which returns
-``nil`` (after a small waiting period) instead of blocking indefinitely when
-there are no changes in the change stream. Using the ``try_next`` method,
-the resume token may be persisted after each ``getMore`` request, even when
-a particular request does not return any changes, such that the resume token
-remains at the top of the oplog and the application has an opportunity to
-persist it should the process handling changes terminates:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- token = nil
- loop do
- begin
- stream = collection.watch([], resume_after: token)
- enum = stream.to_enum
- doc = enum.try_next
- if doc
- process(doc)
- end
- token = stream.resume_token
- # Persist +token+ to support resuming processing upon process restart
- rescue Mongo::Error
- sleep 1
- end
- end
-Note that the resume token should be retrieved from the change stream after
-every ``try_next`` call, even if the call returned no document.
-The resume token is also provided in the ``_id`` field of each change stream
-document. Reading the ``_id`` field is not recommended because it may be
-projected out by the application, and because using only the ``_id`` field
-would not advance the resume token when a ``getMore`` returns no documents.
diff --git a/docs/reference/collations.txt b/docs/reference/collations.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f58b63f0ce..0000000000
--- a/docs/reference/collations.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-.. versionadded:: 3.4
-Collations are sets of rules for how to compare strings, typically in a
-particular natural language.
-For example, in Canadian French, the last accent in a given word
-determines the sorting order.
-Consider the following French words:
-.. code-block:: none
- cote < coté < côte < côté
-The sort order using the Canadian French collation would result in
-the following:
-.. code-block:: none
- cote < côte < coté < côté
-If collation is unspecified, MongoDB uses the simple binary comparison for
-strings. As such, the sort order of the words would be:
-.. code-block:: none
- cote < coté < côte < côté
-You can specify a default collation for collections and indexes when
-they are created, or specify a collation for CRUD operations and
-aggregations. For operations that support collation, MongoDB uses the
-collection's default collation unless the operation specifies a
-different collation.
-Collation Parameters
-.. code-block:: ruby
- 'collation' => {
- 'locale' => ,
- 'caseLevel' => ,
- 'caseFirst' => ,
- 'strength' => ,
- 'numericOrdering' => ,
- 'alternate' => ,
- 'maxVariable' => ,
- 'normalization' => ,
- 'backwards' =>
- }
-The only required parameter is ``locale``, which the server parses as
-an `ICU format locale ID `_.
-For example, set ``locale`` to ``en_US`` to represent US English
-or ``fr_CA`` to represent Canadian French.
-For a complete description of the available parameters, see the
-:manual:`MongoDB manual entry`.
-.. _collation-on-collection:
-Assign a Default Collation to a Collection
-The following example creates a new collection
-called ``contacts`` on the ``test`` database and assigns a default
-collation with the ``fr_CA`` locale. Specifying a collation when you
-create the collection ensures that all operations involving a query
-that are run against the
-``contacts`` collection use the ``fr_CA`` collation, unless the query
-specifies another collation. Any indexes on the new collection also
-inherit the default collation, unless the creation command specifies
-another collation.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ "" ], :database => "test")
- client[:contacts, { "collation" => { "locale" => "fr_CA" } } ].create
-.. _collation-on-index:
-Assign a Collation to an Index
-To specify a collation for an index, use the ``collation``
-option when you create the index.
-The following example creates an index on the ``name``
-field of the ``address_book`` collection, with the ``unique`` parameter
-enabled and a default collation with ``locale`` set to ``en_US``.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ "" ], :database => "test")
- client[:address_book].indexes.create_one( { "first_name" => 1 },
- "unique" => true,
- "collation" => { "locale" => "en_US" }
- )
-To use this index, make sure your queries also specify the same
-collation. The following query uses the above index:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client[:address_book].find({"first_name" : "Adam" },
- "collation" => { "locale" => "en_US" })
-The following queries do **NOT** use the index. The first query uses no
-collation, and the second uses a collation with a different ``strength``
-value than the collation on the index.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client[:address_book].find({"first_name" : "Adam" })
- client[:address_book].find({"first_name" : "Adam" },
- "collation" => { "locale" => "en_US", "strength" => 2 })
-Operations that Support Collation
-All reading, updating, and deleting methods support collation. Some
-examples are listed below.
-``find()`` and ``sort()``
-Individual queries can specify a collation to use when matching
-and sorting results. The following query and sort operation uses
-a German collation with the ``locale`` parameter set to ``de``.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ "" ], :database => "test")
- docs = client[:contacts].find({ "city" => "New York" },
- { "collation" => { "locale" => "de" } }).sort( "name" => 1 )
-A collection called ``names`` contains the following documents:
-.. code-block:: javascript
- { "_id" : 1, "first_name" : "Hans" }
- { "_id" : 2, "first_name" : "Gunter" }
- { "_id" : 3, "first_name" : "Günter" }
- { "_id" : 4, "first_name" : "Jürgen" }
-The following ``find_one_and_update`` operation on the collection
-does not specify a collation.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ "" ], :database => "test")
- doc = client[:names].find_one_and_update( {"first_name" => { "$lt" => "Gunter" }},
- { "$set" => { "verified" => true } })
-Because ``Gunter`` is lexically first in the collection,
-the above operation returns no results and updates no documents.
-Consider the same ``find_one_and_update`` operation but with the
-collation specified. The locale is set to ``de@collation=phonebook``.
-.. note::
- Some locales have a ``collation=phonebook`` option available for
- use with languages which sort proper nouns differently from other
- words. According to the ``de@collation=phonebook`` collation,
- characters with umlauts come before the same characters without
- umlauts.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ "" ], :database => "test")
- doc = client[:names].find_one_and_update( { "first_name" => { "$lt" => "Gunter" } },
- { "$set" => { "verified" => true } }, { "collation" => { "locale" => "de@collation=phonebook" },
- :return_document => :after } )
-The operation returns the following updated document:
-.. code-block:: javascript
- { "_id" => 3, "first_name" => "Günter", "verified" => true }
-Set the ``numericOrdering`` collation parameter to ``true``
-to compare numeric string by their numeric values.
-The collection ``numbers`` contains the following documents:
-.. code-block:: javascript
- { "_id" : 1, "a" : "16" }
- { "_id" : 2, "a" : "84" }
- { "_id" : 3, "a" : "179" }
-The following example matches the first document in which field ``a``
-has a numeric value greater than 100 and deletes it.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- docs = numbers.find_one_and_delete({ "a" => { "$gt" => "100" } },
- { "collation" => { "locale" => "en", "numericOrdering" => true } })
-After the above operation, the following documents remain in the
-.. code-block:: javascript
- { "_id" : 1, "a" : "16" }
- { "_id" : 2, "a" : "84" }
-If you perform the same operation without collation, the server deletes
-the first document it finds in which the lexical value of ``a`` is
-greater than ``"100"``.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- numbers = client[:numbers]
- docs = numbers.find_one_and_delete({ "a" => { "$gt" => "100" } })
-After the above operation the document in which ``a`` was equal to
-``"16"`` has been deleted, and the following documents remain in the
-.. code-block:: javascript
- { "_id" : 2, "a" : "84" }
- { "_id" : 3, "a" : "179" }
-You can use collations with all the various bulk operations which
-exist in the Ruby driver.
-The collection ``recipes`` contains the following documents:
-.. code-block:: javascript
- { "_id" : 1, "dish" : "veggie empanadas", "cuisine" : "Spanish" }
- { "_id" : 2, "dish" : "beef bourgignon", "cuisine" : "French" }
- { "_id" : 3, "dish" : "chicken molé", "cuisine" : "Mexican" }
- { "_id" : 4, "dish" : "chicken paillard", "cuisine" : "french" }
- { "_id" : 5, "dish" : "pozole verde", "cuisine" : "Mexican" }
-Setting the ``strength`` parameter of the collation document to ``1``
-or ``2`` causes the server to disregard case in the query filter. The
-following example uses a case-insensitive query filter
-to delete all records in which the ``cuisine`` field matches
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ "" ], :database => "test")
- recipes = client[:recipes]
- docs = recipes.delete_many({ "cuisine" => "French" },
- "collation" => { "locale" => "en_US", "strength" => 1 })
-After the above operation runs, the documents with ``_id`` values of
-``2`` and ``4`` are deleted from the collection.
-To use collation with an aggregation operation, specify a collation in
-the aggregation options.
-The following aggregation example uses a collection called ``names``
-and groups the ``first_name`` field together, counts the total
-number of results in each group, and sorts the
-results by German phonebook order.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- aggregation = names.aggregate(
- [
- {
- "$group" => { "_id" => "$first_name", "name_count" => { "$sum" => 1 } }
- },
- {
- "$sort" => { "_id" => 1 }
- },
- ], { "collation" => { "locale" => "de@collation=phonebook" } }
- )
- aggregation.each do |doc|
- #=> Yields a BSON::Document.
- end
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-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-MongoDB stores documents in collections. If a collection does not
-exist, MongoDB creates the collection when you first insert a
-document in that collection.
-You can also explicitly create a collection with various options,
-such as setting the maximum size or the documentation validation rules.
-Time Series Collections
-Time series collections were added in MongoDB 5.0. You can read the documentation
-`here `_.
-Time series collections efficiently store sequences of measurements over a
-period of time. Time series data is any data that is collected over time and is
-uniquely identified by one or more unchanging parameters. The unchanging
-parameters that identify your time series data is generally your data source's
-Creating a Time Series Collection
-In order to create a time series collection, you must explicitly create a
-collection using the time series options:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- opts = {
- time_series: {
- timeField: "timestamp",
- metaField: "metadata",
- granularity: "hours"
- },
- expire_after: 604800
- }
- db['weather', opts].create
-When creating a time series collection, specify the following options:
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 40 80
- * - Field
- - Description
- * - ``time_series[:timeField]``
- - Required. The name of the field which contains the date in each time series document.
- * - ``time_series[:metaField]``
- - Optional. The name of the field which contains metadata in each time series document. The metadata in the specified field should be data that is used to label a unique series of documents. The metadata should rarely, if ever, change.
- * - ``time_series[:granularity]``
- - Optional. Possible values are "seconds", "minutes", and "hours". By default, MongoDB sets the granularity to "seconds" for high-frequency ingestion.
- * - ``:expireAfterSeconds``
- - Optional. Enable the automatic deletion of documents in a time series collection by specifying the number of seconds after which documents expire. MongoDB deletes expired documents automatically.
-See the MongoDB `docs `_
-for more information about time series collection options.
-Inserting into a Time Series Collection
-Inserting into a time series collection is similar to inserting into a regular collection:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- db['weather'].insert_many([
- {
- metadata: { sensorId: 5578, type: "temperature" },
- timestamp: Time.utc(2021, 5, 18, 0, 0, 0),
- temp: 12
- },
- {
- metadata: { sensorId: 5578, type: "temperature" },
- timestamp: Time.utc(2021, 5, 18, 4, 0, 0),
- temp: 11
- },
- {
- metadata: { sensorId: 5578, type: "temperature" },
- timestamp: Time.utc(2021, 5, 18, 8, 0, 0),
- temp: 11
- },
- {
- metadata: { sensorId: 5578, type: "temperature" },
- timestamp: Time.utc(2021, 5, 18, 12, 0, 0),
- temp: 12
- },
- {
- metadata: { sensorId: 5578, type: "temperature" },
- timestamp: Time.utc(2021, 5, 18, 16, 0, 0),
- temp: 16
- },
- {
- metadata: { sensorId: 5578, type: "temperature" },
- timestamp: Time.utc(2021, 5, 18, 20, 0, 0),
- temp: 15
- }, {
- metadata: { sensorId: 5578, type: "temperature" },
- timestamp: Time.utc(2021, 5, 19, 0, 0, 0),
- temp: 13
- },
- {
- metadata: { sensorId: 5578, type: "temperature" },
- timestamp: Time.utc(2021, 5, 19, 4, 0, 0),
- temp: 12
- },
- {
- metadata: { sensorId: 5578, type: "temperature" },
- timestamp: Time.utc(2021, 5, 19, 8, 0, 0),
- temp: 11
- },
- {
- metadata: { sensorId: 5578, type: "temperature" },
- timestamp: Time.utc(2021, 5, 19, 12, 0, 0),
- temp: 12
- },
- {
- metadata: { sensorId: 5578, type: "temperature" },
- timestamp: Time.utc(2021, 5, 19, 16, 0, 0),
- temp: 17
- },
- {
- metadata: { sensorId: 5578, type: "temperature" },
- timestamp: Time.utc(2021, 5, 19, 20, 0, 0),
- temp: 12
- }
- ])
-Querying a Time Series Collection
-Querying a time series collection is also very similar to a regular collection:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- weather.find(timestamp: Time.utc(2021, 5, 18, 0, 0, 0)).first
-The result of this query:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- {
- "timestamp" => 2021-05-18 00:00:00 UTC,
- "metadata" => {
- "sensorId" => 5578,
- "type" => "temperature"
- },
- "temp" => 12,
- "_id" => BSON::ObjectId('624dfb87d1327a60aeb048d2')
- }
-Using the Aggregation Pipeline on a Time Series Collection
-The aggregation pipeline can also be used for additional query functionality:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- weather.aggregate([
- {
- "$project": {
- date: {
- "$dateToParts": { date: "$timestamp" }
- },
- temp: 1
- }
- },
- {
- "$group": {
- _id: {
- date: {
- year: "$date.year",
- month: "$date.month",
- day: "$date.day"
- }
- },
- avgTmp: { "$avg": "$temp" }
- }
- }
- ]).to_a
-The example aggregation pipeline groups all documents by the date of the
-measurement and then returns the average of all temperature measurements
-that day:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- [{
- "_id" => {
- "date" => {
- "year" => 2021,
- "month" => 5,
- "day" => 18
- }
- },
- "avgTmp" => 12.833333333333334
- },
- {
- "_id" => {
- "date" => {
- "year" => 2021,
- "month" => 5,
- "day" => 19
- }
- },
- "avgTmp" => 12.833333333333334
- }]
-See the MongoDB documentation on `time series collections `_
-for more information.
-Capped Collections
-Capped collections have maximum size or document counts that prevent
-them from growing beyond maximum thresholds. All capped collections must
-specify a maximum size and may also specify a maximum document count.
-MongoDB removes older documents if a collection reaches the maximum size
-limit before it reaches the maximum document count.
-To create a :manual:`capped collection`, use
-the ``capped: true`` option along with a ``size`` in bytes.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- collection = client[:artists, capped: true, size: 10000]
- collection.create
- collection.capped? # => true
-Convert an Existing Collection to Capped
-To convert an existing collection from non-capped to capped, use
-the ``convertToCapped`` command.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- db = client.database
- db.command({ 'convertToCapped' => 'artists', 'size' => 10000 })
-Document Validation
-If you're using MongoDB version 3.2 or later, you can use
-:manual:`document validation`.
-Collections with validations compare each inserted or updated
-document against the criteria specified in the validator option.
-Depending on the ``validationLevel`` and ``validationAction``, MongoDB
-either returns a warning, or refuses to insert or update the document
-if it fails to meet the specified criteria.
-The following example creates a ``contacts`` collection with a validator
-that specifies that inserted or updated documents should match at
-least one of three following conditions:
-- the ``phone`` field is a string
-- the ``email`` field matches the regular expression
-- the ``status`` field is either ``Unknown`` or ``Incomplete``.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test')
- client[:contacts,
- {
- 'validator' => { '$or' =>
- [
- { 'phone' => { '$type' => "string" } },
- { 'email' => { '$regex' => /@mongodb\.com$/ } },
- { 'status' => { '$in' => [ "Unknown", "Incomplete" ] } }
- ]
- }
- }
- ].create
-Add Validation to an Existing Collection
-To add document validation criteria to an existing collection, use the
-``collMod`` command. The example below demonstrates how to add a
-validation to the ``contacts`` collection, ensuring that all new
-documents must contain an ``age`` field which is a number.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test')
- db = client.database
- db.command({ 'collMod' => 'contacts',
- 'validator' =>
- { 'age' =>
- { '$type' => "number" }
- }
- })
-Listing Collections
-Use ``collections`` or ``collection_names`` methods on a database
-objects to list collections:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- database = client.database
- database.collections # Returns an array of Collection objects.
- database.collection_names # Returns an array of collection names as strings.
-Dropping Collections
-To drop a collection, call ``drop`` on the collection object.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- artists = client[:artists]
- artists.drop
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-.. _connection-and-configuration:
-Connection & Configuration
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-This section describes how to create the client objects and what configuration
-options the driver provides, including authentication.
-.. toctree::
- :titlesonly:
- /reference/create-client
- /reference/authentication
- /reference/monitoring
- /reference/user-management
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-Creating a Client
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 2
- :class: singlecol
-Using ``Mongo::Client``
-To connect to a MongoDB deployment, create a ``Mongo::Client`` object.
-Provide a list of hosts and options or a :manual:`connection string URI
-` to the``Mongo::Client`` constructor.
-The client's selected database defaults to ``admin``.
-By default, the driver will automatically detect the topology used by the
-deployment and connect appropriately.
-To connect to a local standalone MongoDB deployment, specify the host and
-port of the server. In most cases you would also specify the database name
-to connect to; if no database name is specified, the client will use the
-``admin`` database:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'mydb')
- # Or using the URI syntax:
- Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://")
-.. note::
- The hostname ``localhost`` is treated specially by the driver and will
- be resolved to IPv4 addresses only.
-To `connect to MongoDB Atlas `_,
-specify the Atlas deployment URI:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new("mongodb+srv://username:myRealPassword@cluster0.mongodb.net/mydb?w=majority")
-The driver will discover all nodes in the cluster and connect to them as
-Block Syntax
-Another way to create a Mongo::Client object is to use the block syntax:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new(...) do |client|
- # work with the client
- end
-Note that when creating a client using this syntax, the client is automatically closed after the block finishes executing.
-Database Selection
-By default, the client will connect to the ``admin`` database.
-The ``admin`` database is a special database in MongoDB often used for
-administrative tasks and storing administrative data such as users and
-roles (although users and roles may also be defined in other databases).
-In a sharded cluster, the ``admin`` database
-:manual:`exists on the config servers `
-rather than the shard servers. Although it is possible to use the ``admin``
-database for ordinary operations (such as storing application data), this
-is not recommended and the application should explicitly specify the
-database it wishes to use.
-The database can be specified during ``Client`` construction:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- # Using Ruby client options:
- client = Mongo::Client.new(['localhost'], database: 'mydb')
- # Using a MongoDB URI:
- client = Mongo::Client.new('mongodb://localhost/mydb')
-Given a ``Client`` instance, the ``use`` method can be invoked to obtain a
-new ``Client`` instance configured with the specified database:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(['localhost'], database: 'mydb')
- admin_client = client.use('admin')
- # Issue an administrative command
- admin_client.database.command(replSetGetConfig: 1).documents.first
-There are other special databases in MongoDB which should be only used for
-their stated purposes:
-- The :manual:`config ` database.
-- The :manual:`local ` database.
-- The ``$external`` database, which is used with :ref:`PLAIN `,
- :ref:`Kerberos ` and :ref:`X.509 ` authentication
- mechanisms.
-Connection Types
-The driver will, by default, discover the type of deployment it is instructed
-to connect to (except for load-balanced deployments)
-and behave in the manner that matches the deployment type.
-The subsections below describe how the driver behaves in each of the deployment
-types as well as how to force particular behavior, bypassing automatic
-deployment type detection.
-Note that the detection of deployment type happens when the driver receives
-the first reply from any of the servers it is instructed to connect to
-(unless the load-balancing mode is requested, see below). The driver will
-remain in the discovered or configured topology even if the underlying
-deployment is replaced by one of a different type. In particular, when
-replacing a replica set with a sharded cluster at the same address
-the client instance must be recreated (such as by restarting the application)
-for it to communicate with the sharded cluster.
-Automatic discovery of load-balanced deployments is currently not supported.
-Load-balanced deployments will be treated as deployments of their underlying
-type, which would generally be sharded clusters. The driver will fail to
-correctly operate when treating a load-balanced deployment as a sharded
-cluster, therefore when the deployment is a load-balanced one the client
-must be explicitly configured to :ref:`connect to a load balancer
-Standalone Server Connection
-If the deployment is a single server, also known as a standalone deployment,
-all operations will be directed to the specified server.
-If the server is shut down and replaced by a replica set node, the driver
-will continue sending all operations to that node, even if the node is or
-becomes a secondary.
-To force a standalone connection, see the :ref:`direct connection
-` section below.
-.. _connect-replica-set:
-Replica Set Connection
-When connecting to a :manual:`replica set`, it is sufficient
-to pass the address of any node in the replica set to the driver.
-The node does not have to be the primary and it may be a hidden node.
-The driver will then automatically discover the remaining nodes.
-However, it is recommended to specify all nodes that are part of the
-replica set, so that in the event of one or more nodes being unavailable
-(for example, due to maintenance or reconfiguration) the driver can still
-connect to the replica set.
-Replica set connection examples:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'mydb')
- Mongo::Client.new([ '', '' ], database: 'mydb')
- # Or using the URI syntax:
- Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://,")
-To make the driver verify the replica set name upon connection, pass it using
-the ``replica_set`` Ruby option or the ``replicaSet`` URI option:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new([ '', '' ],
- database: 'mydb', replica_set: 'myapp')
- # Or using the URI syntax:
- Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://,")
-If the deployment is not a replica set or uses a different replica set name,
-all operations will fail (until the expected replica set is returned by
-the servers).
-It is also possible to force a replica set connection without specifying
-the replica set name. Doing so is generally unnecessary and is deprecated:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new([ '', '' ],
- database: 'mydb', connect: :replica_set)
- # Or using the URI syntax:
- Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://,")
-To connect to a MongoDB Atlas cluster which is deployed as a replica set,
-connect to the URI:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new("mongodb+srv://username:myRealPassword@cluster0.mongodb.net/test?w=majority")
-Please review the :ref:`SRV URI notes ` if using SRV URIs.
-.. _connect-sharded-cluster:
-Sharded Cluster Connection
-To connect to a :manual:`sharded cluster` deployment, specify
-the addresses of the ``mongos`` routers:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new([ '', '' ], database: 'mydb')
- Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://,")
-Note that unlike a replica set connection, you may choose to connect to a
-subset of the ``mongos`` routers that exist in the deployment. The driver
-will monitor each router and will use the ones that are available
-(i.e., the driver will generally handle individual routers becoming
-unavailable due to failures or maintenance). When specifying the list of
-routers explicitly, the driver will not discover remaining routers that
-may be configured and will not attempt to connect to them.
-The driver will automatically balance the operation load among the routers
-it is aware of.
-To connect to a MongoDB Atlas cluster which is deployed as a sharded cluster,
-connect to the URI:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new("mongodb+srv://username:myRealPassword@cluster0.mongodb.net/test?w=majority")
-When the driver connects to a sharded cluster via an SRV URI, it will
-periodically poll the SRV records of the address specified in the URI
-for changes and will automatically add and remove the ``mongos`` hosts
-to/from its list of servers as they are added and removed to/from the
-sharded cluster.
-To force a sharded cluster connection, use the ``connect: :sharded``
-option. Doing so is generally unnecessary and is deprecated:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new([ '', '' ],
- database: 'mydb', connect: :sharded)
- # Or using the URI syntax:
- Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://,")
-Please review the :ref:`SRV URI notes ` if using SRV URIs.
-.. _direct-connection:
-Direct Connection
-To disable the deployment type discovery and force all operations to be
-performed on a particular server, specify the ``direct_connection`` option:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'mydb', direct_connection: true)
- # Or using the URI syntax:
- Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://")
-Alternatively, the deprecated ``connect: :direct`` option is equivalent:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'mydb', connect: :direct)
- # Or using the URI syntax:
- Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://")
-The direct connection mode is most useful for performing operations on a
-particular replica set node, although it also permits the underlying server
-to change type (e.g. from a replica set node to a ``mongos`` router, or vice
-.. _load-balancer-connection:
-Load Balancer Connection
-Unlike other deployment types, the driver does not currently automatically
-detect a load-balanced deployment.
-To connect to a load balancer, specify the ``load_balanced: true`` Ruby option
-or the ``loadBalanced=true`` URI option:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'mydb', load_balanced: true)
- # Or using the URI syntax:
- Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://")
-When using these options, if the specified server is not a load balancer,
-the client will fail all operations (until the server becomes a load balancer).
-To treat the server as a load balancer even if it doesn't identify as such,
-use the ``connect: :load_balanced`` Ruby option or the ``connect=load_balanced``
-URI option:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new([ '' ],
- database: 'mydb', load_balanced: true, connect: :load_balanced)
- # Or using the URI syntax:
- Mongo::Client.new("mongodb://")
-MongoDB Atlas Connection
-To connect to a MongoDB deployment on Atlas, first create a ``Mongo::Client`` instance using your
-cluster's connection string and other client options.
-You can set the `Stable API `_ version as
-a client option to avoid breaking changes when you upgrade to a new server version.
-The following code shows how you can specify the connection string and the Stable API client option
-when connecting to a MongoDB deployment and verify that the connection is successful:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- require 'mongo'
- # Replace the placeholders with your credentials
- uri = "mongodb+srv://:@cluster0.sample.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
- # Set the server_api field of the options object to Stable API version 1
- options = { server_api: { version: "1" } }
- # Create a new client and connect to the server
- client = Mongo::Client.new(uri, options)
- # Send a ping to confirm a successful connection
- begin
- admin_client = client.use('admin')
- result = admin_client.database.command(ping: 1).documents.first
- puts "Pinged your deployment. You successfully connected to MongoDB!"
- rescue Mongo::Error::OperationFailure => ex
- puts ex
- ensure
- client.close
- end
-Connect to MongoDB Atlas from AWS Lambda
-To learn how to connect to Atlas from AWS Lambda, see the
-`Manage Connections with AWS Lambda `__
-.. _srv-uri-notes:
-SRV URI Notes
-When the driver connects to a
-:manual:`mongodb+srv protocol `
-URI, keep in mind the following:
-1. SRV URI lookup is performed synchronously when the client is constructed.
- If this lookup fails for any reason, client construction will fail with an
- exception. When a client is constructed with a list of hosts, the driver
- will attempt to contact and monitor those hosts for as long as the client
- object exists. If one of these hosts does not resolve initially but becomes
- resolvable later, the driver will be able to establish a connection to such
- a host when it becomes available. The initial SRV URI lookup must succeed
- on the first attempt; subsequent host lookups will be retried by the driver
- as needed.
-2. The driver looks up URI options in the DNS TXT records corresponding to the
- SRV records. These options can be overridden by URI options specified in the
- URI and by Ruby options, in this order.
-3. Because the URI options are retrieved in a separate DNS query from the
- SRV lookup, in environments with unreliable network connectivity
- the URI option query may fail when the SRV lookup succeeds. Such a failure
- would cause the driver to use the wrong auth source leading to
- authentication failures. This can be worked around by explicitly specifying
- the auth source:
- .. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new("mongodb+srv://username:myRealPassword@cluster0.mongodb.net/test?w=majority&authSource=admin")
-4. If the topology of the constructed ``Client`` object is unknown or a
- sharded cluster, the driver will begin monitoring the specified SRV DNS
- records for changes and will automatically update the list of servers in the
- cluster. The updates will stop if the topology becomes a single or a replica
- set.
-.. _client-options:
-Client Options
-``Mongo::Client``'s constructor accepts a number of options configuring the
-behavior of the driver. The options can be provided in the options hash as
-Ruby options, in the URI as URI options, or both. If both a Ruby option and
-the analogous URI option are provided, the Ruby option takes precedence.
-Ruby Options
-.. note::
- The options passed directly should be symbols.
-.. note::
- Unless otherwise specified, Ruby options that deal with times are given in
- seconds.
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 25 40 10 15
- * - Option
- - Description
- - Type
- - Default
- * - ``:app_name``
- - Application name that is printed to the mongod logs upon establishing a connection
- in server versions >= 3.4.
- - ``String``
- - none
- * - ``:auth_mech``
- - Specifies the authenticaion mechanism to use. Can be one of:
- ``:gssapi``, ``:mongodb_cr``, ``:mongodb_x509``, ``:plain``,
- ``:scram``, ``:scram256``. GSSAPI (Kerberos) authentication
- :ref:`requires additional dependencies `.
- - ``Symbol``
- - If user credentials are not supplied, ``nil``. If user credentials
- are supplied, the default depends on server version.
- MongoDB 4.0 and later: ``:scram256`` if user credentials correspond
- to a user which supports SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication, otherwise
- ``:scram``.
- MongoDB 3.0-3.6: ``:scram``.
- MongoDB 2.6: ``:mongodb_cr``
- * - ``:auth_mech_properties``
- - Provides additional authentication mechanism properties.
- The keys in properties are interpreted case-insensitively.
- When the client is created, keys are lowercased.
- - ``Hash``
- - When using the GSSAPI authentication mechanism, the default properties
- are ``{service_name: "mongodb"}``. Otherwise the default is nil.
- * - ``:auth_source``
- - Specifies the authentication source.
- - ``String``
- - For MongoDB 2.6 and later: **admin** if credentials are
- supplied, otherwise the current database
- * - ``:auto_encryption_options``
- - A ``Hash`` of options for configuring automatic encryption.
- - ``:key_vault_client`` - A client connected to the MongoDB instance
- storing the encryption data keys (``Mongo::Client``, defaults to the
- top-level client instance).
- - ``:key_vault_namespace`` - The namespace of the key vault collection
- in the format ``"database.collection"`` (``String``, required).
- - ``:kms_providers`` - Key management service configuration information.
- One or both of the keys ``:local`` and ``:aws`` must be specified
- (``Hash``, required). See the "The ``kms_providers`` option`` section of the
- :ref:`Client-Side Encryption tutorial` for more
- information about this option.
- - ``:schema_map`` - The JSONSchema for one or more collections specifying
- which fields should be encrypted (``Hash``, optional, defaults to ``nil``).
- - ``:bypass_auto_encryption`` - Whether to skip automatic encryption when
- performing database operations (``Boolean``, defaults to ``false``).
- - ``:extra_options`` - Options related to spawning mongocryptd (``Hash``,
- optional, defaults to ``nil``).
- For more information about formatting these options, see the
- "Auto-Encryption Options" section of the :ref:`Client-Side Encryption tutorial`.
- - ``Hash``
- - none
- * - ``:bg_error_backtrace``
- - Experimental. Controls whether and how backtraces are logged when
- errors occur in background threads. If ``true``, the driver will log
- complete backtraces. If set to a positive integer, the driver will
- log up to that many backtrace lines. If set to ``false`` or ``nil``,
- no backtraces will be logged. Other values are an error.
- - ``true``, ``false``, ``nil``, ``Integer``
- - none
- * - ``:compressors``
- - A list of potential compressors to use, in order of preference.
- Please see below for details on how the driver implements compression.
- - ``Array``
- - none
- * - ``:connect``
- - **Deprecated.** Disables deployment topology discovery normally
- performed by the dirver and forces the cluster topology to a specific
- type. Valid values are ``:direct``, ``:load_balanced``,
- ``:replica_set`` or ``:sharded``. If ``:load_balanced`` is used,
- the client will behave as if it is connected to a load balancer
- regardless of whether the server(s) it connects to advertise themselves
- as load balancers.
- - ``Symbol``
- - none
- * - ``:connect_timeout``
- - The number of seconds to wait to establish a socket connection
- before raising an exception. This timeout is also used for SRV DNS
- record resolution. ``nil`` and ``0`` mean no timeout.
- Client creation will fail with an error if an invalid timeout value
- is passed (such as a negative value or a non-numeric value).
- - ``Float``
- - 10
- * - ``:database``
- - The name of the database to connect to.
- - ``String``
- - admin
- * - ``:direct_connection``
- - Connect directly to the specified host, do not discover deployment
- topology.
- - ``Boolean``
- - false
- * - ``:heartbeat_frequency``
- - The number of seconds for the server monitors to refresh
- server states asynchronously.
- - ``Float``
- - 10
- * - ``:id_generator``
- - A custom object to generate ids for documents. Must respond to #generate.
- - ``Object``
- - none
- * - ``:load_balanced``
- - Whether to expect to connect to a load balancer.
- - ``Boolean``
- - false
- * - ``:local_threshold``
- - Specifies the maximum latency in seconds between the nearest
- server and the servers that can be available for selection to operate on.
- - ``Float``
- - 0.015
- * - ``:logger``
- - A custom logger.
- - ``Object``
- - ``Logger``
- * - ``:max_connecting``
- - The maximum number of connections that the connection pool will try to establish in parallel.
- - ``Integer``
- - 2
- * - ``:max_idle_time``
- - The maximum time, in seconds, that a connection can be idle before it
- is closed by the connection pool.
- *Warning:* when connected to a load balancer, the driver uses existing
- connections for iterating cursors (which includes change streams)
- and executing transactions. Setting an idle time via this option may
- cause the driver to close connections that are needed for subsequent
- operations, causing those operations to fail.
- - ``Integer``
- - none
- * - ``:max_pool_size``
- - The maximum size of the connection pool for each server.
- Setting this option to zero removes the max size limit from the connection pool, permitting it to grow to any number of connections.
- - ``Integer``
- - 20
- * - ``:max_read_retries``
- - The maximum number of read retries, when legacy read retries are used.
- Set to 0 to disable legacy read retries.
- - ``Integer``
- - 1
- * - ``:max_write_retries``
- - The maximum number of write retries, when legacy write retries are used.
- Set to 0 to disable legacy write retries.
- - ``Integer``
- - 1
- * - ``:min_pool_size``
- - The minimum number of connections in the connection pool for each
- server. The driver will establish connections in the background until
- the pool contains this many connections.
- - ``Integer``
- - 0
- * - ``:monitoring``
- - The monitoring object.
- - ``Object``
- - none
- * - ``:password``
- - The password of the user to authenticate with.
- - ``String``
- - none
- * - ``:platform``
- - Platform information to include in the metadata printed to the mongod logs upon establishing a
- connection in server versions >= 3.4.
- - ``String``
- - none
- * - ``:read``
- - Specifies the read preference mode and tag sets for selecting servers
- as a ``Hash``. Allowed Keys in the hash are ``:mode``, ``:tag_sets`` and
- ``:max_staleness``.
- .. code-block:: ruby
- { read:
- { mode: :secondary,
- tag_sets: [ "data_center" => "berlin" ],
- max_staleness: 5,
- }
- }
- If tag sets are provided, they must be an array of hashes. A server
- satisfies the read preference if its tags match any one hash in the
- provided tag sets.
- Each tag set must be a hash, and will be converted internally to
- a ``BSON::Document`` instance prior to being used for server selection.
- Hash keys can be strings or symbols. The keys are case sensitive.
- Hash values must be strings, and are matched exactly against the values
- in the replica set configuration.
- - ``Hash``
- - ``{ :mode => :primary }``
- * - ``:read_concern``
- - Specifies the read concern options. The only valid key is ``level``,
- for which the valid values are ``:local``, ``:majority``, and
- ``:snapshot``.
- - ``Hash``
- - none
- * - ``:read_retry_interval``
- - The interval, in seconds, in which reads on a mongos are retried.
- - ``Integer``
- - 5
- * - ``:replica_set``
- - When connecting to a replica set, this is the name of the set to
- filter servers by.
- - ``String``
- - none
- * - ``:retry_writes``
- - If a single-statement write operation fails from a network error, the driver automatically retries it once
- when connected to server versions 3.6+.
- - ``Boolean``
- - true
- * - ``:sdam_proc``
- - Since the client begins monitoring the deployment in background as
- soon as it is constructed, constructing a client and then subscribing
- to :ref:`SDAM ` events in a separate statement may result in the
- subscriber not receiving some of the SDAM events. The ``:sdam_proc``
- option permits adding event subscribers on the client being constructed
- before any SDAM events are published.
- Pass a ``Proc`` which will be called with the ``Client`` as the argument
- after the client's event subscription mechanism has been initialized
- but before any of the servers are added to the client. Use this
- ``Proc`` to set up SDAM event subscribers on the client.
- Note: the client is not fully constructed when the ``Proc`` provided in
- ``:sdam_proc is invoked, in particular the cluster is nil at this time.
- ``:sdam_proc`` procedure should limit itself to calling
- ``Client#subscribe`` and ``Client#unsubscribe`` methods on on the
- passed client only.
- - ``Proc``
- - none
- * - ``:server_api``
- - The server API version requested.
- This is a hash with the following allowed items:
- - ``:version`` (String)
- - ``:strict`` (true or false)
- - ``:deprecation_errors`` (true or false)
- Note that the server API version can only be specified as a Ruby option,
- not as a URI option, and it cannot be overridden for database and
- collection objects.
- If server API version is changed on a client (such as via the ``with``
- call), the entire API version hash is replaced with the new specification
- (the old and the new individual fields are NOT merged).
- - ``Hash``
- - none
- * - ``:server_selection_timeout``
- - The number of seconds to wait for an appropriate server to
- be selected for an operation to be executed before raising an exception.
- - ``Float``
- - 30
- * - ``:socket_timeout``
- - The number of seconds to wait for an operation to execute on a
- socket before raising an exception. ``nil`` and ``0`` mean no timeout.
- Client creation will fail with an error if an invalid timeout value
- is passed (such as a negative value or a non-numeric value).
- - ``Float``
- - none
- * - ``:srv_max_hosts``
- - The maximum number of mongoses that the driver will communicate with
- for sharded topologies. If this option is set to 0, there will
- be no maximum number of mongoses. If the given URI resolves
- to more hosts than ``:srv_max_hosts``, the client will ramdomly
- choose an ``:srv_max_hosts`` sized subset of hosts. Note that the
- hosts that the driver ignores during client construction will never
- be used. If the hosts chosen by the driver become unavailable, the
- client will quit working completely, even though the deployment has
- other functional mongoses.
- - ``Integer``
- - 0
- * - ``:srv_service_name``
- - The service name to use in the SRV DNS query.
- - ``String``
- - mongodb
- * - ``:ssl``
- - Tell the client to connect to the servers via TLS.
- - ``Boolean``
- - false
- * - ``:ssl_ca_cert``
- - The file path containing concatenated certificate authority certificates
- used to validate certs passed from the other end of the connection.
- One of ``:ssl_ca_cert``, ``:ssl_ca_cert_string`` or ``:ssl_ca_cert_object``
- (in order of priority) is required for ``:ssl_verify``.
- - ``String``
- - none
- * - ``:ssl_ca_cert_object``
- - An array of OpenSSL::X509::Certificate representing the certificate
- authority certificates used to validate certs passed from the other end
- of the connection. One of ``:ssl_ca_cert``, ``:ssl_ca_cert_string`` or
- ``:ssl_ca_cert_object`` (in order of priority) is required for ``:ssl_verify``.
- - ``Array< OpenSSL::X509::Certificate >``
- - none
- * - ``:ssl_ca_cert_string``
- - A string containing concatenated certificate authority certificates
- used to validate certs passed from the other end of the connection.
- One of ``:ssl_ca_cert``, ``:ssl_ca_cert_string`` or ``:ssl_ca_cert_object``
- (in order of priority) is required for ``:ssl_verify``.
- - ``String``
- - none
- * - ``:ssl_cert``
- - Path to the client certificate file used to identify the application to
- the MongoDB servers. The file may also contain the certificate's private
- key; if so, the private key is ignored by this option. The file may
- also contain intermediate certificates forming the certificate chain
- from the client certificate to the CA certificate; any intermediate
- certificates will be parsed by the driver and provided to the OpenSSL
- context in ``extra_chain_cert`` attribute. If intermediate certificates
- are provided, they must follow the client certificate which must be
- the first certificate in the file.
- This option, if present, takes precedence over ``:ssl_cert_string`` and
- ``:ssl_cert_object`` options.
- - ``String``
- - none
- * - ``:ssl_cert_object``
- - The OpenSSL::X509::Certificate used to identify the application to
- the MongoDB servers. Only one certificate may be passed through this
- option.
- - ``OpenSSL::X509::Certificate``
- - none
- * - ``:ssl_cert_string``
- - A string containing the PEM-encoded certificate used to identify the
- application to the MongoDB servers. The string may also contain the
- certificate's private key; if so, the private key is ignored by this
- option. The string may also contain intermediate certificates forming
- the certificate chain from the client certificate to the CA certificate;
- any intermediate certificates will be parsed by the driver and provided
- to the OpenSSL context in ``extra_chain_cert`` attribute. If intermediate
- certificates are provided, they must follow the client certificate which
- must be the first certificatet in the string.
- This option, if present, takes precedence over the ``:ssl_cert_object``
- option.
- - ``String``
- - none
- * - ``:ssl_key``
- - The private keyfile used to identify the connection against MongoDB. Note that even if the key is stored in
- the same file as the certificate, both need to be explicitly specified. This option, if present, takes
- precedence over the values of :ssl_key_string and :ssl_key_object.
- - ``String``
- - none
- * - ``:ssl_key_object``
- - The private key used to identify the connection against MongoDB.
- - ``OpenSSL::PKey``
- - none
- * - ``:ssl_key_pass_phrase``
- - A passphrase for the private key.
- - ``String``
- - none
- * - ``:ssl_key_string``
- - A string containing the PEM-encoded private key used to identify the
- connection against MongoDB. This parameter, if present, takes precedence
- over the value of option :ssl_key_object.
- - ``String``
- - none
- * - ``:ssl_verify``
- - Whether to perform peer certificate, hostname and OCSP endpoint
- validation. Note that the decision of whether to validate certificates
- will be overridden if ``:ssl_verify_certificate`` is set, the decision
- of whether to validate hostnames will be overridden if
- ``:ssl_verify_hostname`` is set and the decision of whether to validate
- OCSP endpoint will be overridden if ``:ssl_verify_ocsp_endpoint`` is set.
- - ``Boolean``
- - true
- * - ``:ssl_verify_certificate``
- - Whether to perform peer certificate validation. This setting overrides
- the ``:ssl_verify`` setting with respect to whether certificate
- validation is performed.
- - ``Boolean``
- - true
- * - ``:ssl_verify_hostname``
- - Whether to perform peer hostname validation. This setting overrides
- the ``:ssl_verify`` setting with respect to whether hostname validation
- is performed.
- - ``Boolean``
- - true
- * - ``:ssl_verify_ocsp_endpoint``
- - Whether to validate server-supplied certificate against the OCSP
- endpoint specified in the certificate, if the OCSP endpoint is specified
- in the certificate. This setting overrides :ssl_verify with respect to
- whether OCSP endpoint validation is performed.
- - ``Boolean``
- - true
- * - ``:truncate_logs``
- - Whether to truncate the logs at the default 250 characters.
- - ``Boolean``
- - true
- * - ``:user``
- - The name of the user to authenticate with.
- - ``String``
- - none
- * - ``:wait_queue_timeout``
- - The number of seconds to wait for a connection in the connection
- pool to become available.
- - ``Float``
- - 10
- * - ``:wrapping_libraries``
- - Information about libraries such as ODMs that are wrapping the driver.
- Specify the lower level libraries first. Allowed hash keys: :name,
- :version, :platform. Example: ``[name: 'Mongoid', version: '7.1.2']``
- - ``Array``
- - none
- * - ``:write``
- - Deprecated. Equivalent to ``:write_concern`` option. If both ``:write``
- and ``:write_concern`` are specified, their values must be identical.
- - ``Hash``
- - ``{ w: 1 }``
- * - ``:write_concern``
- - Specifies write concern options as a ``Hash``.
- Keys in the hash can be ``:w``, ``:wtimeout``, ``:j``, ``:fsync``.
- Note that ``:wtimeout`` is specified in milliseconds, not seconds.
- .. code-block:: ruby
- { write_concern: { w: 2 } }
- - ``Hash``
- - ``{ w: 1 }``
- * - ``:zlib_compression_level``
- - The Zlib compression level to use, if using compression. See Ruby's Zlib module for valid levels.
- - ``Integer``
- - none
-.. note::
- The Ruby driver does not implement certificate revocation list (CRL)
- checking.
-URI Options
-Since the URI options are required to be in camel case, which is not the Ruby
-standard, the following table shows URI options and their corresponding Ruby
-URI options are explained in detail in the :manual:`Connection URI reference
-.. note::
- Options that are set in **milliseconds** in the URI are
- represented as a ``float`` in Ruby and the units are **seconds**.
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 40 105
- * - URI Option
- - Ruby Option
- * - appName=String
- - ``:app_name => String``
- * - authMechanism=String
- - ``:auth_mech => Symbol``
- Auth mechanism values are converted as follows from URI options to
- Ruby options:
- - ``GSSAPI`` => ``:gssapi``
- - ``MONGODB-CR`` => ``:mongodb_cr``
- - ``MONGODB-X509`` => ``:mongodb_x509``
- - ``PLAIN`` => ``:plain``
- - ``SCRAM-SHA-1`` => ``:scram``
- - ``SCRAM-SHA-256`` => ``:scram256``
- If a different value is provided for auth mechanism, it is converted
- to the Ruby option unmodified and retains its ``String`` type.
- Note that, while currently the driver allows a ``Client`` instance
- to be constructed with an unrecognized auth mechanism, this behavior
- `may change in a future version of the driver `_.
- * - authMechanismProperties=Strings
- - ``{ :auth_mech_properties => { :service_realm => String, :canonicalize_host_name => true|false, :service_name => String } }``
- Specified as comma-separated key:value pairs, e.g. ``"SERVICE_REALM:foo,CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME:TRUE"``.
- * - authSource=String
- - ``:auth_source => String``
- * - compressors=Strings
- - ``:compressors => Array``
- A comma-separated list of potential compressors to use, in order of
- preference. Please see below for details on how the driver implements
- compression.
- * - connect=String
- - ``:connect => Symbol``
- The same values that the ``:connect`` Ruby option accepts are
- accepted here. For multi-word values, the values must be provided
- using underscores to separate the words, i.e.
- ``connect=replica_set`` and ``connect=load_balanced``.
- * - connectTimeoutMS=Integer
- - ``:connect_timeout => Float``
- Unlike the corresponding Ruby option which fails client creation on
- invalid values (e.g. negative and non-numeric values), invalid values
- provided via this URI option are ignored with a warning.
- * - directConnection=Boolean
- - ``:direct_connection => Boolean``
- * - fsync=Boolean
- - ``{ :write_concern => { :fsync => true|false }}``
- * - heartbeatFrequencyMS=Integer
- - ``:heartbeat_frequency => Float``
- * - journal=Boolean
- - ``{ :write_concern => { :j => true|false }}``
- * - loadBalanced=Boolean
- - ``:load_balanced => Boolean``
- * - localThresholdMS=Integer
- - ``:local_threshold => Float``
- * - maxConnecting=Integer
- - ``:max_connecting => Integer``
- * - maxIdleTimeMS=Integer
- - ``:max_idle_time => Float``
- * - maxStalenessSeconds=Integer
- - ``{ :read => { :max_staleness => Integer }}``
- If the maxStalenessSeconds URI option value is -1, the driver treats
- this as if the option was not given at all. Otherwise,
- if the option value is numeric, the Ruby option is set to the
- specified value converted to an ``Integer``.
- Note that numeric values greater than 0 but less than 90, or less than
- -1, are accepted by the ``Client`` constructor but will cause server
- selection to fail (unless the option is changed via, for example, the
- ``with`` method prior to any operations being performed on the driver).
- If the option value is non-numeric, it is ignored and the driver
- treats this case as if the option was not given at all.
- * - maxPoolSize=Integer
- - ``:max_pool_size => Integer``
- * - minPoolSize=Integer
- - ``:min_pool_size => Integer``
- * - readConcernLevel=String
- - ``:read_concern => Hash``
- * - readPreference=String
- - ``{ :read => { :mode => Symbol }}``
- * - readPreferenceTags=Strings
- - ``{ :read => { :tag_sets => Array }}``
- Each instance of the readPreferenceTags field is a comma-separated key:value pair which will appear in the :tag_sets array in the order they are specified. For instance, ``"readPreferenceTags=dc:ny,rack:1&readPreferenceTags=dc:ny"`` will be converted to ``[ { 'dc' => 'ny', 'rack' => '1' }, { 'dc' => 'ny' }]``.
- * - replicaSet=String
- - ``:replica_set => String``
- * - retryWrites=Boolean
- - ``:retry_writes => boolean``
- * - serverSelectionTimeoutMS=Integer
- - ``:server_selection_timeout => Float``
- * - socketTimeoutMS=Integer
- - ``:socket_timeout => Float``
- Unlike the corresponding Ruby option which fails client creation on
- invalid values (e.g. negative and non-numeric values), invalid values
- provided via this URI option are ignored with a warning.
- * - srvMaxHosts=Integer
- - ``:srv_max_hosts => Integer``
- * - srvServiceName=String
- - ``:srv_service_name => String``
- * - ssl=Boolean
- - ``:ssl => true|false``
- * - tls=Boolean
- - ``:ssl => boolean``
- * - tlsAllowInvalidCertificates=Boolean
- - ``:ssl_verify_certificate => boolean``
- Because ``tlsAllowInvalidCertificates`` uses ``true`` to signify that
- verification should be disabled and ``ssl_verify_certificate`` uses
- ``false`` to signify that verification should be disabled, the boolean
- is inverted before being used to set ``ssl_verify_certificate``.
- * - tlsAllowInvalidHostnames=Boolean
- - ``:ssl_verify_hostname => boolean``
- Because ``tlsAllowInvalidHostnames`` uses ``true`` to signify that
- verification should be disabled and ``ssl_verify_hostname`` uses
- ``false`` to signify that verification should be disabled, the boolean
- is inverted before being used to set ``ssl_verify_hostname``.
- * - tlsCAFile=String
- - ``:ssl_ca_cert => String``
- * - tlsCertificateKeyFile=String
- - ``:ssl_cert => String``
- * - tlsCertificateKeyFile=String
- - ``:ssl_key => String``
- * - tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword=String
- - ``:ssl_key_pass_phrase => String``
- * - tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck=Boolean
- - ``:ssl_verify_ocsp_endpoint => boolean``
- Because ``tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck`` uses ``true`` to signify that
- verification should be disabled and ``ssl_verify_ocsp_endpoint`` uses
- ``false`` to signify that verification should be disabled, the boolean
- is inverted before being used to set ``ssl_verify_ocsp_endpoint``.
- * - tlsInsecure=Boolean
- - ``:ssl_verify => boolean``
- Because tlsInsecure uses ``true`` to signify that verification should
- be disabled and ``ssl_verify`` uses ``false`` to signify that
- verification should be disabled, the boolean is inverted before being
- used to set ``ssl_verify``.
- * - w=Integer|String
- - ``{ :write_concern => { :w => Integer|String }}``
- * - waitQueueTimeoutMS=Integer
- - ``:wait_queue_timeout => Float``
- * - wtimeoutMS=Integer
- - ``{ :write_concern => { :wtimeout => Integer }}``
- * - zlibCompressionLevel=Integer
- - ``:zlib_compression_level => Integer``
-.. note::
- The Ruby driver only fails connections when it receives a definitive signed
- response indicating that the server's certificate has been revoked.
- Because of this, the driver does not recognize the
- ``tlsDisableCertificateRevocationCheck`` URI option. If this option is
- provided in a URI, it will be ignored.
-Timeout Options
-When executing an operation, the number of seconds to wait for the driver
-to find an appropriate server to send an operation to. Defaults to 30.
-A value of 0 means no timeout.
-When an invalid value (e.g. a negative value or a non-numeric value) is passed
-via the URI option, the invalid input is ignored with a warning. When an
-invalid value is passed directly to Client via a Ruby option, Client
-construction fails with an error.
-In replica set deployments, this timeout should be set to exceed the typical
-:manual:`replica set election times `
-in order for the driver to transparently handle primary changes. This timeout
-also allows the application and the database to be started simultaneously;
-the application will wait up to this much time for the database to become
-If the application server is behind a reverse proxy, server selection timeout
-should be lower than the request timeout configured on the reverse proxy (for
-example, this applies to deployments on Heroku which has a fixed 30 second
-timeout in the routing layer). In development this value can be lowered to
-provide quicker failure when the server is not running.
-The number of seconds to wait for a socket read or write to complete on
-regular (non-monitoring) connections. Default is no timeout.
-A value of 0 means no timeout.
-When an invalid value (e.g. a negative value or a non-numeric value) is passed
-via the URI option, the invalid input is ignored with a warning. When an
-invalid value is passed directly to Client via a Ruby option, Client
-construction fails with an error.
-This timeout should take into account both network latency and operation
-duration. For example, setting this timeout to 5 seconds will abort queries
-taking more than 5 seconds to execute on the server with ``Mongo::Error::SocketTimeoutError``.
-Note that even though by default there is no socket timeout set, the
-operating system may still time out read operations depending on its
-configuration. The keepalive settings are intended to detect broken network
-connections (as opposed to aborting operations simply because they take a
-long time to execute).
-Note that if an operation is timed out by the driver due to exceeding the
-``socket_timeout`` value, it is not aborted on the server. For this reason
-it is recommended to use ``max_time_ms`` option for potentially long running
-operations, as this will abort their execution on the server.
-This option does not apply to monitoring connections.
-The number of seconds to wait for a socket connection to be established to
-a server. Defaults to 10.
-This timeout is also used as both connect timeout and socket timeout for
-monitoring connections.
-When using a ``mongodb+srv://`` URI, this timeout is also used for SRV and TXT
-DNS lookups. Note that the timeout applies per lookup; due to DNS suffix search
-lists, multiple lookups may be performed as part of a single name resolution.
-The number of seconds to wait for a connection in the connection pool to
-become available. Defaults to 10.
-As of driver version 2.11, this timeout should be set to a value at least
-as large as ``connect_timeout`` because connection pool now fully establishes
-connections prior to returning them, which may require several network
-round trips.
-Specified as an option on a particular operation, the number of milliseconds
-to allow the operation to execute for on the server. Not set by default.
-Consider using this option instead of a ``socket_timeout`` for potentially
-long running operations to be interrupted on the server when they take too
-The number of milliseconds to wait for a write to be acknowledged by the
-number of servers specified in the write concern. Not set by default, which
-instructs the server to apply its default. This option can be set globally
-on the client or passed to individual operations under ``:write_concern``.
-TLS Connections
-To connect to the MongoDB deployment using TLS:
-- Enable TLS connections in ``Mongo::Client``.
-- Specify the client TLS certificate.
-- Specify the CA certificate to verify the server's TLS certificate.
-.. note::
- When using JRuby, ECDSA certificates are not currently supported.
-TLS vs SSL Option Names
-All MongoDB server versions supported by the Ruby driver (2.6 and higher)
-only implement TLS. 2.6 and higher servers do not use SSL.
-For historical reasons, the Ruby option names pertaining to TLS configuration
-use the ``ssl`` rather than the ``tls`` prefix. The next major version of
-the Ruby driver (3.0) will use the ``tls`` prefix for Ruby option names.
-The URI option names use the ``tls`` prefix, with one exception: there is
-a ``ssl`` URI option that is deprecated and equivalent to the ``tls`` URI
-Enable TLS Connections
-TLS must be explicitly requested on the client side when the deployment
-requires TLS connections - there is currently no automatic detection of
-whether the deployment requires TLS.
-To request TLS connections, specify the following client options when
-constructing a ``Mongo::Client``:
-- The ``:ssl`` Ruby option.
-- The ``tls`` URI option.
-- The ``ssl`` URI option (deprecated).
-Specify Client TLS Certificate
-By default, MongoDB server will attempt to verify the connecting clients'
-TLS certificates, which requires the clients to specify their TLS certificates
-when connecting. This can be accomplished via:
-- The ``:ssl_cert``/``:ssl_cert_object``/``:ssl_cert_string`` and
- ``:ssl_key``/``:ssl_key_object``/``:ssl_key_string``/``:ssl_key_pass_phrase``
- Ruby options.
-- The ``tlsCertificateKeyFile`` URI option.
-When using the Ruby options, the client TLS certificate and the corresponding
-private key may be provided separately. For example, if the certificate is
-stored in ``client.crt`` and the private key is stored in ``client.key``,
-a ``Mongo::Client`` may be constructed as follows:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(["localhost:27017"],
- ssl: true,
- ssl_cert: 'path/to/client.crt',
- ssl_key: 'path/to/client.key',
- ssl_ca_cert: 'path/to/ca.crt',
- )
-``ssl_cert``, ``ssl_cert_string``, ``ssl_key`` and ``ssl_key_string`` Ruby
-options also permit the certificate and the key to be provided in the same
-file or string, respectively. The files containing both certificate and
-private key frequently have the ``.pem`` extension. When both certificate
-and the private key are provided in the same file or string, both the
-certifcate and the key options must be utilized, as follows:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(["localhost:27017"],
- ssl: true,
- ssl_cert: 'path/to/client.pem',
- ssl_key: 'path/to/client.pem',
- ssl_ca_cert: 'path/to/ca.crt',
- )
-When using the URI option, the certificate and the key must be stored in a
-file and both must be stored in the same file. Example usage:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(
- "mongodb://localhost:27017/?tls=true&tlsCertificateKeyFile=path%2fto%2fclient.pem&tlsCertificateKeyFile=path%2fto%2fca.crt")
-.. note::
- URI option values must be properly URI escaped. This applies, for example, to
- slashes in the paths.
-.. _modifying-tls-context:
-Modifying ``SSLContext``
-It may be desirable to further configure TLS options in the driver, for example
-by enabling or disabling certain ciphers. Currently, the Ruby driver does not
-provide a way to do this when initializing a ``Mongo::Client``.
-However, the Ruby driver provides a way to set global "TLS context hooks" --
-these are user-provided ``Proc``s that will be invoked before any TLS socket
-connection and can be used to modify the underlying ``OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext``
-object used by the socket.
-To set the TLS context hooks, add ``Proc``s to the ``Mongo.tls_context_hooks``
-array. This should be done before creating any Mongo::Client instances.
-For example, in a Rails application this code could be placed in an initializer.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo.tls_context_hooks.push(
- Proc.new { |context|
- context.ciphers = ["AES256-SHA"]
- }
- )
- # Only the AES256-SHA cipher will be enabled from this point forward
-Every ``Proc`` in ``Mongo.tls_context_hooks`` will be passed an
-``OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext`` object as its sole argument. These ``Proc``s will
-be executed sequentially during the creation of every ``Mongo::Socket::SSL`` object.
-It is possible to assign the entire array of hooks calling ``Mongo.tls_context_hooks=``,
-but doing so will remove any previously assigned hooks. It is recommended to use
-the ``Array#push`` or ``Array#unshift`` methods to add new hooks.
-It is also possible to remove hooks from ``Mongo.tls_context_hooks`` by storing
-a reference to the Procs somewhere else in the application, and then using
-``Array#delete_if`` to remove the desired hooks.
-.. warning::
- TLS context hooks are global and will affect every instance of ``Mongo::Client``.
- Any library that allows applications to enable these hooks should expose methods to
- modify the hooks (which can be called by the application) rather than
- automatically enabling the hooks when the library is loaded.
-Further information on configuring MongoDB server for TLS is available in the
-:manual:`MongoDB manual `.
-Using Intermediate Certificates
-It is possible to use certificate chains for both the client and the server
-certificates. When using chains, the certificate authority parameter should
-be configured to contain the trusted root certificates only; the intermediate
-certificates, if any, should be provided in the server or client certificates
-by concatenating them after the leaf server and client certificates, respectively.
-``:ssl_cert`` and ``:ssl_cert_string`` Ruby options, as well as
-``tlsCertificateKeyFile`` URI option, support certificate chains.
-``:ssl_cert_object`` Ruby option, which takes an instance of
-``OpenSSL::X509::Certificate``, does not support certificate chains.
-The Ruby driver performs strict X.509 certificate verification, which requires
-that both of the following fields are set in the intermediate certificate(s):
-- X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA: TRUE -- Can sign certificates
-- X509v3 Key Usage: Key Cert Sign -- Can sign certificates
-More information about these flags can be found `in this Stack Overflow question
-It is a common pitfall to concatenate intermediate certificates to the root
-CA certificates passed in ``tlsCAFile`` / ``ssl_ca_cert`` options. By doing
-so, the intermediate certificates are elevated to trusted status and are
-themselves not verified against the actual CA root. More information on this
-issue is available `in this mailing list post
-Specify CA Certificate
-The driver will attempt to verify the server's TLS certificate by default, and
-will abort the connection if this verification fails. By default, the driver
-will use the default system root certificate store as the trust anchor.
-To specify the CA certificate that the server's certificate is signed with,
-- The ``:ssl_ca_cert``/``:ssl_ca_cert_string``/``:ssl_ca_cert_object``
- Ruby options
-- The ``tlsCAFile`` URI option.
-If any of these options are given, the server's certificate will be verified
-only against the specified CA certificate and the default system root
-certificate store will not be used.
-To not perform server TLS certificate verification, which is not
-recommended, specify the ``ssl_verify: false`` Ruby option or the
-``tlsInsecure=true`` URI option.
-Specifying Multiple CA Certificates
-The ``:ssl_ca_cert`` Ruby option and ``tlsCAFile`` URI option can be used with
-a file containing multiple certificates. All certificates thus referenced
-will become trust anchors.
-The ``:ssl_ca_cert_object`` option takes an array of certificates, and thus
-can also be used to add multiple certificates as certificate authorities.
-The ``:ssl_ca_cert_string`` option supports specifying only one CA certificate.
-.. warning::
- Intermediate certificates must not be provided in files specified by the
- CA certificate options. Doing so would elevate the intermediate certificates
- to the status of root certificates, rather than verifying intermediate
- certificates against the root certificates.
- If intermediate certificates need to be used, specify them as part of the
- client or server TLS certificate files.
-.. _ocsp-verification:
-OCSP Verification
-If the certificate provided by the server contains an OCSP endpoint URI,
-the driver will issue an OCSP request to the specified endpoint to verify the
-validity of the certificate.
-The OCSP endpoint check may be disabled by setting the
-``:ssl_verify_ocsp_endpoint`` Ruby option to ``false`` or by setting the
-``tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck`` URI option to ``true`` when creating a client.
-.. note::
- OCSP endpoint checking is not currently performed when running on JRuby,
- since JRuby does not correctly expose the OCSP endpoint URI.
-IPv4/IPv6 Connections
-When a client is constructed with ``localhost`` as the host name, it will
-attempt an IPv4 connection only (i.e. if ``localhost`` resolves to
-```` and ``::1``, the driver will only try to connect to
-When a client is constructed with hostnames other than ``localhost``, it will
-attempt both IPv4 and IPv6 connections depending on the addresses that the
-hostnames resolve to. The driver respects the order in which ``getaddrinfo``
-returns the addresses, and will attempt to connect to them sequentially.
-The first successful connection will be used.
-The driver does not currently implement the Happy Eyeballs algorithm.
-TCP Keepalive Configuration
-Where allowed by system configuration and the Ruby language runtime,
-the driver enables TCP keepalive and, for each of the keepalive parameters
-listed below, sets the value of the respective parameter to the specified
-value if the system value can be determined and is higher than the
-listed driver value:
-- ``tcp_keepalive_time``: 120 seconds
-- ``tcp_keepalive_intvl``: 10 seconds
-- ``tcp_keepalive_cnt``: 9 probes
-.. note::
- As of JRuby, JRuby does not implement the APIs required to
- set the keepalive parameters. When using JRuby, the driver will not be
- able to set the keepalive parameters and the system configuration will
- be in effect.
-To use lower values, or to change the parameters in environments like JRuby
-that do not expose the required APIs, please adjust the parameters at the
-system level as described in the `MongoDB Diagnostics FAQ keepalive section
-Connection Pooling
-``Mongo::Client`` instances have a connection pool per server that the client
-is connected to. The pool creates connections on demand to support concurrent
-MongoDB operations issued by the application. There is no thread-affinity
-for connections.
-The client instance opens one additional connection per known server
-for monitoring the server's state.
-The size of each connection pool is capped at ``max_pool_size``, which defaults
-to 5. When a thread in the application begins an operation on MongoDB, it tries
-to retrieve a connection from the pool to send that operation on. If there
-are some connections available in the pool, it checks out a connection from
-the pool and uses it for the operation. If there are no connections available
-and the size of the pool is less than the ``max_pool_size``, a new connection
-will be created. If all connections are in use and the pool has reached its
-maximum size, the thread waits for a connection to be returned to the pool by
-another thread. If ``max_pool_size`` is set to zero, there is no limit for the
-maximum number of connections in the pool.
-Each pool has a limit on the number of connections that can be concurrently
-connecting to a server. This limit is called ``max_connecting`` and defaults to
-2. If the number of connections that are currently connecting to a server
-reaches this limit, the pool will wait for a connection attempt to succeed or
-fail before attempting to create a new connection. If your application
-has a large number of threads, you may want to increase ``max_connecting`` to avoid
-having threads wait for a connection to be established.
-The number of seconds the thread will wait for a connection to become available
-is configurable. This setting, called ``wait_queue_timeout``, is defined in
-seconds. If this timeout is reached, a ``Timeout::Error`` is raised. The
-default is 1 second.
-As of driver version 2.11, the driver eagerly creates connections up to
-``min_pool_size`` setting. Prior to driver version 2.11, the driver always
-created connections on demand. In all versions of the driver, once a connection
-is established, it will be kept in the pool by the driver as long as the pool
-size does not exceed ``min_pool_size``.
-Note that, if ``min_pool_size`` is set to a value greater than zero, the
-driver will establish that many connections to secondaries in replica set
-deployments even if the application does not perform secondary reads. The
-purpose of these connections is to provide faster failover when the primary
-Here is an example of estimating the number of connections a multi-threaded
-application will open: A client connected to a 3-node replica set opens 3
-monitoring sockets. It also opens as many sockets as needed to support a
-multi-threaded application's concurrent operations on each server, up to
-``max_pool_size``. If the application only uses the primary (the default),
-then only the primary connection pool grows and the total connections is at
-most 8 (5 connections for the primary pool + 3 monitoring connections).
-If the application uses a read preference to query the secondaries, their
-pools also grow and the total connections can reach 18 (5 + 5 + 5 + 3).
-The default configuration for a ``Mongo::Client`` works for most applications:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(["localhost:27017"])
-Create this client **once** for each process, and reuse it for all operations.
-It is a common mistake to create a new client for each request, which is very
-inefficient and not what the client was designed for.
-To support extremely high numbers of concurrent MongoDB operations within one
-process, increase ``max_pool_size``:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(["localhost:27017"], max_pool_size: 200)
-To support extremely high numbers of threads that share the same client
-within one process, increase ``max_connecting``:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(["localhost:27017"], max_pool_size: 200, max_connecting: 10)
-Any number of threads are allowed to wait for connections to become available,
-and they can wait the default (1 second) or the ``wait_queue_timeout`` setting:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(["localhost:27017"], wait_queue_timeout: 0.5)
-When ``#close`` is called on a client by any thread, all connections are closed:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.close
-Note that when creating a client using the `block syntax <#block-syntax>`_ described above, the client is automatically closed after the block finishes executing.
-.. _forking:
-Usage with Forking Servers
-.. note::
- Applications using Mongoid should follow `Mongoid's "Usage with Forking Servers" documentation
- `_.
- The guidance below is provided for applications using the Ruby driver directly.
-When using the Mongo Ruby driver in a Web application with a forking web server
-such as Puma, or when the application otherwise forks, each process (parent and child)
-must have its own client connections. This is because:
-1. Background Ruby threads, such as those used by the Ruby MongoDB driver to
- monitor connection state, are **not** transferred to the child process.
-2. File descriptors like network sockets **are** shared between parent and
- child processes, which can cause I/O conflicts.
-Regarding (1), if you do not restart the driver's monitoring threads
-on the child process after forking, although your child may initially
-appear to function correctly, you will eventually see
-``Mongo::Error::NoServerAvailable`` exceptions if/when your MongoDB cluster
-state changes, for example due to network errors or a maintenance event.
-Regarding (2), if a child process reuses the parent's file descriptors, you
-will see ``Mongo::Error::SocketError`` errors with messages such as
-``Errno::EPIPE: Broken pipe`` and ``EOFError: end of file reached``.
-When the Ruby driver is used in a web application, if possible,
-we recommend to not create any ``Mongo::Client`` instances in the parent
-process (prior to the workers being forked), and instead only create client
-instances in the workers.
-Manually Handling Process Forks
-Certain advanced use cases, such as `Puma's fork_worker option `_,
-require ``Mongo::Client`` instances to be open in both the parent
-and child processes. In this case, you must handle client
-reconnection manually.
-To do this, immediately before forking, close any existing client connections
-on your parent process. This will prevent the parent process from experiencing
-network and monitoring errors due to the child's reuse of the parent's
-file descriptors.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- # Immediately before fork
- client.close
-.. note::
- Calling ``Client#close`` does not disrupt database operations currently in-flight.
- Clients will automatically reconnect when you perform new operations.
-Then, immediately after forking, reconnect your clients in the newly
-forked child process, which will respawn the driver's monitoring threads.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- # Immediately after fork
- client.reconnect
-Most web servers provide hooks that can be used by applications to
-perform actions when the worker processes are forked. The recommended
-hooks are:
-- For `Puma `_,
- use ``before_fork`` and ``on_refork`` to close clients in
- the parent process and ``on_worker_boot`` to reconnect in the
- child processes.
-- For `Unicorn `_,
- ``before_fork`` to close clients in the parent process and
- ``after_fork`` to reconnect clients in the child processes.
-- For `Passenger `_,
- ``starting_worker_process`` to reconnect clients in the child processes
- (Passenger does not appear to have a pre-fork hook).
-Refer to `Mongoid's "Usage with Forking Servers" documentation
-for further examples.
-The client's ``summary`` method returns the current state of the client,
-including servers that the client is monitoring and their state. If any of
-the servers are not being monitored, this is indicated by the ``NO-MONITORING``
-A normally operating client will produce a summary similar to the following:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.summary
- => "#>,
- #>,
- #>,
- #]>>"
-A client that is missing background threads will produce a summary similar to
-the following:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.summary
- => "#>,
- #>,
- #>,
- #]>>"
-Retryable Reads
-The driver implements two mechanisms for retrying reads: modern and legacy.
-As of driver version 2.9.0, the modern mechanism is used by default, and the
-legacy mechanism is deprecated.
-Modern Retryable Reads
-When the modern mechanism is used, read operations are retried once in the
-event of a network error, a "not master" error, or a "node is recovering" error.
-The following operations are covered:
-- `Collection#find `_
- and related methods
-- `Collection#aggregate `_
-- `Collection#count `_,
- `Collection#count_documents `_
-- Change stream helpers: `Collection#watch `_,
- `Database#watch `_,
- `Client#watch `_
-- Enumeration commands: `Client#list_mongo_databases `_,
- `Client#list_databases `_,
- `Client#database_names `_,
- `Database#collection_names `_,
- `Database#collections `_,
- `Database#list_collections `_,
- `Collection#indexes `_
-When an operation returns a cursor, only the initial read command can be retried.
-``getMore`` operations on cursors are not retried by driver version 2.9.0 or
-newer. Additionally, when a read operation is retried, a new server for the
-operation is selected; this may result in the retry being sent to a different
-server from the one which received the first read.
-The behavior of modern retryable reads is covered in detail by the
-`retryable reads specification
-Note that the modern retryable reads can only be used with MongoDB 3.6 and
-higher servers. When used with MongoDB 3.4 and lower servers, Ruby driver
-version 2.9.0 and higher will not retry reads by default - the application
-must explicitly request legacy retryable reads by setting the
-``retry_reads: false`` client option or using ``retryReads=false`` URI option.
-Legacy Retryable Reads
-The legacy read retry behavior of the Ruby driver is available by setting the
-``retry_reads: false`` client option or passing the ``retryReads=false`` URI
-option to the client.
-When using legacy read retry behavior, the number of retries can be set
-by specifying the ``max_read_retries`` client option. When using driver version
-2.9.0 or higher, the set of operations which would be retried with legacy
-retryable reads is identical to the one described above for modern retryable
-reads. In older driver versions the behavior of legacy retryable writes was
-different in that some of the operations were not retried.
-As of driver version 2.9.0, legacy read retries perform server selection prior
-to retrying the operation, as modern retriable writes do. In older driver
-versions read retries would be sent to the same server which the initial read
-was sent to.
-Disabling Retryable Reads
-To disable all read retries, set the following client options:
-``retry_reads: false, max_read_retries: 0``.
-Retryable Writes
-The driver implements two mechanisms for retrying writes: modern and legacy.
-As of driver version 2.9.0, the modern mechanism is used by default on servers
-that support it, and the legacy mechanism is deprecated and disabled by default
-on all server versions.
-The following write methods used in day-to-day operations on collections
-are subject to write retries:
-- ``collection#insert_one``
-- ``collection#update_one``
-- ``collection#delete_one``
-- ``collection#replace_one``
-- ``collection#find_one_and_update``
-- ``collection#find_one_and_replace``
-- ``collection#find_one_and_delete``
-- ``collection#bulk_write`` (for all single statement ops, i.e. not for ``update_many`` or ``delete_many``)
-Modern Retryable Writes
-The modern mechanism will retry failing writes once when the driver is
-connected to a MongoDB 3.6 or higher replica set or a sharded cluster,
-because they require an oplog on the serer. Modern mechanism will not retry
-writes when the driver is connected to a standalone MongoDB server or
-server versions 3.4 or older.
-The following errors will cause writes to be retried:
-- Network errors including timeouts
-- "not master" errors
-- "node is recovering" errors
-Prior to retrying the write the driver will perform server selection,
-since the server that the original write was sent to is likely no longer
-Legacy Retryable Writes
-If modern retryable writes mechanism is disabled by setting the client
-option ``retry_writes: false`` or by using the ``retryWrites=false``
-URI option, the driver will utilize the legacy retryable writes mechanism.
-The legacy mechanism retries writes on the same operations as the modern
-mechanism. By default the legacy mechanism retries once, like the modern
-mechanism does; to change the number of retries, set ``:max_write_retries``
-client option.
-The difference between legacy and modern retry mechanisms is that the
-legacy mechanism retries writes for a different set
-of errors compared to the modern mechanism, and specifically does not
-retry writes when a network timeout is encountered.
-Disabling Retryable Writes
-To disable all write retries, set the following client options:
-``retry_writes: false, max_write_retries: 0``.
-You can either use the default global driver logger or set your own. To set your own:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Logger.logger = other_logger
-See the `Ruby Logger documentation `_
-for more information on the default logger API and available levels.
-Changing the Logger Level
-To change the logger level:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Logger.logger.level = Logger::WARN
-For more control, a logger can be passed to a client for per-client control over logging.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- my_logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
- Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test', :logger => my_logger )
-The default logging truncates logs at 250 characters by default. To turn this off pass an
-option to the client instance.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test', :truncate_logs => false )
-.. _compression:
-To use wire protocol compression, at least one compressor must be explicitly
-requested using either the ``:compressors`` Ruby option or the ``compressors``
-URI option. If no compressors are explicitly requested, the driver will not
-use compression, even if the required dependencies for one or more compressors
-are present on the system.
-The driver chooses the first compressor of the ones requested that is also
-supported by the server. The driver currently supports ``zstd``, ``snappy`` and
-``zlib`` compressors. ``zstd`` compressor is recommended as it produces
-the highest compression at the same CPU consumption compared to the other
-compressors. For maximum server compatibility all three compressors can be
-specified, e.g. as ``compressors: ["zstd", "snappy", "zlib"]``.
-``zstd`` compressor requires the
-`zstd-ruby `_ library to be installed.
-``snappy`` compressor requires the
-`snappy `_ library to be installed.
-If ``zstd`` or ``snappy`` compression is requested, and the respective
-library is not loadable, the driver will raise an error during
-``Mongo::Client`` creation. ``zlib`` compression requires the ``zlib``
-standard library extension to be present.
-The server support for various compressors is as follows:
-- ``zstd`` requires and is enabled by default in MongoDB 4.2 or higher.
-- ``snappy`` requires MongoDB 3.4 or higher and is enabled by default in
- MongoDB 3.6 or higher.
-- ``zlib`` requires MongoDB 3.6 or higher and is enabled by default in
- MongoDB 4.2 and higher.
-.. _server-api-parameters:
-Server API Parameters
-Starting with MongoDB 5.0, applications can request that the server behaves
-in accordance with a particular server API version.
-Server API parameters can be specified via the ``:server_api`` option to
-``Client``. These parameters cannot be provided via a URI.
-Currently the only defined API version is ``"1"``. It can be requested
-as follows:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(['localhost'], server_api: {version: "1"})
-MongoDB server defines API versions as string values. For convenience, if the
-API version is provided as an integer, the Ruby driver will stringify it and
-send it to the server as a string:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(['localhost'], server_api: {version: 1})
-Note that the server may define API versions that are not stringified integers.
-Applications must not assume that all legal API versions can be expressed
-as integers.
-When a particular API version is requested, operations which are part of that
-API version behave as specified in that API version. Operations which are not
-part of the specified API version behave as they would had the API version
-not been specified at all. Operations whose behavior is subject to the
-configured API version are commands including command arguments, queries,
-aggregation pipeline stages and arguments.
-Applications may request that the server rejects all operations which are not
-part of the specified API version by setting the ``:strict`` option:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(['localhost'], server_api: {version: "1", strict: true})
-For example, since the ``:tailable`` option is not part of the server API
-version 1, the following query would fail:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(['localhost'], server_api: {version: "1", strict: true})
- client['collection'].find({}, tailable: true)
- # => Mongo::Error::OperationFailure (BSON field 'FindCommand.tailable' is not allowed with apiStrict:true. (323) (on localhost:27017, modern retry, attempt 1))
-Applications may request that the server rejects all operations which are
-deprecated in the specified API version by setting the ``:deprecation_errors``
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(['localhost'], server_api: {version: "1", deprecation_errors: true})
-Note that, as of this writing, there are no deprecated operations in API
-version ``"1"``.
-If the server API parameters have been defined on a ``Client`` object,
-they will be sent by the client as part of each [*]_ executed operation.
-.. [*] ``getMore`` commands and commands in transactions do not accept
- API parameters, thus the driver will not send them in these cases.
-MongoDB servers prior to 5.0 do not recognize the API parameters, and will
-produce a variety of errors should the application configure them.
-The Ruby driver will send the API parameters to all MongoDB 3.6 and newer
-servers, but the API parameters should only be configured when the application
-is communicating with MongoDB 5.0 or newer servers. The API parameters
-cannot be sent to MongoDB 3.4 and older servers that use the legacy wire
-protocol; if an application configures the API parameters and connects to
-MongoDB 3.4 or older servers, the driver will produce an error on every
-The :ref:`command helper ` permits the application to
-send manually constructed commands to the server. If the client is not
-configured with server API parameters, the command helper may be used to
-issue commands with API parameters:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.database.command(
- ping: 1,
- apiVersion: "1",
- apiStrict: false,
- apiDeprecationErrors: false,
- )
-If the client is configured with server API parameters, the command helper
-may not be used to issue commands with server API parameters. This includes the
-case when the server API parameters provided to the client and to the
-command helper are identical. If a client is constructed with server API
-parameters, to send different API parameters (or none at all) a new client
-must be constructed, either from scratch or using the ``with`` method.
-The server API parameters may only be specified on the client level.
-They may not be specified on the database, collection, session, transaction
-or individual operation level.
-Development Configuration
-Driver's default configuration is suitable for production deployment.
-In development, some settings can be adjusted to provide a better developer
-- ``:server_selection_timeout``: set this to a low value (e.g., ``1``)
- if your MongoDB server is running locally and you start it manually. A low
- server selection timeout will cause the driver to fail quickly when there is
- no server running.
-Production Configuration
-Please consider the following when deploying an application using the Ruby
-driver in production:
-- As of driver version 2.11, the ``:min_pool_size`` client option is completely
- respected - the driver will create that many connections to each server
- identified as a standalone, primary or secondary. In previous driver versions
- the driver created connections on demand. Applications using ``:min_pool_size``
- will see an increase in the number of idle connections to all servers as of
- driver version 2.11, and especially to secondaries in replica set deployments
- and to nodes in sharded clusters.
-- If the application is reverse proxied to by another web server or a load
- balancer, ``server_selection_timeout`` should generally be set to a lower
- value than the reverse proxy's read timeout. For exampe, `Heroku request timeout
- `_ is 30 seconds and
- is not configurable; if deploying a Ruby application using MongoDB to Heroku,
- consider lowering server selection timeout to 20 or 15 seconds.
-.. _feature-flags:
-Feature Flags
-The following is a list of feature flags that the Mongo Ruby Driver provides:
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 30 60
- * - Flag
- - Description
- * - ``broken_view_aggregate``
- - When this flag is off, an aggregation done on a view will be executed over
- the documents included in that view, instead of all documents in the
- collection. When this flag is on, the view fiter is ignored and the
- aggregation is applied over all of the documents in the view's
- collection. (default: true)
- * - ``broken_view_options``
- - When this flag is turned off, the view options will be correctly
- propagated to the ``aggregate``, ``count``, ``count_documents``,
- ``distinct``, and ``estimated_document_count`` mehods. When this flag is
- switched on, the view options will be ignored in those methods.
- (default: true)
- * - ``validate_update_replace``
- - Validates that there are no atomic operators (those that start with $)
- in the root of a replacement document, and that there are only atomic
- operators at the root of an update document. If this feature flag is on,
- an error will be raised on an invalid update or replacement document,
- if not, a warning will be output to the logs. (default: false)
-These feature flags can be set directly on the ``Mongo`` module or using
-the ``options`` method:
-.. code::
- Mongo.validate_update_replace = true
- Mongo.options = { validate_update_replace: true }
diff --git a/docs/reference/crud-operations.txt b/docs/reference/crud-operations.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e638ca029..0000000000
--- a/docs/reference/crud-operations.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1008 +0,0 @@
-CRUD Operations
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-CRUD operations are those which deal with creating, reading, updating,
-and deleting documents.
-Key-value Pair Notation
-Key-value pairs appear in many different contexts in the MongoDB Ruby
-driver, and there are some quirks of syntax with regard to how they can
-be notated which depend on which version of Ruby you're using.
-When constructing a document, the following syntax is acceptable and
-correct for Ruby version 1.9 and later:
-.. code-block:: javascript
- document = { name: "Harriet", age: 36 }
-If you're using Ruby version 2.2 or greater, you can optionally enclose
-your keys in quotes.
-.. code-block:: javascript
- document = { "name": "Harriet", "age": 36 }
-If you need to use any MongoDB operator which begins with ``$``,
-such as ``$set``, ``$gte``, or ``$near``, you must enclose it in
-quotes. If you're using Ruby version 2.2 or greater, you can notate
-it as follows:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- collection.update_one({ name: "Harriet" }, { "$set": { age: 42 } })
-If you're using an earlier version of Ruby, use the hashrocket symbol:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- collection.update_one({ name: "Harriet" }, { "$set" => { age: 42 } })
-Quoted strings and hashrockets for key-value pairs will work with any
-version of Ruby:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- collection.update_one({ "name" => "Harriet" }, { "$set" => { age: 42 } })
-Creating Documents
-To insert documents into a collection, select a
-collection on the client and call ``insert_one`` or ``insert_many``.
-Insert operations return a ``Mongo::Operation::Result`` object which
-gives you information about the insert itself.
-On MongoDB 2.6 and later, if the insert fails, an exception is
-raised, because write commands are used.
-On MongoDB 2.4, an exception is only raised if the insert fails and the
-:manual:`write concern` is 1 or higher.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- result = client[:artists].insert_one( { :name => 'FKA Twigs' } )
- result.n # returns 1, because 1 document was inserted.
- result = client[:artists].insert_many([
- { :name => 'Flying Lotus' },
- { :name => 'Aphex Twin' }
- ])
- result.inserted_count # returns 2, because 2 documents were inserted.
-.. _specify-decimal128:
-Specify a ``Decimal128`` number
-.. versionadded:: 3.4
-:manual:`Decimal128` is a
-:doc:`BSON datatype `
-that employs 128-bit decimal-based floating-point values capable
-of emulating decimal rounding with exact precision. This
-functionality is intended for applications that handle
-:manual:`monetary data `,
-such as financial and tax computations.
-The following example inserts a value of type ``Decimal128`` into
-the ``price`` field of a collection named ``inventory``:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test')
- price = BSON::Decimal128.new("428.79")
- client[:inventory].insert_one({ "_id" => 1,
- "item" => "26 inch monitor",
- "price" => price })
-The above operation produces the following document:
-.. code-block:: javascript
- { "_id" : 1, "item" : "26 inch monitor", "price" : NumberDecimal("428.79") }
-You can also create a ``Decimal128`` object from a Ruby ``BigDecimal``
-object, or with ``Decimal128.from_string()``.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- big_decimal = BigDecimal.new(428.79, 5)
- price = BSON::Decimal128.new(big_decimal)
- # => BSON::Decimal128('428.79')
- price = BSON::Decimal128.from_string("428.79")
- # => BSON::Decimal128('428.79')
-Query Cache
-The Ruby driver provides a query cache. When enabled, the query cache will
-save the results of find and aggregation queries and return those saved results
-when the same queries are performed again.
-To read more about the query cache, visit the
-:ref:`query cache tutorial `.
-The Ruby driver provides a fluent interface for queries using the ``find``
-method on the collection. Various options are available
-to the ``find`` method.
-The query is lazily executed against the server only when iterating the
-results - at that point the query is dispatched and a ``Mongo::Cursor`` is
-To find all documents for a given filter, call ``find`` with the
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- client[:artists].find(:name => 'Flying Lotus').each do |document|
- #=> Yields a BSON::Document.
- end
-To query nested documents, specify the keys in nested order using dot
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- client[:artists].find("records.releaseYear": 2008).each do |document|
- #=> Yields a BSON::Document.
- end
-Legacy ``$query`` Syntax
-*This usage is deprecated.*
-The ``find`` method allows providing the query and the options using the
-legacy ``$query`` syntax in the first parameter:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- collection.find(:'$query' => {name: 'Mr. Smith'})
- # Equivalent to:
- collection.find(name: 'Mr. Smith')
- collection.find(:'$query' => {name: 'Mr. Smith'}, :'$sort' => {age: 1})
- # Equivalent to:
- collection.find(name: 'Mr. Smith').sort(age: 1)
-When the query is executed against MongoDB 3.2 or newer, the driver will
-use the protocol appropriate for the server version in question, automatically
-converting the query as needed to either a find command or an OP_MSG payload.
-.. _query-options:
-Query Options
-To add options to a query, chain the appropriate methods after the
-``find`` method. Note that the underlying object, the ``Mongo::Collection::View``,
-is immutable and a new object will be returned after each method call.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- documents = client[:artists].find(:name => 'Flying Lotus').skip(10).limit(10)
- documents.each do |document|
- #=> Yields a BSON::Document.
- end
-The following is a full list of the available options that can be added
-when querying and their corresponding methods as examples.
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 40 80
- * - Option
- - Description
- * - ``allow_disk_use``
- - When set to true, the server can write temporary data to disk while
- executing the find operation. This option is only available on MongoDB
- server versions 4.4 and newer.
- * - ``allow_partial_results``
- - For use with sharded clusters. If a shard is down, allows the query
- to return results from the shards that are up, potentially only getting
- a portion of the results.
- * - ``batch_size(Integer)``
- - Specifies the size of each batch of documents the cursor will return on
- each ``GETMORE`` operation.
- * - ``comment(String)``
- - Adds a comment to the query.
- * - ``explain(**opts)``
- - Returns the query plan for the query. Pass the :manual:`explain options
- ` via the keyword arguments using symbol
- keys.
- .. code-block:: ruby
- # All server versions - default explain behavior
- client[:artists].find.explain
- # MongoDB 3.0 and newer
- client[:artists].find.explain(verbosity: :query_planner)
- client[:artists].find.explain(verbosity: :execution_stats)
- client[:artists].find.explain(verbosity: :all_plans_execution)
- # Alternative syntax using camel case
- client[:artists].find.explain(verbosity: "queryPlanner")
- client[:artists].find.explain(verbosity: "executionStats")
- client[:artists].find.explain(verbosity: "allPlansExecution")
- # MongoDB 2.6
- client[:artists].find.explain(verbose: true)
- The explain operation supports ``:session`` and ``:read``
- (for read preference) options. To specify these options for a single
- explain operation, they must be given to the ``find`` method as
- follows:
- .. code-block:: ruby
- client[:artists].find({}, session: session).explain
- client[:artists].find({}, read: {mode: :secondary_preferred}).explain
- If the read preference option is specified on the client or on the
- collection, it will be passed to the explain operation:
- .. code-block:: ruby
- client[:artists, read: {mode: :secondary_preferred}].find.explain
- Note that the session option is not accepted when creating a collection
- object.
- The explain command does not support passing the read concern option.
- If the read concern is specifed on the client or collection level, or
- if the read concern is specified as a find option, it will NOT be passed
- by the driver to the explain command.
- .. note::
- The information returned by the server for the ``explain`` command
- varies with server version and deployment topology. The driver's
- ``explain`` method returns whatever the server provided.
- **The return value of ``explain`` method is not part of the driver's
- public API and depends on the server version and deployment topology.**
- * - ``hint(Hash)``
- - Provides the query with an
- :manual:`index hint` to use.
- * - ``let(Hash)``
- - Mapping of :manual:`variables`
- to use in the query.
- * - ``limit(Integer)``
- - Limits the number of returned documents to the provided value.
- * - ``max_scan(Integer)``
- - Sets the maximum number of documents to scan if a full collection scan
- would be performed. Deprecated as of MongoDB server version 4.0.
- * - ``max_time_ms(Integer)``
- - The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run, in milliseconds.
- * - ``no_cursor_timeout``
- - MongoDB automatically closes inactive cursors after a period of 10
- minutes. Call this for cursors to remain open indefinitely on the server.
- * - ``projection(Hash)``
- - Specifies the fields to include or exclude from the results.
- .. code-block:: ruby
- client[:artists].find.projection(:name => 1)
- * - ``read(Hash)``
- - Changes the read preference for this query only.
- .. code-block:: ruby
- client[:artists].find.read(:mode => :secondary_preferred)
- * - ``session(Session)``
- - The session to use.
- * - ``show_disk_loc(Boolean)``
- - Tells the results to also include the location of the documents on disk.
- * - ``skip(Integer)``
- - Skip the provided number of documents in the results.
- * - ``snapshot``
- - Execute the query in snapshot mode. Deprecated as of MongoDB server version 4.0.
- * - ``sort(Hash)``
- - Specifies sort criteria for the query.
- .. code-block:: ruby
- client[:artists].find.sort(:name => -1)
-Additional Query Operations
- Get the total number of documents matching a filter, or the total number
- of documents in a collection.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- client[:artists].find(:name => 'Flying Lotus').count_documents
- Get an approximate number of documents in the collection.
- Note that unlike ``count_documents``, ``estimated_document_count`` does not
- accept a filter.
- The ``count`` server command is used to implement ``estimated_document_count``.
- More information can be found via `Count: Behavior `_.
- Due to an oversight in MongoDB versions 5.0.0-5.0.7, the ``count`` command,
- which ``estimated_document_count`` uses in its implementation, was not
- included in v1 of the Stable API. Therefore, users of the Stable API with
- ``estimated_document_count`` are recommended to upgrade their server version to
- 5.0.8+ or set ``api_strict: false`` to avoid encountering errors.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- client[:artists].estimated_document_count
- Get an approximate number of documents matching a filter, or an approximate
- number of documents in the collection.
- *Deprecated:* The ``count`` method is deprecated and does not work in
- transactions. Please use ``count_documents`` to obtain an exact count of
- documents potentially matching a filter or ``estimated_document_count``
- to obtain an approximate number of documents in the collection.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- client[:artists].find(:name => 'Flying Lotus').count
- Filters out documents with duplicate values. Equivalent to the SQL
- ``distinct`` clause.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- client[:artists].find.distinct(:name )
-Tailable Cursors
-For capped collections you may use a :manual:`tailable cursor
-` that remains open
-after the client exhausts the results in the initial cursor. The
-following code example shows how a tailable cursor might be used:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- client[:artists].drop
- client[:artists, capped: true, size: 512].create
- result = client[:artists].insert_many([
- { :name => 'Flying Lotus' },
- { :name => 'Aphex Twin' }
- ])
- enum = client[:artists].find({}, cursor_type: :tailable_await).to_enum
- while true
- doc = enum.next
- # do something
- sleep(1)
- end
-Read Concern
-Read concern can be :ref:`set on the client `
-or on the collection:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:14420'], database: 'music',
- read_concern: {level: :local})
- client['collection'].find.to_a
- collection = client['collection', read_concern: {level: :majority}]
- collection.find.to_a
-The driver does not currently support setting read concern on an individual
-Read concern can be specified when :ref:`starting a transaction
-`. When a transaction is active, :manual:`any read concern
-specified on the client or on the collection is ignored
-When using the generic command helper, the read concern can be specified as
-part of the command:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.database.command(dbStats: 1, readConcern: {level: :majority})
-.. _read-preference:
-Read Preference
-Read preference determines the candidate :manual:`replica set`
-members to which a query or command can be sent. They consist of a **mode**
-specified as a symbol, an array of hashes known as **tag_sets**,
-the ``hedge`` option, which is a Hash specifying hedged read behavior, and two
-timing options: **local_threshold** and **server_selection_timeout**.
- Defines the upper limit in seconds of the latency window
- between the nearest server and suitable servers to which an operation may be sent.
- The default is 15 milliseconds, or 0.015 seconds.
- Defines how long to block for server selection
- before throwing an exception. The default is 30,000 milliseconds, or 30 seconds.
-.. note::
- Read preference does not apply to Standalone deployments. When a client
- is connected to a Standalone deployment, any application-specified read
- preference is ignored.
-For more information on the algorithm used to select a server, please
-refer to the `Server Selection documentation, available on GitHub
-Read preference can be set as an option on the client or passed an
-option when a command is run on a database:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- # Set read preference on a client, used for all operations
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ],
- read: { mode: :secondary,
- tag_sets: [ { 'dc' => 'nyc' } ]
- } )
- # Set read preference for a given command
- client.database.command( { dbStats: 1 }, read: { mode: secondary,
- tag_sets: [ { 'dc' => 'nyc' } ] } )
-Read preference can also be set for specific operations on a collection
-using the ``with`` method:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- artists = client[:artists]
- artists.with(:read => { :mode => :primary_preferred }).find.to_a
-There are five possible read preference modes: ``:primary``, ``:secondary``,
-``:primary_preferred``, ``:secondary_preferred`` and``:nearest``.
-Please see the :manual:`read preference documentation in the MongoDB Manual
-` for an explanation of the modes.
-.. note::
- When a client is directly connected to a server using the ``:direct_connection``
- Ruby option or the ``directConnection`` URI option, read preference mode
- is automatically set to ``:primary_preferred`` to permit read operations
- against secondaries. If the application specified a ``:primary`` read
- preference mode, the mode is automatically converted to ``:primary_preferred``.
- If another read preference mode is specified, it is passed to the server
- unchanged.
-Tag sets
-The ``tag_sets`` parameter is an ordered list of tag sets used to
-restrict the eligibility of servers for selection, such as for data
-center awareness. Please see the :manual:`read preference documentation in
-the MongoDB Manual ` for an explanation of tag sets.
-A read preference tag set (T) matches a server tag set (S) – or
-equivalently a server tag set (S) matches a read preference tag set
-(T) — if T is a subset of S.
-For example, the read preference tag set ``{ dc: 'ny', rack: 2 }``
-matches a secondary server with tag set ``{ dc: 'ny', rack: 2, size: 'large' }``.
-A tag set that is an empty document matches any server, because
-the empty tag set is a subset of any tag set. This means the default
-``tag_sets`` parameter ``[{}]`` matches all servers.
-The ``hedge`` parameter is a Hash that specifies whether the server should use
-hedged reads. With hedged reads, sharded clusters can route read operations to
-two replica set members and return results from the first respondent.
-The ``hedge`` option may only be specified on non-primary read preferences. It
-must be provided as Hash with the key ``enabled`` set to ``true`` or ``false``.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(
- [ '' ],
- read: { mode: :secondary, hedge: { enabled: true } },
- )
-See the :manual:`MongoDB Manual ` for
-more information about hedged reads.
-.. note::
- The ``hedge`` option is only available on MongoDB server versions 4.4 and newer.
- Attempting to use this option on older server versions will result in an error.
-.. _updating:
-Updating documents is possible by executing a single or
-multiple update, or by using the ``$findAndModify`` command.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- artists = client[:artists]
- result = artists.find(:name => 'Goldie').update_one("$inc" => { :plays => 1 } )
- result.n # Returns 1.
- result = artists.update_one( { :name => 'Goldie' }, { "$inc" => { :plays => 1 } } )
- result.n # Returns 1.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- result = artists.find(:label => 'Hospital').update_many( "$inc" => { :plays => 1 } )
- result.modified_count # Returns the number of documents that were updated.
- result = artists.update_many( { :label => 'Hospital' }, { "$inc" => { :plays => 1 } } )
- result.modified_count # Returns the number of documents that were updated.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- result = artists.find(:name => 'Aphex Twin').replace_one(:name => 'Richard James')
- result.modified_count # Returns 1.
- result = artists.replace_one( { :name => 'Aphex Twin' }, { :name => 'Richard James' } )
- result.modified_count # Returns 1.
-To update documents and return a document via ``$findAndModify``, use one of
-the three provided helpers: ``find_one_and_delete``, ``find_one_and_replace``,
-or ``find_one_and_update``. You can opt to return the document before or after
-the modification occurs.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new( [ '' ], :database => 'music')
- artists = client[:artists]
- artists.find(:name => 'José James').find_one_and_delete # Returns the document.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- doc = artists.find(:name => 'José James').find_one_and_replace(:name => 'José')
- doc # Return the document before the update.
- doc = artists.find_one_and_replace({ :name => 'José James' }, { :name => 'José' })
- doc # Return the document before the update.
- doc = artists.find(:name => 'José James').
- find_one_and_replace( { :name => 'José' }, :return_document => :after )
- doc # Return the document after the update.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- doc = artists.find(:name => 'José James').
- find_one_and_update( '$set' => { :name => 'José' } )
- doc # Return the document before the update.
- doc = artists.find_one_and_update( { :name => 'José James' }, { '$set' => { :name => 'José' } } )
- doc # Return the document before the update.
-Update Options
-To add options to an update command, specify them as key-value pairs in the options
-Hash argument.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- artists = client[:artists]
- artists.indexes.create_one(name: 1)
- # Force the server to use the name index to perform this operation
- result = artists.update_one(
- { :name => 'Goldie' },
- { "$inc" => { :plays => 1 } },
- { hint: { name: 1 } }
- )
- result.n # Returns 1.
-The following is a list of the options that can be added to update operations,
-including ``update_one``, ``update_many``, ``replace_one``,
-``find_one_and_delete``, ``find_one_and_update``, and ``find_one_and_replace``.
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 40 80
- * - Option
- - Description
- * - ``array_filters``
- - An Array of filter documents that determine which array elements to modify
- for an update operation on an array field.
- * - ``bypass_document_validation``
- - Whether to skip document-level validation before writing the document.
- * - ``collation``
- - Specifies a set of rules to use when comparing strings complying with the
- conventions of a particular language.
- * - ``hint``
- - The index to use for this operation. May be specified as a Hash
- (e.g. { _id: 1 }) or as a String (e.g. "_id_"). Supported on MongoDB
- server versions 4.2 and newer for ``update_one``, ``update_many``, and
- ``replace_one`` commands, and on server versions 4.4 and newer for
- ``find_one_and_delete``, ``find_one_and_update``, and ``find_one_and_replace``
- commands.
- * - ``let(Hash)``
- - Mapping of :manual:`variables`
- to use for this operation.
- * - ``projection``
- - The fields to exclude or include in the operation result (only available
- on ``find_one_and_delete``, ``find_one_and_replace``, and
- ``find_one_and_update`` commands).
- * - ``return_document``
- - A symbol specifying whether to return the updated document as it was before or
- after the update. Potential values are ``:before`` or ``:after``.
- (Only available on ``find_one_and_update`` and ``find_one_and_replace`` commands).
- * - ``sort``
- - How to sort the results of a find and modify command. Specified as a Hash
- key-value pair, where the key is the name of the field to sort by, and
- the value is either 1 or -1, specifying a sort in ascending or descending
- order (only available on ``find_one_and_delete``, ``find_one_and_replace``,
- and ``find_one_and_update`` commands).
- * - ``session``
- - The session to use for this operation.
- * - ``upsert``
- - Whether to upsert if the document doesn't exist. Cannot be used on
- ``find_one_and_delete`` operation.
-For more information about update options, see the MongoDB server documentation
-on the following commands:
-- :manual:`update `
-- :manual:`findAndModify `
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- artists = client[:artists]
- result = artists.find(:name => 'Björk').delete_one
- result.deleted_count # Returns 1.
- result = artists.delete_one(:name => 'Björk')
- result.deleted_count # Returns 1.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- result = artists.find(:label => 'Mute').delete_many
- result.deleted_count # Returns the number deleted.
- result = artists.delete_many(:label => 'Mute')
- result.deleted_count # Returns the number deleted.
-Delete Options
-To add options to a delete command, specify them as key-value pairs in the
-options Hash argument.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- artists = client[:artists]
- artists.indexes.create_one(name: 1)
- # Force the server to use the name index to perform this operation
- result = artists.find(:name => 'Björk').delete_one(hint: { name: 1 })
- result.deleted_count # Returns 1.
-The following is a full list of the available options that can be added
-to ``delete_one`` and ``delete_many`` operations.
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 40 80
- * - Option
- - Description
- * - ``collation``
- - Specifies a set of rules to use when comparing strings complying with the
- conventions of a particular language.
- * - ``hint``
- - The index to use for this operation. May be specified as a Hash
- (e.g. { _id: 1 }) or as a String (e.g. "_id_"). Supported on MongoDB
- server versions 4.4 and newer.
- * - ``let(Hash)``
- - Mapping of :manual:`variables`
- to use for this operation.
- * - ``session``
- - The session to use for this operation.
-For more information about update options, see the MongoDB server documentation
-on the :manual:`delete command. `
-.. _write-concern:
-Write Concern
-All write operations in MongoDB are executed with a write concern which is
-the level of acknowledgment requested from MongoDB for the particular write.
-More information about write concerns in general is available in the
-`MongoDB manual `_.
-The Ruby driver supports specifying write concern on client, collection,
-session (for transactions on that session), transaction, GridFS bucket
-and write stream levels, as well as when manually issuing commands via
-As of driver version 2.10, all driver objects accepting write concerns do so
-through the ``:write_concern`` option, which should be given a hash with
-the write concern options. Usage of the ``:write`` option is deprecated.
-In driver versions 2.9 and below, client, collection and GridFS objects
-took write concern options in the ``:write`` option with session and
-transaction objects employing the ``:write_concern`` option.
-Below are some examples of passing write concerns to client and collection
-objects. The ``:write_concern`` option can be provided when constructing
-new client and collection objects, or to the ``#with`` methods.
-GridFS examples are provided on the :ref:`GridFS ` page.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music',
- write_concern: {w: 2})
- alt_client = client.with(write_concern: {w: :majority})
- collection = client[:artists, write_concern: {w: 3}]
- alt_collection = collection.with(write_concern: {w: :majority})
- # Uses w: 3
- collection.insert_one({name: 'SUN Project'})
- # Uses w: :majority
- alt_collection.insert_one({name: 'SUN Project'})
-Driver versions 2.9 and earlier accepted write concerns on client and collection
-level via the ``:write`` option. This usage continues to be supported for
-backwards compatibility, but is deprecated:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music',
- write: {w: 2})
- alt_client = client.with(write: {w: :majority})
- collection = client[:artists, write: {w: 3}]
- alt_collection = collection.with(write: {w: :majority})
-If both ``:write`` and ``:write_concern`` options are provided, their
-values must be identical or an exception will be raised:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- # OK
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music',
- write_concern: {w: 3}, write: {w: 3})
- # Error
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music',
- write_concern: {w: 3}, write: {w: :majority})
-When ``#with`` methods are used to alter the options on a client or collection,
-the last provided option wins in case of naming differences:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music',
- write_concern: {w: 2})
- alt_client = client.with(write: {w: 3})
- alt_client.options[:write]
- # => {"w"=>3}
- alt_client.options[:write_concern]
- # => nil
-When using transactions, write concern is only sent to the server in
-``commit_transaction`` and ``abort_transaction`` operations
-per the `transactions specification
-Write concern may be set via the ``:write_concern`` option in a
-``with_transaction`` or ``start_transaction`` call, or via
-``default_transaction_options`` option on a session object.
-If neither of these is set, write concern of the client is used; note
-that transactions ignore write concerns of collections that are involved
-in their operations. Note that when setting the write concern as a
-transaction option, the ``:write`` option is not recognized by any
-driver version.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music',
- write_concern: {w: 2})
- collection = client[:artists, write_concern: {w: :majority}]
- session = client.start_session
- session.with_transaction do
- collection.insert_one({test: 1}, session: session)
- # Uses w: 2 when committing
- end
- session = client.start_session(default_transaction_options:
- {write_concern: {w: 3})
- )
- session.with_transaction do
- collection.insert_one({test: 1}, session: session)
- # Uses w: 3 when committing
- end
- session = client.start_session
- session.with_transaction(write_concern: {w: 3}) do
- collection.insert_one({test: 1}, session: session)
- # Uses w: 3 when committing
- end
-When write concerns are inherited, inheritance applies to the entire
-write concern hash rather than individual elements. For example, ``j: true``
-is not inherited in the following case:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music',
- write_concern: {w: 1, j: true})
- collection = client[:artists, write_concern: {w: 2}]
- collection.write_concern.options
- # => #2}>
-Although CRUD operations accept an options hash, they currently do not
-recognize the ``:write_concern`` option:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music',
- write_concern: {w: 2})
- collection = client[:artists, write_concern: {w: :majority}]
- # Still uses w: :majority
- collection.insert_one({name: 'SUN Project'}, write_concern: {w: 1})
-The easiest workaround for this is to use ``#with`` to obtain a new collection
-instance with the desired write concern:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- # Uses w: 1
- collection.with(write_concern: {w: 1}).insert_one(name: 'SUN Project')
-Write concern can also be manually specified in ``Database#command``:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.database.command(create: 'foo-collection', writeConcern: {w: :majority})
-Note that writeConcern here is part of the operation rather than options,
-and the syntax is the camel case one that MongoDB server recognizes, not the
-underscore one that Ruby driver uses.
-.. _dots-dollars-in-field-names:
-Field Names with Dots/Periods (.) and Dollar Signs ($)
-Starting in Mongo Ruby Driver version 2.18.0, the ability to work with fields
-that begin with dollar signs ($) and fields with dots/periods (.) in them is available.
-In Driver version 2.17.0 and earlier, any attempt to work with dotted or dollared
-fields would result in an ``IllegalKey`` error being raised. See the MongoDB docs
-on `Field Names with Periods (.) and Dollar Signs ($) `_
-for more information on working with these types of fields.
-A Note about the BSON Symbol type
-Because the BSON specification deprecated the BSON symbol type, the ``bson`` gem
-will serialize Ruby symbols into BSON strings when used on its own. However, in
-order to maintain backwards compatibility with older datasets, the Ruby driver
-overrides this behavior to serialize Ruby symbols as BSON symbols. This is
-necessary to be able to specify queries for documents which contain BSON
-symbols as fields. Despite this, new documents with symbol type fields should
-*not* be stored in the database; instead, use string fields.
-To override default behavior and configure the driver to encode symbol values
-as strings, include the following code snippet in your project:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- class Symbol
- def bson_type
- end
- end
diff --git a/docs/reference/database-tasks.txt b/docs/reference/database-tasks.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1806f2f9c3..0000000000
--- a/docs/reference/database-tasks.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-The driver provides various helpers on database objects for executing
-commands, getting collection lists, and administrative tasks.
-List Collections
-To get a list of collections or collection names for a database, use
-``collections`` and ``collection_names``, respectively.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music')
- database = client.database
- database.collections # Returns an array of Collection objects.
- database.collection_names # Returns an array of collection names as strings.
-.. _arbitrary-commands:
-Arbitrary Comands
-To execute any command on the database, use the ``command`` method.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music')
- database = client.database
- result = database.command(:ping => 1)
- result.first # Returns the BSON::Document returned from the server.
-.. note::
- Specifying server API version as a client option and also specifying
- any of the respective command parameters to the ``command`` method
- (i.e. the ``apiVersion``, ``apiStrict`` and ``apiDeprecationErrors``
- command parameters) at the same time is not allowed and will produce an error.
-Drop Database
-To drop a database, use the ``drop`` method.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- client.database.drop
diff --git a/docs/reference/driver-compatibility.txt b/docs/reference/driver-compatibility.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a0aaea71af..0000000000
--- a/docs/reference/driver-compatibility.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,699 +0,0 @@
-.. _compatibility:
-Driver Compatibility
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-.. _mongodb-compatibility:
-MongoDB Compatibility
-The following compatibility table specifies the recommended
-version(s) of the MongoDB Ruby driver for use with a specific version of
-MongoDB. Except when indicated, the specified driver versions expose or
-take advantage of the features added in the corresponding server versions.
-MongoDB server releases are generally backwards compatible, meaning a
-particular version of the driver will generally work with newer versions of
-the server but may not take advantage of the functionality released in the
-newer version of the server.
-.. important::
- MongoDB ensures compatibility between the MongoDB Server and the drivers
- for three years after the server version's end of life (EOL) date. To learn
- more about the MongoDB release and EOL dates, see
- `MongoDB Software Lifecycle Schedules `__.
-The first column lists the driver versions.“D” in other columns means support
-for that MongoDB version is deprecated and will be removed in a future driver
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :stub-columns: 1
- :class: compatibility-large no-padding
- * - Ruby Driver
- - MongoDB 7.0
- - MongoDB 6.0
- - MongoDB 5.0
- - MongoDB 4.4
- - MongoDB 4.2
- - MongoDB 4.0
- - MongoDB 3.6
- - MongoDB 3.4
- - MongoDB 3.2
- - MongoDB 3.0
- - MongoDB 2.6
- * - 2.20
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- -
- -
- -
- -
- * - 2.19
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- -
- -
- -
- -
- * - 2.18
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- -
- -
- -
- -
- * - 2.17
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- -
- -
- -
- -
- * - 2.16
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - D
- - D
- - D
- - D
- * - 2.15
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- * - 2.14
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- * - 2.13
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark| [#ocsp]_
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- * - 2.12
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- * - 2.11
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark| [#client-side-encryption]_
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- * - 2.10
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark| [#srv-polling]_ [#client-side-encryption]_
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- * - 2.9
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- * - 2.8
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- * - 2.7
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- * - 2.6
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- * - 2.5
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
-.. [#ocsp] OCSP verification is implemented as of driver version 2.14.
-.. [#srv-polling] Polling of SRV records in sharded topologies is
- implemented as of driver version 2.11.
-.. [#client-side-encryption] Client-side encryption is implemented as of
- driver version 2.12.
-The driver does not support older versions of MongoDB.
-.. _ruby-compatibility:
-Ruby Compatibility
-The following compatibility table specifies the versions of Ruby supported
-by the various versions of the MongoDB Ruby driver.
-The first column lists the driver versions. "D" in a column means support
-for that Ruby version is deprecated.
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :stub-columns: 1
- :class: compatibility-large no-padding
- * - Ruby Driver
- - Ruby 3.2
- - Ruby 3.1
- - Ruby 3.0
- - Ruby 2.7
- - Ruby 2.6
- - Ruby 2.5
- - Ruby 2.4
- - Ruby 2.3
- - Ruby 2.2
- - Ruby 2.1
- - Ruby 2.0
- - Ruby 1.9
- - JRuby 9.4
- - JRuby 9.3
- - JRuby 9.2
- - JRuby 9.1
- * - 2.20
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - D
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - D
- -
- * - 2.19
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - D
- - D
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- -
- * - 2.18
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- -
- * - 2.17
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- -
- * - 2.16
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - D
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- -
- * - 2.15
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - D
- - D
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- -
- * - 2.14
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - D
- - D
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- -
- * - 2.13
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- -
- * - 2.12
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- -
- * - 2.11
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- -
- * - 2.10
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - D
- - D
- - D
- - D
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- * - 2.9
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - D
- - D
- - D
- - D
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- * - 2.8
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- * - 2.7
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- * - 2.6
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
- -
- -
- - |checkmark|
- - |checkmark|
-The driver does not support older versions of Ruby.
-Rails/ActiveSupport Compatibility
-The Ruby driver does not depend on ActiveSupport. However, when an
-application uses ActiveSupport or Ruby on Rails,
-it must load the driver's ActiveSupport
-compatibility code for behavior like time serialization to be correct:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- require 'mongo'
- require 'mongo/active_support'
-Applications using Mongoid 7.0.6 or newer do not need to explicitly load
-the driver's ActiveSupport code, since Mongoid automatically does so.
-.. _tls-compatibility:
-TLS/SSL Compatibility
-The driver will utilize the protocols supported by the underlying Ruby
-``openssl`` extension. In turn, the ``openssl`` extension generally exposes
-the functionality that exists in the operating system's OpenSSL library.
-Industry best practices, and some regulations, require the use of TLS 1.1
-or newer. Some operating systems or versions may not provide an OpenSSL version
-new enough to support these TLS versions.
-Users of macOS older than 10.13 (High Sierra) will need to install Ruby from
-`rvm`_, `homebrew`_, `macports`_, or another similar source. See
-`installation information on ruby-lang.org`_ for more options.
-Users of Linux or other non-macOS Unix can check their OpenSSL version
-as follows:
-.. code-block:: sh
- openssl version
-If the version number is less than 1.0.1 support for TLS 1.1 or newer is
-not available. Contact your operating system vendor for a solution or upgrade
-to a newer distribution.
-You can check your Ruby interpreter by executing the following command:
-.. code-block:: sh
- ruby -e "require 'net/http'; require 'json'; puts JSON.parse(Net::HTTP.get(URI('https://www.howsmyssl.com/a/check')))['tls_version']"
-You should see "TLS 1.X" where X is >= 1.
-You can read more about TLS versions and their security implications `here
-.. _rvm: https://rvm.io/
-.. _homebrew: https://brew.sh/
-.. _macports: https://www.macports.org/
-.. _installation information on ruby-lang.org: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/installation
-Atlas Compatibility
-`Driver version 2.6.1 `_
-or higher is recommended when using MongoDB Atlas, as this version has
-significant performance improvements when TLS connections are used, and all
-Atlas connections use TLS.
-When running on JRuby and connecting to Atlas Free Tier,
-`driver version 2.6.4 `_
-or higher and Java 8 or higher are required.
-``mongo_kerberos`` Compatibility
-The following compatibility table specifies the version(s) of the
-:ref:`mongo_kerberos library ` to use with a specific version of
-the driver.
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :stub-columns: 1
- :class: compatibility-large no-padding
- * - Ruby Driver
- - mongo_kerberos |nbsp| 2.1
- * - 2.7 - 2.19
- - |checkmark|
-JRuby and Kerberos Authentication
-If the ``mongo_kerberos`` gem is used for Kerberos authentication with JRuby, the the JVM system
-property "sun.security.jgss.native" to will be set to "true" in order to facilitate the use of
-the system cache of TGTs (e.g. TGTs obtained with ``kinit``). Any other use of the JGSS library
-will also be affected by this setting, meaning any TGTs in the system cache will be available for
-obtaining Kerberos credentials as well.
-.. include:: /includes/unicode-checkmark.rst
-.. include:: /includes/unicode-nbsp.rst
-JRuby and TLS Connections
-Due to JRuby limitations:
-- ECDSA server certificates are not supported.
-- OCSP endpoint checking is not performed.
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-Geospatial Search
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-MongoDB offers a number of indexes and query mechanisms to handle
-geospatial information. This section demonstrates how to create
-and use
-:manual:`geospatial indexes`
-with the Ruby driver.
-The examples on this page use a sample collection called
-``restaurants`` in the ``test`` database.
-A `sample dataset `_
-is available for download.
-The following is a sample document in the ``restaurants``
-.. code-block:: javascript
- {
- "address": {
- "building": "1007",
- "coord": [ -73.856077, 40.848447 ],
- "street": "Morris Park Ave",
- "zipcode": "10462"
- },
- "borough": "Bronx",
- "cuisine": "Bakery",
- "grades": [
- { "date": { "$date": 1393804800000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 2 },
- { "date": { "$date": 1299715200000 }, "grade": "B", "score": 14 }
- ],
- "name": "Morris Park Bake Shop",
- "restaurant_id": "30075445"
- }
-The following example creates a ``2dsphere`` index on the
-``address.coord`` field:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test' )
- client[:restaurants].indexes.create_one( { 'address.coord' => '2dsphere' })
-Once the index is created, you can use several operators to query
-against it, including the
-:manual:`$geoWithin`, and
-operators. The following example uses the ``$near`` operator to find
-all restaurants within 500 meters of the given coordinates.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new('mongodb://')
- collection = client[:restaurants]
- collection.find(
- { 'address.coord' =>
- { "$near" =>
- { "$geometry" =>
- { "type" => "Point", "coordinates" => [ -73.96, 40.78 ] },
- "$maxDistance" => 500
- }
- }
- }
- ).each do |doc|
- #=> Yields a BSON::Document.
- end
-To find all documents with a location within the
-perimeter of a given polygon, use the ``$geoWithin``
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new('mongodb://')
- collection = client[:restaurants]
- collection.find(
- { "address.coord" =>
- { "$geoWithin" =>
- { "$geometry" =>
- { "type" => "Polygon" ,
- "coordinates" => [ [ [ -73, 40 ], [ -74, 41 ], [ -72, 39 ], [ -73, 40 ] ] ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ).each do |doc|
- #=> Yields a BSON::Document.
- end
diff --git a/docs/reference/gridfs.txt b/docs/reference/gridfs.txt
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-.. _gridfs:
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-The driver provides a clean and simple interface to work with storage of
-chunked files in the database, also known as the pattern "GridFS". The API allows you to either
-work with Grid::File objects or with read and write streams.
-Creating a GridFS object ("Grid::FSBucket")
-You can create a GridFS object by calling ``fs`` on a database, with optional
-arguments. ``fs`` returns a ``Grid::FSBucket`` object.
-The options that ``Grid::FSBucket`` supports are:
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 40 80
- * - Option
- - Description
- * - ``:bucket_name``
- - The name of the GridFS Bucket. Default is ``fs``.
- * - ``:fs_name``
- - The name of the GridFS Bucket. Takes precedence over ``bucket_name``.
- Default is ``fs``.
- * - ``:chunk_size``
- - Specifies the size of each file chunk in the database.
- * - ``:write_concern``
- - The write concern to use when uploading files. Please see the
- :ref:`Write Concern ` section under CRUD operations
- for how to work with write concerns.
- * - ``:write``
- - Deprecated. Same as ``:write_concern``.
- * - ``:read``
- - The read preference to use when downloading files.
-For example, you can create a GridFS bucket object with a particular read preference:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- fs_bucket = database.fs( read: { mode: :secondary } )
-Working with write streams
-To upload a file to GridFS using a write stream, you can either open a stream
-and write to it directly or write the entire contents of an ``IO`` object to
-GridFS all at once.
-To open an upload stream and write to it:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- File.open('/path/to/my-file.txt', 'r') do |file|
- fs_bucket.open_upload_stream('my-file.txt') do |stream|
- stream.write(file)
- end
- end
-To upload the entire contents of an IO object in one call:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- File.open('/path/to/my-file.txt', 'r') do |file|
- fs_bucket.upload_from_stream('my-file.txt', file)
- end
-Write streams support the following options:
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 40 80
- * - Option
- - Description
- * - ``:chunk_size``
- - Specifies the size of each file chunk in the database.
- * - ``:write_concern``
- - The write concern to use when uploading files. Please see the
- :ref:`Write Concern ` section under CRUD operations
- for how to work with write concerns.
- * - ``:write``
- - Deprecated. Same as ``:write_concern``.
-The options can be provided as the last argument to the write stream methods:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- fs_bucket.open_upload_stream('my-file.txt', write_concern: {w: 2}) do |stream|
- stream.write_concern
- # => #2}>
- # ...
- end
- fs_bucket.upload_from_stream('my-file.txt', file, write_concern: {w: 2})
-Working with read streams
-To download a file from GridFS using a read stream, you can either open a
-read stream and read from it directly or download the entire file all at once.
-To open a download stream and read from it:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- File.open('/path/to/my-output-file.txt', 'w') do |file|
- fs_bucket.open_download_stream(file_id) do |stream|
- file.write(stream.read)
- end
- end
-To download the file all at once and write it to an IO object:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- File.open('/path/to/my-output-file.txt', 'w') do |file|
- fs_bucket.download_from_stream(file_id, file)
- end
-You can also download a file specified by a name and (optionally)
-revision number. Revision numbers are used to distinguish between files
-sharing the same name, ordered by date of upload. The revision number passed to
-``open_download_stream_by_name`` can be positive or negative.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- File.open('/path/to/my-output-file.txt', 'w') do |file|
- fs_bucket.open_download_stream_by_name('my-file.txt', revision: -2) do |stream|
- file.write(stream.read)
- end
- end
-To download the entire contents of the file specified by name and (optionally)
-revision number:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- File.open('/path/to/my-output-file.txt', 'w') do |file|
- fs_bucket.download_to_stream_by_name('my-file.txt', file, revision: -2)
- end
-Read streams support the following options:
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 40 80
- * - Option
- - Description
- * - ``:read``
- - The read preference to use when downloading files.
-Some, but not all, of the read methods listed above pass these options to
-the underlying read streams. Please consult the API documentation for each
-method to determine whether it supports a particular option.
-Finding file metadata
-You can retrieve documents containing metadata about files in the GridFS files collection.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- fs_bucket.find(filename: 'my-file.txt')
-Deleting files
-You can delete a file by id.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- fs_bucket.delete(file_id)
-Working with Grid::File objects
-This object can be used to wrap a file to be inserted into the database using
-GridFS and the object that is retrieved.
-To create a file with raw data:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- file = Mongo::Grid::File.new('I am a file', :filename => 'new-file.txt')
-To create a file from a Ruby ``File`` object:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- file = File.open('/path/to/my-file.txt')
- grid_file = Mongo::Grid::File.new(file.read, :filename => File.basename(file.path))
-To change file options such as chunk size, pass options to the constructor:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- file = File.open('/path/to/my-file.txt')
- grid_file = Mongo::Grid::File.new(
- file.read,
- :filename => File.basename(file.path),
- :chunk_size => 1024
- )
-The following is a full list of the available options that files support.
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 40 80
- * - Option
- - Description
- * - ``:chunk_size``
- - Sets the size of each file chunk in the database.
- * - ``:content_type``
- - Set a content type for the file.
- * - ``:filename`` (Required)
- - The file name.
- * - ``:upload_date``
- - The date the file was uploaded (stored).
-Inserting Files
-Files can be inserted into the database one at a time. File chunks are inserted
-by default into the ``fs.chunks`` collection and file metadata is inserted into the
-``fs.files`` collection.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- file = Mongo::Grid::File.new('I am a file', :filename => 'new-file.txt')
- client.database.fs.insert_one(file)
-To insert into collections with a name prefix other than ``fs``, access the
-filesystem with a ``:fs_name`` option.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- file = Mongo::Grid::File.new('I am a file', :filename => 'new-file.txt')
- client.database.fs(:fs_name => 'grid').insert_one(file)
-When the driver is inserting the first file into a bucket, it will attempt to create the required
-indexes on ``files`` and ``chunks`` collections. The required indexes are as follows:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- # files collection
- { :filename => 1, :uploadDate => 1 }
- # chunks collection
- { :files_id => 1, :n => 1 }, { :unique => true }
-.. note::
- If the indexes cannot be created, such as due to the current user lacking the permissions to do so,
- the file insert will be aborted. If the application does not have permissions to create indexes,
- a database administrator must create the required indexes ahead of time.
- If the bucket already has files, the driver will not attempt to create indexes, even if they are
- missing and the current user has permissions to create them. In this case a database administrator
- should create the needed indexes as soon as possible to ensure data integrity.
-Files can also be streamed as an alternative to a direct insert.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.database.fs.open_upload_stream(filename) do |stream|
- stream.write(file)
- end
-Finding Files
-To retrieve a file from the database, call ``find_one`` with the appropriate filter.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- client.database.fs.find_one(:filename => 'new-file.txt') # Returns a Mongo::Grid::File
-Files can also be streamed as an alternative to a direct find.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.database.fs.open_download_stream(file_id) do |stream|
- io.write(stream.read)
- end
- fs.download_to_stream(file_id, io)
-Deleting Files
-To delete a file, pass the file object to ``delete_one``.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'music')
- fs = client.database.fs
- file = fs.find_one(:filename => 'new-file.txt')
- fs.delete_one(file)
diff --git a/docs/reference/in-use-encryption.txt b/docs/reference/in-use-encryption.txt
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index 165f399b8b..0000000000
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-.. _in-use-encryption:
-In-Use Encryption
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-This section describes the different encryption methods in use by the Ruby
-driver for MongoDB.
-.. toctree::
- :titlesonly:
- /reference/in-use-encryption/queryable-encryption
- /reference/in-use-encryption/client-side-encryption
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/reference/in-use-encryption/client-side-encryption.txt b/docs/reference/in-use-encryption/client-side-encryption.txt
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-.. _client-side-encryption:
-Client-Side Encryption
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-New in MongoDB 4.2, client-side encryption allows administrators and developers
-to encrypt specific fields in MongoDB documents before inserting them into the
-With client-side encryption, developers can encrypt fields client-side without
-any server-side configuration or directives. Client-side encryption supports
-workloads where applications must guarantee that unauthorized parties,
-including server administrators, cannot read the encrypted data.
-.. warning::
- Enabling Client Side Encryption reduces the maximum write batch size and may
- have a negative performance impact.
-Client-side encryption requires the installation of additional packages.
-Libmongocrypt is a C library used by the driver for client-side encryption.
-To use client-side encryption, you must install the libmongocrypt library
-on the machine running your Ruby program.
-The easiest way to install this library is to install `libmongocrypt-helper
-`_ as follows:
-.. code-block:: bash
- gem install libmongocrypt-helper --pre
-The version number of libmongocrypt-helper is the version of included
-libmongocrypt followed by the release number, e.g. 1.3.2.r1.
-Because Ruby considers any letters in the version number to indicate a
-pre-release version, the ``--pre`` flag is needed.
-The driver will automatically load libmongocrypt-helper - no further
-configuration is needed.
-.. note::
- libmongocrypt-helper currently only supports Linux operating systems.
-Alternatively you can download a pre-built binary distribution of libmongocrypt
-and manually place the required shared object on your computer, as follows:
-- Download a tarball of all libmongocrypt variations `here `_.
-- Extract the file you downloaded. You will see a list of directories, each
- corresponding to an operating system. Find the directory that matches your
- operating system and open it.
-- Inside that folder, open the folder called "nocrypto." In either the
- lib or lb64 folder, you will find the libmongocrypt.so or
- libmongocrypt.dylib or libmongocrypt.dll file, depending on your OS.
-- Move that file to wherever you want to keep it on your machine. You may delete
- the other files included in the tarball.
-To build the binary from source:
-- Follow the instructions in the README in the `libmongocrypt GitHub repo `_.
-Once you have the libmongocrypt binary on your machine, specify the path to the
-binary using the LIBMONGOCRYPT_PATH environment variable. It is recommended that
-you add this variable to your rc files. For example:
-.. code-block:: bash
- export LIBMONGOCRYPT_PATH=/path/to/your/libmongocrypt.so
-.. note::
- The binary referenced in this section can be a pre-release version of
- libmongocrypt which is not recommended for production environments.
-Automatic Encryption Shared Library
-The Automatic Encryption Shared Library is a dynamic library that enables your
-client application to perform automatic encryption. It is only required for
-automatic encryption, which is an enterprise-only feature.
-If you only intend to use explicit encryption, you may skip this step.
-The Automatic Encryption Shared Library provides the same functionality as
-mongocryptd (see below), but does not require you to spawn another process
-to perform automatic encryption.
-For installation instructions, see
-`the MongoDB manual `_.
-When automatic encryption is enabled, libmongocrypt will look for the shared
-library in the system library path, or try to load the library from a particular
-place if ``:crypt_shared_lib_path`` option is provided when creating a client.
-If the library can be loaded, then the driver will not try to spawn mongocryptd daemon.
-The daemon will be still spawned if the shared library cannot be found.
-It is also possible to require using the shared library by passing
-``crypt_shared_lib_required: true`` option when creating a client. In this case,
-an error will be raised if the shared library cannot be loaded.
-.. note::
- All ``Mongo::Client`` objects in the same process should use the same setting
- ``:crypt_shared_lib_path``, as it is an error to load more that one crypt_shared dynamic library simultaneously in a single operating system process.
-Mongocryptd is an alternative to the Automatic Encryption Shared Library.
-Mongocryptd is a daemon that tells the driver which fields to encrypt in a
-given operation. It is only required for automatic encryption, which is an
-enterprise-only feature. If you only intend to use explicit encryption, you may
-skip this step.
-Mongocryptd comes pre-packaged with enterprise builds of the MongoDB server
-(versions 4.2 and newer). For installation instructions, see the
-`MongoDB manual `_.
-In order to configure mongocryptd (for example, which port it listens on or the
-path used to spawn the daemon), it is necessary to pass different options to the
-``Mongo::Client`` performing automatic encryption. See the :ref:`:extra_options `
-section of this tutorial for more information.
-Automatic Encryption
-Automatic encryption is a feature that allows users to configure a
-``Mongo::Client`` instance to always encrypt specific document fields when
-performing database operations. Once the ``Mongo::Client`` is configured, it
-will automatically encrypt any field that requires encryption before writing
-it to the database, and it will automatically decrypt those fields when reading
-Client-side encryption implements envelope encryption, which is the practice of
-encrypting data with a data key, which is in turn encrypted using a master key.
-Thus, using client-side encryption with MongoDB involves three main steps:
-1. Create a master key
-2. Create a data key (and encrypt it using the master key)
-3. Encrypt data using the data key
-The example below demonstrates how to follow these steps with a local master key
-in order to perform automatic encryption.
-.. note::
- Automatic encryption is an enterprise only feature that only applies to
- operations on a collection. Automatic encryption is not supported for operations
- on a database or view, and operations that are not bypassed will result in
- error (see `Auto Encryption Allow-List `_
- ). To bypass automatic encryption for all operations, set ``bypass_auto_encryption``
- to true in ``auto_encryption_options``.
-.. note::
- Automatic encryption requires the authenticated user to have the listCollections privilege action.
-.. note::
- When using Automatic Encryption, and a ``Mongo::Client`` instance that is configured
- with ``:auto_encryption_options`` has a limited connection pool size
- (i.e a non-zero ``:max_pool_size``, which is the default setting), a separate
- internal ``Mongo::Client`` instance is created if any of the following are true:
- - ``auto_encryption_options[:key_vault_client]`` is not passed.
- - ``auto_encryption_options[:bypass_automatic_encryption]`` is not passed or false.
- If an internal ``Mongo::Client`` instance is created, it is configured with
- the same options as the parent client except ``:min_pool_size`` is set to 0
- and ``:auto_encryption_options`` is omitted.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- require 'mongo'
- #####################################
- # Step 1: Create a local master key #
- #####################################
- # A local master key is a 96-byte binary blob.
- local_master_key = SecureRandom.random_bytes(96)
- # => "\xB2\xBE\x8EN\xD4\x14\xC2\x13\xC3..."
- #############################
- # Step 2: Create a data key #
- #############################
- kms_providers = {
- local: {
- key: local_master_key
- }
- }
- # The key vault client is a Mongo::Client instance connected to the collection
- # that will store your data keys.
- key_vault_client = Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:27017'])
- # Use an instance of Mongo::ClientEncryption to create a new data key
- client_encryption = Mongo::ClientEncryption.new(
- key_vault_client,
- key_vault_namespace: 'encryption.__keyVault',
- kms_providers: kms_providers
- )
- data_key_id = client_encryption.create_data_key('local')
- # =>
- #######################################################
- # Step 3: Configure Mongo::Client for auto-encryption #
- #######################################################
- # Create a schema map, which tells the Mongo::Client which fields to encrypt
- schema_map = {
- 'encryption_db.encryption_coll': {
- properties: {
- encrypted_field: {
- encrypt: {
- keyId: [data_key_id],
- bsonType: "string",
- algorithm: "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic"
- }
- }
- },
- bsonType: "object"
- }
- }
- # Configure the client for automatic encryption
- client = Mongo::Client.new(
- ['localhost:27017'],
- auto_encryption_options: {
- key_vault_namespace: 'encryption.__keyVault',
- kms_providers: kms_providers,
- schema_map: schema_map
- },
- database: 'encryption_db',
- )
- collection = client['encryption_coll']
- collection.drop # Make sure there is no data in the collection
- # The string "sensitive data" will be encrypted and stored in the database
- # as ciphertext
- collection.insert_one(encrypted_field: 'sensitive data')
- # The data is decrypted before being returned to the user
- collection.find(encrypted_field: 'sensitive data').first['encrypted_field']
- # => "sensitive data"
- # A client with no auto_encryption_options is unable to decrypt the data
- client_no_encryption = Mongo::Client.new(
- ['localhost:27017'],
- database: 'encryption_db',
- )
- client_no_encryption['encryption_coll'].find.first['encrypted_field']
- # =>
-The example above demonstrates using automatic encryption with a local master key.
-For more information about using other key management services to create a
-master key and create data keys, see the following sections of this tutorial:
-- :ref:`Creating A Master Key `
-- :ref:`Creating A Data Key `
-Explicit Encryption
-Explicit encryption is a feature that allows users to encrypt and decrypt
-individual pieces of data such as strings, integers, or symbols. Explicit
-encryption is a community feature and does not require an enterprise build
-of the MongoDB server to use. To perform all explicit encryption and decryption
-operations, use an instance of the ClientEncryption class.
-Client-side encryption implements envelope encryption, which is the practice of
-encrypting data with a data key, which is in turn encrypted using a master key.
-Thus, using client-side encryption with MongoDB involves three main steps:
-1. Create a master key
-2. Create a data key (and encrypt it using the master key)
-3. Encrypt data using the data key
-The example below demonstrates how to follow these steps with a local master key
-in order to perform explicit encryption.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- require 'mongo'
- #####################################
- # Step 1: Create a local master key #
- #####################################
- # A local master key is a 96-byte binary blob.
- local_master_key = SecureRandom.random_bytes(96)
- # => "\xB2\xBE\x8EN\xD4\x14\xC2\x13\xC3..."
- #############################
- # Step 2: Create a data key #
- #############################
- kms_providers = {
- local: {
- key: local_master_key
- }
- }
- # The key vault client is a Mongo::Client instance connected to the collection
- # that will store your data keys.
- key_vault_client = Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:27017'])
- # Use an instance of Mongo::ClientEncryption to create a new data key
- client_encryption = Mongo::ClientEncryption.new(
- key_vault_client,
- key_vault_namespace: 'encryption.__keyVault',
- kms_providers: kms_providers
- )
- data_key_id = client_encryption.create_data_key('local')
- # =>
- #####################################################
- # Step 3: Encrypt a string with explicit encryption #
- #####################################################
- # The value to encrypt
- value = 'sensitive data'
- # Encrypt the value
- encrypted_value = client_encryption.encrypt(
- 'sensitive data',
- {
- key_id: data_key_id,
- algorithm: "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic"
- }
- )
- # Create the client you will use to read and write the data to MongoDB
- client = Mongo::Client.new(
- ['localhost:27017'],
- database: 'encryption_db',
- )
- collection = client['encryption_coll']
- collection.drop # Make sure there is no data in the collection
- # Insert the encrypted value into the collection
- collection.insert_one(encrypted_field: encrypted_value)
- # Use the client to read the encrypted value from the database, then
- # use the ClientEncryption object to decrypt it
- find_result = collection.find(encrypted_field: encrypted_value).first['encrypted_field']
- # => (the find result is encrypted)
- unencrypted_result = client_encryption.decrypt(find_result)
- # => "sensitive data"
-The example above demonstrates using explicit encryption with a local master key.
-For more information about using other key management services to create a
-master key and create data keys, see the following sections of this tutorial:
-- :ref:`Creating A Master Key `
-- :ref:`Creating A Data Key `
-.. _creating-a-master-key:
-Creating a Master Key
-Both automatic encryption and explicit encryption require an encryption master key.
-This master key is used to encrypt data keys, which are in turn used to encrypt
-user data. The master key can be generated in one of two ways: by creating a
-local key, or by creating a key in a key management service. Currently
-Ruby driver supports AWS Key Management Service (KMS), Azure Key Vault, and
-Google Cloud Key Management (GCP KMS).
-.. _local-master-key:
-Local Master Key
-A local master key is a 96-byte binary string. It should be persisted
-on your machine as an environment variable or in a text file.
-.. warning::
- Using a local master key is insecure and not recommended if you plan
- to use client-side encryption in production.
-Run the following code to generate a local master key using Ruby:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- local_master_key = SecureRandom.random_bytes(96)
- # => "\xB2\xBE\x8EN\xD4\x14\xC2\x13\xC3..." (a binary blob)
-.. _remote-master-key:
-Remote Master Key
-It is recommended that you use a remote Key Management Service to create and
-store your master key. To do so, follow steps of the
-`"Set up a Remote Master Key" `_
-in the MongoDB Client-Side Encryption documentation.
-For more information about creating a master key, see the
-`Create a Master Key `_
-section of the MongoDB manual.
-.. _creating-a-data-key:
-Creating a Data Key
-Once you have created a master key, create a data key by calling the
-``#create_data_key`` method on an instance of the ``Mongo::ClientEncryption``
-class. This method generates a new data key and inserts it into the key vault
-collection, which is the MongoDB collection in which you choose to store your
-data keys. The ``#create_data_key`` method returns id of the newly-created
-data key in the form of a BSON::Binary object.
-Create a Data Key Using a Local Master Key
-If you have created a local master key, you may use it to generate a new data
-key with the following code snippet:
-.. warning::
- Using a local master key is insecure and not recommended if you plan
- to use client-side encryption in production.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- # A Mongo::Client instance that will be used to connect to the key vault
- # collection. Replace the server address with the address of the MongoDB
- # server where you would like to store your key vault collection.
- key_vault_client = Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:27017'])
- client_encryption = Mongo::ClientEncryption.new(
- key_vault_client,
- # Replace with the database and collection names for your key vault collection
- key_vault_namespace: 'encryption.__keyVault',
- kms_providers: {
- local: {
- key: local_master_key
- }
- }
- )
- data_key_id = client_encryption.create_data_key('local')
- # =>
-See the :ref:`Local Master Key ` section for more information
-about generating a new local master key.
-Create a Data Key Using a Remote Master Key
-If you have created an AWS KMS master key, note the access key ID and the secret access
-key of the IAM user that has permissions to use the key. Additionally, note
-the AWS region and the Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of your master key. You will
-use that information to generate a data key.
-If you have created an Azure master key, note the tenant id, the client id, and
-the client secret of the application that has permissions to use the key.
-Additionally, note the key name, key version (if any), and key vault endpoint
-for your master key. You will use that information to generate a data key.
-If you have created a GCP KMS master key, note the email and the private key,
-and the client secret of the application that has permissions to use the key.
-Additionally, note the project id, location, key ring, key name, and
-key version (if any) for your master key. You will use that information to
-generate a data key.
-Please note that GCP private key can be in different formats. Ruby driver
-supports DER encoded RSA private key as base64 encoded string. For MRI Ruby
-the driver additionally support PEM encoded RSA private key.
-If you have created a master key using a Key Management Interoperability
-Protocol (KMIP) compatible key management server, note the server host and port,
-and key id. You will use that information to generate a data key. You may also
-need certificate authority certificate(s), as well as and your client
-certificate and private key to authenticate to KMIP server.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- # A Mongo::Client instance that will be used to connect to the key vault
- # collection. Replace the server address with the address of the MongoDB
- # server where you would like to store your key vault collection.
- key_vault_client = Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:27017'])
- client_encryption = Mongo::ClientEncryption.new(
- key_vault_client,
- # Replace with the database and collection names for your key vault collection
- key_vault_namespace: 'encryption.__keyVault',
- kms_providers: {
- aws: {
- access_key_id: 'IAM-ACCESS-KEY-ID',
- secret_access_key: 'IAM-SECRET-ACCESS-KEY'
- },
- azure: {
- tenant_id: 'AZURE-TENANT-ID',
- client_id: 'AZURE-CLIENT-ID',
- client_secret: 'AZURE-CLIENT-SECRET'
- },
- gcp: {
- email: 'GCP-EMAIL',
- # :private_key value should be GCP private key as base64 encoded
- # DER RSA private key, or PEM RSA private key, if you are using MRI Ruby.
- private_key: 'GCP-PRIVATE-KEY',
- },
- kmip: {
- # KMIP server endpoint may include port.
- endpoint: 'KMIP-SERVER-HOST'
- },
- # TLS options to connect to KMIP server.
- kms_tls_options: {
- kmip: {
- ssl_ca_cert: 'PATH-TO-CA-FILE',
- }
- }
- }
- )
- aws_data_key_id = client_encryption.create_data_key(
- 'aws',
- {
- master_key: {
- }
- }
- )
- # =>
- azure_data_key_id = client_encryption.create_data_key(
- 'azure',
- {
- master_key: {
- key_vault_endpoint: 'AZURE-KEY-VAULT-ENDPOINT',
- key_name: 'AZURE-KEY-NAME'
- }
- }
- )
- # =>
- gcp_data_key_id = client_encryption.create_data_key(
- 'gcp',
- {
- master_key: {
- project_id: 'GCP-PROJECT-ID',
- location: 'GCP-LOCATION',
- key_ring: 'GCP-KEY-RING',
- key_name: 'GCP-KEY-NAME',
- }
- }
- )
- # =>
-See the :ref:`Remote Master Key ` section of this tutorial
-for more information about generating a new remote master key and finding the
-information you need to create data keys.
-For more information about creating a data key, see the
-`Create a Data Encryption Key `_
-section of the MongoDB manual.
-For a list of possible KMS TLS options
-see :manual:`create client reference `.
-``Mongo::ClientEncryption`` constructor accepts same ``ssl_`` options as
-Auto-Encryption Options
-Automatic encryption can be configured on a ``Mongo::Client`` using the
-``auto_encryption_options`` option ``Hash``. This section provides an overview
-of the fields inside ``auto_encryption_options`` and explains how to choose their
-The key vault client is a ``Mongo::Client`` instance that will be used to connect
-to the MongoDB collection containing your encryption data keys. For example, if
-your key vault was hosted on a MongoDB instance at ``localhost:30000``:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- key_vault_client = Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:30000'])
- Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:27017],
- auto_encryption_options: {
- key_vault_client: key_vault_client,
- # ... (Fill in other options here)
- }
- )
-If your data keys are stored in the same MongoDB instance that stores your encrypted
-data, you may leave this option blank, and the top-level client will be used
-to insert and fetch data keys.
-The key vault namespace is a ``String`` in the format ``"database_name.collection_name"``,
-where ``database_name`` and ``collection_name`` are the name of the database and
-collection in which you would like to store your data keys. For example, if your data
-keys are stored in the ``encryption`` database in the ``__keyVault`` collection:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:27017],
- auto_encryption_options: {
- key_vault_namespace: 'encryption.__keyVault',
- # ... (Fill in other options here)
- }
- )
-There is no default key vault namespace, and this option must be provided.
-A Hash that contains KMS provider names as keys, and provider options as values.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:27017],
- auto_encryption_options: {
- key_vault_namespace: 'encryption.__keyVault',
- kms_providers: {
- aws: {
- access_key_id: 'IAM-ACCESS-KEY-ID',
- secret_access_key: 'IAM-SECRET-ACCESS-KEY'
- },
- azure: {
- tenant_id: 'AZURE-TENANT-ID',
- client_id: 'AZURE-CLIENT-ID',
- client_secret: 'AZURE-CLIENT-SECRET'
- },
- gcp: {
- email: 'GCP-EMAIL',
- # :private_key value should be GCP private key as base64 encoded
- # DER RSA private key, or PEM RSA private key, if you are using MRI Ruby.
- private_key: 'GCP-PRIVATE-KEY',
- },
- kmip: {
- # KMIP server endpoint may include port.
- endpoint: 'KMIP-SERVER-HOST'
- },
- # TLS options to connect to KMIP server.
- kms_tls_options: {
- kmip: {
- ssl_ca_cert: 'PATH-TO-CA-FILE',
- }
- }
- }
- }
- )
-The client can retrieve AWS credentials from the environment or from EC2 or ECS
-metadata endpoints. To retrieve credentials automatically, specify an empty Hash
-as KMS provider options for AWS:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:27017'],
- auto_encryption_options: {
- key_vault_namespace: 'encryption.__keyVault',
- kms_providers: {
- aws: {}
- }
- }
- )
-See :ref:`"Automatically Retrieving Credentials" `
-for more detailed information about the credential retrieval.
-The client can retrieve GCP credentials from the Google Compute Engine
-metadata endpoints. To retrieve credentials automatically, specify an empty Hash
-as KMS provider options for GCP:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:27017'],
- auto_encryption_options: {
- key_vault_namespace: 'encryption.__keyVault',
- kms_providers: {
- gcp: {}
- }
- }
- )
-A Hash that contains KMP provider names as keys, and TLS options to connect to
-corresponding providers.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:27017],
- auto_encryption_options: {
- key_vault_namespace: 'encryption.__keyVault',
- kms_providers: {
- kmip: {
- endpoint: 'KMIP-SERVER-HOST'
- }
- },
- kms_tls_options: {
- kmip: {
- ssl_ca_cert: 'PATH-TO-CA-FILE',
- }
- }
- }
- )
-A schema map is a Hash with information about which fields to automatically
-encrypt and decrypt.
-The code snippet at the top of this tutorial demonstrates creating a schema
-map using a Ruby ``Hash``. While this will work, schema maps can grow quite
-large and it could be unweildy to include them in your Ruby code. Instead, it is
-recommended that you store them in a separate JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
-Before creating the JSON file, Base64-encode the UUID of the your data key.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Base64.encode64(data_key_id.data)
- # => "sr6OTtQUwhPD..." (a base64-encoded string)
-Then, create a new JSON file containing your schema map in the format defined by
-the JSON Schema Draft 4 standard syntax. You can read more about formatting
-your schema map in the :manual:`Automatic Encryption Rules`
-section of the MongoDB manual.
-.. code-block:: json
- {
- "encryption_db.encryption_coll": {
- "properties": {
- "encrypted_field": {
- "encrypt": {
- "keyId": [{
- "$binary": {
- "subType": "04"
- }
- }],
- "bsonType": "string",
- "algorithm": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic"
- }
- }
- },
- "bsonType": "object"
- }
- }
-When you intend to use your schema map, convert it to a Ruby ``Hash`` using the
-``BSON::ExtJSON`` module in the ``bson`` Ruby gem.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- schema_map = BSON::ExtJSON.parse(File.read('/path/to/your/file.json'))
- # => { 'encryption_db.encryption_coll' => { ... } }
- Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:27017],
- auto_encryption_options: {
- schema_map: schema_map,
- # ... (Fill in other options here)
- }
- )
-.. note::
- It is also possible to supply a schema map as a validator on a MongoDB collection.
- This is referred to as a "remote schema map," while providing the schema map as
- an option on the ``Mongo::Client`` is called a "local schema map."
- Supplying a local schema map provides more security than relying on JSON schemas
- obtained from the server. It protects against a malicious server advertising
- a false JSON schema, which could trick the client into sending unencrypted
- data that should be encrypted.
- See :manual:`Server-Side Field Level Encryption Enforcement`
- in the MongoDB manual for more information about using the schema map to
- create a JSON schema validator on your collection.
-.. seealso::
- `Specify Encrypted Fields Using JSON Schema `_,
- :manual:`Automatic Encryption Rules`
-.. _schema-map-path:
-It is also possible to load schema map from a file. Prepare the schema map as
-described above, save it to file, and then pass path to the file using
-``:schema_map_path`` option.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:27017],
- auto_encryption_options: {
- schema_map_path: '/path/to/your/file.json',
- # ... (Fill in other options here)
- }
- )
-The ``:bypass_auto_encryption`` option is a ``Boolean`` that specifies whether the
-``Mongo::Client`` should skip encryption when writing to the database. If
-``:bypass_auto_encryption`` is ``true``, the client will still perform automatic
-decryption of any previously-encrypted data.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:27017],
- auto_encryption_options: {
- bypass_auto_encryption: true,
- # ... (Fill in other options here)
- }
- )
-.. _cse-extra-options:
-``:extra_options`` is a ``Hash`` of options related to spawning mongocryptd.
-Every option in this ``Hash`` has a default value, so it is only necessary to
-provide the options whose defaults you want to override.
-- ``:mongocryptd_spawn_args`` - This is an ``Array`` containing arguments
- for spawning mongocryptd. The Ruby driver will pass these arguments to
- mongocryptd on spawning the daemon. Possible arguments are:
- - ``"--idleShutdownTimeoutSecs"`` - The number of seconds mongocryptd must remain
- idle before it shuts itself down. The default value is 60.
- - ``"--port"`` - The port at which mongocryptd will listen for connections. The
- default is 27020.
-- ``:mongocryptd_uri`` - The URI that the driver will use to connect to mongocryptd.
- By default, this is ``"mongodb://localhost:27020"``.
-- ``:mongocryptd_spawn_path`` - The path to the mongocryptd executable. The default
- is ``"mongocryptd"``.
-- ``:mongocryptd_bypass_spawn`` - A ``Boolean`` indicating whether the driver should
- skip spawning mongocryptd.
-For example, if you would like to run mongocryptd on port 30000, provide
-``extra_options`` as follows:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:27017],
- auto_encryption_options: {
- extra_options: {
- mongocryptd_spawn_args: ['--port=30000'],
- mongocryptd_uri: 'mongodb://localhost:30000',
- }
- # ... (Fill in other options here)
- }
- )
-.. warning::
- The contents of ``:extra_options`` is subject to change in future versions
- of the client-side encryption API.
diff --git a/docs/reference/in-use-encryption/queryable-encryption.txt b/docs/reference/in-use-encryption/queryable-encryption.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2be80ed5f2..0000000000
--- a/docs/reference/in-use-encryption/queryable-encryption.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-.. _queryable-encryption:
-Queryable Encryption
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-Queryable encryption is a new feature in MongoDB 6.0. It also requires
-libmongocrypt version 1.5.2 or above.
-You can find more information about queryable encryption in `MongoDB Manual
-.. note::
- The queryable encryption feature is in public technical preview.
- Therefore, the following options should be considered experimental
- and are subject to change:
- - ``:encrypted_fields_map`` and ``:bypass_query_analysis`` in auto encryption options.
- - ``:contention_factor`` and ``:query_type`` in client encryption options.
-The following examples assume you are familiar with the concepts and techniques
-described in :ref:`Client-Side Encryption `.
-Below is an example of using automatic queryable encryption using the Ruby driver:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- require 'mongo'
- #####################################
- # Step 1: Create a local master key #
- #####################################
- # A local master key is a 96-byte binary blob.
- local_master_key = SecureRandom.random_bytes(96)
- # => "\xB2\xBE\x8EN\xD4\x14\xC2\x13\xC3..."
- #############################
- # Step 2: Create a data key #
- #############################
- kms_providers = {
- local: {
- key: local_master_key
- }
- }
- # The key vault client is a Mongo::Client instance
- # that will be used to store your data keys.
- key_vault_client = Mongo::Client.new('mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018')
- # Use an instance of Mongo::ClientEncryption to create a new data key
- client_encryption = Mongo::ClientEncryption.new(
- key_vault_client,
- key_vault_namespace: 'encryption.__keyVault',
- kms_providers: kms_providers
- )
- data_key_id = client_encryption.create_data_key('local')
- # =>
- #######################################################
- # Step 3: Configure Mongo::Client for auto-encryption #
- #######################################################
- # Create an encrypted fields map, which tells the Mongo::Client which fields to encrypt.
- encrypted_fields_map = {
- 'encryption_db.encryption_coll' => {
- fields: [
- {
- path: 'encrypted_field',
- bsonType: 'string',
- keyId: data_key_id,
- queries: {
- queryType: 'equality'
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- # Configure the client for automatic encryption
- client = Mongo::Client.new(
- 'mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018',
- auto_encryption_options: {
- key_vault_namespace: 'encryption.__keyVault',
- kms_providers: kms_providers,
- encrypted_fields_map: encrypted_fields_map,
- },
- database: 'encryption_db'
- )
- # Make sure there is no data in the collection.
- client.database.drop
- # Create encrypted collection explicitly.
- collection = client['encryption_coll'].create
- # The string "sensitive data" will be encrypted and stored in the database
- # as ciphertext
- collection.insert_one(encrypted_field: 'sensitive data')
- # The data is decrypted before being returned to the user
- collection.find(encrypted_field: 'sensitive data').first['encrypted_field']
- # => "sensitive data"
- # A client with no auto_encryption_options is unable to decrypt the data
- client_no_encryption = Mongo::Client.new(['localhost:27017'], database: 'encryption_db')
- client_no_encryption['encryption_coll'].find.first['encrypted_field']
- # =>
-The example above demonstrates using automatic encryption with a local master key.
-For more information about using other key management services to create a
-master key and create data keys, see the following sections of the :ref:`Client-Side Encryption ` tutorial:
-- :ref:`Creating A Master Key `
-- :ref:`Creating A Data Key `
-Below is an example of explicit queryable encryption.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- require 'mongo'
- #####################################
- # Step 1: Create a local master key #
- #####################################
- # A local master key is a 96-byte binary blob.
- local_master_key = SecureRandom.random_bytes(96)
- # => "\xB2\xBE\x8EN\xD4\x14\xC2\x13\xC3..."
- #############################
- # Step 2: Create a data key #
- #############################
- kms_providers = {
- local: {
- key: local_master_key
- }
- }
- # The key vault client is a Mongo::Client instance
- # that will be used to store your data keys.
- key_vault_client = Mongo::Client.new('mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018')
- # Use an instance of Mongo::ClientEncryption to create a new data key
- client_encryption = Mongo::ClientEncryption.new(
- key_vault_client,
- key_vault_namespace: 'encryption.__keyVault',
- kms_providers: kms_providers
- )
- data_key_id = client_encryption.create_data_key('local')
- # =>
- ##########################################
- # Step 3: Create an encrypted collection #
- ##########################################
- encrypted_fields = {
- fields: [
- {
- path: 'encrypted_field',
- bsonType: 'string',
- keyId: data_key_id,
- queries: {
- queryType: 'equality',
- contention: 0
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- # Create the client you will use to read and write the data to MongoDB
- # Please note that to insert or query with an "Indexed" encrypted payload,
- # you should use a ``Mongo::Client`` that is configured with ``:auto_encryption_options``.
- # ``auto_encryption_options[:bypass_query_analysis]`` may be true.
- # ``auto_encryption_options[:bypass_auto_encryption]`` must be not set or false.
- client = Mongo::Client.new(
- ['localhost:27017'],
- auto_encryption_options: {
- key_vault_namespace: 'encryption.__keyVault',
- kms_providers: kms_providers,
- bypass_query_analysis: true,
- },
- database: 'encryption_db',
- )
- # Make sure there is no data in the collection.
- client['encryption_coll'].drop(encrypted_fields: encrypted_fields)
- # Create encrypted collection explicitly.
- client['encryption_coll'].create(encrypted_fields: encrypted_fields)
- #####################################################
- # Step 4: Encrypt a string with explicit encryption #
- #####################################################
- # The value to encrypt
- value = 'sensitive data'
- # Encrypt the value
- insert_payload = client_encryption.encrypt(
- 'sensitive data',
- {
- key_id: data_key_id,
- algorithm: "Indexed",
- contention_factor: 0
- }
- )
- # Insert the encrypted value into the collection
- client['encryption_coll'].insert_one(encrypted_field: insert_payload)
- # Use the client to read the encrypted value from the database, then
- # use the ClientEncryption object to decrypt it.
- find_payload = client_encryption.encrypt(
- 'sensitive data',
- {
- key_id: data_key_id,
- algorithm: "Indexed",
- contention_factor: 0,
- query_type: "equality"
- }
- )
- find_result = client['encryption_coll'].find(encrypted_field: find_payload).first['encrypted_field']
- # => 'sensitive data'
diff --git a/docs/reference/indexing.txt b/docs/reference/indexing.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a536c8870f..0000000000
--- a/docs/reference/indexing.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-The driver provides the ability to create, drop and view
-:manual:`indexes` on a collection through the ``indexes`` attribute:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music')
- client[:bands].indexes
- # => #, @batch_size=nil, @options={}>
-Creating Indexes
-Indexes can be created one at a time, or several can be created in a single
-operation. When creating multiple indexes on MongoDB 3.0 and later, the indexes
-are created in parallel; on earlier versions they are created sequentially.
-To create a single index, use ``indexes#create_one``, passing the key
-specification as the first argument and options as the second argument:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client[:bands].indexes.create_one(genre: 1)
- client[:bands].indexes.create_one(
- { name: 1 },
- unique: true, expire_after: 120,
- )
-To create multiple indexes, use ``indexes#create_many`` which accepts an array
-of index specifications. Unlike ``create_one``, each index specification
-is a hash with the ``key`` key mapped to the key specification and the
-options being specified on the top level.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client[:bands].indexes.create_many([
- { key: { genre: 1 } },
- { key: { name: 1 }, unique: true, expire_after: 120 },
- ])
-.. _index-options:
-The following is a full list of the available options that can be added
-when creating indexes. These options mirror the options supported by the
-:manual:`createIndex command`.
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 40 80
- * - Option
- - Description
- * - ``:background``
- - Either ``true`` or ``false``. Tells the index to be created in the background.
- * - ``:expire_after``
- - Number of seconds to expire documents in the collection after.
- * - ``:name``
- - The name of the index.
- * - ``:sparse``
- - Whether the index should be sparse or not, either ``true`` or ``false``.
- * - ``:storage_engine``
- - The name of the storage engine for this particular index.
- * - ``:version``
- - The index format version to use.
- * - ``:default_language``
- - The default language of text indexes.
- * - ``:language_override``
- - The field name to use when overriding the default language.
- * - ``:text_version``
- - The version format for text index storage.
- * - ``:weights``
- - A document specifying fields and weights in text search.
- * - ``:sphere_version``
- - The 2d sphere index version.
- * - ``:bits``
- - Sets the maximum boundary for latitude and longitude in the 2d index.
- * - ``:max``
- - Maximum boundary for latitude and longitude in the 2d index.
- * - ``:min``
- - Minimum boundary for latitude and longitude in the 2d index.
- * - ``:bucket_size``
- - The number of units within which to group the location values in a geo haystack index.
- * - ``:partial_filter_expression``
- - A filter for a partial index.
- * - ``:hidden``
- - A Boolean specifying whether the index should be hidden; a hidden index
- is one that exists on the collection but will not be used by the query planner.
-The :commit_quorum option
-On MongoDB server versions 4.4 and newer, the ``:commit_quorum`` option may be
-specified on index creation. This option differs from other index options in that
-it determines server behavior during index creation, rather than determining
-the behavior of an individual index.
-The ``:commit_quorum`` option specifies how many voting, data-bearing members
-of a replica set must complete the index build before the index is ready.
-Possible values are integers (0 to the number of voting, data-bearing members
-of the replica set), "majority", or "votingMembers".
-To specify ``:commit_quorum`` when creating one index, add another option
-to the second argument of the ``indexes#create_one`` method:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client[:bands].indexes.create_one(
- { name: 1 },
- unique: true, expire_after: 120, commit_quorum: 'majority'
- )
-To specify create options when creating multiple indexes, add a Hash specifying
-``:commit_quorum`` as a final element to the Array of indexes passed to
-``indexes#create_many``. Note that this Hash MUST be the final element in the
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client[:bands].indexes.create_many([
- { key: { genre: 1 } },
- { key: { name: 1 }, unique: true, expire_after: 120 },
- { commit_quorum: 'majority' },
- ])
-Dropping Indexes
-To drop an index, call ``indexes#drop_one`` or ``indexes#drop_all``.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- # Drops the name_1 index.
- client[:bands].indexes.drop_one( 'name_1' )
- # Drops all indexes in the collection.
- client[:bands].indexes.drop_all
-Listing Indexes
-To list the indexes, iterate the ``indexes`` object:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client[:bands].indexes.each do |index_spec|
- p index_spec
- # {"v"=>2, "key"=>{"_id"=>1}, "name"=>"_id_"}
- # {"v"=>2, "key"=>{"genre"=>1}, "name"=>"genre_1"}
- # {"v"=>2, "unique"=>true, "key"=>{"name"=>1}, "name"=>"name_1",
- # "expireAfterSeconds"=>120}
- end
-Each iteration returns an index specification as returned by the
-:manual:`listIndexes` command.
-.. note::
- The shape and contents of the index specifications returned by this method
- may change from one version of MongoDB to another.
diff --git a/docs/reference/map-reduce.txt b/docs/reference/map-reduce.txt
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-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 2
- :class: singlecol
-:manual:`Map-Reduce ` is a data processing paradigm for
-condensing large volumes of data into aggregated results.
-.. note::
- The map-reduce operation is deprecated.
- The :ref:`aggregation framework ` provides better performance
- and usability than map-reduce operations, and should be preferred for
- new development.
-A map-reduce operation is issued on a collection view, as obtained from
-``Collection#find`` method, by calling the ``map_reduce`` method on the
-view. The ``map_reduce`` method takes three arguments: the mapper, the
-reducer and map-reduce options. The mapper and the reducer must be provided
-as strings containing JavaScript functions.
-For example, given the following collection with values 1 through 10:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- coll = client['foo']
- 10.times do |i|
- coll.insert_one(v: i)
- end
-The following invocation will sum up the values less than 6:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- coll.find(v: {'$lt' => 6}).map_reduce(
- 'function() { emit(null, this.v) }',
- 'function(key, values) { return Array.sum(values) }',
- ).first['value']
- # => 15.0
-The ``map_reduce`` method returns an instance of
-``Mongo::Collection::View::MapReduce`` - a map-reduce view which holds
-the parameters to be used for the operation. To execute the operation, either
-iterate the results (by using e.g. ``each``, ``first`` or ``to_a`` on the
-view object) or invoke the ``execute`` method. The ``execute`` method issues
-the map-reduce operation but does not return the result set from the server,
-and is primarily useful for when the output of the operation is directed to
-a collection as follows:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- coll.find(...).map_reduce(...).out('destination_collection').execute
-Note that:
-- If the results of map-reduce are not directed to a collection, they are
- said to be retrieved inline. In this case the entire result set must fit in
- the 16 MiB BSON document size limit.
-- If the results of map-reduce are directed to a collection, and the
- map-reduce view is iterated, the driver automatically retrieves the
- entire collection and returns its contents as the result set. The
- collection is retrieved without sorting. If map-reduce is performed into
- a collection that is not empty, the driver will return the documents
- as they exist in the collection after the map-reduce operation completes,
- which may include the documents that were in the collection prior to the
- map-reduce operation.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- coll.find(...).map_reduce(...).out('destination_collection').each do |doc|
- # ...
- end
- coll.find(...).map_reduce(...).out(replace: 'destination_collection', db: 'db_name').each do |doc|
- # ...
- end
-Given a map-reduce view, it can be configured using the following methods:
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 20 80
- * - Method
- - Description
- * - ``js_mode``
- - Sets the ``jsMode`` flag for the operation.
- * - ``out``
- - Directs the output to the specified collection, instead of returning
- the result set.
- * - ``scope``
- - Sets the scope for the operation.
- * - ``verbose``
- - Sets whether to include the timing information in the result.
-The following accessor methods are defined on the view object:
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- :widths: 20 80
- * - Method
- - Description
- * - ``js_mode``
- - Returns the current ``jsMode`` flag value.
- * - ``map_function``
- - Returns the map function as a string.
- * - ``out``
- - Returns the current output location for the operation.
- * - ``reduce_function``
- - Returns the reduce function as a string.
- * - ``scope``
- - Returns the current scope for the operation.
- * - ``verbose``
- - Returns whether to include the timing information in the result.
diff --git a/docs/reference/monitoring.txt b/docs/reference/monitoring.txt
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-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-The driver allows the application to be notified when certain events happen.
-These events are organized into the following categories:
-- Command monitoring
-- Topology lifecycle
-- Server lifecycle
-- Server heartbeats
-- Connection pools and connections
-Topology and server events are part of Server Discovery and Monitoring (SDAM).
-.. _command-monitoring:
-Command Monitoring
-All user-initiated commands that are sent to the server publish events that
-can be subscribed to for fine grained information. The monitoring API
-publishes a guaranteed start event for each command, then either a succeeded
-or a failed event. A subscriber must implement 3 methods: ``started``,
-``succeeded``, and ``failed``, each which takes a single parameter for
-the event. The following is an example logging subscriber based on a
-logging subscriber used internally by the driver:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- class CommandLogSubscriber
- include Mongo::Loggable
- def started(event)
- # The default inspection of a command which is a BSON document gets
- # truncated in the middle. To get the full rendering of the command, the
- # ``to_json`` method can be called on the document.
- log_debug("#{prefix(event)} | STARTED | #{format_command(event.command.to_json)}")
- end
- def succeeded(event)
- log_debug("#{prefix(event)} | SUCCEEDED | #{event.duration}s")
- end
- def failed(event)
- log_debug("#{prefix(event)} | FAILED | #{event.message} | #{event.duration}s")
- end
- private
- def logger
- Mongo::Logger.logger
- end
- def format_command(args)
- begin
- args.inspect
- rescue Exception
- ''
- end
- end
- def format_message(message)
- format("COMMAND | %s".freeze, message)
- end
- def prefix(event)
- "#{event.address.to_s} | #{event.database_name}.#{event.command_name}"
- end
- end
-To register a custom subscriber, you can do so globally for
-all clients or on a per-client basis:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- subscriber = CommandLogSubscriber.new
- Mongo::Monitoring::Global.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::COMMAND, subscriber)
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test' )
- client.subscribe( Mongo::Monitoring::COMMAND, subscriber )
-Sample output:
-.. code-block:: none
- D, [2018-09-23T13:47:31.258020 #4692] DEBUG -- : COMMAND | | test.hello | STARTED | {"hello"=>1, "$readPreference"=>{"mode"=>"primary"}, "lsid"=>{"id"=>}}
- D, [2018-09-23T13:47:31.259145 #4692] DEBUG -- : COMMAND | | test.hello | SUCCEEDED | 0.000791175s
-.. _sdam:
-Server Discovery And Monitoring
-The Ruby driver implements `Server Discovery And Monitoring (SDAM) specification
-and makes the following events available to the application:
-- Topology opening
-- Server opening
-- Server description changed
-- Topology changed
-- Server closed
-- Topology closed
-- Heartbeat events (covered below in a separate section)
-For all events other than the heartbeat events, the ``succeeded`` method
-will be called on each event subscriber with the event as the sole argument.
-Available data for events varies, therefore to log the events a separate
-class is needed for each event type. A simple SDAM logging subscriber
-can look like the following:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- class SDAMLogSubscriber
- include Mongo::Loggable
- def succeeded(event)
- log_debug(format_event(event))
- end
- private
- def logger
- Mongo::Logger.logger
- end
- def format_message(message)
- format("SDAM | %s".freeze, message)
- end
- end
- class TopologyOpeningLogSubscriber < SDAMLogSubscriber
- private
- def format_event(event)
- "Topology type '#{event.topology.display_name}' initializing."
- end
- end
- class ServerOpeningLogSubscriber < SDAMLogSubscriber
- private
- def format_event(event)
- "Server #{event.address} initializing."
- end
- end
- class ServerDescriptionChangedLogSubscriber < SDAMLogSubscriber
- private
- def format_event(event)
- "Server description for #{event.address} changed from " +
- "'#{event.previous_description.server_type}' to '#{event.new_description.server_type}'."
- end
- end
- class TopologyChangedLogSubscriber < SDAMLogSubscriber
- private
- def format_event(event)
- if event.previous_topology != event.new_topology
- "Topology type '#{event.previous_topology.display_name}' changed to " +
- "type '#{event.new_topology.display_name}'."
- else
- "There was a change in the members of the '#{event.new_topology.display_name}' " +
- "topology."
- end
- end
- end
- class ServerClosedLogSubscriber < SDAMLogSubscriber
- private
- def format_event(event)
- "Server #{event.address} connection closed."
- end
- end
- class TopologyClosedLogSubscriber < SDAMLogSubscriber
- private
- def format_event(event)
- "Topology type '#{event.topology.display_name}' closed."
- end
- end
-To subscribe to SDAM events globally:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- topology_opening_subscriber = TopologyOpeningLogSubscriber.new
- server_opening_subscriber = ServerOpeningLogSubscriber.new
- server_description_changed_subscriber = ServerDescriptionChangedLogSubscriber.new
- topology_changed_subscriber = TopologyChangedLogSubscriber.new
- server_closed_subscriber = ServerClosedLogSubscriber.new
- topology_closed_subscriber = TopologyClosedLogSubscriber.new
- Mongo::Monitoring::Global.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::TOPOLOGY_OPENING,
- topology_opening_subscriber)
- Mongo::Monitoring::Global.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_OPENING,
- server_opening_subscriber)
- Mongo::Monitoring::Global.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED,
- server_description_changed_subscriber)
- Mongo::Monitoring::Global.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::TOPOLOGY_CHANGED,
- topology_changed_subscriber)
- Mongo::Monitoring::Global.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_CLOSED,
- server_closed_subscriber)
- Mongo::Monitoring::Global.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::TOPOLOGY_CLOSED,
- topology_closed_subscriber)
-Subscribing to SDAM events for a single client is a little more involved
-since the events may be published during the client's construction:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- topology_opening_subscriber = TopologyOpeningLogSubscriber.new
- server_opening_subscriber = ServerOpeningLogSubscriber.new
- server_description_changed_subscriber = ServerDescriptionChangedLogSubscriber.new
- topology_changed_subscriber = TopologyChangedLogSubscriber.new
- server_closed_subscriber = ServerClosedLogSubscriber.new
- topology_closed_subscriber = TopologyClosedLogSubscriber.new
- sdam_proc = Proc.new do |client|
- client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::TOPOLOGY_OPENING,
- topology_opening_subscriber)
- client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_OPENING,
- server_opening_subscriber)
- client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED,
- server_description_changed_subscriber)
- client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::TOPOLOGY_CHANGED,
- topology_changed_subscriber)
- client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_CLOSED,
- server_closed_subscriber)
- client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::TOPOLOGY_CLOSED,
- topology_closed_subscriber)
- end
- client = Mongo::Client.new([''], database: 'test',
- sdam_proc: sdam_proc)
-Sample output:
-.. code-block:: none
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:03.489461 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Topology type 'Unknown' initializing.
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:03.489699 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Server initializing.
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:03.491384 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Server description for changed from 'unknown' to 'unknown'.
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:03.491642 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Server localhost:27100 initializing.
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:03.493199 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Server description for localhost:27100 changed from 'unknown' to 'primary'.
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:03.493473 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Server localhost:27101 initializing.
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:03.494874 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Server description for localhost:27101 changed from 'unknown' to 'secondary'.
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:03.495139 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Server localhost:27102 initializing.
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:03.496504 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Server description for localhost:27102 changed from 'unknown' to 'secondary'.
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:03.496777 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Topology type 'Unknown' changed to type 'ReplicaSetNoPrimary'.
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:03.497306 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Server connection closed.
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:03.497606 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Topology type 'ReplicaSetNoPrimary' changed to type 'ReplicaSetWithPrimary'.
- # client.close
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:05.342057 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Server localhost:27100 connection closed.
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:05.342299 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Server localhost:27101 connection closed.
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:05.342565 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Server localhost:27102 connection closed.
- D, [2018-10-09T13:58:05.342693 #22079] DEBUG -- : SDAM | Topology type 'ReplicaSetWithPrimary' closed.
-.. note::
- ``:sdam_proc`` client option applies only to the client during whose
- construction it is given. When certain client options are changed via the
- ``Client#with`` call, a new cluster may be created by the driver with
- a default set of event subscribers. If this happens, the provided
- ``:sdam_proc`` is not called and the application may miss events.
-.. _server-heartbeats:
-Server Heartbeats
-The application can be notified of each server heartbeat by subscribing
-to SERVER_HEARTBEAT topic. A server heartbeat listener must implement
-three methods: ``started``, ``succeeded`` and ``failed``. Each heartbeat
-invokes the ``started`` method on the listener, and then either ``succeeded``
-or ``failed`` method depending on the outcome of the heartbeat.
-All heartbeat events contain the address of the server that the heartbeat
-was sent to. Succeeded and failed events contain the round trip time for
-the hello or legacy hello command. Failed event also contains the exception
-instance that was raised during hello or legacy hello command execution.
-Please review the API documentation for ServerHeartbeatStarted,
-ServerHeartbeatSucceeded and ServerHeartbeatFailed for event attribute details.
-The following is an example logging heartbeat event subscriber:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- class HeartbeatLogSubscriber
- include Mongo::Loggable
- def started(event)
- log_debug("#{event.address} | STARTED")
- end
- def succeeded(event)
- log_debug("#{event.address} | SUCCEEDED | #{event.duration}s")
- end
- def failed(event)
- log_debug("#{event.address} | FAILED | #{event.error.class}: #{event.error.message} | #{event.duration}s")
- end
- private
- def logger
- Mongo::Logger.logger
- end
- def format_message(message)
- format("HEARTBEAT | %s".freeze, message)
- end
- end
-Similarly to command events, the application can subscribe to heartbeat
-events globally or for a specific client:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- subscriber = HeartbeatLogSubscriber.new
- Mongo::Monitoring::Global.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT, subscriber)
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test' )
- client.subscribe( Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT, subscriber )
-Sample output:
-.. code-block:: none
- D, [2018-09-23T13:44:10.707018 #1739] DEBUG -- : HEARTBEAT | | STARTED
- D, [2018-09-23T13:44:10.707778 #1739] DEBUG -- : HEARTBEAT | | SUCCEEDED | 0.000772381s
-Heartbeat Event Intervals
-When connected to MongoDB 4.2 and earlier servers, Ruby driver by default
-issues heartbeats every ``:heartbeat_frequency`` (Ruby client option) seconds,
-and heartbeats are non-overlapping (the succeeded event for a heartbeat is
-guaranteed to be published before the started event for the next heartbeat is
-published). When connected to MongoDB 4.4 and later servers, the driver uses
-multiple monitoring threads and a more complex heartbeat protocol designed
-to detect changes in server state quicker; as a result, heartbeat event
-intervals can be more irregular and heartbeat events can overlap. Specifically,
-an *awaited heartbeat* can start or finish while a *non-awaited heartbeat*
-is in progress, and vice versa. Use the ``ServerHeartbeatStarted#awaited?``,
-``ServerHeartbeatSucceeded#awaited?`` and ``ServerHeartbeatFailed#awaited?``
-methods to distinguish between non-awaited and awaited heartbeats.
-When a client is attempting to perform an operation and it does not have a
-suitable server, the deployment is scanned more frequently - each server can
-be polled up to every 500 milliseconds. It is also possible for the application
-to request a manual scan of a particular server; the driver enforces the
-500 millisecond minimum interval between scans.
-Connection Pool And Connection Monitoring
-Each client maintains a connection pool for each server in the deployment that
-it is aware of, and publishes events for both connection pools and individual
-connections. To subscribe to these events, define a subscriber class implementing
-the method ``pubished`` which takes a single parameter for the event that
-is being published. Note that future versions of the driver may introduce
-additional events published through this mechanism.
-The following events are currently implemented by the driver, following
-the `CMAP specification `_:
-- PoolCreated
-- PoolCleared
-- PoolClosed
-- ConnectionCreated
-- ConnectionReady
-- ConnectionClosed
-- ConnectionCheckOutStarted
-- ConnectionCheckOutFailed
-- ConnectionCheckOutSucceeded
-- ConnectionCheckedIn
-The driver provides a logging subscriber which may be used to log all
-connection pool and connection-related events. This subscriber is not enabled
-by default because it will create log entries for each operation performed
-by the application. To enable this subscriber globally or per client:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Monitoring::Global.subscribe(
- Mongo::Monitoring::CONNECTION_POOL,
- Mongo::Monitoring::CmapLogSubscriber.new)
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test' )
- subscriber = Mongo::Monitoring::CmapLogSubscriber.new
- client.subscribe( Mongo::Monitoring::CONNECTION_POOL, subscriber )
-Sample output:
-.. code-block:: none
- D, [2019-05-06T17:23:21.595412 #8576] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | EVENT: #
- D, [2019-05-06T17:23:21.595584 #8576] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | EVENT: #
- D, [2019-05-06T17:23:21.603549 #8576] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | EVENT: #
- D, [2019-05-06T17:23:21.603616 #8576] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | EVENT: #
- D, [2019-05-06T17:23:21.603684 #8576] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | EVENT: #
- D, [2019-05-06T17:23:21.604079 #8576] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | EVENT: #
- D, [2019-05-06T17:23:21.605759 #8576] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | EVENT: #
- D, [2019-05-06T17:23:21.605784 #8576] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | EVENT: #
- D, [2019-05-06T17:23:21.605817 #8576] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | EVENT: #
- D, [2019-05-06T17:23:21.605852 #8576] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | EVENT: #
-Disabling Monitoring
-To turn off monitoring, set the client monitoring option to ``false``:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test', :monitoring => false )
-Excluded and Redacted Events
-The Ruby driver does not pubish, and occasionaly redacts, some events via the
-command monitoring mechanism:
-1. If the command belongs to a particular subset of redacted commands, or
- contains keys that trigger payload redaction, an empty payload will be
- provided for security reasons. The full payload can be accessed by setting
- the ``MONGO_RUBY_DRIVER_UNREDACT_EVENTS`` environment variable to ``1``, ``true`` or ``yes``. The
- following commands are redacted:
- - ``authenticate``
- - ``saslStart``
- - ``saslContinue``
- - ``getnonce``
- - ``createUser``
- - ``updateUser``
- - ``copydbgetnonce``
- - ``copydbsaslstart``
- - ``copydb``
-2. If the command is a handshake command, either ``ismaster`` or ``hello``, on
- a non-monitoring connection, no event is published at all.
-3. Commands sent over monitoring connections (such as ismaster and hello) do
- not publish command monitoring events. Instead, every time a server is
- checked a server heartbeat event is published. The server heartbeat events
- do not include command or reply payloads.
-4. If the command is a handshake command, and the ``speculativeAuthenticate``
- options is ``true``, the command will be redacted, and an empty payload will
- be provided.
diff --git a/docs/reference/projection.txt b/docs/reference/projection.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bc38816907..0000000000
--- a/docs/reference/projection.txt
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@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-By default, queries in MongoDB return all fields in matching
-documents. To limit the amount of data that MongoDB sends to
-applications, you can include a
-document in the query operation.
-Projection Document
-The projection document limits the fields to return for all
-matching documents. The projection document can specify the
-inclusion of fields or the exclusion of field and has the
-following form:
-.. code-block:: javascript
- { 'projection': { field1: , field2: ... } }
-```` may be ``0`` (or ``false``) to exclude the field, or
-``1`` (or ``true``) to include it. With the exception of the ``_id``
-field, you may not have both inclusions and exclusions in the same
-projection document.
-The following code example uses the ``restaurants`` sample dataset.
-To return only the ``name``, ``cuisine`` and ``_id`` fields for
-documents that match the query filter, explicitly include the ``name``
-and ``cuisine`` fields in the projection document. The ``_id`` field is
-included automatically unless specifically excluded.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test')
- collection = client[:restaurants]
- collection.find({}, { 'projection' =>
- { 'name' => 1, 'cuisine' => 1 } }).limit(5).each do |doc|
- p doc
- end
-To return ``name`` and ``cuisine`` but exclude all other fields,
-including ``_id``, use the following projection document:
-.. code-block:: javascript
- { 'projection' => { 'name' => 1, 'cuisine' => 1, '_id' => 0 } }
-To return all fields *except* the address field, use the following:
-.. code-block:: javascript
- { 'projection' => { 'address' => 0 } }
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-Query Cache
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 2
- :class: singlecol
-.. _query-cache:
-The MongoDB Ruby driver provides a built-in query cache. When enabled, the
-query cache saves the results of previously-executed find and aggregation
-queries. When those same queries are performed again, the driver returns
-the cached results to prevent unnecessary roundtrips to the database.
-The query cache is disabled by default. It can be enabled on the global
-scope as well as within the context of a specific block. The driver also
-provides a :ref:`Rack middleware ` to enable the
-query cache automatically for each web request.
-To enable the query cache globally:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::QueryCache.enabled = true
-Similarly, to disable it globally:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::QueryCache.enabled = false
-To enable the query cache within the context of a block:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::QueryCache.cache do
- Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music') do |client|
- client['artists'].find(name: 'Flying Lotus').first
- #=> Queries the database and caches the result
- client['artists'].find(name: 'Flying Lotus').first
- #=> Returns the previously cached result
- end
- end
-And to disable the query cache in the context of a block:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::QueryCache.uncached do
- Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music') do |client|
- client['artists'].find(name: 'Flying Lotus').first
- #=> Sends the query to the database; does NOT cache the result
- client['artists'].find(name: 'Flying Lotus').first
- #=> Queries the database again
- end
- end
-You may check whether the query cache is enabled at any time by calling
-``Mongo::QueryCache.enabled?``, which will return ``true`` or ``false``.
-Interactions With Fibers
-The Query cache enablement flag is stored in fiber-local storage (using
-`Thread.current `_.
-This, in principle, permits query cache state to be per fiber, although
-this is not currently tested.
-There are methods in the Ruby standard library, like ``Enumerable#next``,
-that `utilize fibers `_
-in their implementation. These methods would not see the query cache
-enablement flag when it is set by the applications, and subsequently would
-not use the query cache. For example, the following code does not utilize
-the query cache despite requesting it:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::QueryCache.enabled = true
- client['artists'].find({}, limit: 1).to_enum.next
- # Issues the query again.
- client['artists'].find({}, limit: 1).to_enum.next
-Rewriting this code to use ``first`` instead of ``next`` would make it use
-the query cache:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::QueryCache.enabled = true
- client['artists'].find({}, limit: 1).first
- # Utilizes the cached result from the first query.
- client['artists'].find({}, limit: 1).first
-.. _query-cache-matching:
-Query Matching
-A query is eligible to use cached results if it matches the original query
-that produced the cached results. Two queries are considered matching if they
-are identical in the following values:
-* Namespace (the database and collection on which the query was performed)
-* Selector (for aggregations, the aggregation pipeline stages)
-* Skip
-* Sort
-* Projection
-* Collation
-* Read Concern
-* Read Preference
-For example, if you perform one query, and then perform a mostly identical query
-with a different sort order, those queries will not be considered matching,
-and the second query will not use the cached results of the first.
-When performing a query with a limit, the query cache will reuse an existing
-cached query with a larger limit if one exists. For example:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::QueryCache.cache do
- Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music') do |client|
- client['artists'].find(genre: 'Rock', limit: 10)
- #=> Queries the database and caches the result
- client['artists'].find(genre: 'Rock', limit: 5)
- #=> Returns the first 5 results from the cached query
- client['artists'].find(genre: 'Rock', limit: 20)
- #=> Queries the database again and replaces the previously cached query results
- end
- end
-Cache Invalidation
-The query cache is cleared in part or in full on every write operation. Most
-write operations will clear the results of any queries were performed on the same
-collection that is being written to. Some operations will clear the entire
-query cache.
-The following operations will clear cached query results on the same database and
-collection (including during bulk writes):
-* ``insert_one``
-* ``update_one``
-* ``replace_one``
-* ``update_many``
-* ``delete_one``
-* ``delete_many``
-* ``find_one_and_delete``
-* ``find_one_and_update``
-* ``find_one_and_replace``
-The following operations will clear the entire query cache:
-* aggregation with ``$merge`` or ``$out`` pipeline stages
-* ``commit_transaction``
-* ``abort_transaction``
-Manual Cache Invalidation
-You may clear the query cache at any time with the following method:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::QueryCache.clear
-This will remove all cached query results.
-Queries are cached within the context of a transaction, but the entire
-cache will be cleared when the transaction is committed or aborted.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::QueryCache.cache do
- Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music') do |client|
- session = client.start_session
- session.with_transaction do
- client['artists'].insert_one({ name: 'Fleet Foxes' }, session: session)
- client['artists'].find({}, session: session).first
- #=> { name: 'Fleet Foxes' }
- #=> Queries the database and caches the result
- client['artists'].find({}, session: session).first
- #=> { name: 'Fleet Foxes' }
- #=> Returns the previously cached result
- session.abort_transaction
- end
- client['artists'].find.first
- #=> nil
- # The query cache was cleared on abort_transaction
- end
- end
-.. note::
- Transactions are often performed with a "snapshot" read concern level. Keep
- in mind that a query with a "snapshot" read concern cannot return cached
- results from a query without the "snapshot" read concern, so it is possible
- that a transaction may not use previously cached queries.
- To understand when a query will use a cached result, see the
- :ref:`Query Matching ` section.
-The query cache also caches the results of aggregation pipelines. For example:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::QueryCache.cache do
- Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], database: 'music') do |client|
- client['artists'].aggregate([ { '$match' => { name: 'Fleet Foxes' } } ]).first
- #=> Queries the database and caches the result
- client['artists'].aggregate([ { '$match' => { name: 'Fleet Foxes' } } ]).first
- #=> Returns the previously cached result
- end
- end
-.. note::
- Aggregation results are cleared from the cache during every write operation,
- with no exceptions.
-System Collections
-MongoDB stores system information in collections that use the ``database.system.*``
-namespace pattern. These are called system collections.
-Data in system collections can change due to activity not triggered by the
-application (such as internal server processes) and as a result of a variety of
-database commands issued by the application. Because of the difficulty of
-determining when the cached results for system collections should be expired,
-queries on system collections bypass the query cache.
-You may read more about system collections in the
-:manual:`MongoDB documentation `.
-.. note ::
- Even when the query cache is enabled, query results from system collections
- will not be cached.
-.. _query-cache-middleware:
-Query Cache Middleware
-Rack Middleware
-The driver provides a Rack middleware which enables the query cache for the
-duration of each web request. Below is an example of how to enable the
-query cache middleware in a Ruby on Rails application:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- # config/application.rb
- # Add Mongo::QueryCache::Middleware at the bottom of the middleware stack
- # or before other middleware that queries MongoDB.
- config.middleware.use Mongo::QueryCache::Middleware
-Please refer to the `Rails on Rack guide
-for more information about using Rack middleware in Rails applications.
-.. _query-cache-active-job-middleware:
-Active Job Middleware
-The driver provides an Active Job middleware which enables the query cache for
-each job. Below is an example of how to enable the query cache Active Job
-middleware in a Ruby on Rails application:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- # config/application.rb
- ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_job) do
- include Mongo::QueryCache::Middleware::ActiveJob
- end
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-.. _schema-operations:
-Schema Operations
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-This section describes schema-related operations that the driver provides,
-including managing databases, collections, indexes and users.
-.. toctree::
- :titlesonly:
- /reference/database-tasks
- /reference/collection-tasks
- /reference/indexing
- /reference/search-indexes
- /reference/collations
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-Atlas Search Indexes
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-If you are using a database hosted by MongoDB Atlas, the driver provides the
-ability to create, drop and view `Atlas search indexes `_
-on a collection through the ``search_indexes`` attribute:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new(your_atlas_uri, database: 'music')
- client[:bands].search_indexes
- # => # ...>
-Creating Search Indexes
-Search indexes can be created one at a time, or several can be created in
-parallel in a single operation.
-To create a single index, use ``search_indexes#create_one``, passing the index
-definition as the first argument, and an optional name for the index as the
-second argument.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client[:bands].search_indexes.create_one({ dynamic: true })
- client[:bands].search_indexes.create_one(
- {
- dynamic: false,
- fields: {
- name: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'lucene.simple' }
- }
- },
- 'band-name-index'
- )
-To create multiple indexes, use ``search_indexes#create_many`` which accepts
-an array of index specifications. Unlike ``create_one``, each index
-specification is a hash with at least a ``definition`` key, which
-defines the index. Each has may also specify a ``name`` key, to name
-the index.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client[:bands].search_indexes.create_many([
- { definition: { dynamic: true } },
- { name: 'band-name-index,
- definition: {
- dynamic: false,
- fields: {
- name: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'lucene.simple' }
- }
- }
- },
- ])
-Note that whether you call ``create_one`` or ``create_many``, the
-method will return immediately, before the indexes are created. The
-indexes are then created in the background, asynchronously.
-Update Search Indexes
-You can programmatically update an Atlas search index. For example, you
-might do this to change the analyzer used, or to provide an explicit field
-mapping, instead of a dynamic one. To do this, use the ``search_indexes#update_one``
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client[:bands].search_indexes.update_one(new_definition, id: index_id)
- client[:bands].search_indexes.update_one(new_definition, name: index_name)
-Indexes may be identified by either id, or name, but you must specify one
-or the other. The new index definition must be a complete definition--it will
-take precedence as specified over the existing definition.
-To get the id or name of an index that you wish to update, you can
-`list the search indexes <#listing-search-indexes>`_.
-Dropping Search Indexes
-To drop Atlas search indexes, call ``search_indexes#drop_one`` and
-provide either the ``id`` or the ``name`` of the index you wish to
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client[:bands].search_indexes.drop_one(id: index_id)
- client[:bands].search_indexes.drop_one(name: index_name)
-In either case, the method will return immediately and the index will
-be dropped in the background, asynchronously.
-To get the id or name of an index that you wish to drop, you can
-`list the search indexes <#listing-search-indexes>`_.
-Listing Search Indexes
-To list the available search indexes, iterate over the
-``search_indexes`` object:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client[:bands].search_indexes.each do |index_spec|
- p index_spec['id']
- p index_spec['name']
- p index_spec['status']
- p index_spec['queryable']
- p index_spec['latestDefinition']
- end
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-.. _sessions:
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-Version 3.6 of the MongoDB server introduces the concept of logical sessions for clients.
-A session is an abstract concept that represents a set of sequential operations executed
-by an application that are related in some way. A session object can be created via a ``Mongo::Client``
-and passed to operation methods that should be executed in the context of that session.
-Please note that session objects are not thread safe. They must only be used by one thread at a time.
-.. _create-session:
-Creating a session from a ``Mongo::Client``
-A session can be created by calling the ``start_session`` method on a client and passing it a block:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.start_session do |session|
- # work with the session
- end
-When using the block form, the session will be automatically ended by the driver after the block finishes executing.
-It is valid to call ``start_session`` with no options set. This will result in a
-session that has no effect on the operations performed in the context of that session,
-other than to include a session ID in commands sent to the server. Please see the API docs for all supported
-session options.
-An error will be thrown if the driver is connected to a deployment that does not support sessions and the
-``start_session`` method is called.
-Note that server sessions are discarded server-side if not used for a certain period of time.
-Be aware that if the application calls ``#start_session`` on a client and waits more than 1 minute to use
-the session, it risks getting errors due to the session going stale before it is used.
-Using a session
-A session object can be passed to most driver methods so that the operation can be executed in the
-context of that session. Please see the API docs for which methods support a session argument.
-Create a session and execute an insert, then a find using that session:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.start_session do |session|
- client[:artists].insert_one({ :name => 'FKA Twigs' }, session: session)
- client[:artists].find({ :name => 'FKA Twigs' }, limit: 1, session: session).first
- end
-If you like to call methods on a ``Mongo::Collection::View`` in the context of a particular session, you can create the
-``Mongo::Collection::View`` with the session and then call methods on it:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.start_session(causal_consistency: true) do |session|
- view = client[:artists].find({ :name => 'FKA Twigs' }, session: session)
- view.count # will use the session
- end
-You can also pass the session option to the methods directly. This session will override any session associated with
-the ``Mongo::Collection::View``:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.start_session do |session|
- client.start_session do |second_session|
- view = client[:artists].find({ :name => 'FKA Twigs' }, session: session)
- view.count(session: second_session) # will use the second_session
- end
- end
-Alternative way to create a session
-A session can be created by calling the ``start_session`` method on a client:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- session = client.start_session
-When ``start_session`` is used without passing a block to it, the driver does not automatically clean up the session which can result in an accumulation of sessions on the server. Use `end_session <#end-a-session>`_ to manually end the session created. The server will automatically clean up old sessions after a timeout but the application should end sessions when the sessions are no longer needed.
-Unacknowledged Writes
-Unacknowledged writes are only allowed outside the session mechanism; if an explicit session is supplied for an
-unacknowledged write, the driver will not send the session id with the operation. Similarly, the driver will not use
-an implicit session for an unacknowledged write.
-Causal Consistency
-A causally consistent session will let you read your writes and guarantee monotonically increasing
-reads from secondaries.
-To create a causally consistent session, set the ``causal_consistency`` option to true:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- session = client.start_session(causal_consistency: true)
- # The update message goes to the primary.
- collection = client[:artists]
- collection.update_one({ '_id' => 1 }, { '$set' => { 'x' => 0 } }, session: session)
- # Read your write, even when reading from a secondary!
- collection.find({ '_id' => 1 }, session: session).first
- # This query returns data at least as new as the previous query,
- # even if it chooses a different secondary.
- collection.find({ '_id' => 2 }, session: session).first
-Since unacknowledged writes don't receive a response from the server (or don't wait for a response), the driver
-has no way of keeping track of where the unacknowledged write is in logical time. Therefore, causally
-consistent reads are not causally consistent with unacknowledged writes.
-Note that if you set the causal_consistency option to nil as in ``(causal_consistency: nil)``, it will be interpreted
-as false.
-.. _end-session:
-End a session
-To end a session, call the ``end_session`` method:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- session.end_session
-The Ruby driver will then add the id for the corresponding server session to a pool for reuse.
-When a client is closed, the driver will send a command to the server to end all sessions it has cached
-in its server session pool. You may see this command in your logs when a client is closed.
-Note that when using the `block syntax <#creating-a-session-from-a-mongo-client>`_ for ``start_session`` the session is automatically ended after
-the block finishes executing.
diff --git a/docs/reference/text-search.txt b/docs/reference/text-search.txt
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-Text Search
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-MongoDB provides :manual:`text indexes `
-to support text search queries on string content. Text indexes
-can include any field whose value is a string or an array of
-string elements.
-.. note::
- MongoDB Atlas also provides
- `Atlas Search `_
- which is a more powerful and flexible text search solution.
- The rest of this page discusses text indexes and not Atlas Search.
-To perform a text search with the Ruby driver, first create a text
-index with ``indexes.create_one()``. The following command creates a
-text index on the ``name`` field of the ``restaurants`` collection in
-the ``test`` database.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test')
- client['restaurants'].indexes.create_one( { :name => 'text' } )
-Once the text index is created you can use it as part of a query. The
-following code finds all documents in the ``restaurants`` collection
-which contain the word ``garden``, without case sensitivity.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test')
- client[:restaurants].find(
- { '$text' =>
- { '$search' => 'garden', '$caseSensitive' => false }
- }
- ).each do |document|
- #=> Yields a BSON::Document.
- end
diff --git a/docs/reference/transactions.txt b/docs/reference/transactions.txt
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-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-Version 4.0 of the MongoDB server introduces
-`multi-document transactions `_.
-(Updates to multiple fields within a single document are atomic in all
-versions of MongoDB.) Ruby driver version 2.6.0 adds support for transactions.
-.. _using-transactions:
-Using Transactions
-In order to start a transaction, the application must have a :ref:`session `.
-The recommended way to use transactions is to utilize the ``with_transaction``
-helper method:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- session = client.start_session
- session.with_transaction do
- collection.insert_one({hello: 'world'}, session: session)
- end
-The ``with_transaction`` helper does the following:
-- It starts a transaction prior to calling the supplied block, and commits
- the transaction when the block finishes.
-- If any of the operations in the block, or the commit operation, result in
- a transient transaction error, the block and/or the commit will be executed
- again.
-The block should be idempotent, because it may be called multiple times.
-The block may explicitly commit or abort the transaction, by calling
-``commit_transaction`` or ``abort_transaction``; in this case ``with_transaction``
-will not attempt to commit or abort (but may still retry the block on
-transient transaction errors propagated out of the block).
-The block will also be retried if the transaction's commit result is unknown.
-This may happen, for example, if the cluster undergoes an election during the
-commit. In this case when the block is retried, the primary server of the
-topology would likely have changed.
-Currently ``with_transaction`` will stop retrying the block and the commit once
-120 seconds pass since the beginning of its execution. This time is not
-configurable and may change in a future driver version. Note that this
-does not guarantee the overall runtime of ``with_transactions`` will be 120
-seconds or less - just that once 120 seconds of wall clock time have elapsed,
-further retry attempts will not be initiated.
-A low level API is also available if more control over transactions is desired.
-``with_transaction`` takes the same options as ``start_transaction`` does,
-which are read concern, write concern and read preference:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- session = client.start_session
- session.with_transaction(
- read_concern: {level: :majority},
- write_concern: {w: 3},
- read: {mode: :primary}
- ) do
- collection.insert_one({hello: 'world'}, session: session)
- end
-Handling Errors Within the ``with_transaction`` Block
-If a command inside the ``with_transaction`` block fails, it may cause
-the transaction on the server to be aborted. This situation is normally handled
-transparently by the driver. However, if the application catches such an error
-and does not re-raise it, the driver will not be able to determine whether
-the transaction was aborted or not. The driver will then retry the block
-To avoid this situation, the application must not silently handle errors within
-``with_transaction`` block. If the application needs to handle errors within
-the block, it must re-raise the errors.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- session.with_transaction do
- collection.insert_one({hello: 'world'}, session: session)
- rescue Mongo::Error::OperationFailure => e
- # Do something in response to the error
- raise e
- end
-If the applications needs to handle errors in a custom way, it should use
-the low level API instead.
-Low Level API
-A transaction can be started by calling the ``start_transaction`` method on a session:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- session = client.start_session
- session.start_transaction
-It is also possible to specify read concern, write concern and read preference
-when starting a transaction:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- session = client.start_session
- session.start_transaction(
- read_concern: {level: :majority},
- write_concern: {w: 3},
- read: {mode: :primary})
-To persist changes made in a transaction to the database, the transaction
-must be explicitly committed. If a session ends with an open transaction,
-`the transaction is aborted `_.
-A transaction may also be aborted explicitly.
-To commit or abort a transaction, call ``commit_transaction`` or
-``abort_transaction`` on the session instance:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- session.commit_transaction
- session.abort_transaction
-Note: an outstanding transaction can hold locks to various objects in the
-server, such as the database. For example, the drop call in the following
-snippet will hang for `transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds
-seconds (default 60) until the server expires and aborts the transaction:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- c1 = Mongo::Client.new(['']).use(:test_db)
- session = c1.start_session
- c1['foo'].insert_one(test: 1)
- session.start_transaction
- c1['foo'].insert_one({test: 2}, session: session)
- c2 = Mongo::Client.new(['']).use(:test_db)
- # hangs
- c2.database.drop
-Since transactions are associated with server-side sessions, closing the client
-does not abort a transaction that this client initiated - the application must
-either call ``abort_transaction`` or wait for the transaction to time out on
-the server side. In addition to committing or aborting the transaction, an
-application can also end the session which will abort a transaction on this
-session if one is in progress:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- session.end_session
- c2 = Mongo::Client.new(['']).use(:test_db)
- # ok
- c2.database.drop
-Handling Errors
-If a command inside the transaction fails, the transaction may be aborted
-on the server. Errors that abort transactions do not have
-``TransientTransactionError`` in their error labels. An attempt to commit such a
-transaction will be rejected with ``NoSuchTransaction`` error.
-Retrying Commits
-The transaction commit `can be retried
-if it fails. Here is the Ruby code to do so:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- begin
- session.commit_transaction
- rescue Mongo::Error => e
- if e.label?('UnknownTransactionCommitResult')
- retry
- else
- raise
- end
- end
-Transaction Nesting
-MongoDB does not support nesting transactions. Attempting to call
-``start_transaction`` or ``with_transaction`` when a transaction is already
-in progress will result in an error.
diff --git a/docs/reference/user-management.txt b/docs/reference/user-management.txt
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-.. _user-management:
-User Management
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-The Mongo Ruby Driver provides a set of methods for managing users in a
-MongoDB deployment. All of these methods are defined on the
-``Mongo::Auth::User::View`` class, which defines the behavior for
-performing user-related operations on a database. You can access a database's
-user view by calling the ``users`` method on the correpsonding
-``Mongo::Database`` object:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.database.users
-Note that this will open a view on the database to which the client is already
-connected. To interact with the users defined on a different database, call
-the client's ``use`` method and pass in the name of the database with which
-you want to connect:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.use(:users).database.users
-In this example, all operations would be performed on the ``users`` database.
-For more information about users and user management, see MongoDB's
-:manual:`online documentation `.
-Users and Databases
-When a client connects to the server, MongoDB distinguishes the database
-that the client will perform operations on from the :ref:`auth source `
-which is the database storing the user that the client is authenticating as.
-In many cases, the auth source is the same as the database. When they differ,
-user management operations must be done on the auth source database. For
-example, to create a user authenticating with X.509 certifcate, which must be
-defined on the ``$external`` database:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.use('$external').database.users.create(
- 'C=US,ST=New York,L=New York City,O=MongoDB,OU=x509,CN=localhost',
- roles: [{role: 'read', db: 'admin'}],
- )
-Note that the auth source is not specified for creating the user - auth source
-is only used during the authentication process. If ``#create`` is invoked with
-a ``User`` object with ``auth_source`` set, the auth source is ignored for
-the purposes of user management.
-Creating Users
-There are two ways to create a new database user with the Ruby Driver.
-The simplest way to create a new user is to use the ``create`` method,
-passing in a username, password, and roles:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.database.users.create(
- 'alanturing',
- password: 'enigma',
- roles: [ Mongo::Auth::Roles::READWRITE ]
- )
-Another way to create a user is to first create a ``Mongo::Auth::User`` object
-with all the user information and then pass that object into the ``create``
-method instead.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- user = Mongo::User.new(
- user: 'alanturing',
- password: 'enigma',
- roles: [ Mongo::Auth::Roles::READWRITE ]
- )
- client.database.users.create(user)
-Note that your new user's credentials will be stored in whatever database your
-``client`` object is currently connected to. This will be your user's
-``auth_source``, and you must be connected to that same database in order to
-update, remove, or get information about the user you just created in the future.
-The ``create`` method takes a ``Hash`` of options as an optional second argument.
-The ``:roles`` option allows you to grant permissions to the new user.
-For example, the ``Mongo::Auth::Roles::READ_WRITE`` role grants the user the
-ability to both read from and write to the database in which they were created.
-Each role can be specified as a ``String`` or as a ``Hash``. If you would like
-to grant permissions to a user on a database other than the one on which they
-were created, you can pass that database name in the role ``Hash``. To create
-a user ``alanturing`` with permission to read and write on the ``machines``
-database, you could execute the following code:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.database.users.create(
- 'alanturing',
- password: 'enigma',
- roles: [{ role: Mongo::Auth::Roles::READWRITE, db: 'machines' }]
- )
-For more information about roles in MongoDB, see the
-:manual:`Built-in roles` documentation.
-In addition to the ``:roles`` option, the ``create`` method supports a
-``:session`` option, which allows you to specify a ``Mongo::Session`` object
-to use for this operation, as well as a ``:write_concern`` option,
-which specifies the write concern of this operation when performed on a
-replica set.
-.. seealso::
- :manual:`Built-in roles`
- :manual:`Write Concerns`,
- :ref:`Sessions`,
-User Information
-To view information about a user that already exists in the database, use the
-``info`` method:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.database.users.info('alanturing')
-If the user exists, this method will return an ``Array`` object containing a
-``Hash`` with information about the user, such as their id, username, the
-database they were created on, and their roles. If the user doesn't exist,
-this method will return an empty Array.
-The ``info`` method also takes an optional ``Hash`` of options as a second
-argument. Currently, the only supported option is ``:session``, which allows
-you to specify a ``Mongo::Session`` object to use for this operation.
-The Ruby Driver does not have a method that lists all of the users that
-currently exist in a database.
-.. seealso::
- :ref:`Sessions `
-Updating Users
-To update a user that already exists in the database, you can use the
-``update`` method in one of two ways. The first way is to specify the name of
-the user you wish to update, along with a new set of options.
-.. warning::
- You must include all user options in the options ``Hash``, even those options
- whose values will remain the same. Omitting an option is the same as setting
- it to an empty value.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.database.users.update(
- 'alanturing',
- roles: [ Mongo::Auth::Roles::READ_WRITE ]
- password: 'turing-test'
- )
-The second way to update a user is to pass an updated ``Mongo::Auth::User``
-object to the ``update`` method in lieu of a username.
-.. code-block:: ruby
- user = Mongo::Auth::User.new({
- user: 'alanturing',
- roles: [ Mongo::Auth::Roles::READ_WRITE ],
- password: 'turing-test'
- })
- client.database.users.update(user)
-Optionally, the ``update`` method takes a ``Hash`` of options as a second
-argument. The two possible options for this method are ``:session``, which
-allows you to specify a ``Mongo::Session`` object on which to perform this
-operation, and ``:write_concern``, which sets a write concern if this operation
-is performed on a replica set.
-.. seealso::
- :ref:`Sessions`
- :manual:`Write Concerns`,
-Removing Users
-To remove a user from the database, use the ``remove`` method:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client.database.users.remove('alanturing')
-You may pass a ``Hash`` of options as a second argument. The two supported
-options for the ``remove`` method are ``:session`` and ``:write_concern``.
-``:session`` allows you to specify a ``Mongo::Session`` object to use for
-this operation. ``:write_concern`` specifies the write concern
-of the operation if you are running this command against a replica set.
-The Ruby Driver does not provide a method for removing all users
-from a database.
-.. seealso::
- :ref:`Sessions`
- :manual:`Write Concerns`,
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-.. _working-with-data:
-Working With Data
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-This section describes in detail the functionality that the Ruby driver
-implements for inserting, updating and retrieving data from MongoDB.
-.. toctree::
- :titlesonly:
- /reference/crud-operations
- /reference/bulk-operations
- /reference/projection
- /reference/aggregation
- /reference/map-reduce
- /reference/text-search
- /reference/geospatial-search
- /reference/query-cache
- /reference/gridfs
- /reference/change-streams
- /reference/sessions
- /reference/transactions
- /reference/in-use-encryption
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-.. _release-notes:
-Release Notes
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-This page documents significant changes in driver releases.
-It is not an exhaustive list of changes and generally does not enumerate
-bug fixes; please consult the `releases page on GitHub
-`_ for a more
-comprehensive list of changes in each version of the driver and the
-`releases page in Jira
-for the complete list of changes, including those internal to the driver and
-its test suite.
-.. _release-notes-2.20:
-This release includes the following new features:
-- Support for Ruby 2.5 and 2.6 has been discontinued. Support for Ruby 2.7 and
- JRuby 9.2 has been deprecated, and will be discontinued in the next minor
- driver version. Support for JRuby 9.4 has been added.
-- Support for the newly-released Ruby-BSON version 5.0.
-- Connection strings no longer require a slash between the hosts and the
- options. E.g., "mongodb://example.com?w=1" and "mongodb://example.com/?w=1"
- are both valid connection strings now.
-- Container runtime and orchestration metadata for the client environment are
- now sent to the server for analytics purposes.
-- A warning message is now written to the log when the host is detected to be
- a CosmosDB (Azure) or DocumentDB (Amazon) instance.
-- When attempting a retry of a read or write operation in a sharded topology,
- the retry will be attempted on a different mongos instance, if possible.
-.. _release-notes-2.19:
-This release of the Ruby driver supports MongoDB version 7.0. The Ruby driver
-now supports Ruby 3.2. Ruby 2.5 and 2.6 are now deprecated.
-This release includes the following new features:
-- The driver now limits the number of connections established by a connection
- pool simultaneously. By default the limit is 2. The limit can be configured
- with the ``:max_connecting`` option of the ``Mongo::Client`` constructor.
- The default should be sufficient for most applications. However, if your
- application is using a large number of threads, you may need to increase
- the limit.
-- Added support for automatic AWS credentials retrieval and authentication
- with temporary credentials when AWS KMS is used for client side encryption.
-- Added support for automatic GCP credentials retrieval when Google Cloud Key
- Management is used for client side encryption.
-- Added support the Azure VM-assigned Managed Identity for Automatic KMS Credentials
- when Azure Key Vault is used for client side encryption.
-- `Queryable Encryption `_ support is extended.
-- Added support for Queryable Encryption Range Indexes.
-- A `crypt_shared `_
- library can be now used instead of ``mongocryptd``.
-- Added support for AWS IAM Roles for service accounts, EKS in particular.
-- AWS Credentials are now cached when possible.
-- Added support for creating and managing `Atlas search indexes `_ via the
- Ruby driver.
-.. _release-notes-2.18:
-This release of the Ruby driver supports MongoDB version 5.2 and 6.0.
-This release includes the following new features:
-- Added support for `queryable encryption `_.
-- Added support for Azure Key Vault, Google Cloud Key Management, and any
- KMIP compliant Key Management System to be used as master key storage for
- client side encryption.
-- It is now possible to provide the :ref:`path to a schema map file `
- instead of the entire schema map as an object.
-- The driver now implements the :ref:`feature flag ` mechanism
- for incompatible changes and bug fixes. Changes gated behind feature flags
- for 2.18 are passing view filter and options to ``aggregate`` and validation
- of correct usage of ``update`` vs ``replace`` methods, as described below.
-- Added the ``validate_update_replace`` feature flag which validates the
- parameters to update and replace operations. If this flag is turned on, an
- error will be raised on an invalid update or replacement document.
-- Added the ``broken_view_options`` feature flag which allows the view options
- to be correctly propagated to the ``aggregate``, ``count``, ``count_documents``,
- ``distinct``, and ``estimated_document_count`` mehods. When this flag is
- switched on, the view options will be ignored in those methods.
-- The driver now permits :ref:`inserting documents with dollar-prefixed and
- dotted keys `.
-- CRUD methods, methods for listing databases, collection, and indexes management
- methods now support a new option ``:comment``. This option enables users to
- specify an arbitrary comment to help trace the operation through the
- database profiler, currentOp and logs.
-- The ``estimated_document_count`` method is now using the ``count`` server
- command instead of ``$collStats`` aggregation pipeline stage, to support
- operation on views. Applications using the Stable API should upgrade to
- server versions 5.0.8 (if using MongoDB 5.0) or 5.3.2 (if using MongoDB
- 5.1/5.2/5.3) or newer to use the ``count`` command when API strict is enabled,
- or avoid setting ``api_strict: true`` when constructing ``Mongo::Client``
- instances with server versions 5.0.0-5.0.7 and 5.1.0-5.3.1.
-- The DBRef class has been moved to ``bson-ruby``. For backwards compatibility,
- ``BSON::DBRef`` is aliased as ``Mongo::DBRef``. The ``BSON::DBRef`` class
- derives from ``BSON::Document``, unlike the legacy ``Mongo::DBRef`` which
- derived from ``Object``. ``BSON::DBRef`` retains all attributes passed into
- its constructor, unlike ``Mongo::DBRef`` which only allowed ``$ref``,
- ``$id``, and ``$db``. ``BSON::DBRef`` also reorders the fields if
- necessary to place ``$ref``, ``$id``, and ``$db`` first, in that order, as
- required by the MongoDB server.
-- ``BulkWrite::Result`` class now has the ``acknowledged?`` attribute.
-- Providing an empty array of operations to the bulk write is now an error.
-- BSON serialization performance has been improved.
-- :ref:`ActiveJob middleware ` was added to
- the query cache.
-- ``:authorized_collections`` options is recognized when listing collections.
-- ``:wildcard_projection`` option was added to the allowed index specification.
-- Added ``:srv_max_hosts``/``srvMaxHosts`` Ruby and URI options to limit how
- many mongos routers the driver will establish connections to.
-- Custom SRV service names are now supported with the ``:srv_service_name``
- Ruby option and the ``srvServiceName`` URI option.
-- When 0 is given as the max connection pool size, it is now interpreted to
- mean no limit.
-- The default maximum connection pool size has been increased to 20 from 5.
-This release adds supports for JRuby 9.3.
-.. _release-notes-2.17:
-This release of the Ruby driver supports MongoDB version 5.1. It also increases
-the minimum required Ruby version to 2.5, and drops support for MongoDB
-versions older than 3.6.
-This release includes the following new features:
-- Added new readConcern level "snapshot" (non-speculative) for read commands outside of transactions, including on secondaries.
-- Support $merge and $out executing on secondaries.
-- Support 'let' option for aggregate and CRUD commands.
-The following bugs were fixed:
-- Push monitor thread can exit when address resolution fails.
-The following non-breaking changes were made:
-- mapReduce command is now deprecated.
-- Avoid tight looping in push monitor
-.. _release-notes-2.16:
-This release adds the following new feature:
-- Load balancer support.
-The following minor improvement has been made:
-- GridFS file retrieval no longer requires index creation privileges when
- the indexes already exist, and is thus usable with users that have only
- read permissions.
-This release of the Ruby driver increases the minimum required Ruby version
-to 2.4 and deprecates support for MongoDB server versions below 3.6.
-.. _release-notes-2.15:
-This release adds the following new features:
-- Ruby 3.0 support.
-- Ability to specify the :ref:`server API parameters `.
-- Support for Zstandard and Snappy :ref:`wire protocol compression `.
-- :ref:`Query cache middleware ` was moved to the
- driver from Mongoid and is now usable in applications that do not use Mongoid.
-- It is now possible to create collections with time-series options.
-- Experimental support for `MongoDB Atlas Serverless
- `_ when not using a
- load balancer.
-The following smaller improvements have been made:
-- The ``OperationFailure`` exception message now contains the server error code
- name, if provided by the server. The layout of the message was changed to
- accommodate the error code name.
-- The generic SSL messaging has been removed from ``SocketError`` messages
- when TLS is used. TLS connections to MongoDB are now the norm, with Atlas
- requiring TLS, and it is more likely that a connection fails due to failed
- certificate verification than due to the server not having TLS enabled.
-- A hook was added to permit applications to :ref:`modify the TLS context
- ` used for TLS connections, for example to exclude
- ciphers.
-- Heartbeat succeeded and heartbeat failed :ref:`server monitoring events
- ` are now linked to the respective heartbeat started
- event, to improve usability.
-- ``skip`` and ``limit`` options are now prohibited when calling
- ``estimated_document_count``, because the server command does not accept them.
-- The driver will now omit command monitoring reply payloads when they are
- in response to sensitive commands.
-- When the driver closes network sockets it now enforces the socket timeout.
-- ``estimated_document_count`` collection method now uses the ``$collStats``
- aggregation pipeline stage instead of the count command on 5.0 and newer
- servers.
-- The platform metadata sent by the driver to the server in the handshake
- now includes the purpose of the connection being established, permitting
- administrators to distinguish monitoring connections from application
- connections.
-- The driver now uses monotonic clock for timeouts.
-- The driver will no longer mark servers unknown based on errors in
- ``writeErrors`` field in the server response.
-- Server selection timeout for ``mongocryptd`` has been increased to 10 seconds.
-.. _release-notes-2.14:
-This release adds the following new features:
-- Queries against Atlas Data Lake are now supported.
-- The :ref:`query cache ` has been moved from Mongoid into the
- driver. Mongoid will use the driver's query cache as of driver 2.14.
- As part of the move, several issues with the query cache have been fixed
- and its functionality was extended to cover aggregation pipeline queries
- and to support result sets of any size.
-- Explain verbosity can now :ref:`be specified ` when explaining.
-- Mixed case read preference tag names are now supported.
-- The driver will perform :ref:`OCSP endpoint verification `
- by default when TLS is enabled. Due to lack of support in Ruby's ``openssl``
- extension, OCSP stapling is not yet implemented.
-The following smaller improvements have been made:
-- Default logger level for ``Client`` objects is now info (up from debug).
- This reduces the amount of log output produced by the driver by default.
-- Database and collection write methods support specifying write concern for
- the individual operations.
-- ``Client#summary`` method now shows the monitoring state of each server.
-- When objects other than hashes are attempted to be inserted (which is not
- allowed), the driver now provides better diagnostics.
-- DNS queries for SRV URIs are now subject to configured socket timeouts.
-- When the ``Client`` object is reconnected, session pools are now cleared.
-Support for Ruby versions 2.3 and 2.4 has been deprecated as of this release.
-.. _release-notes-2.13:
-This release implements the necessary client-side functionality to use the
-features added in MongoDB 4.4. Specifically, the following new driver
-functionality has been added:
-- Support for the ``directConnection`` URI option to provide a consistent
- cross-driver mechanims to discover deployment topology or force direct
- connection.
-- Support for :ref:`MONGODB-AWS authentication mechanism `.
-- When SCRAM authentication is used with 4.4 and newer servers, the driver will
- complete authentication with fewer network roundtrips.
-- The driver creates an additional monitoring connection for 4.4 and newer
- servers, permitting the server to notify the driver when its state changes.
- This reduces the time for the driver to discover the new primary during
- failover events.
-- ``Client`` constructor can be given a block, in which case the client object
- will be yielded to the block and automatically closed when the block ends.
-- ``start_session`` can be given a block, in which case the session object will
- be yielded to the block and automatically ended when the block ends.
-- Write options can now be specified for individual CRUD operations.
-- The ``:allow_disk_use`` option was added to find operations.
-- The ``:authorized_databases`` option was added to ``list_databases``
- method.
-- The ``list_collections`` method now passes through all options.
-- Ability to set an index :ref:`as hidden ` when creating it.
-- Ability to specify commit quorum when creating indexes.
-- ``:wrapping_libraries`` :ref:`client option `, to be used
- by libraries like Mongoid which wrap the driver to report their version to
- the server for troubleshooting/statistics aggregation purposes.
-The following smaller improvements have been made:
-- ``count_documents`` can now be invoked with no arguments.
-- The default TCP keep-alive time has been reduced to make the driver
- correctly detect dropped connections on Microsoft Azure.
-- ``CursorNotFound`` is now a resumable change stream error.
-- The number of backtrace lines in exceptions handled by background threads
- can now be configured.
-.. _release-notes-2.12:
-This release adds the following new features:
-- :ref:`Client-side encryption `.
-- ``list_collections`` method now accepts the ``:filter`` option.
-The following smaller improvements have been made:
-- Authentication exceptions now include server information to aid in
- troubleshooting.
-.. _release-notes-2.11:
-This release adds the following new features:
-- If a minimum connection pool size is specified, the pool for each server
- will create a background thread to eagerly establish connections up to
- the specified minimum pool size.
-- If the driver connects to the deployment using a SRV URI and the deployment
- is a sharded cluster, the driver will poll the SRV DNS records to
- automatically discover new and removed mongos servers and adjust the
- set of known servers accordingly.
-The following smaller improvements have been made:
-- The driver now permits unencoded subdelimiters in usernames and passwords in
- MongoDB URIs.
-- User management helpers now accept the write concern option.
-- The :ref:`command monitoring ` logger provided with the
- driver will now log connection ids used for each command.
-- When legacy read retries are used, retry on the same set of server errors
- that the modern retries would have retried on.
-- The ``distinct(nil)`` call is prohibited because it is rejected by MongoDB
- 4.4 and newer servers.
-This release of the Ruby driver increases the minimum required Ruby version
-to 2.3, as well as minimum supported JRuby version to 9.2.
-.. _release-notes-2.10:
-This release implements the necessary client-side functionality to use the
-features added in MongoDB 4.2. Specifically, the following new driver
-functionality has been added:
-- Support for sharded transactions.
-- Applications can set the ``:max_time_ms`` option in ``commit_transaction``
- method.
-- Support for database-level aggregation.
-- Support for ``$merge`` aggregation pipeline stage.
-- The update operations now accept an aggregation pipeline as an array.
-- TLS regenotiation is now disabled when possible.
-- Change streams now handle post-batch resume tokens provided by the server.
-The following smaller improvements have been made:
-- All methods now accept ``:write_concern`` option for the write concern,
- including those that previously accepted the ``:write`` option.
-- The query string in a MongoDB URI can now start with ``&``.
-Support for Ruby versions less than 2.3 is deprecated in this release.
-.. _release-notes-2.9:
-This release adds the following new features:
-- A rewrite of the connection pool code with improved monitoring,
- compliant with the CMAP specification
-- A modern retryable reads implementation compliant with the cross-driver
- retryable reads specification, enabled by default.
-- Modern retryable writes are now enabled by default.
-- Legacy retryable writes can be disabled in most cases.
-- The driver now supports certificate chains being provided as client
- certificates for TLS connections.
-- Ability to specify multiple CA certificates when creating a ``Client``.
-- Ability to pass the private key and certificate via URI options.
-The following smaller improvements have been made:
-- Support for the ``startAfter`` option in the ``$changeStream``
- aggregation pipeline stage.
-- Field order of BSON documents sent to the server changed for better logging.
-- Certificate paths with unescaped slashes can now be specified in
- MongoDB URIs.
-This release deprecates support for Ruby versions less than 2.3.
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-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-Commercial support for the Ruby driver is available through the
-`MongoDB Support Portal `_.
-For questions, discussions or general technical support, please visit the
-`MongoDB Community Forum
-Please see :manual:`Technical Support ` page
-in the documentation for other support resources.
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-.. _tutorials:
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-The tutorials in this section provide examples of some frequently used
-operations. This section is not meant to be an exhaustive list of all
-operations available in the Ruby driver.
-.. toctree::
- :titlesonly:
- Quick Start
- tutorials/common-errors
- tutorials/bson
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/common-errors.txt b/docs/tutorials/common-errors.txt
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-Common Errors
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 2
- :class: singlecol
-No Server is Available Matching Preference
-If you receive the following error:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- > client[:contacts].insert_one({ vpa: 'cool@cool'})
- Mongo::Error::NoServerAvailable: No server is available matching preference: # using server_selection_timeout=30 and local_threshold=0.015
- from /rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/server_selector/selectable.rb:115:in `select_server'
- from /rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/cluster.rb:246:in `next_primary'
- from /rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/retryable.rb:150:in `legacy_write_with_retry'
- from /rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/retryable.rb:103:in `write_with_retry'
- from /rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/collection.rb:422:in `block in insert_one'
- from /rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/client.rb:485:in `with_session'
- from /rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/collection.rb:421:in `insert_one'
- from (irb):6
- from /rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.2/bin/irb:11:in `'
-This error was produced on Ruby Driver version 2.6.x and earlier. This error is
-raised when the driver is unable to connect to the server. In order to solve
-this, you can try the following:
-- Update the driver to the most recent 2.x release.
-- Ensure that the port number is correct in the URI/connection string, or the
- host list.
-- If you are connecting to Atlas, ensure that the firewall rules are configured
- correctly. See the documentation on `Cluster Security `_.
-- If your application uses a forking web server, see the documentation on :ref:`Forking `.
-See more on this issue here:
-`RUBY-1281 `_.
-``OperationFailure`` When Reading ``local`` Database With Auth On
-If you are getting the following error when trying to read the ``local`` database:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Error::OperationFailure: not authorized on local to execute command { find: "oplog.rs", filter: { ts:
- { $gte: Timestamp 1497449043000|0 } }, sort: { $natural: 1 } } (13)
-You can fix this by adjusting the roles your user has and ensuring that it has
-privileges to the local database. If you specifically want to access the oplog,
-you can also create a custom role with read access to the local database's
-``oplog.rs`` collection. You can find more information about role management
-`here `_.
-You can find more information about this issue here:
-`MONGOID-4446 `_.
-``SocketTimeoutError`` and name resolution errors on EC2
-Some users reported getting the following error:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Exception
- Mongo::Error::SocketTimeoutError
- Error
- execution expired
- /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/socket/ssl.rb:57:in `pack_sockaddr_in'
- /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/socket/ssl.rb:57:in `block (2 levels) in connect!'
- /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/socket.rb:199:in `handle_errors'
- /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/socket/ssl.rb:57:in `block in connect!'
- /usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/timeout.rb:101:in `timeout'
- /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/socket/ssl.rb:56:in `connect!'
- /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/address.rb:172:in `connect_socket!'
- /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/server/connection.rb:86:in `connect!'
- /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/server/connectable.rb:84:in `ensure_connected'
- /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/mongo-2.5.0/lib/mongo/server/connection.rb:256:in `write'
-This error was last reported on Ruby Driver version 2.5.1, so updating the driver
-can potentially solve this issue. A user has reported that they solved this issue
-as follows:
-.. blockquote::
- DNS servers on EC2 are generated in /etc/resolv.conf by default. Following
- the `answer `_
- and setting the nameservers to Google NS I was able to fix this issue.
-You can find more information about this issue here:
-`MONGOID-4527 `_.
-``Mongo::Auth::Unauthorized`` User is Not Authorized to Access
-Some users reported getting the following error:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- Mongo::Auth::Unauthorized: User ... is not authorized to access ...
-After upgrading to Ruby Driver version 2.5+, the driver was changed to use
-the scram authorization mechanism by default. This error might happen if the
-authorization mechanism your user was created with does not match the
-authorization mechanism used by the driver. You can specify the preferred
-authorization mechanism using the ``auth_mech`` option in your ``mongoid.yml``
-See more on this issue here:
-`RUBY-1684 `_.
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/quick-start.txt b/docs/tutorials/quick-start.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fbfafc3e69..0000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/quick-start.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-Ruby Driver Quick Start
-.. default-domain:: mongodb
-.. contents:: On this page
- :local:
- :backlinks: none
- :depth: 1
- :class: singlecol
-- A running MongoDB instance on localhost using the default port, 27017.
-- The Ruby MongoDB driver. See :ref:`installation `
- for instructions on how to install the MongoDB driver.
-- The following statement at the top of your code:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- require 'mongo'
-Make a Connection
-Use ``Mongo::Client`` to establish a connection to a running MongoDB
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'test')
-You can also use a URI connection string:
-.. code-block:: ruby
- client = Mongo::Client.new('mongodb://')
-.. seealso::
- :ref:`Connect to a replica set `,
- :ref:`Connect to a sharded cluster `,
- :ref:`Client options