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ColorTweak - An educational-purposes-only patch of colorswitch using apkmod!

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ColorTweak is an educational project demonstrating the process of patching the Color Switch game for research and learning purposes. This repository provides insights into the reverse engineering techniques and tools used to modify APK files.
We'll use apkmod to generate a patched apk of the beloved color-switch game where we can't die when we hit obstacles.

NOTE to use this project and the research for educational purposes only!

Research Process

1. Understanding the APK Structure

Before diving into the patching process, it's essential to understand the structure of the Color Switch APK.
This involves unpacking the APK and analyzing its contents to identify the target code segments.

Using winrar or other zip-extracting tools, we can unzip the .apk file.
Using jadx, we can reverse the java-bytecode out of the APK's .dex files.

After I saw that there is no interesting code I can find in jadx,
I turned to search for native libs, and found loaded by the UnityPlayer's static-ctor:
load native

2. Extracting Native Libraries

I've copied the native-libs that match my phone's arch (arm64-v8a) from the apk,
And started reversing the interesting ones of them, knowing that this is a unity application,
And the interesting game's logic, including the "hit-obstacle" logic, will be found there.

Using IDA, we can see the loads
main loads unity

The is a much bigger file, which contains a lot of compiled native-code,
And seems to be written in cpp (contains a lot of cpp types and strings).
We can for sure say that this lib only contains generic unity code which is common between many apps,
And does not contain any interesting app-related logic.. This leads us to ! The is a native lib which is loaded by (including calls to il2cpp_init function and logs about il2cpp initialization states),
And contains application-spesific logic! Unfortunately, this library contains no types / symbols..

Well, luckily, tools like il2cppdumper are invaluable for extracting and decompiling these native libraries into readable C# interfaces and IDA scripts for typed functions and symbols.
We'll use il2cppdumper on assets/bin/Data/Managed/Metadata/global-metadata.dat metadata and lib/arm64-v8a/ lib.

3. Dynamic Analysis with Frida

After dumping symbols using il2cppdumper, feeding IDA with then and finding interesting functions / class members names, using common keywords, we can enjoy addresses of named functions, struct-members and other symbols for IDA!
In the class GameControllerColorSwitch's VirtualTable, we can find a methods named hitKill and hitObstacle:

It would be very helpful to dynamically analyze the application. Frida allows us to hook into the application's execution flow, inspect memory, and dynamically modify behavior, providing valuable information for patching.

Using frida-server (on rooted android device / emulator of arm64-v8a arch),
I managed to inject scripts during application runtime and use frida's Interceptor.replace to "replace the implementation" of the hitObstacle method, and make the original apk to call my flow (nop) instead of the original one (fail the game).
That way, I achieved the goal of making a patch for never losing the game!
Complete code can be found right in this repo, at hitObstacle.js.

During the research, I found another cool method I can use to gain the same behavior:
Pathcing the method isInvincible to run it's logic then change it's return-value,
Helped me always win the game and pass through obstacles without any problem 🥰
Complete source for this solution can be found at invincible.js

    "Address": 11726328,
    "Name": "ColorBall$$isInvincible",
    "Signature": "bool ColorBall__isInvincible (ColorBall_o* __this, const MethodInfo* method);",
    "TypeSignature": "iii"

NOTE that the these patches could be inlined to the native-lib and patched using IDA only (no frida / runtime libs and logic).
For example, the last part of the isInvincible method implementation:
Could be patched to always return true (1) using opcode-level patch of the app.

4. Patching with apkmod

Once the target code segments are identified, and simple fride scripts are written,
apkmod comes into play for patching the APK!
apkmod simplifies the patching process by providing a user-friendly interface for modifying APK files, making it accessible for anyone!
Usage of the apkmod github-action can be found here,
And patched APKs can be downloaded from the GithubActions artifacts or from the latest release of this project.


Original game video (loose when you hit obstacles):
original game

Patched game video (just play without fear of hitting obstacles):
original game

Further Research

During the research, I found the method tryContinueGame which shows ad offerring to continue after watching it,
Or calls the function tryFreeContinueGame if you have a premium subscription to the application, which allows you to continue without watching ads.
It would be also interesting to utilize hitKill method, hitObstacle or FailGame inorder not to die.
We also could use frida to trigger calls to applyEasterEggs/applyBonusStars and other methods.
We can patch the constructor of GameControllerColorSwitch_Fields to change easterEggRate/bonusStarRate,
To create new colors/balls of our own, and any other EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY research we'd like to develop!

TypeScript (and frida-il2cpp-bridge)

After this project, I discovered the frida-il2cpp-bridge npm package,
That allows you use global-metadata in runtime, thus not require knowing RVA / signatures of methods.
Using this tool, I've re-implemented the ColorBall.isInvincible hook using symbol-names and not RVA!
One of the many advantages, is that in addition to the readability, we do not rely on phone's architecture!
This implementation can be found at index.ts, and has it's own github-action workflow-file.
I really like this method and the package, as it make patching simple, generic and extremely easy and readable.
To watch this typescript with autocomplete and linter-hints, clone this project, run npm install and open it in vscode.


ColorTweak is intended for educational and research purposes only.
Any modifications made to the Color Switch game should comply with applicable laws and regulations.
The developers of ColorTweak are not responsible for any misuse or illegal activities resulting from the usage of this project.


ColorTweak - An educational-purposes-only patch of colorswitch using apkmod!



