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Enhance testing suite with Jest and Puppeteer integration #21

Enhance testing suite with Jest and Puppeteer integration

Enhance testing suite with Jest and Puppeteer integration #21

Workflow file for this run

# # Docs for the Azure Web Apps Deploy action:
# # More GitHub Actions for Azure:
# # More info on Python, GitHub Actions, and Azure Functions:
# name: Build and deploy Python project to Azure Function App - vz-llm
# on:
# push:
# branches:
# - main
# workflow_dispatch:
# env:
# AZURE_FUNCTIONAPP_PACKAGE_PATH: '.' # set this to the path to your web app project, defaults to the repository root
# PYTHON_VERSION: '3.10' # set this to the python version to use (supports 3.6, 3.7, 3.8)
# jobs:
# build:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repository
# uses: actions/checkout@v2
# - name: Setup Python version
# uses: actions/setup-python@v1
# with:
# python-version: ${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}
# - name: Create and start virtual environment
# run: |
# python -m venv venv
# source venv/bin/activate
# - name: Install dependencies
# run: pip install -r requirements.txt
# # Optional: Add step to run tests here
# - name: Upload artifact for deployment job
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
# with:
# name: python-app
# path: |
# .
# !venv/
# deploy:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# needs: build
# environment:
# name: 'Production'
# url: ${{ steps.deploy-to-function.outputs.webapp-url }}
# steps:
# - name: Download artifact from build job
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
# with:
# name: python-app
# path: .
# - name: 'Deploy to Azure Functions'
# uses: Azure/functions-action@v1
# id: deploy-to-function
# with:
# app-name: 'vz-llm'
# slot-name: 'Production'
# publish-profile: ${{ secrets.AZUREAPPSERVICE_PUBLISHPROFILE_6FBEDA979912470291D054AFCA2FE910 }}
# scm-do-build-during-deployment: true
# enable-oryx-build: true