diff --git a/source/de/docs/0.14/concepts.md b/source/de/docs/0.14/concepts.md
index 63f096002..e7783d841 100644
--- a/source/de/docs/0.14/concepts.md
+++ b/source/de/docs/0.14/concepts.md
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ To ensure that our system is resilient to failures we will run the `products` an
Now, assuming that our services are up and running, the online store can serve user's requests. So let's see what actually happens with a request to list all available products. First, the request (`GET /products`) is received by the HTTP server running at `node-1`. The incoming request is simply passed from the HTTP server to the [gateway](#Gateway) service that does all the processing and mapping. In this case in particular, the user´s request is mapped into a `listProducts` action of the `products` service. Next, the request is passed to the [broker](#Service-Broker), which checks whether the `products` service is a [local](#Local-Services) or a [remote](#Remote-Services) service. In this case, the `products` service is remote so the broker needs to use the [transporter](#Transporter) module to deliver the request. The transporter simply grabs the request and sends it through the communication bus. Since both nodes (`node-1` and `node-2`) are connected to the same communication bus (message broker), the request is successfully delivered to the `node-2`. Upon reception, the broker of `node-2` will parse the incoming request and forward it to the `products` service. Finally, the `products` service invokes the `listProducts` action and returns the list of all available products. The response is simply forwarded back to the end-user.
-**Flow of user's request**
All the details that we've just seen might seem scary and complicated but you don't need to be afraid. Moleculer does all the heavy lifting for you! You (the developer) only need to focus on the application logic. Take a look at the actual [implementation](#Implementation) of our online store.
diff --git a/source/de/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md b/source/de/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md
index 8ef61c16f..2c7209535 100644
--- a/source/de/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md
+++ b/source/de/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md
@@ -1144,6 +1144,9 @@ settings: {
// Optimize route & alias paths (deeper first).
optimizeOrder: true,
+ // Options passed on to qs
+ qsOptions: {},
// Routes
routes: [
diff --git a/source/hu/docs/0.14/concepts.md b/source/hu/docs/0.14/concepts.md
index e8e1c3511..a7f2cb371 100644
--- a/source/hu/docs/0.14/concepts.md
+++ b/source/hu/docs/0.14/concepts.md
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ Annak érdekében, hogy rendszerünk ellenálló legyen a hibákkal szemben, a `
Feltételezve, hogy a szolgáltatásaink működnek, az online áruház kiszolgálhatja a felhasználók kéréseit. Lássuk tehát, mi történik valójában egy olyan kérés esetén, amely az összes elérhető termék listázására irányul. Először is, a kérést (`GET /products`) a `node-1` csomóponton futó HTTP-kiszolgáló fogadja. A beérkező kérést a HTTP-kiszolgáló egyszerűen továbbítja a [gateway](#Gateway) szolgáltatásnak, amely elvégzi az összes feldolgozást és leképezést. Ebben az esetben a felhasználó kérését a `products` szolgáltatás `listProducts` műveletére képezi le. Ezután a kérés átkerül a [brókerhez](#Service-Broker), amely ellenőrzi, hogy a `products` szolgáltatás [helyi](#Local-Services) vagy [távoli](#Remote-Services) szolgáltatás-e. Ebben az esetben a `products` szolgáltatás távoli, így a brókernek a kérés továbbításához a [transzporter](#Transporter) modult kell használnia. A transzporter egyszerűen elkapja a kérést, és elküldi a kommunikációs buszon keresztül. Mivel mindkét csomópont (`node-1` and `node-2`) ugyanahhoz a kommunikációs buszhoz (üzenetközvetítő) csatlakozik, a kérés sikeresen kézbesítésre kerül a `node-2` számára. A fogadás után a `node-2` csomópont brókere elemzi a beérkező kérést, és továbbítja azt a `products` szolgáltatáshoz. Végül a `products` szolgáltatás meghívja a `listProducts` műveletet, és visszaküldi az összes elérhető termék listáját. A választ egyszerűen továbbítja vissza a végfelhasználónak. A választ egyszerűen továbbítja vissza a végfelhasználónak.
-**Flow of user's request**
All the details that we've just seen might seem scary and complicated but you don't need to be afraid. Moleculer does all the heavy lifting for you! You (the developer) only need to focus on the application logic. Take a look at the actual [implementation](#Implementation) of our online store.
diff --git a/source/hu/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md b/source/hu/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md
index 6be75753b..e1bde365a 100644
--- a/source/hu/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md
+++ b/source/hu/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md
@@ -1144,6 +1144,9 @@ settings: {
// Optimize route & alias paths (deeper first).
optimizeOrder: true,
+ // Options passed on to qs
+ qsOptions: {},
// Routes
routes: [
diff --git a/source/pt/docs/0.14/concepts.md b/source/pt/docs/0.14/concepts.md
index b4b46f0d3..3375cc263 100644
--- a/source/pt/docs/0.14/concepts.md
+++ b/source/pt/docs/0.14/concepts.md
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ Para garantir que o nosso sistema seja resistente a falhas, executaremos os serv
Agora, assumindo que nossos serviços estão prontos e funcionando, a loja on-line pode atender a requisições do usuário. Então vamos ver o que acontece de verdade com uma requisição para listar todos os produtos disponíveis. Primeiro, a requisição (`GET /products`) é recebida pelo servidor HTTP em execução no `node-1`. A requisição recebida é simplesmente encaminhada do servidor HTTP para o [serviço de gateway](#Gateway) que faz todo o processamento e direcionamento. Neste caso, em particular, a requisição do usuário é direcionada para uma ação `listProducts` do serviço de `products`. Em seguida, a requisição é passada para o [broker](#Service-Broker), que verifica se o serviço de `products` é um [serviço local](#Local-Services) ou um [ serviço remoto](#Remote-Services). Neste caso, o serviço de `products` é remoto, então o broker precisa usar o [módulo de transporte](#Transporter) para entregar a requisição. O módulo de transporte simplesmente recebe a requisição e o encaminha via protocolo de comunicação. Uma vez que ambos os nós (`node-1` e `node-2`) estão conectados ao mesmo protocolo de comunicação (broker de mensagens), a requisição será entregue com sucesso ao `node-2`. Após a recepção, o broker do `node-2` analisará a requisição recebida e encaminhará para o serviço `products`. Finalmente, o serviço `products` invoca a ação `listProducts` e retorna a lista de todos os produtos disponíveis. A resposta é simplesmente enviada de volta para o usuário final.
-**Fluxo de requisições do usuário**
Todos os detalhes que acabamos de ver podem parecer assustadores e complicados, mas você não precisa ter medo. Moleculer faz todo o trabalho pesado para você! Você (o desenvolvedor) só precisa se concentrar na regra de negócio. Dê uma olhada na implementação real da nossa [loja online](#Implementation).
diff --git a/source/pt/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md b/source/pt/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md
index d2a094344..8b2825a9e 100644
--- a/source/pt/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md
+++ b/source/pt/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md
@@ -1144,6 +1144,9 @@ settings: {
// Optimize route & alias paths (deeper first).
optimizeOrder: true,
+ // Options passed on to qs
+ qsOptions: {},
// Routes
routes: [
diff --git a/source/ru/docs/0.14/concepts.md b/source/ru/docs/0.14/concepts.md
index 765ac2a86..0d5a45c62 100644
--- a/source/ru/docs/0.14/concepts.md
+++ b/source/ru/docs/0.14/concepts.md
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ title: Основные принципы
Теперь, при условии, что наши сервисы запущены, интернет-магазин может обрабатывать запросы пользователей. Так давайте посмотрим, что происходит на самом деле при попытке вывести список всех доступных товаров. Сначала запрос (`GET /products`) получит HTTP-сервер, работающий на узле `node-1`. Входящий запрос передается с HTTP-сервера на сервис [шлюза](#Gateway), который выполняет всю обработку и сопоставление. В этом случае запрос пользователя преобразуется в действие `listProducts` сервиса `products`. Далее запрос попадёт в [брокер](#Service-Broker), который проверит, является ли сервис `products` [локальным](#Local-Services) или [удалённым](#Remote-Services). В данном случае служба `products` удаленная, поэтому брокер должен использовать модуль [транспорта](#Transporter) для доставки запроса. Транспорт получит запрос и отправит его в шину сообщений. Поскольку оба узла (`node-1` и `node-2`) подключены к одной и той же шине связи (брокеру сообщений), запрос будет успешно доставлен к узлу `node-2`. При приеме брокер узла `node-2` разберёт входящий запрос и переправит его в сервис `products`. Наконец, сервис `products` выполнит действие `listProducts` и вернёт список всех доступных товаров. Ответ будет отправлен конечному пользователю.
-**Обработка запросов пользователей**
Все детали, которые мы только что увидели, могут показаться пугающими и сложными, но вам не нужно бояться. Moleculer делает все тяжелые приёмы за Вас! Вам (разработчику) нужно сосредоточиться только на логике приложения. Посмотрите на [реализацию](#Implementation) нашего интернет-магазина.
diff --git a/source/ru/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md b/source/ru/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md
index 42ee7d927..48b188c23 100644
--- a/source/ru/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md
+++ b/source/ru/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md
@@ -1144,6 +1144,9 @@ settings: {
// Optimize route & alias paths (deeper first).
optimizeOrder: true,
+ // Options passed on to qs
+ qsOptions: {},
// Routes
routes: [
diff --git a/source/zh/docs/0.14/concepts.md b/source/zh/docs/0.14/concepts.md
index fadfa31da..6ec7f1a1d 100644
--- a/source/zh/docs/0.14/concepts.md
+++ b/source/zh/docs/0.14/concepts.md
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
现在,假定我们的服务已经启动和运行,在线商店可以满足用户的要求。 所以让我们看看请求列出所有可用产品的实际情况。 首先,运行 `node-1`的 HTTP 服务器收到请求 (`GET /products`) 。 传入请求只是简单地从 HTTP 服务器映射到 [gateway](#Gateway) 服务来完成所有操作。 特别是在这种情况下,用户的请求将映射到 `products` 服务的 `listProducts` 操作中。 接下来,该请求会被传递到[broker](#Service-Broker), 由它检查 `products` 服务是 [local](#Local-Services) 或 [remote](#Remote-Services) 服务。 这里,`products` 服务是远程服务,因此服务管理器需要使用 [transportter](#Transporter) 模块来传递请求。 Transporter 仅简单地抓取请求并通过通信总线发送出去。 由于两个节点(`node-1`和`node-2`) 都与同一通信总线连接(message broker),请求已成功送达`node-2`。 `node-2` 的服务管理器将解析收到的请求并将其转发到`products` 服务上。 最后,`products` 服务会执行 `listProducts` 动作并返回所有可用产品列表。 响应仅简单地转发给最终用户。
我们刚刚看到的所有细节似乎都复杂地令人生畏,但是您不必担心。 Moleculer为您完成所有繁重的工作! 您(开发人员)只需要关注应用程序逻辑。 去看看我们在线商店的实现 [implementation](#Implementation)。
diff --git a/source/zh/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md b/source/zh/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md
index 2182d9511..8af13e9ba 100644
--- a/source/zh/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md
+++ b/source/zh/docs/0.14/moleculer-web.md
@@ -1144,6 +1144,9 @@ settings: {
// Optimize route & alias paths (deeper first).
optimizeOrder: true,
+ // Options passed on to qs
+ qsOptions: {},
// Routes
routes: [
diff --git a/themes/moleculer/languages/de.yml b/themes/moleculer/languages/de.yml
index 9af7df5c8..299f9d2bf 100644
--- a/themes/moleculer/languages/de.yml
+++ b/themes/moleculer/languages/de.yml
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ sidebar:
examples: Examples
concepts: Core Concepts
support: Support
+ take_survey: '✨Take our survey'
introduction: Introduction
core: Core
configuration: Configuration
diff --git a/themes/moleculer/languages/hu.yml b/themes/moleculer/languages/hu.yml
index 76e25bdd1..de3543936 100644
--- a/themes/moleculer/languages/hu.yml
+++ b/themes/moleculer/languages/hu.yml
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ sidebar:
examples: Példák
concepts: Alap koncepció
support: Támogatás
+ take_survey: '✨Take our survey'
introduction: Bemutatás
core: Mag
configuration: Konfiguráció
diff --git a/themes/moleculer/languages/pt.yml b/themes/moleculer/languages/pt.yml
index 24407c48c..b75bb2a17 100644
--- a/themes/moleculer/languages/pt.yml
+++ b/themes/moleculer/languages/pt.yml
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ sidebar:
examples: Exemplos
concepts: Conceitos Principais
support: Contribua
+ take_survey: '✨Responda à nossa pesquisa'
introduction: Introdução
core: Principal
configuration: Configuração
diff --git a/themes/moleculer/languages/ru.yml b/themes/moleculer/languages/ru.yml
index a7dcd6610..beef1c7f4 100644
--- a/themes/moleculer/languages/ru.yml
+++ b/themes/moleculer/languages/ru.yml
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ sidebar:
examples: Примеры
concepts: Основные концепции
support: Поддержка
+ take_survey: '✨Take our survey'
introduction: Введение
core: Ядро
configuration: Конфигурация
diff --git a/themes/moleculer/languages/zh.yml b/themes/moleculer/languages/zh.yml
index e56507bb2..de1372df1 100644
--- a/themes/moleculer/languages/zh.yml
+++ b/themes/moleculer/languages/zh.yml
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ sidebar:
examples: 示例
concepts: 核心概念
support: 支持
+ take_survey: '✨Take our survey'
introduction: 简介
core: 核心
configuration: 配置