v44.7.0 incorporates the following changes:
- Update TSO500 coverage BED file to Pan5130
- Fix TSO coverage report output folders to output to a folder per Pan number
- Incorporate new MultiQC dnanexus app v1.18.0 to all pipelines (contains new MultiQC plugin for coverage that adds a coverage table for all samples with sambamba chanjo gene_level coverage files)
- Update TSO500 dependency so that MultiQC depends on sambamba chanjo jobs (except NTC samples)
- Switch to a dockerised version of bcl2fastq2
- Fix email function - add correct email server username back into the script
- Update incorrect RPKM VCP3 pan number (Pan3974 should be Pan4362)
- Remove obsolete MokaCAN pipeline
- Add new Pan numbers for R444.1 and R444.2