This update incorporates the following changes:
- Re-add peddy to multiqc depends list
- Fix order of app dependency for TSO and Custom Panels pipelines (including addition of an extra dependency list for custom panels to stop multiqc depending on RPKM)
- Add updated duty_csv app version
- Remove non-required panel argument to fastqc command creation function
- Exclude NTC sambamba job from depends list for TSO samples
- Only add to depends_list if JOBID exists from the command for TSO fastqc sompy and sambamba
- Add extra log command for writing dx run commands to file
- Add support for R430 test indication (prostate panel) on VCP2
- Update VCP2 variant calling, coverage and RPKM bed files
- Add --priority flag to dx run commands that previously didn't have it
- Specify dnanexus v2 instance types for peddy, multiqc, upload multiqc, RPKM and congenica upload commands
- Increase timeout time on R134 runs from 6 to 12 hours