v44.4.0 - minor release
This release includes the following changes:
- Update MokaPIPE workflow from version 2.17 to 2.18. This includes udpate of FastQC v1.3 → v1.4 (update fastqc version from v0.11.3 to v0.11.9 and dockerise), update of Picard v1.1 → v1.2 (Updated versions of samtools and picard, and made removal of chr in interval file optional), update of Filter_vcf_with_bedfile v1.0 → v1.1 (Add skip flag), and update of polyedge v1.0.0 → v1.1.0 (now outputs pdf, html and csv. Remove MSH2 variant hard coding)
- Update TSO500 app to v1.5.1
- Update Multiqc app to v1.17.0
- Add new Pan numbers for TSO500 and ArcherDx to support dry lab work
- Increased instance size for the MultiQC app