This module contains python configuration files, which are imported by other modules within the repository
Automate demultiplex configuration. Contains general settings, and the following classes collating the settings required per module:
- AdEmailConfig
- AdLoggerConfig
- DemultiplexConfig
- SWConfig
- ToolboxConfig
- URConfig
Config file for logging module (imported by ad_logger module). Contains settings specific to logging. The LOG_MSGS dictionary contains both general messages which are used across multiple modules, and also logfile-specific messages:
- Ad_email
- Demultiplex
- ss_validator
- sw
- backup
The panel config file contains the panel numbers and panel properties, which are used by the setoff_workflows script.
The PANEL_DICT is built up in stages using various other dictionaries to reduce repetition. The base dictionary is the DEFAULT_DICT, which is incorporated into the CAPTURE_PANEL_DICT, which are then imported into the PANEL_DICT. The dictionaries POLYEDGE_INPUTS and CONGENICA_CREDENTIALS are also imported into the PANEL_DICT.
Panel number lists are created from the PANEL_DICT, assimilating pan numbers from the PANEL_DICT which meet the required criteria to be included in that list.
- SNP does not have R numbers (test_number) as it is an identity check for the GMS SMS
- Panels for WES (analysed in Congenica) and TSO500 (analysed in QCII), and ArcherDX (analysed in Archer software), are applied at the point of analysis, so R and M numbers (test_number) for these are not listed below. These pan numbers do not necessarily refer to bed files but rather project configuration (e.g. DNAnexus instances, project layout etc.)
- Development runs have two options for pan numbers, one for runs that require standard processing with bcl2fastq and one for runs that require manual processing as they have UMIs
Dictionary key | Details |
panel_name | Name of capture panel |
pipeline | Name of pipeline |
runtype | Type of run |
sample_prefix | Expected string at front of sample name |
capture_pan_num | Pan number of capture panel bedfile (used for RPKM). False if RPKM not run |
hsmetrics_bedfile | bedfile filename, or False |
sambamba_bedfile | bedfile filename, or False. Coverage BED |
variant_calling_bedfile | bedfile filename, or False |
FH | True if requires PRS analysis, False if not |
rpkm_bedfile | bedfile filename, or False |
capture_type | Amplicon or Hybridisation |
multiqc_coverage_level | Value |
clinical_coverage_depth | Value, or False. Used as input for sambamba |
coverage_min_basecall_qual | Value or False. Sambamba minimum base quality |
coverage_min_mapping_qual | Value or False. Sambamba minimum mapping quality |
masked_reference | projectid:fileid, or False |
test_number | R or M number, or false if no specific number |
congenica_project | False = no upload. Number = normal. SFTP = sftp upload |
congenica_credentials | 'Viapath' or 'StG'. False = Congenica app not used |
congenica_IR_template | 'priority' or 'non-priority'. False = Congenica app not used |
polyedge | False if app not required, subdictionary containing app inputs if it is required |
ed_readcount_bedfile | False if app not required, panel bed file if required |
ed_cnvcalling_bedfile | None if app not required, R-number specific bedfile if required |
dry_lab | True if required to share with dry lab, None if not |
dry_lab_only | Used to determine whether to include the TSO pan number in the duty_csv pan number list |
drylab_dnanexus_id | False if not required to share with other users, user ID string if needs sharing |
umis | True if run has UMIs |
This script is configured to be used as a module import as per the following examples:
from config import ad_config
No log is written to as this module contains only configuration files.
This module has no tests.