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File metadata and controls

195 lines (123 loc) · 7.1 KB


Every Mojio API call must be properly authorized by a bearer token sent in the Authorization header.

Authorization: bearer ********-****-****-****-************

Obtaining a bearer token

Bearer tokens can be obtained via OAuth2 using one of 3 mechanisms. Each mechanism is geared towards different types of applications, and designed to maintain

Implicit Authorization

Use this method if you are developing a client side application (ex: iOS, Android, or a Javascript web app).


Direct the user through a web browser or web view to the authorize endpoint: with the following parameters:

Param Description
response_type Required. Must be set to token
client_id Required. Your application's ID.
redirect_uri Required. The URI to send the user once authorization has completed.
scope Optional. The possible scope of the request.
state Optional (recommended). Any client side state that will be maintained through to the response.

The response will be returned via the redirect_uri with paramaters passed as a URI fragment (#).

Param Description
access_token This is your access token! Yay.
token_type The token type. This will be bearer.
expires_in Number of seconds till the access token expires.
scope The final scope of the access token.
state Same value that was passed in through the request.



Authorization Code

Use this method if you are developing a server side web application (ex: PHP, ASP.NET, etc).

Initial Request

Direct the user to the authorize endpoint ( with the following parameters:

Param Description
response_type Required. Must be set to code
client_id Required. Your applications ID.
redirect_uri Required. The URI to send the user once authorization has completed.
scope Optional. The possible scope of the request.
state Optional (recommended). Any client side state that will be maintained through to the response.
Initial Response

The response will be returned via the redirect_uri with paramaters passed as a query parameter (?).

Param Description
code This is your access token! Yay.
state Same value that was passed in through the request.
Secondary Request

Next, your server must exchange the code for a full access token using a POST to the token endpoint ( The following parameters must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded in the BODY of the request.

Param Description
grant_type Required. Must be set to authorization_code
client_id Required. Your application's ID.
client_secret Required. Your application's Secret Key.
code Required. The authorization code received from the authorization server.
redirect_uri Required. Must match the redirect_uri sent in the previous request.
Secondary Response

The response will be a JSON string containing the following properties.

Param Description
access_token This is your access token! Yay.
token_type The token type. This will be bearer.
expires_in Number of seconds till the access token expires.
scope The final scope of the access token.
refresh_token A long lived token that can be used to generate an additional access_token in the future.


INITIAL RESPONSE:********-****-****-****-************




{ "access_token"  : "********-****-****-****-************",
  "token_type"    : "bearer",
  "expires_in"    : "43200",
  "refresh_token" : "********-****-****-****-************",

Resource Owner

Use this method only if you cannot use one of the two previous methods, and should only be done by a server in a protected environment.


Your server will need to obtain the user's credentials then send a POST to the token endpoint ( The following parameters must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded in the BODY of the request.

Param Description
grant_type Required. Must be set to password
client_id Required. Your application's ID.
client_secret Required. Your application's Secret Key.
username Required. The user's username or email address.
password Required. The user's password.

The response will be a JSON string containing the following properties.

Param Description
access_token This is your access token! Yay.
token_type The token type. This will be bearer.
expires_in Number of seconds till the access token expires.
scope The final scope of the access token.
refresh_token A long lived token that can be used to generate an additional access_token in the future.




{ "access_token"  : "********-****-****-****-************",
  "token_type"    : "bearer",
  "expires_in"    : "43200",
  "refresh_token" : "********-****-****-****-************",

Known Issues

404 eh!

This means you probably have the wrong URL in your request. Double check the URLs as described above.

error: redirect_uri_mismatch

error_description: The redirect URI in the request did not match a registered redirect URI.

In this case you will need to double check your "redirect_uri", make sure you used the same URI you setup in your App using the developer center.

"error": "access_denied"

{ "error": "access_denied" "error_description": "Invalid client credentials." }

In this case, your client id, or secret is probably incorrect. App Id is the same as the Client Id. It is the Id that was automatically created for you when you created your application.


In this case, check the "grant_type" parameter, It must be set to "password", "code", or "refresh_token" depending on the method of authentication you wish to perform.