Distributed Systems : Mining of bitcoins performed parallely on different machines, as well as using multiple processing on same node
Start the server by running:
./project1 < number of prefix zeros that a bitcoin hash should contain. eg : 4 >
Start the clients by running:
project1 <server ip address eg: >
Each machine connected was spawned with 100 processes. Each process was given an initial workload of one million coins. Upon completion of this the process requests the server for additional work. This way the process is never idol.
This was implements to avoid collisions of mining the same coin by different processes. As the server has a record of range of all coins mined at all time.
➤ ./bitcoin 4
Server started as : master@
misrani;iVu 0000e21208c4476bb69748cee27e9c42de877ca12539c82bc04e051da4a4f36c
misrani;4clA 000050b4f388f61047d6be88ff847be1e9f54b31da555c8e0b2e6912197d4070
misrani;7THn 00008f6eb55f659a5b34d9fefc79812f8baa7eb3846fa64f5bf805e5b2e3029b
misrani;8IjZ 00009cce482f25e3cc8d956c7b6e5b3481cb762c2b37b1a8323b4bf687e2bd39
misrani;sTrw 0000b2a7373e1bb6f48d098f2d64fc80af94ed5d08587aada8c32bb4d42813f6
misrani;nlH2 00002a29964c0f747f7cb840c1c04f2cc52ab805af3b1ef20ac76bed65a1be2b
misrani;1EWb 0000832f5f7653e127ed55005f827db380cbbed13d4220afc71b848286fdb47e
misrani;fNPi 00008271bd50fc512849f59c2748dc83c7af89e4b2e3ffb5805a54680c5caec1
misrani;2DeX 00008c2e20e63e8ab6d26dc771de11700444aad4f37087b5c4fa57c4e061b527
The ratio of CPU time to REAL TIME to obtain effectiveness of cores used in the computation is
(24 min 21 sec / 6 min 15 sec) = 3.896
Since the process is infinite, the process is halted by ctrl + c , to obtain the running time
: runtime of 15 minutes contained 8 zeros :
sitshu702700718 000000014DD9ED03A7C499651E9E3A557BE8A0B9ED8FBD8C9FE47A3C853FB702 7 0s
sitshu330824868 00000000DD7D86A446161B6FFAE12200FBA3ED5A1103608014AD401BD4DD75D0 8 0s
We could run our program with 1 server and 4 clients. Permissible number of clients is restricted by number of strings with client name that can be generated. Which we restricted to 62^5.