Free News API is able to fetch local news and category news in real time.
Please email if you find any bugs. This api works by : Newsi
This news API supports local news and category news.
- Top Headlines news
- Local news
- World news
- business news
- sports news
- world news
- politics news
- technology news
- entertainment news
- science news
To get the country and its supported language{language_code}&country={country_code}&sort={sort_by}&page={page_count}&limit={news_limit}
Example -
"United States": [
"Country code": "us",
"Language code": "en",
"Language name": "English"
Make a get request specifying the local of news you want
Field | Description |
language | The 2-letter ISO-639-1 code of the language you want to get headlines for. examples: ar en es fr he ..... |
country | Find sources that display news in a specific country. examples: eg us es fr in ..... |
sort | The order to sort the articles in :top = Fetch the top news.last = Fetch the latest news. |
page | Use this to page through the results. |
limit | Use this to customize the number of stories per page default = 20Max = 100 |{language_code}&country={country_code}&sort={sort_by}&page={page_count}&limit={news_limit}
Example -
"_id": "7cdb7212a8bdf75e6fe105ac6059e8cf7e8d089a825ae49d70fa309f563af7fb",
"hasBody": true,
"image": "",
"link": "",
"publishedAt": "2023-08-16T06:08:30Z",
"publishedTimestamp": 1692158910,
"shortLink": "",
"sourceName": "The New York Times",
"title": "Key Takeaways from the Trump Indictment in Georgia"
Make a get request specifying the Category of news you want
Field | Description |
category | The category you want to get new for. Possible options:sport world business science_and_technology education entertainment health travel . |
language | The 2-letter ISO-639-1 code of the language you want to get headlines for. examples: ar en es fr he ..... |
country | Find sources that display news in a specific country. examples: eg us es fr in ..... |
sort | The order to sort the articles in :top = Fetch the top news.last = Fetch the latest news. |
page | Use this to page through the results. |{language_code}&language={language_code}&country={country_code}&sort={sort_by}&page={page_count}
Example -
"_id": "7cdb7212a8bdf75e6fe105ac6059e8cf7e8d089a825ae49d70fa309f563af7fb",
"hasBody": true,
"image": "",
"link": "",
"publishedAt": "2023-08-16T06:08:30Z",
"publishedTimestamp": 1692158910,
"shortLink": "",
"sourceName": "The New York Times",
"title": "Key Takeaways from the Trump Indictment in Georgia"