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This Flutter app demonstrates how to implement dynamic theming and localization using the BLoC(Cubit) state management library and shared preferences for persistent storage. Users can switch between light, dark, and system themes, as well as select their preferred app language.


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Settings (Theming & Color Pallete and Localization) Flutter App Template

This Flutter app demonstrates how to implement dynamic theming and localization using the BLoC state management library and SharedPreferences for persistent storage. Users can switch between light, dark, and system themes, as well as select their preferred app language.


  • Dynamic Theming:

    • Light Mode
    • Dark Mode
    • System Default Theme
  • Dynamic Localization:

    • English
    • Arabic
    • System Default Locale
  • Color Palette Selection:

    • Customizable color options for the app interface
  • State Management:

    • BLoC (Cubit) for managing theme and localization states
  • Persistent Preferences:

    • SharedPreferences to save user settings locally



System Default English & Light Arabic & Light
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot


System Default English & Dark Arabic & Light
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

Color Palette

The app allows users to select from the following colors for personalization. These colors are used throughout the app interface for themes and highlights.

Color Name Preview Hex Code
Orange Orange #FFA500
Blue Blue #007BFF
Green Green #28A745
Red Red #DC3545
Indigo Indigo #3F51B5
Purple Purple #800080

To customize these colors or add new ones, update the list_colors.dart file and the corresponding ColorsState in the settings_cubit.dart.

Implementation Details

1. State Management

  • SettingsCubit (in settings_cubit.dart) manages the app's theme, locale, and color states.
  • It interacts with SharedPreferences to persist user preferences across app launches.

2. UI Components

  • SettingsScreen (in settings_screen.dart) provides a user-friendly interface for selecting theme, language, and color preferences.
  • Utilizes BlocBuilder to rebuild the UI whenever settings are updated.

3. Localization

  • AppLocalizations: Provides translations for the selected language.
  • AppLocalizationsSetup: Configures supported locales and localization delegates.

4. Persistent Storage

  • SharedPreferences is used to store the user's selected theme, language, and color.

How to Run the App

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd <repository-folder>
  2. Install dependencies:

    flutter pub get
  3. Run the app:

    flutter run

How to Use the App

  1. Launch the app on an emulator or physical device.
  2. Navigate to the Settings Screen.
  3. Select:
    • A theme (Light, Dark, or System Default).
    • A language (English, Arabic, or System Default).
    • A color for personalization.
  4. Changes are applied immediately and persist across app launches.

Adding a New Color Palette

To add a new color palette to the application, follow these steps:

1. Add the New Color to the Enum

In the settings_cubit.dart file, update the ColorsPalleteState enum by adding the new color. For example:

enum ColorsPalleteState { orange, blue, green, red, indigo, purple }
  ColorsPalleteState _getColorsStateFromString(String colors) {
    switch (colors) {
      case 'blue':
      case 'red':
      case 'green':
      case 'indigo':
        return ColorsPalleteState.indigo;
      case 'orange':
      case 'purple':                        <--- Add This Line
        return ColorsPalleteState.purple;   <--- Add This Line

2. Define the New Color in the Palettes

Update the lightPalettes and darkPalettes in the ThemePalette file to include the new color:

Light Palette

ColorsPalleteState.purple: ThemePaletteModel(
  primary: Colors.purple,
  secondary: Colors.purpleAccent,
  background: Color(0xFFECECEC), // Adjust as needed
  text: Color(0xFF2D2D2D), // Adjust as needed
  error: Color(0xFFE53935), // Adjust as needed

Dark Palette

ColorsPalleteState.purple: ThemePaletteModel(
  primary: Colors.purple,
  secondary: Colors.purpleAccent,
  background: Color(0xFF121212), // Adjust as needed
  text: Color(0xFFD1C4E9), // Adjust as needed
  error: Color(0xFFEF5350), // Adjust as needed

3. Add the Color to the Theme Extensions

In the themeExtensions map, add an entry for the new color:

ThemeModeState.light: {
  ColorsPalleteState.purple: MyColors(primaryColor: Colors.purple),
ThemeModeState.dark: {
  ColorsPalleteState.purple: MyColors(primaryColor: Colors.purple),

4. Update the Color List

In the list_colors.dart file, add the new color to the color list:

List<Color> colorPalette = [
  Colors.purple, // Add your new color

5. Test the Color

Run the application and verify:

  • The color is selectable in the palette widget.
  • The light and dark themes reflect the correct color scheme.


Add the following dependencies to your pubspec.yaml file:

    sdk: flutter
  flutter_bloc: ^8.1.0
  shared_preferences: ^2.1.1

Supported Locales

  • English (en)
  • Arabic (ar)
  • System Default Locale (based on the device's language settings)

Supported Themes

  • Light Theme: Default light mode.
  • Dark Theme: Default dark mode.
  • System Default: Automatically adapts to the system theme.


We welcome contributions! Follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository and clone it to your local machine.
  2. Create a new branch:
    git checkout -b feature-branch
  3. Make changes and commit them:
    git commit -m "Add new feature"
  4. Push your changes:
    git push origin feature-branch
  5. Create a pull request to merge your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


For any questions or inquiries, feel free to reach out:


This Flutter app demonstrates how to implement dynamic theming and localization using the BLoC(Cubit) state management library and shared preferences for persistent storage. Users can switch between light, dark, and system themes, as well as select their preferred app language.




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