find torrent (with different qualities) and subtitle (arabic & english) for the movie in one palce.
You can find a live demo here! hosted on netlify.
- NodeJs - to start using npm
git colne <filename>
cd <filename>
npm install
$ npm run serve
DONE Compiled successfully in 4221ms
App running at:
- Local: http://localhost:8081/
- Network:
Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, run npm run build.
Then open the Local url because i make it running only on specific hosts.
- VueJs - JavaScript framework.
- Vuex - State management pattern.
- GulpJs - Task runner.
- Sass - Preprocessor language that is compiled into CSS.
- PugJs - Templating engine.
- Torrents with many qualities
- Filter torrents on the highest seeds (speedest one)
- Scrape many sites until find the movie
- Subtitle 2 languages
- Filter subtitles with the highest feedback
- Simple design
- Progress bar
- User guide
- Proxy (to avoid CORS in browser)
- There is no backend and all process done in browser
- Use mirror for torrent site to skip login require
- User can share his search url
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details