This is a nextJS template.
Live: https:/
A real template that all you need is to follow these simple steps:
1.Fork this repository. then clone your forked repo and run this command to install dependencies: "npm install"
2.Run the app by this command: "npm run dev"
so you can see the live app at port 3000. open this address in your browser: https://localhost:3000
3.Now you just need to change 1 single file to change the entire project. no coding require.
just open and edit allData.ts file in this directory: root/src/store/allData.ts
You also need to change the photos in the media folder at this directory:
don't forget to change the image's address to the new image's name in the allData.ts file to make it works.
4.go to and sign-up. so you can simply follow the vercel guide and select your repo to deploy it and make it online.
5.please don't remove or change the copy-right sign at the bottom.