Hi <%= name %>,
+Please use the link below to activate your restaurant account:
+ Activate Account +This link will expire in 5 minutes.
+If you didn't create a restaurant account, please ignore this email.
+Hi FoodPanda,
+ please use the bellow link to activate your restaurant account:
Hello <%= name %>,
++ Thank you for registering with Becodemy. To activate your account, + please use the following activation code: +
++ Please enter this code on the activation page within the next 5 + minutes. +
++ If you did not register for a Becodemy account, please ignore this + email. +
+Hello <%= name %>,
++ We received a request to reset your password. To proceed, click the + button below: +
+ Reset Password ++ If you did not request a password reset, you can ignore this email. +
+Signed in as
++ {data?.user ? data.user.email : user.email} +
+ Healthy food, drinks and groceries available for delivery or pickup.
+ Great
discounts for first delivery.
Activation processing....
+ ) : ( + <> + {verified ? ( +Your account is verified!
+ ) : ( +Your activation token is expired or not valid!
+ )} + > + )} +