The plugin enables importing OpenAPI specifications into Astah SysML tool in order to model software systems.
- Install the plugin
- Create a project
- Create a new package
- Select the package
- Select Tools -> OpenAPI -> Import OpenAPI
- Select the OpenAPI specification (either json or yaml, for example )
- Press Open
- If not exists, a package with name OpenAPI will be created in the project
- This package will contain the basic types (Boolean, DateTime, Email, Integer, etc.)
- For each component (a kind of DTO) a block will be created with the corresponding fields, types and multiplicity in the selected package
- For each endpoint's operation a Request and Response block will be created with the name of the operation as prefix
- For each tag an interface block is created with << REST Interface >> stereotype
- Each endpoint's operation an operation of the corresponding block will be created with matching name
- This block operation will have a request parameter of type Request and return parameter of type Response
- The operation will be also stereotyped according to the HTTP Action (Get, Post, Put, etc.)
- For each operation a separate block definition diagram is created
- It is required to have an operation for every endpoint, otherwise the corresponding block operation cannot be created
- Due to limitations of Astah API adding the additional metadata (minLength, url, etc.) as a tagged value of a stereotype is not yet possible
- The situation when two component reference each other is not handled - yet: remove one of the references and add them by hand
- Update of existing model is not yet handled
- There might be situations which are not yet handled
- Code is not as nice as it should be