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KBloom is a simple Bloom Filter library for Android developed with Kotlin. It helps you to efficiently check if an element might be in a set without storing all elements. Perfect for memory-constrained mobile devices!

Main Features

  • Core Bloom Filter:
    • Basic insert(put, putAll) and membership check(mightCotain, mightContainAll)
    • Uses hashFuction: HashFuction and a lambda toBytes: (T) -> ByteArray to manage any data type T
    • Provides a private constructor plus methods create(...) and restore(...)
  • Modular Architecture:
    • hahsing module: Different hash functions(MurmurHash3, XxHash32)
    • loggin module: Pluggable loggers (ConsoleLogger, NoOpLogger)
    • serialization module: Serialize/deserialize to formats (ByteArraySerializer, JsonSerializer, MessagePackSerializer)
    • configuation module: Includes a builder pattern for flexiable Bloom Filter setup
  • Builder Pattern:
    • BloomFilterBuilder allows setting expectedInsertions, fpp, seed, custom hashFunctio, or toBytes
    • Support stategies: OPTIMAL (automatic k calculation) or CUSTOM (manual expectedInsertions)
  • Error Handling:
    • Custom exceptions (InvalidConfigurationException, InvalidConfigurationException) for invalid settings or bad serialized data
  • Performance Enhancements:
    • Option to use a LongArrayBitArray instead of IntArray for higher efficiency
    • Potential concurrency measures if needed
  • Additional Features:
    • Estimate Current Number of Elements : Uses bit-count to approximate how many items the Bloom Filter already contains
    • Probability Estimation : Calculates a current false positive rate based on how many bit are set

Scalable Bloom Filter (SBF)

Key Features:

  • Automatic Expansion: When the current filter reaches its limit (based on a load factor or heuristic), a new child Bloom Filter is created to continue accommodating the elements.
  • False Positive Control: Each child Bloom Filter can be individually configured (bitSetSize, number of hash functions, fpp) to maintain a consistent false positive rate.
  • Short-Circuit Evaluation: When checking for the existence of an element, the filters are traversed from the newest to the oldest, and the process stops as soon as a filter indicates that the element is not present.
  • Self-Adjustment: Utilizes a GrowthStrategy (e.g., Default, Geometric, Tightening) to adjust the size and configuration of the new filter, aligning with the actual insertion load.
  • Serialization/Deserialization: Supports storing and restoring the complete state of the SBF, including the parameters of each child Bloom Filter and the information(name) on the GrowthStrategy.

Counting Bloom Filter (CBF)

  • Counters Array Instead of Bit Array: Each position stores a counter value instead of just a 0/1.
  • Support for Removing Elements: It allows decreasing the counter values to "remove" an element, which is not typically permitted in a standard Bloom Filter.
  • Counting Occurrences: Provides a count(element) function to estimate the number of times an element has been added, based on the minimum value among the counters at the hashed positions.
  • Memory Management & Overflows: It is necessary to define a maximum limit for each counter (maxCounterValue) to prevent overflow, which can affect the counting accuracy.

Future Features

  • Kotlin Multiplatform:
    • Use KBloom on iOS and JVM platforms.


Using JitPack

  1. Add JitPack repository to your project-level build.gradle:

    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url '' }
  2. Add KBloom dependency to your app-level build.gradle:

    dependencies {
       implementation 'com.github.moclam1905:KBloom:1.3'


Creating a Bloom Filter

val mockLogger = MockLogger() // for testing
val bf = BloomFilterBuilder<String>()
    .toBytes { it.toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8) }

Note: See more about exaple toBytes in BloomFilterGenericTypeTest.kt

Adding Elements

// Add single elements

// Add multiple elements at once
val fruits = listOf("cherry", "date", "elderberry")

Checking Elements

// Check single elements
val containsApple = bloomFilter.mightContain("apple") // true
val containsGrape = bloomFilter.mightContain("grape") // false (or true with low probability)

// Check multiple elements at once
val checkFruits = listOf("apple", "banana", "cherry")
val allContain = bloomFilter.mightContainAll(checkFruits) // true if all are present

Serialize and Deserialize

val serializedJson = bf.serialize(SerializationFormat.JSON)
val bfDeserialized = BloomFilter.deserialize<String>(
    byteArray = serializedJson,
    format = SerializationFormat.JSON,
    hashFunction = MurmurHash3,
    toBytes = { it.toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8) }


enum class SerializationFormat {
    // maybe support more serialization format in future

Additional Features


val elementsToAdd = listOf("apple", "banana", "cherry", "date", "elderberry")
elementsToAdd.forEach { bloomFilter.put(it) }

val estimatedElements = bloomFilter.estimateCurrentNumberOfElements()

// n ≈ -(m/k) * ln(1 - x/m)
val actualElements = elementsToAdd.size
// allowed tolerance is 2 elements
val tolerance = 2.0
// Check the difference between estimated and actual elements
    "Estimated elements ($estimatedElements) should be within $tolerance of actual elements ($actualElements)",
    kotlin.math.abs(estimatedElements - actualElements) <= tolerance
  • testEstimateFalsePositiveRate
val elementsToAdd = (1..500).map { "element_$it" }
elementsToAdd.forEach { bloomFilter.put(it) }

val estimatedFpp = bloomFilter.estimateFalsePositiveRate()
// fpp current should be close to the expected fpp
// use n = 500
val expectedFpp =
    (1 - exp(-bloomFilter.getNumHashFunctions() * 500.0 / bloomFilter.getBitSetSize())).pow(
val tolerance = 0.001 // 0.1%

    "Estimated false positive rate ($estimatedFpp) should be approximately $expectedFpp within tolerance $tolerance",
  • SBF
private fun stringToBytes(string: String): ByteArray {
        return string.toByteArray()
fun testSerialization() {
    val hashFunction = MurmurHash3
    val logger = NoOpLogger
    val sbf = ScalableBloomFilter.create(
        initialExpectedInsertions = 100,
        fpp = 0.01,
        hashFunction = hashFunction,
        toBytes = ::stringToBytes,
        logger = logger,

    val elementsToAdd = listOf("apple", "banana", "cherry", "date", "elderberry")
    elementsToAdd.forEach { sbf.put(it) }

    val serialized = sbf.serialize()
    val deserialized = ScalableBloomFilter.deserialize(
        data = serialized,
        hashFunction = hashFunction,
        toBytes = ::stringToBytes,
        logger = logger,

    // Check elements added
    elementsToAdd.forEach { elements ->
            "Element '$elements' should be contained in the SBF",

    // Check elements not added
    val elementsNotAdded = listOf("fig", "grape", "honeydew", "kiwi", "lemon")
    elementsNotAdded.forEach { elements ->
            "Element '$elements' should not be contained in the SBF",


fun testBuildOptimalAndPutRemove() {
    val cbf = CountingBloomFilterBuilder<String>()

    assertTrue("apple should be in the filter", cbf.mightContain("apple"))
    assertFalse("banana should not be in the filter", cbf.mightContain("banana"))

    repeat(5) { cbf.put("banana") }
    assertEquals("banana should have count=5", 5, cbf.count("banana"))

    repeat(2) { cbf.remove("banana") }
    assertEquals("banana count should be 3 after remove 2", 3, cbf.count("banana"))


Bloom filter MurmurHash Medium Scalable Bloom Filter Counting Bloom Filter
