- Node.js (npm)
- Git
- Install Node.js and npm Version 20+
- Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/mobs-lab/epistorm-dashboard.git --recurse-submodules
Note: The --recurse-submodules
flag is used to clone & update all submodule, which is the FluSight-forecast-hub repository.
- Go to project root directory and install the dependencies:
cd epistorm-dashboard
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
- Or, Start the server, in production mode, after building the project:
npm run build && npm run start
- 2024-10-25:
- Switched GCP deployment account to use designated service account
- Flusight-ensemble model added to site
- Stability upgrade for GitHub Action workflow and Python Script
- Separation of concerns (tech-stack) begins
- 2024-10-18: Deployed to GCP using default service account; various bug fixes
- 2024-10-11:
- Bug fixes for Nowcast-statemap-thermometer widget, update to responsiveness of all components;
- Fixed season generation
- 2024-10-04: Improved chart logic handling, updated Redux handling of seasons and dates
- 2024-10-03: Fixed settings panel date picker bug, updated epistorm logo handling
- 2024-09-27: Improved not-a-pie-chart handling
- 2024-09-20: General CSS Update
- 2024-08-27: Update to forecast chart y-axis handling, ticks display and responsiveness
- 2024-08-20: Initial Deployment to Netlify
- 2024-07-30: Initial fix to various css issues
- 2024-07-19:
- Removed Puerto Rico Data
- Added Legend items to Nowcast visualizations
- Update to all texts on site
- Update to font size on site
- First draft of JS-based re-sizing of components
- 2024-07-08: Layout Change and improvements to chart, settings, and map components; Added requirement for nowcast data visualization; Documentation structure update.
- 2024-05-22: Updated README.md with instructions on how to run/dev project locally.
- 2024-05-19:
- Line Chart Functionality Finished, ready to move onto CSS update.
- Added comments for SettingsPanel, ForecastChart, and StateMap.
- 2024-04-25: Finished line chart update and introduced material-tailwind lib for date picker in settings panel.
- Also merged back y-axis log scale and ticks update.
- 2024-04-08: Moving onto finish up functionalities of line chart, focusing on interactivity and Settings panel correcly display; plus state map display update needed
- 2024-03-21: Refactorization ongoing for page-chart-settings so they interact better, leave potential to implement state management library like redux or better
- 2024-03-10: Added Landing Page; Placeholder Components; Fixed mysterious team name bug
- 2024-03-09: Refined layout and routing structures, finished importing US state map, interactivity next
- 2024-02-14: Finished Data Retrieval and Data Processing workflows, added in git submodule (cdcepi's FluSight-forecast-hub)
- 2024-02-14: For retrieving data, added in git submodule and updated workflows
- 2024-02-12: preparation branch for setting up ignore and workflow placeholders, for other branches