The purpose of the template is to provide a starting point for bioinformatics projects using R with a focus on environment management using a combination of singularity
and renv
The template is designed for use on an HPC cluster, and specifically setup for use with the UNC-Chapel Hill cluster Longleaf. Though it could likely be used on other HPC systems with minimal adjustments.
git clone
By default the build and run scripts assume that the project working directory is the$PWD
where the scripts are run.
eg. a project parent directory that contains this repoproject/rstudio-singularity
will be the working directory if the scripts are run fromproject/
There are a number of container images available that have RStudio Server.
From the Rocker Project:
- rstudio --
- rstudio + tidyverse --
- rstudio + ml packages --
From Bioconductor:
- rstudio + bioconductor --
Bioconductor images are built off of Rocker images. Take a look at The Rocker Project and bioconductor_docker for more details.
I've been using: RELEASE_3_19-R-4.4.1 without a problem, which sets the Bioconductor verstion to 3.19 and R to 4.4.1
When you have a container picked out run the following in your project directory. Replace "
module load apptainer
apptainer pull docker://bioconductor/bioconductor:RELEASE_3_19-R-4.4.0
The image will be cached in your $HOME
directory, and you can easily move or copy the .sif
file that apptainer generates to wherever you want.
script in this repository was written to launch RStudio server from a container on a compute node of the UNC cluster. I frankensteined this script together from a few places and it may need to be modified to run outside of UNC.
This script does a few things... \
- It makes some directories for server stuff:
in the project working directory. - Writes a brief
file to define working directory for the server. - It then binds necessary paths including working directory to the container and executes rstudio server with the container.
Run the script as follows with the path to your container as the first argument.
sbatch rstudio-singularity/src/ $PATH_TO_YOUR_CONTAINER
Because we can't easily launch a browser from the cluster we need to use or local computer's browser. To do this we have to tunnel between our local machine and the cluster node running the server.
A "tunnel" is just a connection between two networks that allows data to move between them.
script will generate an output file var/logs/studio-<jobID>.out
with the following info:
- name of your container
- port for connecting
- cluster node id
- a random password for Rstudio login
You can copy the necessary command to start the tunnel from your local machine. It will look something like this:
ssh -N -L 8989:${remote.HOSTNAME}:${remote.PORT} ${USER}
This command sets up a secure tunnel from local port 8989 (you can change this to essentially any port number), to the remote cluster node address, which is listening on the assigned remote port.
You will be prompted for your normal cluster login info. And then you may get a warning message or nothing may happen, which is a good thing.
Open any web browser and go to http://localhost:8989
. If the server launced correctly and your tunnel is working you should get an RStudio login prompt. Use your onyen and the password generated in var/logs/studio-<jobID>.out
to login.
The port address you used to start the tunnel (8989 in the example above) must match. So if you changed your local port to 8990
you'll need to point the browser to http://localhost:8990
You should now have a running rstudio server with the base bioconductor container.
Each data analysis project is unique and will need different packages.
One approach is to manually add packages to the definition file and rebuild the image as needed.
This is tedious and time consuming.\
Instead it's recommended that renv
be used to manage all additional package installations.
Read the renv
docs for more details.
If you have not used renv before you may need to install it.
This will create a project specific library of packages. BUT! renv
also builds and sources a global cache of packages. So each project just has symlinks to the cached package.
or from bioconductor...
Capture the state of your project with renv::snapshot()
As you use more packages in your code, snapshot()
will update the .lockfile
with the packages and versions.
Once the singularity image has been built for a project it will provide a static base environment.
With careful use of renv
the renv .lockfile
will then provide package tracking for reproducibility.
When it's time to publish or share analysis there are two options.
The container image can either be shared directly by file transfer
You can simply point others to the container you used on dockerhub
Be careful if you did not specify a particular tag for the container you pulled and just grabbed the latest or development version. This could mean that the container you point someone else to may be updated from what you originally used.
- Setup your own dockerhub account and upload the image you used.