A Python-Script for updating a Plex-Mediaserver.
python plex-update.py amd64 # for Linux 64bit Systems
python plex-update.py armhf # On Raspberry pi
Due to the use of urllib.request, I got it only to run under Pyhton 3.5 or higher.
import urllib.request # Download File and read JSON via HTTPs
import json # Work with JSON-information
import configparser # to be able to parse through the INI-File
import sys # Run System-Commands
import os # File-oprations and determine if SUDO is needed
This script is made for Debian-based Linux-Systems. (Debian/Ubuntu)
GDebi has to be installed, to install Plex with all it's dependencies automaticly.
Install via:
sudo apt get install gdebi-core
The script installs Plexmediaserver if a new version is available.
(sudo) gdebi plexmediaserver_file.deb --n
"--n" for automatic install, without prompt.
The Script checks if your UID = 0 (root), otherwise uses SUDO. On Raspberry Pi's no password is needed.
This Script always expects an parameter to be provided.
Parameters can be either amd64 or armhf.
amd64 = for Linux 64bit
armhf = for Raspberry Pi
Run the script with Python 3.5 or higher.
Check your version with:
python --version
If Version under 3.5, run it with
python3.5 plex-update.py amd64
I let this script run daily at 6 am on my Raspberry Pi.
I edited Cron via corntab -e and added the line:
0 0 6 1/1 * ? * python3.5 plex-update.py armhf
which ensures, that whenever there is a newer version of the Plexmediaserver, it will get updated.