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NSDataDetector |
Cocoa |
Until humanity embraces RDF for all of their daily interactions, a large chunk of artificial intelligence is going to go into figuring out what the heck we're all talking about. Fortunately for Cocoa developers, there's NSDataDetector. |
Machines speak in binary, while humans speak in riddles, half-truths, and omissions.
And until humanity embraces RDF for all of their daily interactions, a large chunk of artificial intelligence is going to go into figuring out what the heck we're all talking about.
Because in the basic interactions of our daily lives—meeting people, making plans, finding information online—there is immense value in automatically converting from implicit human language to explicit structured data, so that it can be easily added to our calendars, address books, maps, and reminders.
Fortunately for Cocoa developers, there's an easy solution: NSDataDetector
is a subclass of NSRegularExpression
, but instead of matching on an ICU pattern, it detects semi-structured information: dates, addresses, links, phone numbers and transit information.
It does all of this with frightening accuracy. NSDataDetector
will match flight numbers, address snippets, oddly formatted digits, and even relative deictic expressions like "next Saturday at 5".
You can think of it as a regexp matcher with incredibly complicated expressions that can extract information from natural language (though its actual implementation details may be somewhat more complicated than that).
objects are initialized with a bitmask of types of information to check, and then passed strings to match on. Like NSRegularExpression
, each match found in a string is represented by a NSTextCheckingResult
, which has details like character range and match type. However, NSDataDetector
-specific types may also contain metadata such as address or date components.
NSError *error = nil;
NSDataDetector *detector = [NSDataDetector dataDetectorWithTypes:NSTextCheckingTypeAddress
| NSTextCheckingTypePhoneNumber
NSString *string = @"123 Main St. / (555) 555-5555";
[detector enumerateMatchesInString:string
range:NSMakeRange(0, [string length])
^(NSTextCheckingResult *result, NSMatchingFlags flags, BOOL *stop) {
NSLog(@"Match: %@", result);
let string = "123 Main St. / (555) 555-5555"
let types: NSTextCheckingType = .Address | .PhoneNumber
var error: NSError?
let detector = NSDataDetector(types: types.toRaw(), error: &error)
detector.enumerateMatchesInString(string, options: nil, range: NSMakeRange(0, (string as NSString).length)) { (result, flags, _) in
When initializing
, be sure to specify only the types you're interested in. With each additional type to be checked comes a nontrivial performance cost.
Because of how much NSTextCheckingResult
is used for, it's not immediately clear which properties are specific to NSDataDetector
. For your reference, here is a table of the different NSTextCheckingTypes
for NSDataDetector
matches, and their associated properties:
Type | Properties |
* NSDictionary properties have values at defined keys. |
Somewhat confusingly, iOS also defines UIDataDetectorTypes
. A bitmask of these values can be set as the dataDetectorTypes
of a UITextView
to have detected data automatically linked in the displayed text.
is distinct from NSTextCheckingTypes
in that equivalent enum constants (e.g. UIDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber
and NSTextCheckingTypePhoneNumber
) do not have the same integer value, and not all values in one are found in the other. Converting from UIDataDetectorTypes
to NSTextCheckingTypes
can be accomplished with a function:
static inline NSTextCheckingType NSTextCheckingTypesFromUIDataDetectorTypes(UIDataDetectorTypes dataDetectorType) {
NSTextCheckingType textCheckingType = 0;
if (dataDetectorType & UIDataDetectorTypeAddress) {
textCheckingType |= NSTextCheckingTypeAddress;
if (dataDetectorType & UIDataDetectorTypeCalendarEvent) {
textCheckingType |= NSTextCheckingTypeDate;
if (dataDetectorType & UIDataDetectorTypeLink) {
textCheckingType |= NSTextCheckingTypeLink;
if (dataDetectorType & UIDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber) {
textCheckingType |= NSTextCheckingTypePhoneNumber;
return textCheckingType;
Do I detect some disbelief of how easy it is to translate between natural language and structured data? This should not be surprising, given how insanely great Cocoa's linguistic APIs are.
Don't make your users re-enter information by hand just because of a programming oversight. Take advantage of NSDataDetector
in your app to unlock the structured information already hiding in plain sight.