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117 lines (117 loc) · 61.1 KB
Feature Feature Area Feature name Name in extracted dataframe Function Description Notes
Raw sequence length/total number of characters surface raw_sequence_length raw_sequence_length get_raw_sequence_length Number of characters in the text (including whitespaces)
Number of tokens surface n_tokens n_tokens get_num_tokens Number of tokens in the text
Number of sentences surface n_sentences n_sentences get_num_sentences Number of sentences in the text
Number of token per sentence surface tokens_per_sentence tokens_per_sentence get_num_tokens_per_sentence Average number of tokens per sentence: n_tokens / n_sentences
Number of characters surface n_characters n_characters get_num_characters Number of characters in the text (excluding whitespaces)
Characters per sentence surface characters_per_sentence characters_per_sentence get_chars_per_sentence Average number of characters per sentence: n_characters / n_sentences
Raw sequence length per sentence surface raw_length_per_sentence raw_length_per_sentence get_raw_length_per_sentence Average number of characters per sentence: raw_sequence_length / n_sentences
Average word length surface avg_word_length avg_word_length get_avg_word_length Average word length (in characters): n_characters / n_tokens
Number of types surface n_types n_types get_num_types Number of types (unique tokens) in the text
Number of long words surface n_long_words n_long_words get_num_long_words Number of long words (i.t.o. characters) Threshold of what is considered a long word defaults to >6 characters; can be adapted in the config
Number of lemmas surface n_lemmas n_lemmas get_num_lemmas Number of lemmas in the text
Token frequencies surface token_freqs token_freqs get_token_freqs Token frequencies of the types in the text As this produces a list in a column, writing to file has to be handled
Number of lexical tokens pos n_lexical_tokens n_lexical_tokens get_num_lexical_tokens Number of lexical tokens (tokens w/ upos tag NOUN, ADVERB, ADJ, ADV)
POS variability pos pos_variability pos_variability get_pos_variability POS variability of the text: (unique upos text in the text) / n_tokens
Number of tokens with upos tag {pos} pos n_per_pos n_{pos} get_num_per_pos Number of tokens with a given upos tag in the text. Takes a list of upos tag to extract this feature for pos_list defaults to all upos tags; if you only need a subset, this can be adapted in the config
Lemma token ratio lexical_richness lemma_token_ratio lemma_token_ratio get_lemma_token_ratio Lemma token ratio of the text: n_lemmas / n_tokens
Type token ratio lexical_richness ttr ttr get_ttr Type token ratio of the text: n_types / n_tokens
Root type token ratio lexical_richness rttr rttr get_rttr Root type token ratio of the text: sqrt(n_types / n_tokens)
Corrected type token ratio lexical_richness cttr cttr get_cttr Corrected type token ratio of the text: n_types / sqrt(2 * n_tokens)
Herdan's C lexical_richness herdan_c herdan_c get_herdan_c Herdan's C of a text: log(n_types) / log(n_tokens)
Summer's type token ratio/ index lexical_richness summer_index summer_index get_summer_index Summer's text token ratio of the text: log(log(n_types)) / log(log(n_tokens))
Dugast's Uber index lexical_richness dugast_u dugast_u get_dugast_u Dugast's Uber index of the text: log(n_types)^2 / (log(n_tokens) - log( n_types))
Maas' text token ratio/index lexical_richness maas_index maas_index get_maas_index Maas' text token ratio of the text: (n_tokens - n_types) / log(n_types)^2
Number of local hapax legomena lexical_richness n_hapax_legomena n_hapax_legomena get_n_hapax_legomena Number of hapax legomena (tokens that occur only once) in the text
Number of global token hapax legomena lexical_richness n_global_token_hapax_legomena n_global_token_hapax_legomena get_n_global_token_hapax_legomena Number of hapax legomena (tokens that occur only once) in the entire corpus in the text instance
Number of global lemma hapax legomena lexical_richness n_global_lemma_hapax_legomena n_global_lemma_hapax_legomena get_n_global_lemma_hapax_legomena Number of hapax legomena (lemmas that occur only once) in the entire corpus in the text instance
Number of hapax dislegomena lexical_richness n_hapax_dislegomena n_hapax_dislegomena get_n_hapax_dislegomena Number of hapax dislegomena (tokens that occur once or twice) in the text
Number of global token hapax dislegomena lexical_richness n_global_token_hapax_dislegomena n_global_token_hapax_dislegomena get_n_global_token_hapax_dislegomena Number of hapax dislegomena (tokens that occur once or twice) in the entire corpus in the text instance
Number of global lemma hapax dislegomena lexical_richness n_global_lemma_hapax_dislegomena n_global_lemma_hapax_dislegomena get_n_global_lemma_hapax_dislegomena Number of hapax dislegomena (tokens that occur once or twice) in the entire corpus in the text instance
Sichel's S lexical_richness sichel_s sichel_s get_sichel_s Sichel's S of the text: n_hapax_dislegomena / n_types
Global Sichel's S lexical_richness global_sichel_s global_sichel_s get_global_sichel_s Global Sichel's S of the text: n_global_token_hapax_dislegomena / n_types
Lexical density lexical_richness lexical_density lexical_density get_lexical_density Lexical density of the text: n_lexical_tokens / n_tokens
Giroud's index lexical_richness giroud_index giroud_index get_giroud_index Giroud's index of a text: n_types / sqrt(n_tokens)
Measure of Textual Lexical Density (MTLD) lexical_richness mtld mtld get_mtld For definition, check
Hypergeometric Distribution Diversity (HD-D lexical_richness hdd hdd get_hdd For definition, check
Moving-average type token ratio (MATTR) lexical_richness mattr mattr get_mattr Calculates the TTR for a sliding window of n tokens, then takes the average
Mean segmental type token ratio (MSTTR) lexical_richness msttr msttr get_msttr Divides the text into n segments, calculates the TTR for all of them, then takes the average
Yule's K lexical_richness yule_k yule_k get_yule_k Yule's characteristic constant of vocabulary richness For definition, check
Simpson's D lexical_richness simpsons_d simpsons_d get_simpsons_d For definition, check
Herdan's Vm lexical_richness herdan_v herdan_v get_herdan_v For definition, check
Number of syllables readability n_syllables n_syllables get_num_syllables Number of syllables in the text Only implemented for spacy backbone
Number of monosyllables readability n_monosyllables n_monosyllables get_num_monosyllables Number of monosyllables (words with only one syllable) in the text
Number of polysyllables readability n_polysyllables n_polysyllables get_num_polysyllables Number of polysyllables (words with three or more syllables) in the text
Flesch reading ease readability flesch_reading_ease flesch_reading_ease get_flesch_reading_ease Flesch reading ease score of the text For reference:
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level readability flesch_kincaid_grade flesch_kincaid_grade get_flesch_kincaid_grade Flesch-Kincaid grade level of the text For reference:
Automated Readability Index (ARI) readability ari ari get_ari For reference:
Simple Measure of Gobbledygook (SMOG) readability smog smog get_smog For reference:
Coleman-Liau Index (CLI) readability cli cli get_cli For reference:
Gunning-fog Index readability gunning_fog gunning_fog get_gunning_fog For reference:
LIX readability lix lix get_lix For reference:
RIX readability rix rix get_rix For reference:
Compressibility information compressibility compressibility get_compressibility Compressibility is the ratio of the length of the compressed text to the length of the original text. This is a proxy for the Kolmogorov complexity of the text
Entropy information entropy entropy get_entropy Shannon entropy of the text
Number of named entities entities n_entitites n_entitites get_num_entities Number of named entities in the text
Number of named entities of type {ent} entities n_per_entity_type n_{ent} get_num_per_entity_type Number of named entities in the text with type {ent}. Takes a list of entity types to extract this feature for ent_types defaults to all possible entity types; if you only need a subset, this can be adapted in the config
Number of hedge words semantic n_hedges n_hedges get_num_hedges Number of hedge words in the text (words expressing uncertainty of the speaker). requires a hedge lexicon; currently only supported in English
Hedges token ratio semantic hedges_ratio hedges_ratio get_hedges_ratio Ratio of hedges in the text: n_hedges / n_tokens
Average number of synsets semantic avg_n_synsets avg_n_synsets get_avg_num_synsets Average number of wordnet synsets of lexical tokens; proxy for ambiguity/polysemy
Number of words with a low number of synsets per pos semantic n_low_synsets_per_pos n_low_synsets_{pos} get_low_synsets_{pos} Number of lexical tokens with a low number of synsets per pos tag Threshold defaults to 2
Number of words with a high number of synsets per pos semantic n_high_synsets_per_pos n_high_synsets_{pos} get_high_synsets_{pos} Number of lexical tokens with a high number of synsets per pos tag Threshold defaults to 5
Number of words with a low number of synsets semantic n_low_synsets n_low_synsets get_num_low_synsets Number of lexical tokens with a low number of synsets Threshold defaults to 2
Number of words with a high number of synsets semantic n_high_synsets n_high_synsets get_num_high_synsets Number of lexical tokens with a high number of synsets Threshold defaults to 5
Average valence emotion avg_valence avg_valence get_avg_valence Average valence of the tokens in the text For reference:
Number of low valence tokens emotion n_low_valence n_low_valence get_n_low_valence Number of low valence tokens in the text Threshold defaults to 0.33; For reference:
Number of high valence tokens emotion n_high_valence n_high_valence get_n_high_valence Number of high valence tokens in the text Threshold defaults to 0.66; For reference:
Average arousal emotion avg_arousal avg_arousal get_avg_arousal Average arousal of the tokens in the text For reference:
Number of low arousal tokens emotion n_low_arousal n_low_arousal get_n_low_arousal Number of low arousal tokens in the text Threshold defaults to 0.33; For reference:
Number of high arousal tokens emotion n_high_arousal n_high_arousal get_n_high_arousal Number of high arousal tokens in the text Threshold defaults to 0.66; For reference:
Average dominance emotion avg_dominance avg_dominance get_avg_dominance Average dominance of the tokens in the text For reference:
Number of low dominance tokens emotion n_low_dominance n_low_dominance get_n_low_dominance Number of low dominance tokens in the text Threshold defaults to 0.33; For reference:
Number of high dominance tokens emotion n_high_dominance n_high_dominance get_n_high_dominance Number of high dominance tokens in the text Threshold defaults to 0.66; For reference:
Average emotion intensity for {emotion} emotion avg_intensity avg_intensity_{emotion} get_avg_intensity Average intensity of an emotion; takes a list of emotions For reference:
Number of high intensity tokens for {emotion} emotion n_high_intensity n_high_intensity_{emotion} get_n_high_intensity Number of high intensity tokens for a given emotion Threshold defaults to 0.33; For reference:
Number of low intensity tokens for {emotion} emotion n_low_intensity n_low_intensity_{emotion} get_n_low_intensity Number of high§§ intensity tokens for a given emotion Threshold defaults to 0.66; For reference:
Sentiment score emotion sentiment_score sentiment_score get_sentiment_score Difference between the number of positive and negative sentiment words in the text: (n_positive_sentiment - n_negative_sentiment) / n_tokens Values in range (-1,1) where 0 is neutral, -1 is completely negative sentiment, and 1 is completely positive sentiment; For reference:
Number of negative sentiment tokens emotion n_negative_sentiment n_negative_sentiment get_n_negative_sentiment Number of negative sentiment tokens For reference:
Number of positive sentiment tokens emotion n_positive_sentiment n_positive_sentiment get_n_positive_sentiment Number of positive sentiment tokens For reference:
Average concreteness psycholinguistic avg_concreteness avg_concreteness get_avg_concreteness Average human concreteness ratings of the tokens in the text For reference:
Average standard deviation of concreteness psycholinguistic avg_sd_concreteness avg_sd_concreteness get_avg_sd_concreteness Average standard deviation in the human concreteness ratings of the tokens in the text For reference:
Number of low concreteness tokens psycholinguistic n_low_concreteness n_low_concreteness get_n_low_concreteness Number of tokens with a low concreteness rating For reference:
Number of high concreteness tokens psycholinguistic n_high_concreteness n_high_concreteness get_n_high_concreteness Number of tokens with a high concreteness rating For reference:
Number of tokens with controversial concreteness psycholinguistic n_controversial_concreteness n_controversial_concreteness get_n_controversial_concreteness Number of tokens with a high standard deviation in the human concreteness rating For reference:
Average age of acquisition psycholinguistic avg_aoa avg_aoa get_avg_aoa Average age of acquisition rating For reference:
Average standard deviation of age of acquisition psycholinguistic avg_sd_aoa avg_sd_aoa get_avg_sd_aoa Average standard deviation in the age of acquisition rating For reference:
Number of low age of acquisition tokens psycholinguistic n_low_aoa n_low_aoa get_n_low_aoa Number of low age of acquisition tokens For reference:
Number of high age of acquisition tokens psycholinguistic n_high_aoa n_high_aoa get_n_high_aoa Number of high age of acquisition tokens For reference:
Number of tokens with controversial age of acquisition psycholinguistic n_controversial_aoa n_controversial_aoa get_n_controversial_aoa Number of tokens with a high standard deviation in the age of acquisition rating For reference:
Average prevalence psycholinguistic avg_prevalence avg_prevalence get_avg_prevalence Average human prevalence ratings of the tokens in the text For reference:
Number of low prevalence tokens psycholinguistic n_low_prevalence n_low_prevalence get_n_low_prevalence Number of low prevalence tokens For reference:
Number of high prevalence tokens psycholinguistic n_high_prevalence n_high_prevalence get_n_high_prevalence Number of high prevalence tokens For reference:
Average socialness psycholinguistic avg_socialness avg_socialness get_avg_socialness Average human socialness ratings of the tokens in the text For reference:
Average standard deviation of socialness psycholinguistic avg_sd_socialness avg_sd_socialness get_avg_sd_socialness Average standard deviation in the human socialness ratings of the tokens in the text For reference:
Number of high socialness tokens psycholinguistic n_high_socialness n_high_socialness get_n_high_socialness Number of high socialness tokens For reference:
Number of low socialness tokens psycholinguistic n_low_socialness n_low_socialness get_n_low_socialness Number of low socialness tokens For reference:
Number of tokens with controversial socialness psycholinguistic n_controversial_socialness n_controversial_socialness get_n_controversial_socialness Number of tokens with a high standard deviation in the human socialness rating For reference:
Average iconicity psycholinguistic avg_iconicity avg_iconicity get_avg_iconicity Average human iconicity ratings of the tokens in the text For reference:
Average standard deviation of iconicity psycholinguistic avg_sd_iconicity avg_sd_iconicity get_avg_sd_iconicity Average standard deviation in the human iconicity ratings of the tokens in the text For reference:
Number of high iconicity tokens psycholinguistic n_high_iconicity n_high_iconicity get_n_high_iconicity Number of high iconicity tokens For reference:
Number of low iconicity tokens psycholinguistic n_low_iconicity n_low_iconicity get_n_low_iconicity Number of low iconicity tokens For reference:
Number of tokens with controversial iconicity psycholinguistic n_controversial_iconicity n_controversial_iconicity get_n_controversial_iconicity Number of tokens with a high standard deviation in the human iconicity rating For reference:
Average sensorimotor score for {sensorimotor} psycholinguistic avg_sensorimotor avg_{var}_sensorimotor get_avg_sensorimotor Average sensorimotor score for a given sensorimotor dimension
Average standard deviation of sensorimotor score psycholinguistic avg_sd_sensorimotor avg_sd_{var}_sensorimotor get_avg_sd_sensorimotor Average standard deviation in the sensorimotor scores of the tokens in the text
Number of tokens with low sensorimotor rating psycholinguistic n_low_sensorimotor n_low_{var}_sensorimotor get_n_low_sensorimotor Number of tokens with low sensorimotor rating
Number of tokens with high sensorimotor rating psycholinguistic n_high_sensorimotor n_high_{var}_sensorimotor get_n_high_sensorimotor Number of tokens with high sensorimotor rating
Number of tokens with controversial sensorimotor rating psycholinguistic n_controversial_sensorimotor n_controversial_{var}_sensorimotor get_n_controversial_sensorimotor Number of tokens with a high standard deviation in the sensorimotor rating
Morphological feature counts morphological n_per_morph_feature n_{pos}_{feature}_{val} get_morph_feats Number of tokens with {pos} {feature} {val} (e.g. VERB VerbForm Inf), takes a dictionary of pos and associated features and values for them Default dictionary is the full set of UD options; adapt if you do not need all of them (may be language-specific)
Dependency tree width dependency tree_width tree_width get_tree_width Maximum number of siblings of a node at any level
Dependency tree depth dependency tree_depth tree_depth get_tree_depth Maximum distance of a token to the root of the dependency tree
Tree branching factor dependency tree_branching tree_branching get_tree_branching Average number of children of a token in the dependency tree
Tree ramification factor dependency ramification_factor ramification_factor get_ramification_factor Average number of children per level
Number of noun chunks dependency n_noun_chunks n_noun_chunks get_n_noun_chunks Number of noun chunks in the dependency tree
Number of dependencies of type {type} dependency n_per_dependency_type n_dependency_{type} get_n_per_dependency_type
{Feature} token ratio ratios/normalization {feature}_token_ratio get_feature_token_ratio
{Feature} type ratio ratios/normalization {feature}_type_ratio get_feature_type_ratio
{Feature} sentence ratio ratios/normalization {feature}_sentence ratio get_feature_sentence_ratio