The homogeneity test is a statistical test method, that checks if two (or more) datasets come from the same distribution or not. In a time series, the homogeneity test is applied to detect one (or more) change/breakpoint in the series. This breakpoint occurs where the data set changes its distribution. Lots of statistical analyses require a homogenous dataset. That's why it is an important test in statistical analysis.
is a pure Python implementation for the homogeneity test. There are several tests available to check the homogeneity of a time series. pyHomogeneity package can perform six commonly used Homogeneity test listed below:
Pettitt's test (pettitt_test)
Standard Normal Homogeinity Test (SNHT) Test (snht_test)
Buishand's Q Test (buishand_q_test)
Buishand's Range Test (buishand_range_test):
Buishand's Likelihood Ration Test (buishand_likelihood_ratio_test)
Buishand's U Test (buishand_u_test)
All Homogeneity test functions have almost similar input parameters. These are:
- x: a vector (list, numpy array or pandas series) data
- alpha: significance level (default 0.05)
- sim: No. of monte carlo simulation for p-value calculation. (default 20000)
And all Homogeneity tests return a named tuple which contained:
- h: True (if data is nonhomogeneous) or False (if data is homogeneous)
- cp: probable change point location
- p: p value of the significance test
- U/T/Q/R/V: test statistics which depends on the test method
- avg: mean values at before and after the change point
For the installation of pyHomogeneity
, the following packages are required:
You can install pyHomogeneity
using pip. For Linux users
sudo pip install pyhomogeneity
or, for Windows user
pip install pyhomogeneity
Or you can clone the repo and install it:
git clone
cd pyhomogeneity
python install
is automatically tested using pytest
package on each commit here, but the tests can be manually run:
pytest -v
A quick example of pyHomogeneity
usage is given below. Several more examples are provided here.
import numpy as np
import pyhomogeneity as hg
# Data generation for analysis
data = np.random.rand(360,1)
result = hg.pettitt_test(data)
Output are like this:
Pettitt_Test(h=False, cp=89, p=0.1428, U=3811.0, avg=mean(mu1=0.5487521427805625, mu2=0.46884198890609463))
Whereas, the output is a named tuple, so user can call by name for specific result:
or, user can directly unpack results like this:
h, cp, p, U, mu = hg.pettitt_test(x, 0.05)
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Alexandersson, H., 1986. A homogeneity test applied to precipitation data. Journal of climatology, 6(6), pp.661-675. doi: 10.1002/joc.3370060607
Buishand, T.A., 1982. Some methods for testing the homogeneity of rainfall records. Journal of hydrology, 58(1-2), pp.11-27. doi: 10.1016/0022-1694(82)90066-X
Buishand, T.A., 1984. Tests for detecting a shift in the mean of hydrological time series. Journal of hydrology, 73(1-2), pp.51-69. doi :10.1016/0022-1694(84)90032-5
I. Mahmud, S. H. Bari, M. M. Hussain and M. T. Rahman (2015), Homogeneity of Rainfall and Temparature Series in Bangladesh, Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate Change and Water Security, Held in December 27, 2015, MIST, Dhaka, Bangladesh. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4431.3688
Pettitt, A.N., 1979. A non-parametric approach to the change-point problem. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 28(2), pp.126-135. doi: 10.2307/2346729
Pohlert, T., 2016. Package 'trend'. Title Non-Parametric Trend Tests and Change-Point Detection.
Verstraeten, G., Poesen, J., Demaree, G. and Salles, C., 2006. Long-term (105 years) variability in rain erosivity as derived from 10-min rainfall depth data for Ukkel (Brussels, Belgium): Implications for assessing soil erosion rates. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 111(D22). doi: 10.1029/2006JD007169