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CrazyFlie With Monocular Depth Estimation Model


Downloading the repository

Clone the repository into ~/crazyflie_sim_shared directory:

git clone ~/crazyflie_sim_shared

Build the Docker image

docker build . -t crazyflie_simulator

* (Information only if you're interested in using the package with Depth Estimation Model) for some reason a duplicate of the cv_bridge package is not uninstalled when the image is being built and requires to run pip uninstall cv_bridge after starting the container

Start the container

To start the container simply run:


To enter the container from another terminal you can use:

docker exec -ti crazyflie-sim bash

Fly around with the drone

cd Shared/crazyflie_mapping_demo/ros2_ws/
colcon build --symlink-install && source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch crazyflie_ros2_multiranger_bringup

In second terminal

ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard

Estimate the depth image

Insert the model into depth_estimation_model and name it depth-estimation_model.onnx (or change path inside /crazyflie_mapping_demo/ros2_ws/depth-estimation/depth-estimation/

To run with GPU:

ros2 run depth_estimation depth_estimation

Set position of the drone

gz service -s /world/empty/set_pose --reqtype gz.msgs.Pose --reptype gz.msgs.Boolean --timeout 300 -r "name: 'crazyflie', position: {x: -1.0, y: -1.0, z: 1.0}, orientation: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0, w: 1.0}"

Link to Pose message declaration

Collect training data

To run in the world_cafe_1.sdf (adjust the num_of_files to the desired number of pictures)

ros2 run crazyflie_data_collector data_collector --ros-args -p min_x:=-4.75 -p max_x:=4.0 -p min_y:=-10.5 -p max_y:=11.5 -p min_z:=0.1 -p max_z:=2.50 -p num_of_files:=10 -p output_path:="/root/Shared/crazyflie_images/"

For world_warehouse_1.sdf

ros2 run crazyflie_data_collector data_collector --ros-args -p min_x:=-6.25 -p max_x:=6.25 -p min_y:=-9.5 -p max_y:=9.5 -p min_z:=0.1 -p max_z:=8.50 -p num_of_files:=1000 -p output_path:="/root/Shared/neural_network_model/crazyflie_images/warehouse/"

To run the script, use the following command in the terminal:


Model training

Install the required packages

Install the required packages by running the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Check the CUDA version of your GPU and install the appropriate version of PyTorch from the official website.

Start the training

To start the training, run the following commands:

  python --model unet_resnet34
  python --model unet_cbam

Components of the Loss Function

The Depth Loss combines three key components:

  1. L1 Loss:
    The L1 Loss measures the mean absolute error (MAE) between the predicted depth map ((\hat{D})) and the ground truth depth map ((D)).

$$ \mathcal{L}_{\text{L1}} = \text{mean}(|\hat{D} - D|) $$

  1. SSIM Loss:
    The Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) Loss evaluates the perceptual similarity between the predicted and ground truth depth maps. The SSIM Loss is defined as:

$$ \mathcal{L}_{\text{SSIM}} = 1 - \text{SSIM}(\hat{D}, D) $$

Here, ( \text{SSIM}(\hat{D}, D) ) computes the structural similarity index over the depth maps.

  1. Smoothness Loss:

Combined Loss Function

The final loss function combines these components using a weighted sum.