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mmatrosov edited this page Oct 4, 2014 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the KeysRemapper wiki!

How to use

Download latest release, run KeysRemapper.exe. You will notice a gray keyboard icon Suspended icon in system tray. This means program is running, but not active. Press CapsLock, the icon will turn orange Suspended icon, indicating that keys are now remapped. Use CapsLock to toggle remapping at any time.

Remapping scheme

Default remappings are the following:

  • i
  • j
  • k
  • l
  • uDel
  • pIns
  • mHome
  • ,End
  • oPgUp
  • .PgDown

If you want to customise remappings, you need to edit the KeysRemapper.ahk script. You may then run it directly with AutoHotkey or compile it to a standalone executable.


Creating an executable with AutoHotkey is very straightforward. Run Ahk2Exe.exe and follow the wizard. The only problem is to specify the second icon for inactive state, since Ahk2Exe.exe allows to chose only icon for active state.

Currently, the only working solution I found is to replace the corresponding icon in AutoHotkeySC.bin file, since it is where compiler will pick an icon from. For this, use some resource hacking tool. XN Resource Editor worked for me.

Other possible solutions, which I was not able to utilize:

  • Replace icon directly in compiled KeysRemapper.exe file.

    AutoHotkey compiler is using UPX to compress the executable. I found no tool that is able to replace resources in a UPX-compressed executable. One may use UPX to decompress the executable before hacking with resources, but the decompressed exe is not working. It is showing an "EXE corrupted" message box and quits.

  • Load icons dynamically from the script.

    In this case icons cannot be embedded in the executable and need to be provided alongside with it.


Icons source:

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