Bayesian inference for algorithm performance comparison using permutation models.
pip install BayesPermus
- Prepare permutation data:
permus = np.array([[1,2,3], [1,3,2]])
- Obtain the marginal probabilities:
from BayesPermus.models.BradleyTerry import BradleyTerry
# BT Dirichlet hyper-priors
dirichlet_alpha_bt = [1, 1, 1]
# Create Bayesian inference model
bradleyTerry = BradleyTerry(dirichlet_alpha_bt, num_samples=1000)
# Calculate the marginal probabilities
probs = bradleyTerry.calculate_top_ranking_probs(permus)
- Bradley-Terry:
from BayesPermus.models.BradleyTerry import BradleyTerry
- Plackett-Luce:
from BayesPermus.models.PlackettLuce import PlackettLuceDirichlet
from BayesPermus.models.PlackettLuce import PlackettLuceGamma
- Mallows Model:
from BayesPermus.models.MallowsModel import MallowsModel
- Probability of an algorithm to be in the first position:
. - Probability of an algorithm to outperform another:
. - Probability of an algorithm to be in the top-k ranking: