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1. RTIO(Real Time Input Output Service for IoT)

English | 简体中文
The author's native language is Chinese. This document is translated using AI.

1.1. Goals

With just a few lines of key code, the "device capabilities" can be mapped to the cloud or edge as a URI, allowing direct access and control of the device via HTTP.

1.2. Theory

   Device:PRINTER-001           Native │ Could or Edge                 
  ┌───────────────────────┐            │             ┌────────────┐ 
  │                       │            │             │            │ 
  │ /printer/action       │            │             │            │ 
  │ /printer/status       │  tcp/tls   │             │            │ 
  │                       │ ───────────┼───────────► │            │ 
  │                       │            │             │            │ 
  └───────────────────────┘            │             │            │ 
                                       │             │            │ 
   HTTPClient                          │             │            │ 
  ┌───────────────────────┐            │             │            │ 
  │ post $RTIO/PRINTER-001│            │             │            │ 
  │ req:                  │            │             │    rtio    │ 
  │ {                     │            │             │            │ 
  │   uri: /printer/action│            │             │            │ 
  │   data: cmd=start     │            │             │            │ 
  │ }                     │  http/https│             │            │ 
  │                       │ ───────────┼───────────► │            │ 
  │                       │ ◄─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │            │ 
  │ resp:                 │            │             │            │ 
  │ {                     │            │             │            │ 
  │   code: ok            │            │             │            │ 
  │   data: starting      │            │             │            │ 
  │ }                     │            │             │            │ 
  └───────────────────────┘            │             └────────────┘ 

The above is a schematic diagram.

  • The device PRINTER-001 establishes a long connection with the RTIO server.
  • The HTTPClient sends a request to the device's URI /printer/action.
  • The RTIO forwards the request to the device and returns the device processing result back to the HTTPClient via an HTTP response.

From the caller's perspective, the "device capabilities" are mapped to the cloud through the RTIO service, without needing to worry about implementation or communication details.

1.3. Features

The device caller is not limited to mobile devices, PCs, or backend services, and will be collectively referred to as the "caller".

  • The caller directly uses HTTP to invoke the device, receiving the device's processing result within a specified time limit; otherwise, a timeout error is reported.
  • The caller can observe the device in real time via HTTP (without polling), where the device typically provides a continuous processing update.
  • The device can initiate requests to the cloud URI using CoPOST (similar to an HTTP-POST request).
  • The device URI is transmitted using a hash digest (only 4 bytes) to reduce bandwidth waste from frequent URI transmissions.
  • HTTP access supports JWT authentication.
  • Supports TLS and HTTPS.
  • A single RTIO node supports millions of connections; Previous Stress Report.
  • The RTIO implementation is a single executable file (written in Golang), making it easy to deploy on cloud or edge environments.

1.4. Limitations

  • The current version primarily focuses on control command communication. In a single call, both the request payload and the response payload have a maximum length of 504 bytes. For more details, refer to the Device Access Protocol.

1.5. Comparison with MQTT

MQTT is a publish-subscribe model, which is more suitable for many-to-many communication.

RTIO is a point-to-point communication model, making it better suited for remote control scenarios, such as mobile devices controlling equipment. Below is a detailed comparison.

Communication Model Publish-Subscribe Model Point-to-Point, REST-Like Model¹, supports Observing Mode²
Client SDK Integration Required Not required, uses HTTP protocol
Remote Control Implementation Difficulty High Low³
Lightweight and Efficient Protocol Yes Yes⁴
Bi-directional Communication Yes Yes
Millions of Connections Supported Supported
Reliable Message Delivery Supported Supported⁵
Unreliable Network Supported Supported⁶
Secure Communication (TLS) Supported Supported
JWT Authentication Not supported Supported⁷


  1. REST-Like refers to a model similar to RESTful (widely used on the internet), but not relying on HTTP as the underlying protocol. It provides CoPOST (Constrained-Post, similar to HTTP-POST) and ObGET (Observe-GET, for observer mode) methods, identifying resources or capabilities through URI.
  2. The observing mode is similar to MQTT message subscription but is more flexible, allowing observations and cancellation at any time. The caller still uses the HTTP protocol without additional operations (e.g., "subscribe").
  3. The point-to-point model of RTIO is simpler; unlike MQTT, it does not require "subscribe" and "publish" processes. In point-to-point communication scenarios, such as remotely controlling devices, RTIO can reduce interaction times by more than half compared to MQTT, and there is no topic coupling (typically, MQTT requires defining pairs of topics for requests and responses: *_req and *_resp). For more details, refer to the FAQ.
  4. Supports constrained devices, typically those that can run on devices with RAM between tens of KB and a hundred KB. RTIO does not need to transmit the URI with each communication (unlike topics in MQTT), resulting in higher communication efficiency.
  5. RTIO does not have QOS; reliability depends on TCP. If a message cannot be delivered within the time limit, it will report an error directly to the caller.
  6. The RTIO client will reconnect after a network disconnection.
  7. HTTP callers can authenticate with JWT. Only requests with valid JWTs can access RTIO services to initiate calls to devices.


1.6. Quick Start

1.6.1. Build and Run

You need to have Golang (version 1.21 or above) and make tools installed.

git clone
cd rtio

After a successful build, executable files will be generated in the out directory, with the main files as follows.

$ tree out/
├── examples
│   ├── certificates
│   ├── simple_device
│   └── simple_device_tls
├── rtio

Run the RTIO server, and you can view the help by using ./out/rtio -h.

$ ./out/rtio -disable.deviceverify -disable.hubconfiger -log.level=info
INF cmd/rtio/rtio.go:83 > rtio starting ...

In another terminal, simulate the device. The following log indicates a successful connection to the RTIO service.

$ ./out/examples/simple_device
INF internal/devicehub/client/devicesession/devicesession.go:660 > serving device_ip= deviceid=cfa09baa-4913-4ad7-a936-3e26f9671b09
INF internal/devicehub/client/devicesession/devicesession.go:601 > verify pass

Open another terminal and use curl to request the device's URI /rainbow through the RTIO service, sending the string "hello" to the device, which responds with "world".

$ curl http://localhost:17917/cfa09baa-4913-4ad7-a936-3e26f9671b09 -d '{"method":"copost", "uri":"/rainbow","id":12667,"data":"aGVsbG8="}'

Here, "aGVsbG8=" is the base64 encoding of "hello", and "d29ybGQ=" is the base64 encoding of "world". You can encode and decode in the terminal using the following commands.

$ echo -n "hello" | base64       # Encode
$ echo -n "d29ybGQ=" | base64 -d # Decode

1.6.2. Device-Side Code

Below is the Golang implementation for the device side.

import (

func main() {

    // Connect to rtio service.
    session, err := rtio.Connect(context.Background(), *deviceID, *deviceSecret, *serverAddr)

    // ...
    // Register handler for URI.
    session.RegisterCoPostHandler("/rainbow", func(req []byte) ([]byte, error) {
        log.Printf("received [%s] and reply [world]", string(req))
        return []byte("world"), nil

    // Session serve in the background.

    // Do other things.
    time.Sleep(time.Hour * 8760)

1.7. Device SDK

1.7.1. Golang

RTIO device-side SDK, Golang version:

Typically suitable for devices running full Linux, such as ARM32-bit or higher single-board computers.

1.7.2. C

RTIO device-side SDK, C language version:

Suitable for resource-constrained devices, such as those running on real-time operating systems like FreeRTOS.

1.8. More