A hole-y vulkano-made light and brittle game engine that rocks
I wanted to make a game engine and learn vulkan with vulkano
. It might become useable to make simple games quickly, but I'm not planning on adding features beyond what makes it useable.
- Proper color input
- Some way to handle different window sizes
- Support for custom shaders?
- Sprites
Try out the examples:
cargo run --example flappy
cargo run --example bouncy
use pumice::winit;
use pumice::GraphicsContext;
const RADIUS: f32 = 0.175;
// the struct that holds all the main data for the game
struct Data {
x: f32,
y: f32,
dx: f32,
dy: f32,
paused: bool,
// the main update function that accepts an &mut GraphicsContext and Data
// drawing and updating data are both done here.
fn update(ctx: &mut GraphicsContext, data: &mut Data) {
ctx.new_circle([data.x, data.y], RADIUS, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]);
if !data.paused {
data.x += data.dx;
data.y += data.dy;
if data.x + RADIUS >= 1.0 || data.x - RADIUS <= -1.0 {
data.dx *= -1.0;
if data.y + RADIUS >= 1.0 || data.y - RADIUS <= -1.0 {
data.dy *= -1.0;
// Right now the winit events aren't preparsed in any way but I might change that
fn handle_event(winit_event: &winit::Event, data: &mut Data) {
match winit_event {
winit::Event::DeviceEvent { event, .. } => match event {
winit::DeviceEvent::Key(input) => {
let keycode = input.virtual_keycode;
match keycode {
Some(winit::VirtualKeyCode::Space) => {
if input.state == winit::ElementState::Pressed {
data.paused = !data.paused;
_ => {}
_ => {}
_ => {}
fn main() {
let ctx = GraphicsContext::new();
let mut data = Data {
x: 0.0,
y: 0.0,
dx: 0.025,
dy: -0.01,
paused: false,
// tell ctx the Data struct to use, the update function, event handling function,
// and clear color
ctx.run::<Data>(&mut data, &update, &handle_event, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]);